Chapter 1453

The relevant licenses for the pharmaceutical production and operation of the Lanrun Pharmaceutical Section of the Middle East Division in AJ were quickly completed, and the approval speed was very fast.

Of course, there is also a role of money in this. Under the influence of money, those poor local government officials worked extraordinarily hard. The process that would have been delayed for at least one or two months, was all done within ten days.

Qin Lang was so happy.As long as things can be done faster, the money spent now can be easily recovered after the project is launched earlier.

The Middle East branch's pharmaceutical and real estate businesses also officially launched the development plan for the Middle East after Alsra's funds were in place.

The construction site of the pharmaceutical factory is also in the Middle East branch. The third phase of the project is the Chinese medicine factory and related supporting facilities, and there is also a 33-story office building under construction. After the construction is completed, it will be managed as the Middle East branch in the future. layer office.

The entire Middle East branch is well planned, and the [-] mu of land has been fully utilized, and Qin Lang is currently applying to the local government to purchase more land for future branch expansion.

The focus of the Middle East branch is naturally the pharmaceutical factory. After the construction of the pharmaceutical factory is completed, Qin Lang plans to build [-] production lines in the pharmaceutical factory of the Middle East branch, which will take about seven or eight months to complete.

The investment of 250 production lines is about 40 billion RMB, which is equivalent to more than [-] billion US dollars.

While the Middle East branch was carrying out large-scale construction of the pharmaceutical sector, Qin Lang also began to prepare for the establishment of pharmaceutical sales channels.

The current situation in the entire Middle East is that there are scattered pharmacies in various countries, all of which are decentralized and independently operated. They are as small as the hills of bandits. This is also related to the environment in the Middle East.

What Qin Lang wants to do now is to connect these scattered pharmacies to form a complete channel network, and the second is to build his own pharmacies in some cities with poor medical conditions, so that the entire Middle East pharmaceutical channel network appears more perfect.

This is a very large project, and the amount of funds required is also very large. Fortunately, Qin Lang has received a capital injection of [-] billion from Prince Alsla, and now he can have a large amount of funds to complete this task.

Of course, in addition to funds, a large number of manpower is also needed. The whole Qin Lang feels that there is a lack of manpower in the medical field, so it is also preparing for the talent training of the Middle East branch's medical section, and at the same time recruiting people who can read and write and can do arithmetic for the entire Middle East Local people join the training program.

The gap between rich and poor in the Middle East is quite serious. A poor family may be so poor that they wear the same pair of pants. A rich family may have several Lamborghinis at home. The ratio of the poor to the rich is about nine to one.

After all, the world is still dominated by poor people, so as soon as the recruitment announcement of Lanrun Pharmaceutical appeared, there was an endless stream of local people who wanted to join Lanrun Group. For the locals, the benefits and treatment of Lanrun Group were absolutely top-notch Yes, this is a good opportunity for poor people to stand up and sing, absolutely not to be missed.

In just one month, a large number of locals from several nearby cities frantically flocked to the Middle East branch to apply, and soon the first batch of 1000-person training courses were fully recruited, and the Middle East branch began to train these whiteboard employees. Industry-related professional knowledge training.

However, the job fair is not over yet, the second batch of selection is still going on, the number is also 1000 people, and it is planned to continue after the first batch of whiteboard employees complete a month of training.

Lanrun is currently training grassroots employees for the pharmaceutical sector, so it instills the basic knowledge and business philosophy of Lanrun Medicine to everyone like an assembly line, and the most important thing is to train employees' loyalty and moral quality. If it is found that the conduct and attitude of the employee are very problematic during the process, then the whiteboard employee will be dismissed immediately.

In the process of training employees, the medical section also pays attention to discovering some employees with relatively high quality, who can be promoted as talents in the medical section in the future. Now the medical section of the Middle East branch is basically blank after its initial creation, and there is a real talent gap. It was too big, so I had to.

While the Middle East branch was vigorously developing real estate construction and raising a series of preparations for the pharmaceutical sector, Qin Lang left the Middle East branch with a large team of 200 people.

This large team was divided into teams of ten people, and moved to various cities in the Middle East, contacting the heads of pharmacies in various local cities, preparing to buy shares, or acquire these local pharmacies, and sell the retail outlets of these original pharmacies in the Middle East one by one. Join Lanrun's channel system.

This is a network model of mergers and acquisitions and channel alliances. This situation is very common in Europe, America and China, but it is relatively new in the entire Middle East where news is relatively closed.

Convincing these pharmacy owners to sell or join is a arduous and lengthy process, which requires not only the physical strength, energy, and patience of the entourage.

There are 200 to [-] countries in the Middle East, and there are hundreds of retail pharmacies in each country. Even if a large team of [-] people in the Middle East branch is scattered, it is not easy to go to all these countries.

Qin Lang's plan is that after running through all the existing pharmacies in the Middle East, it is enough to be able to grasp 30.00%, and then Lanrun will build about [-]% of the new pharmacies, so that it can almost expand in the Middle East. into a fairly complete channel network.

It is estimated that there are more than a thousand pharmacy retail outlets in this channel network. By then, a comprehensive transformation will be carried out to form a unique brand of Lanrun pharmaceutical sales network.

The whole channel establishment plan of Middle East Medicine will take about three months, and by the end of the three months, the construction of the Middle East branch of medicine will be almost completed.

At the same time, the personnel training for the branch's pharmaceutical sector is also nearing completion. Except for a part of the manpower that the pharmaceutical factory should retain, others can be sent to various channel distribution points to assist in the operation. By then, the entire pharmaceutical sector will be able to enter normal operation.

These are the backbone members of the grassroots, but it is much more difficult to cultivate senior medical research professionals and management personnel. At present, the Lanrun Middle East Branch has to apply to the Huaxia Headquarters for a large number of manpower to fill this gap.

Three months later, the construction of commercial channel lines in the pharmaceutical sector in the Middle East was completed, and the construction of the pharmaceutical factory has come to an end. The construction of production lines has begun. At present, the pharmaceutical factory has seven production lines that can operate normally, and can produce a batch of small-scale Medicines come out.

Of course, the output of drugs produced at this point is not enough for nearly [-] countries in the entire Middle East, so the current source of drugs is still imported from China, but the import and export tariffs are quite high , almost doubling the cost of medicines.

However, it doesn’t matter even if the cost of medicines is doubled. At present, the ex-factory prices of "Fushen No. [-]" and "Paidu No. [-]" produced by Lanrun Pharmaceutical are not high. Let all ordinary people be able to take medicines with conscience and peace of mind", so even if the sales price of medicines is [-]% to [-]% higher than that in China, the market in the Middle East expresses that they can accept it.

Because the Middle East market is relatively short of doctors and medicines, and there is not much independent pharmaceutical production capacity, most of the medicines in the pharmaceutical market are basically imported, so the prices of medicines in the market are relatively expensive.

In contrast, even if the price of the two medicines imported by Lanrun Pharmaceutical from Huaxia is increased, the price is actually more affordable than other similar products, and the quality of the medicine is even better. It is definitely the best choice for the public, and it is estimated that it will not be used In half a month, the entire market for similar drugs can be completely squeezed out.


"Thanks to Allah, our child is cured!"

A withered-faced woman folded her hands in prayer at the door of the pharmacy.

Now the medicines of Lanrun Pharmaceutical have officially entered the Middle East market and distributed to various places. The seven or eight-year-old child of this woman suffers from serious mental illness, but because of the lack of medical treatment and medicine in the local environment and the poverty of the family, the treatment effect has not been satisfactory.

Lanrun's "Fushen No. [-]" brought good news to this family. The woman only bought one bottle for the child, and after taking it a few times, the effect appeared. The child's mental illness has been completely suppressed, and it is estimated that he will persist After taking it for a month or two, there will be no recurrence.

The therapeutic effect of "Fushen No. [-]" is really good. In the past few years, the woman's family spent ten times the price, but the child's condition did not improve. Now, after only taking Fushen No. [-] for so many times, it is so good. The effect is not high, and the price of medicines is not high, which also gives this impoverished family new hope.

After all, for a family, children are also the continuation of life.

Therefore, this scene of the woman praying at the door of the pharmacy and thanking Allah appeared.

As for related examples, there are many pharmacies under the banner of Lanrun in various countries in the Middle East. Not only women, but also the elderly and children pray at the entrance of the pharmacy. The Messenger of Allah sent down to save the sick.

Less than ten days after "Fushen No. [-]" and "Paidu No. [-]" entered the entire Middle East market, they completely ignited the enthusiasm for buying in the current market. The sales of the two drugs entered a booming mode. The original backlog of [-] tons of drugs It was sold out soon, and the branch had to seek urgent help from Huaxia to expedite the dispatch of the second batch of medicines.

After Huaxia headquarters received the news from the Middle East branch, it also began to release a large number of orders to the outside world, increasing the production scale of medicines. After all, the original production line scale of the pharmaceutical factory alone was not enough to satisfy the entire domestic and overseas markets.

At the same time, the Huaxia Headquarters learned that the Middle East branch was short of senior medical research professionals and management staff, and began to prepare personnel in the country to support the Middle East.

The best way to quickly prepare manpower is to poach corners from the domestic pharmaceutical industry, and use high salaries to poach some high-tech personnel and management talents in the industry to Lanrun. Followed by another storm.

(End of this chapter)

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