Chapter 1452

Prince Alsla didn't speak at this time, and quietly began to look through Qin Lang's "exquisitely processed" materials. These materials are very glamorous, because there is a lot of advocacy, so Lan Run's tiger skin looks even more high-end.

However, this information is also half-truth.

The fake part is just the scale and background of the group boasted by Lanrun. This information has a lot of capital, and it brags that the entire Lanrun Group is a world-class enterprise with assets of 500 billion US dollars, but in fact the entire Lanrun Group has been established for four years. , but it has only grown in the past two years, and it has only just shown its prominence in the whole world.

However, the real part of the information is more real than real gold. It is absolutely nothing to say that Lan Run Pharmaceutical has two world-class patented drugs, and the current sales are booming.

It is also true that Lanrun Pharmaceutical has just held 40.00% of the shares of the world's top ten pharmaceutical distributors.

Lanrun is currently carrying a huge amount of debt from the bank, but it is not indicated in the information. This is the cleverness of Qin Lang's method.

Judging from the information introduction, the whole Lanrun looks like that, with a capital of 500 billion US dollars.

However, if the more than 100 billion loans from the bank and the more than 50 billion borrowed from the five-party alliance are excluded, the real funds of the entire Blue Run are actually only more than 300 billion.

And even if the more than 300 billion yuan is actually exaggerated, if you squeeze the water, it will probably shrink by half again. However, if you want to investigate clearly, it will take too much energy. The investigation, without more than half a year's work, is absolutely unclear.

When Prince Alsla read the information, Qin Lang kept chattering on the sidelines, carrying out a series of half-fake exaggerations and bragging, and in view of the pleasantness of cooperating with Qin Lang in the field of cosmetics before, Alsla was indeed rejected Qin Lang was persuaded and prepared to invest in the pharmaceutical and real estate projects that Qin Lang plans to expand in the Middle East.

"The whole project needs more than 200 billion U.S. dollars. Lanrun Group will provide manpower and technology, and half of the funds. Your Highness, you will contribute 100 billion U.S. dollars. My Lanrun Group will give you [-]% of all businesses in the Middle East. ……what do you think?"

Qin Lang showed his tail at this time. In fact, where does he have more than 100 billion US dollars in his hand now? It is impossible for the laboratory to be transferred to develop the Middle East business.

But Qin Lang was able to know his own family affairs from his family, but Alsra, who had been fooled, did not know this. He really thought that this magical oriental boy in front of him was going to do a big job again, in the pharmaceutical market and real estate market in the Middle East.

The little prince of the Middle East didn't know that what Qin Lang was hiding in his heart was the idea of ​​laying eggs by borrowing chickens. He thought about it for a while and said, "It's okay for me to invest [-] billion yuan, but I think it's not appropriate to hold shares... Old friend, it’s true that you can get more shares by contributing capital, technology and manpower, but I believe Alsra’s popularity in the Middle East can also provide us with a lot of help in our future business, so I hope that in terms of equity allocation A few more changes can be made.”

The fish are hooked!Seeing Alsla being fooled, Qin Lang was overjoyed.

However, his face remained calm, frowning on purpose and thinking for a while, before he said: "That's it! It is true that His Royal Highness's contacts are helpful to our career development, so, for the sake of our cooperation, I will Give up another 5.00% of the shares!"

"That is to say, Your Royal Highness, you invest 100 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 30.00% of the entire Lanrun Group's business in the Middle East 60.00, and our Lanrun Group is responsible for the remaining funds, technology and manpower issues, accounting for [-]% [-] shares."

Qin Lang then explained again.

He has to let the other party know that this is a big cake, and the profits he can eat are at his fingertips, so that it will be more convenient for him to handle his own affairs and complete his goal of coming to the Middle East.

Hearing that Qin Lang agreed to change the plan and give up part of the benefits, Alsla nodded: "Deal!"

"Happy cooperation!" Qin Lang laughed and clapped his hands with Alsla.

He spoke very cleverly in the conversation just now, but it's a pity that the other party didn't hear anything wrong.

If Alsla knew that Qin Lang was an empty-handed white wolf this time, and was completely using the 100 billion US dollars he invested to start business in the Middle East. In fact, Lanrun only provided some manpower and technology, and there was no capital investment at all. Will also spit out a mouthful of old blood.

cunning!It's so cunning, I never imagined that this old friend would become so cunning after not seeing him for a few months, even fooling himself as an old friend.

However, Qin Lang is really short of funds to develop his career at present, and Alsra, as his only friend in the Middle East, is also a wealthy local tyrant, who else will he cheat?
In fact, this is not a particularly pitfall. If the two parties cooperate, Alsla may suffer a little loss in the early stage, and it may definitely make him a lot of money when Lanrun's various businesses develop in the entire Middle East.

Because Qin Lang has never lost money in his career, and cooperating with him can only make money, not lose money.

So speaking of it, the current Alsla is just taken advantage of by Qin Lang using small tricks. He doesn't need to deal with it, and all the investments in the future can be returned ten times and a hundred times.

After the two parties agreed, Qin Lang quickly took out the prepared contract and signed it directly with Alsla to prevent any changes later.

After the contract is signed, Alsla's funds will be transferred, and Qin Lang's business in the Middle East can be further developed.

After signing the contract, Qin Lang shook hands with Arsla again: "Thank you, old friend. By the way, my small winery just brought out a batch of wine, and I also sent a batch to you and the old king. , it’s kept at the reception desk outside the palace.”

"Oh, thank you then." Alsla chuckled.Although he was born in Wang Bao, he has never drunk any fine wine, and this winery was given to Qin Lang by his father, but since the other party has a heart, this friendship is very precious.

Qin Lang sent two tons of wine to the palace this time, one ton of two-year-old wine, one ton of one-year vintage wine, the quantity is definitely not small, but there are many members of the royal family, if everyone shares a share, each person will not get a share. a few bottles. .

In ancient China, gift giving is actually a university question, how to give people like it, Qin Lang has actually studied this aspect for a while, so this time the friendship between the two parties is not affected by business, it can be regarded as a pull The next perfect ending.

After finalizing the investment of Prince Alsra, Qin Lang rushed to the Middle East branch with the rest of the fine wine. He didn't come for several months. The development here has changed a lot, which is inseparable from the efforts of all the subordinates in the branch.

Therefore, Qin Lang is going to hold a celebration banquet to reward his subordinates who are far away in a foreign country.

The current person in charge of the branch is Jiang Xinzhong. The head of safety and production of Lanrun Group has been in the Middle East for almost a year.

The conditions in the Middle East are relatively difficult, and materials are relatively scarce, and most of them are transferred from the outside world.

At present, the slogan of the entire Middle East branch has always been "do it yourself, have enough food and clothing". The Middle East branch is located in a remote place, and currently does not have its own hotel. There is only an internal cafeteria, so the celebration banquet is held by the internal cafeteria.

Now the entire Middle East branch has quite a number of people, a full two to three thousand people. In China, it is only a village level, but in the sparsely populated Middle East, it can already be compared with the population of a small town in the Middle East. .

At present, Huaxia employees account for one-third of the employees in the entire Middle East branch, and the remaining two-thirds are actually local people who have been trained. Although the salary ratio is not as high as that of Huaxia employees, the generous treatment of Lanrun Group , but it is enough to raise the economic level of these employees to the local well-off level.

You know, most of these Middle Easterners have a family of more than ten people, and one employee can support such a large family with his salary, which shows how attractive the salary package of Lanrun Middle East Branch is in the entire Middle East.

For the local employees of the Middle East branch, Lanrun's treatment is definitely the top salary level of all companies in the Middle East. The locals who can enter the Middle East branch are all very face-saving, which is equivalent to the white-collar workers in China. of white-collar workers.

That night, the entire Middle East branch was brightly lit.

The large dining hall slaughtered cattle and sheep, and was holding a grand celebration banquet.

As for why the pigs were not killed in this celebration banquet, it was because most of the local employees in the Middle East branch were Christians who believed in Christianity and did not eat pork. Common staple food.

It has to be said that the chefs in the cafeteria of the Middle East branch do have a lot of skills. They manage the food, drink and salad for two to three thousand people every day, and they have also trained their skills.

The celebration banquet was held in the open air, which was similar to the bonfire party, otherwise there were some differences. Although a bonfire was set off in the center of the venue, there were a circle of dinner plates around it, which were full of food.

The temperature difference between day and night in the Middle East is huge. Although it is extremely hot during the day, it is also very cold at night, so it feels very warm to hold a celebration banquet in such piles of bonfires.

The food is very rich. The burnt yellow roasted whole lamb is sliced ​​openly, the fragrant beef is stewed, and there are other kinds of food, so that the whole venue is filled with the smell of food.

Although the food made by the chefs in the cafeteria of the Middle East branch is not as exquisite as those in the big hotels, it is still very hard, but it is full of rough Jianghu atmosphere. Yes, these are authentic Jianghu dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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