The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1454 The Battle of Wall Digging

Chapter 1454 The Battle of Wall Digging

On Huaxia's side, within the Jindalee Pharmaceutical Group.

Chairman Duan Ritian was busy in his office when the office door knocked three times.

"Come in!"

Following Duan Ritian's signal, a department head came in: "Chairman, do you want to report to you? Recently, many middle and lower-level personnel in the group have resigned."

"Oh?" Duan Ritian looked up.

He wants to act like a chairman in front of his subordinates, so he can't be too surprised on the surface, but in fact he is still very surprised in his heart.

It is not a good thing for a large number of middle and lower-level employees to resign collectively. Even if it will not paralyze the company, it will definitely affect the normal operation of the company, not to mention the time when the company is competing with Lan Run Pharmaceutical Company.

"All this is caused by Lanrun Group's poaching. The other party has recently offered high salaries to recruit people in the pharmaceutical industry market. Many employees in our group were attracted by the salary and benefits offered by the other party, and they all left." The department head replied.

"Lan Run...Damn it, it's this Lan Run again! Why are they recruiting so many people this time..."

Duan Ritian speculated that this might be the result, but after confirming it, he was still very annoyed, almost swearing and swearing in front of the department head.

"I heard that the other party is recruiting senior practitioners in the pharmaceutical industry for the society in order to expand market needs, and most of these recruiters will be sent to the Middle East to develop overseas markets."

After chatting with the head of the department for a while, Duan Ritian said: "Lan Run's side... let the other party make trouble for now, and I will find a way to deal with it! Our group has a big business, and it is not a big deal to lose a group of middle- and lower-level employees. You Now take charge of the talent market and find a way to make up for it!"

"But..." The head of the department hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Duan Ritian frowned.

"Director Liao, who is in charge of our human resources recruitment, has also quit. This is the resignation letter he just wrote."

At this time, the head of the department carefully handed in a resignation letter, which was written by Director Liao of the Human Resources Department.


The resignation of the backbone of the department was involved, Duan Ritian finally stopped being indifferent, and started to get angry: "I have always treated this Liao Hua badly, why did he resign at this juncture? Isn't this against my Duan? Tell him, I will not approve his resignation letter!"

"However, Director Liao has already left, and before he left, he specifically said that it doesn't matter whether you approve the chairman or not, anyway, he is determined to leave! And he didn't even ask for the unpaid salary from last month! ’ replied the department head.

When Duan Ritian heard the news, he was so angry that he jumped up from his chair: "It's unreasonable! Do these people think that Duan Ritian's company is a good place to come and leave whenever they want? Inform Pang Li and let him Come here, I will let those who have resigned and all those who want to resign have no good fruit!"

Under Duan Ritian's anger, he finally exposed the darkness in his heart. At this time, he probably wanted to use improper means to deal with these resigned employees.

But in the human resources department of Lanrun Group, it is another hot scene.

Because Lanrun Group is facing a large number of recruits in the pharmaceutical industry from China, the position is not limited, as long as they are capable, they will accept the employment, so there is an endless stream of applicants all of a sudden.

While accepting the application, Lanrun Group also told these applicants that if these applicants were hired, they would probably be sent overseas to expand their pharmaceutical business in the Middle East.

And I heard that being able to go abroad and open up overseas markets is twice as high as the salary of staying in Huaxia. These applicants are more interested. Originally, most of them came here for the high salary of Lanrun. , It doesn't really matter where you go to develop.

Of course, these are mostly in the minds of ordinary applicants, and the situation of some applicants is more complicated.

At this time, the identity of an applicant caught the attention of the head of the Human Resources Department of Lanrun.

Name: Liao Fan.

Age: 37.

Education: Master of Human Resource Management.

Work experience: I used to work in the top three Jindali Group in China's pharmaceutical industry as the head of the human resources department. Now I have resigned and came to apply for the position of the head of the human resources department in the Middle East region of Lanrun's overseas pharmaceutical market.

The former head of the human resources department of Jindale Pharmaceutical Group, this status is good enough, for this person of the same level, the head of the human resources department of Lanrun Group suddenly became interested, and asked: "Liao Fan, should you be treated well in Jindale Group? Bad, why did you jump to our Lanrun side?"

"Hehe, I've had enough of staying at Jin Dali's place, I wanted to leave a long time ago! That place is not full of people, it's full of darkness..."

The applicant Liao Fan showed a mocking look, and recalled: "Golden Group doesn't look at the superficial beauty, but the system is actually rigid, and the chairman is very unfriendly to the employees, and there is no humanity at all. They come as soon as they are called, and go away as soon as they are called. One thing that is particularly infuriating is... Once an employee in the group was seriously ill, the group not only failed to send warmth and call everyone to donate to the employee, but also fired him directly!"

"Although this incident has not been exposed, it has caused a lot of people's hearts to fluctuate within the group. Anyway, I don't have the slightest nostalgia for such a group... So this time, Lan Run is recruiting for the market, even if I was in Jin Dali. No matter how good the position was, I chose to resign without hesitation."

"Oh, that's it."

The recruiters like Lanrun recorded Liao Fan's file information, and then the head of human resources of the group stretched out a hand: "Welcome to join us! Lanrun will not let you down..."

In this way, the original director of the human resources department of Jindali Group changed jobs and came to Lanrun Pharmaceutical. If there is no accident, after the internal research of Lanrun Group, it is really possible to send Liao Fan overseas to serve as the director of the human resources department in the Middle East .

In fact, the job-hopping this time is just a microcosm. Because of the large-scale recruitment activities of Lanrun Pharmaceutical, there are many people in the industry who have jumped to Lanrun in the industry, especially Jin Dali, a company that looks like a big business but actually has a bad internal reputation. , the situation of job-hopping is more intense.

In just one week, almost one-third of Jin Dali's grassroots employees quit and left, and many people at the middle management level also left, all of which were absorbed by Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

This situation made Duan Ritian, the chairman of Jindale Group, even more furious, so he sent his cousin Pang Li to buy some gangsters to attack the job-hoppers. They were beaten all over with bruises, and some even had their arms and legs broken.

It's just that this incident was somehow photographed by someone with a heart, and it was exposed to the society and exposed.

After the relevant departments got the news, they also began to quit the investigation, which made Jin Dali spend a lot of energy and cost to settle the matter.

But within the Jindali Group, after receiving these jaw-dropping news, the Jindali Group became even more panic-stricken for a while, and none of the employees on the job had any enthusiasm for work, and felt that staying in such an environment was simply a torture to life. .

Jin Dali's performance also began to plummet due to various situations within the group, and signs of losses began to appear.

This also caused Duan Ritian, the chairman of the group, to feel quite a headache. At this time, he regretted that his previous impulsiveness had left a bad impression on the internal employees. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it now. Everyone in the group now knows that the chairman is actually A demon without humanity.

Facing all these situations, the senior executives of Lanrun Group secretly laughed. In fact, behind the exposure of Jin Dali's illegal behavior, there was actually Lanrun's shadow.

And Qin Lang has already rushed back from the Middle East at this time, and led some Jin Dali's resigned staff to launch a counterattack against his old club. He was behind the support, so this time Jin Dali beat up the resigned staff. Individuals are flawless.

After the newspapers and media exposed the various illegal behaviors within the group described by the old employees of Jin Dali, the relevant departments finally caught some clues and began to severely punish the entire Jin Dali Group.

And Qin Lang took advantage of this rare opportunity to increase the speed of poaching Jin Dali, reached out to Jin Dali's medical research laboratory, and began to dig a large number of technical research backbones of Jin Dali's medical research laboratory.

All of a sudden, the entire Jindali Group was overwhelmed, and a lot of money was spent, but it was useless as if it was making up for leaks. Under the double pressure from the inside and the outside, it gradually showed signs of being unable to support it. Just play around—it's estimated that it will really go bankrupt.

Jin Dali Group, inside the chairman's office.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Duan Tiantian had to slap the table, and the documents were scattered all over the floor.

It's a pity that no one came to help pick it up this time, and the department head who was there last time has also left Jin Dali now and is nowhere to be found.

"Lanrun Group, I am at odds with you..."

Wheezing and wheezing, Duan Ritian's blood pressure soared, and he fell on the boss chair and shivered.


At this time, the fat man Pang Li just entered the office. Seeing Duan Ritian like this, he knew that the other party had a heart attack, so he rushed to give first aid. Fortunately, there was medicine in the office, and Pang Li spent a lot of effort to rescue his cousin. come over.

After rescuing Duan Ritian, Pang Lisheng pulled his big bags under his eyes and wanted to cry without tears: "Cousin, what should we do now... The company has basically been hollowed out in half, and it seems that the rest of the employees can't do anything." I can’t stay here anymore, I can’t coax these people no matter what.”

"Hey... this time, could it be someone who is going to kill me..."

Duan Ritian was lying on the boss's chair with blank eyes, his thoughts were extremely chaotic, he never imagined that the situation of the entire Jinda Il Group would turn so sharply now, it looked as if he was terminally ill and completely hopeless.

"Cousin, why don't we go... to rescue that boss of Lan Run, let him let us go!"

With a mournful face, Pang Li uttered a bad idea, but he never thought about whether it would succeed or not.

"Begging, begging that kid?!"

Duan Ritian stared, revealing an angry light, and then the light gradually went out, and he hummed weakly: "Please, please go beg that kid..."

(End of this chapter)

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