The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1455 Chairman Jin begs for mercy

Chapter 1455 Chairman Jin begs for mercy
The recruitment activities of Lanrun Pharmaceutical have been going on for a full month, which is equivalent to cleaning the entire Huaxia pharmaceutical industry, and the final result is that the Human Resources Department has recruited about [-] qualified personnel .

Don't underestimate the fact that there are only 800 people. You must know that these [-] people are not very simple. All of them are senior practitioners in the pharmaceutical industry. Each applicant has more than two years of working experience, and basically they can be regarded as talents in the pharmaceutical industry. .

Among them, more than 400 of these applicants are from Jindalee Pharmaceutical Group. This job fair held by Qin Lang is also a poaching conference, which almost hollowed out all the qualified talents in Jindalee Pharmaceuticals. The technical backbone team of Jindalee Pharmaceutical Laboratory It was a terrible loss.

Jin Dali Pharmaceutical Laboratory originally had a research and development team of about 200 people, of which the core backbone consisted of about 60 people. Under the recruitment of Qin Lang, this core backbone team has collectively jumped to the embrace of Lan Run, so at present The current Jindali Pharmaceutical Laboratory only left an empty shell, completely without the function of research and development of pharmaceutical products.

After the recruitment was completed, Lanrun and the others conducted a short-term training for the newly joined members, and then assigned them to appropriate related positions.

And those newly joined R&D personnel were all sent to Lanrun Laboratory, and the rest were all sent to the Middle East branch except for some left by the group's pharmaceutical headquarters.

This is a new blood, and it will be the core management member of the Middle East Division's medical section in the future, responsible for the operation of the entire medical section.

The shortage of management and technical personnel in the Middle East will be completely resolved with the deployment of this group of overseas people. In terms of performance, it overtook the cosmetics business and became the new leader.

Qin Lang has been staying at the headquarters of Lanrun Group for the past few days, handling all related matters of the medical sector in Yunhai Daxia, such as personnel adjustments, logistics services and so on.

But on this day, the waiter at the main station suddenly called: "Boss, the chairman of Jindali Medicine is here, do you want to meet?"

"Chairman Jin Dali? Duan Ritian? What is that old boy Duan Ritian doing here? Shouldn't he be dealing with a big mess in his own group now..."

Qin Lang was puzzled, but after thinking about it, he laughed: "I guess this old boy was forced to have no choice, so he had to come here to beg me, right?"

"Boss, do you want to see me?" Over there, the clear voice of the waiter girl sounded again.

"not see!"

Qin Lang gave a decisive answer, and then continued to work on his affairs in the office.

While doing things, he was also sneering in his heart: Wasn't Duan Ritian a very good old boy before?Now I have a day to ask for myself!
Since he is a competitor, and he used to have so many secret tricks on his Lanrun Pharmaceutical, why did he want to meet him, so he just exposed him, and see what the old boy will do, hum!


"Sorry, our boss is busy, so we don't see any customers."

After receiving Qin Lang's reply at the front desk of Yunhai Datai, the service girl apologized to Duan Ritian and his party.

"See you?!" Duan Ritian's face darkened when he heard it, obviously in a bad mood, and his tone became a little bit more serious.

But thinking that he wanted something from others, he had to hold back the depression in his heart, and nodded: "Since your boss is so busy, I'll just wait here!"

The little girl at the front desk didn't care about Duan Ritian and his party, and was busy with her own affairs.

"Cousin..." Next to him, the fat man Pang Li couldn't help but say.

But Duan Ritian waved his hand, signaling to his cousin not to talk any more, it seemed that he was going to spend his time here today, whenever Qin Lang was willing to come out to see him, he would leave at any time.

Not far away, a few curious Lanrun employees pointed to the group, "Have you heard that, that one was one of the top three in the pharmaceutical industry, the chairman of the Jindali Group! It seems to be called Duan Ritian Bar……"

"This old guy has always been our boss's rival in the business field, and today is unexpected, haha!"

"Ha ha!"



The laughter kept coming to the ears of Duan Ritian and the others, and suddenly Duan Ritian's blood pressure began to soar, and he almost had a heart attack again.

Fortunately, he may have been too angry for a while, and his heart also had some resistance, so he didn't faint directly from anger.At this time, trembling, he took out a capsule vial from his arms, took out the antihypertensive medicine and swallowed it directly.

"Cousin, here's some water." Beside him, the fat man Pang Li directly brought a bottle of mineral water.

"Thank you."

Duan Ritian took the water and swallowed the capsule feebly, then took a breath, but felt a heavy heart, and an indescribable expression appeared on the old man's face at this moment.

Once upon a time, he would have thought that one day he would fall into such a miserable situation?The end of the hero is nothing more than that!
Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and silently laughed a few times, but his voice was hoarse and hoarse, it didn't seem like he was laughing at all, but like crying.


Duan Ritian and his team waited from morning to afternoon, and Lanrun's employees had started to get off work, and they didn't leave.

And Qin Lang also had a busy day's work at this time, and when he learned that this old enemy was still staying in the lobby on the first floor of Yunhai Building, he couldn't help being curious, what made this old guy have such perseverance and continued to stay here.

It looked like, if he didn't come out of the office, this old guy would really have been wasted all the time this time.

So, with this curiosity, Qin Lang also directly took the elevator downstairs, ready to take a look at the situation.

Seeing that Qin Lang himself finally came, Duan Ritian and his group, who seemed extremely exhausted after waiting for a whole day, were refreshed, and Duan Ritian, an old boy, ran off to Qin Lang directly in front of Qin Lang. up.

"Boss Qin, you won this time... please let me go!"

Duan Ritian has completely lost the nobility and arrogance of the past, and now he is the leader of the defeated remnant army.

"Hehe, let you go, how do you want me to let you go?"

Qin Lang smiled coldly, and said, "It seems that I haven't done anything to you, right? Is it... Is it?" At the end, his tone slowed down, and he stared at the defeated general with mocking eyes .

"I was wrong, I'm not human! In fact, I started all this. Boss Qin, please forgive us!"

Fatty Pang Li next to him also knelt down at this time, and kept pumping himself emotionally.

"Clap clap clap."

Qin Lang slapped his hands directly, and said leisurely: "It's such a tragic scene, what's the point of begging me now? The results that should appear will not be changed because of your arrival. Your Jin Dali Medicine is doomed to go bankrupt. Just think about how it will end!"

The two people in the underground were dumbfounded by the direct words. Yes, since some things have already happened, it is useless to make up for them. It is indeed a bit late to regret now.

Now even if Qin Lang spared them, the Jindali Group is just breathing heavily. The group's reputation is now discredited, and the departure of personnel is almost empty, and there is no way to recover it.

"Oh... Seeing you are pitiful, I will do a good deed!"

Qin Lang smiled slightly, and said: "Jin Dali Group has worked hard for decades, and it is not easy to have such a foundation in China. It is a pity that your pharmaceutical sales channels are gone. I am willing to pay some money to buy it... …Well, eight hundred million dollars, you should be able to spend the rest of your life with this money!"

"Five hundred million dollars? This is simply impossible!"

When Duan Ritian heard this, he immediately became angry again. At the beginning, the group spent more than [-] million yuan on the establishment of the Huaxia sales channel, and this was ten years ago.

Therefore, Qin Lang's seemingly well-intentioned proposal is no different from robbery.

"Why? Don't want to? Well, if you don't want to, just keep it!"

Qin Lang's voice sounded again, but it was undoubtedly the same as the alarm bell: "I think no one in China except my Lanrun Medicine will take over your mess. Since you are not willing to give up the channel, then Let's go to perdition together with the whole Jin Dali... Hehe, then I will be happy to watch a good show."

"Okay, I... sell it to you."

Duan Ritian finally managed to squeeze out a few words from between his teeth, and the fat guy Pang Li beside him and the loyal subordinates all changed their expressions when they heard this: "Chairman, no!"

"Don't talk about it, as Boss Qin said, it's time for Jin Dali to end the show, and those of us who sell the channel will have to pay a little more for the end of the show." He waved his hand and said.

"Well, the old man is really happy."

Qin Lang laughed, it was a surprise to be able to acquire Jin Dali's sales channels in China, and such a low purchase price was a huge profit, no different from giving away for nothing.

This is also Jin Dali's most helpless choice at the moment, but to be fair, Duan Ritian and others have asked for everything. If there were no series of deadly actions before, the entire Jin Dali would not have become what it is today. kind of tragedy.

Therefore, if God wants it to perish, it is doomed to make it crazy first. This is also the best example and portrayal in the business field.

Afterwards, Qin Lang directly asked Lan Run's people to initially sign a contract with Duan Ritian, an old boy, and determined the transfer of the pharmaceutical sales channel according to the means.

And after the contract is signed, it means that Jin Dali's pharmaceutical sales channel in China will change its name and surname in the future, and become Lanrun Pharmaceutical's own sales channel. For Qin Lang, this is definitely a very gratifying thing. matter.

So far, the battle between Lanrun Group and Jindali Pharmaceutical Group has come to an end, and Qin Lang has become the final winner in life.

(End of this chapter)

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