The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1451 Going to the Middle East to expand business

Chapter 1451 Going to the Middle East to expand business
Five days later, the entire formation was successfully arranged, but the central location was the monitoring duty room of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory. As the core of the formation, Qin Lang also buried a high-grade spirit stone at the eye of the formation.

Once arranged, Qin Lang spent at least more than 8000 low-grade spirit stones and one high-grade spirit stone to construct the entire defensive formation.

The cost of these spirit stones is nothing to Qin Lang. In Qin Lang's storage ring, there are at least 1000 million low-grade spirit stones that have no place to spend. In comparison, the high-grade spirit stone is more valuable.

After setting up the entire defense formation, Liu Zhenzhen, the formation master, checked it carefully, and then nodded: "Brother Qin Lang, the defense formation of the pharmaceutical factory has been completed now, and the workers on the construction site can continue to work It's..."

"OK, all right."

Qin Lang waved his hand, indicating that the Feng Shui formation has been completed, and the workers around him can do whatever they need to do now.

After the entire defensive formation is completed, the monitoring duty room at the center of the pharmaceutical factory will be the control center of the mainland in the future, and the entire large formation can be opened and closed at will, or the local defense capabilities can be strengthened.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang is also very satisfied with this large defensive formation. In the future, this large formation can save at least ten times the defensive power. Don't try to break it.

After setting up the defense formation of the pharmaceutical factory, Qin Lang feels that this defense formation can be promoted in the future, and some key departments and buildings of Lanrun can be used. Of course, it will take a certain amount of time and energy, so there is no rush now busy with these.

Qin Lang now needs to go to the Middle East to start a new round of cooperation negotiations with Bit Prince Alsra, that is, to trick the richest prince in the Arab world into investing in his plan, and start a new round of money-making plans throughout the Middle East.

Pharmaceutical industry, real estate industry...

Now Qin Lang plans to enter the promotion of these two industries in the Middle East, making the business of the three sections of Lanrun Group bigger and stronger, and make it a giant group in the whole world.

Of course, it is definitely not enough to rely solely on the internal funds of the Lanrun Group. If you want to speed up the development of the group, this time you must fool Prince Alsra and let this guy invest more.

However, while letting this guy invest more, Qin Lang can't suffer a loss and allow the other party to take too many shares, so Qin Lang wants to gain the greatest advantage in terms of benefits, so this deception technique must be strengthened, and the bragging force must also sell the entire Lanrun The group is blowing up to the sky. The Lanrun Group, which was originally worth more than 100 billion US dollars, has to blow up to more than 1000 billion.

Before heading to the Middle East, Qin Lang also worked hard to create some fake information to make Lan Run's skin look a little bit more upscale.

The current Lanrun Group is not a leather bag company, it definitely has real materials, so it is more decent to make fake ones.Moreover, these half-truths and half-false information are all reasonable and well-documented. If the other party really wants to travel all the way from the Middle East to Huaxia to investigate, it is estimated that they will not be able to find out anything in half a year.

After completing the materials that need to be taken to the Middle East, Qin Lang laughed, took a few followers, including translators and life assistants, and directly boarded the luxury flight to the Middle East.

A day later, Qin Lang came to his Middle East branch.

The current Middle East branch has been built on a larger scale. The third phase of the [-]-acre land has completed the second phase of the construction site. There are cosmetics bases, residential areas, and a large commercial office building.

After coming to the Middle East branch, Qin Lang was busy first, and asked his assistants to prepare for negotiating with the local government about the medical business license.

And Qin Lang himself directly called the assistant of Prince Bit Alsla, then transferred to Alsla, and agreed a suitable meeting place with this busy man.

Alsla is currently in the country of Bit, so after getting the news, Qin Lang directly let the helicopter of the branch take him and a few people to the capital of Bit.

As a nobleman in the Arab world, Qin Lang, who is a viscount, has been granted a winery by King Bit. This time, when he returns to Bit, he can just take a look at the current development of his winery.

After all, I haven't been back to the winery for more than half a year, and now I don't know what the development of the whole winery is. Before the whole winery was approved by the palace, after a new round of expansion, there must be a lot of wine in stock now.

Qin Lang was riding a large Apache helicopter. This kind of military helicopter produced by country M is very durable. Although it is an outdated product, it is still considered a relatively advanced model in the Middle East. There are not many societies.

After all, given the relationship between Europe and the United States and the Middle East, this kind of military helicopter is no better than civilian helicopters, and Europe and the United States naturally strictly control the circulation of this kind of aircraft.

The base of the Qinlang branch has several such helicopters because it was obtained from a hidden warehouse of the Desert Fox when the Desert Fox was destroyed.

And in addition to these helicopters, Qin Lang also got one or two high-tech aircraft. The technology adopted by this high-tech aircraft is at the top level even in today's world.

A few hours later, Qin Lang's helicopter directly arrived at his winery on the outskirts of King Bitter City and landed inside the winery.

After the expansion of this manor next to the Bitter Palace, it has now been expanded from the original 20 acres to [-] acres. The land around the Bitter Palace is all golden land, so although this area is not a large winery, its value definitely exceeds [-].

The entire estate is covered with large-leaved grape vines, all of which have adult arms, and are at least 20 years old. This kind of old vines is the most delicious and sweet.

The winery is divided into four areas, the grape plantation area, the wine cellar area, then the fertilizer and irrigation water storage area, and finally the manor villa area.However, the Middle East is relatively short of water, so irrigation is also the place where the servants of the manor need to spend most of their time, because the manor must ensure that the water volume in the irrigation water storage area remains above 60.00% all year round.

"Master, you are back!"

As soon as Qin Lang got off the helicopter, the butler of the winery hurried over to see him.

After Qin Lang left, this loyal old housekeeper has been conscientiously running the entire winery, handling all the big and small things in an orderly manner, which also made Qin Lang very satisfied.

"Yes, yes, the winery is running very well now, old housekeeper, you have worked hard."

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the surrounding grapes and green leaves, and the scene of the farmers working leisurely in the winery, Qin Lang couldn't help but praise.

"It's not hard, it's an old honor to manage the winery business for the owner."

The thin old butler was also trained in noble etiquette, so he answered in a very organized manner.

"What's the current situation of the winery..."

Qin Lang asked at this time.

"Now that the winery has been expanded, it produces once every two seasons, and each time it can brew eight tons of excellent wine. At present, the number of wines stored in the underground storage room of the manor has reached about [-] tons, and three tons are more than two years old. Seven tons of old wine, seven tons a year, and the rest are stored in recent months." The butler replied.

"Well, prepare for these few days. I may transfer a batch of wine. Three tons of two-year-old wine and seven tons of one-year wine will be transferred in half. Ten tons of new-vintage wine will also be transferred to six tons, and the rest will continue. Store it here." Qin Lang said.

"Okay, master." The butler responded.

After confessing a few words to the housekeeper, Qin Lang stayed in the manor for a while, and then took the assistants around him to the palace to look for Alsla.In a place in the side hall of the palace, Prince Alsla received Qin Lang.

"Haha, hello old friend, long time no see."

As soon as they met, Qin Lang laughed and gave Alsla a big hug.

The little prince in front of him is a great god of wealth. This time, he must fool around and let the other party obediently pay for him to invest.

"How are you, my friend Qin Lang, you seem to have turned white a lot after returning to China for a while, it seems that the climate in China is good." Alsla said with a smile.

"Of course, the sun in the Middle East is too big..."

Qin Lang smiled and said, "However, although the sun in the Middle East is big, the enthusiasm of the people in the Middle East is irresistible, so this time I am back."

"Go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, my friend, this time you rushed to find me, you must need my help for something?" Alsla said.

"Sure enough, he is a smart person. I, Qin Lang, like to deal with smart friends." Qin Lang flattered, and then said: "That's right, the Lanrun cosmetics business we are cooperating with has been developing very well. During this time, everyone has made a lot of money. Little, Prince Dianzi, I am afraid that your original investment of [-] million US dollars has almost been recovered, right?"

"Indeed." Alsla nodded.

"This also proves that the prince's vision is indeed a genius in the investment world!" Qin Lang stretched out his thumb, and said: "And this time, when I, Qin Lang, came to you, I did have new business. The region has launched two other new businesses, namely medicine and real estate construction. Of course, this new project is also inseparable from your support, His Royal Highness..."


"Look, this is my project plan, as well as the capital scale and technical strength of the group headquarters in Huaxia... Speaking of which, my Lanrun Group is also a world-class large enterprise with diversified development, and the cosmetics industry is just one of them. section, now I am going to tilt the development strength of the group to the Middle East.”

"At that time, the support of manpower, material resources and technology will also be a major breakthrough for the infrastructure construction of the entire Middle East. I believe His Royal Highness will definitely be interested in this plan after reading it."

(End of this chapter)

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