The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1456 The Status of the Commercial Empire

Chapter 1456 The Status of the Commercial Empire

After Qin Lang spent [-] million U.S. dollars to buy Jin Dali's pharmaceutical sales channel, Lanrun Pharmaceutical immediately carried out intensive transformation of it. The transformation cost of Jin Dali's pharmaceutical sales channel network was about [-] million Huaxia coins, and the cost was not high. a lot of.

It is estimated that the whole transformation process will take about one and a half months. The most critical part of this is the training of some grass-roots sales personnel. They must change from the sales philosophy instilled by the original owner, Jin Dali, to become a qualified Lanrun grass-roots salesperson.

So far, Qin Lang has independent sales channels for the pharmaceutical sector in China and overseas. This is also a small progress. Now Lanrun Medicine has been fully developed, and its sales volume has gradually surpassed the trend of the cosmetics sector. .

After market development, the entire business empire of Lanrun Group has been initially established. In the future, it only needs to vigorously develop its performance to gradually improve the entire business empire from the skeleton to the skin.

After the establishment of the business empire, the research on S-class mutants at Lanrun Pharmaceutical Laboratory also made progress, and Qin Lang rushed to the laboratory immediately.

"After research, most of the programs in the brains of S-class mutants have been cracked, but several key core programs in the system cannot be analyzed. Speaking of which, the M laboratory is indeed strong enough in terms of technical secrecy. So if you want to get these core programs...I'm afraid it won't work without ten or eight years of hard work."

"Although these key core programs cannot be analyzed, in fact, we can change our thinking, and it is not impossible to start from scratch... That is to say, we can completely clear the system programs in the original S-level mutant brains and start a new one. It’s okay to install a new system program.”

"In this way, the S-class mutant will have a new central system, which can be completely controlled by us, and will be completely separated from his original identity. The M laboratory will lose the dominance of this mutant."

Inside the laboratory, Guan Kunpeng was explaining to Qin Lang, and said at the same time: "Reconstructing the brain system of an S-class mutant is a very large biological system project. After Duan Zhifei, director of Singapore, learned about it, he was also very interested in this project. I have come by plane and are ready to join the work this time.”

"Oh, thank you for your hard work."

Qin Lang nodded. Duan Zhifei is the nominal director of Lanrun Laboratory. Although the daily work of Huaxia is presided over by the deputy director Guan Kunpeng, Qin Lang is also very happy that this top expert can come from Singapore in person this time. of.

After all, Duan Zhifei's ability is there. He has a doctorate in physics and life medicine in England. He is stronger than Guan Kunpeng in all aspects. When the time comes to rebuild the brain system of S-level mutants, two top experts will preside over it. , I believe the whole experimental research process will be much more convenient.

Duan Zhifei flew from Singapore to Lanrun Laboratory soon. This guy in his 40s is also an academic research fanatic, so he would not let go of such a rare research opportunity.

After meeting, Qin Lang found that this very tall, thin, elegant guy with glasses was a little thinner than before. It seemed that Duan Zhifei had a busy daily schedule in Singapore, and he estimated that he would never rest for more than four hours a day.

After all, what Qin Lang could see with his own eyes, Duan Zhifei's life assistant arranged his every day full, and what to do in each time period was almost accurate to the second.

"Welcome, my brother."

Qin Lang opened his arms and gave Duan Zhifei a big hug. Speaking of which, the two hadn't seen each other for a while.

The cooperation between the two is going very well. Qin Lang still attaches great importance to his business partner, so the hospitality is naturally very warm.

Not much nonsense, Duan Zhifei has already changed into a set of laboratory-specific chemical protective suits after learning about the situation with the laboratory, and is ready to join the research of Guan Kunpeng's research team.

And Qin Lang next to him saw Duan Zhifei and Guan Kunpeng two research madmen discussing enthusiastically, and didn't care about his own existence at all, as if after ignoring himself next to him, he had to touch his nose and prepare to leave here temporarily.

"Hehe, I'll come back after the two of them rebuild the system in the brain of the S-class mutant!"

Qin Lang murmured to himself, at this time he glanced around and saw Nalan Hairong, so he went over to chat for a few words.

"Nalan Hairong, what's the progress of the research on medicine in the laboratory recently?" Qin Lang asked.

"After the detoxification No. [-] study, the laboratory has now started the research and development of the third drug, which is related to the suppression of tumor cells..." Nalan Hairong replied.

After more than half a year of study, Nalan Hairong is no longer what she was when she was just a fledgling. Now she is a qualified and competent laboratory assistant, and her ability has almost caught up with ordinary researchers, and she is no longer a complete handyman.

"Well, okay, come on!"

Qin Lang nodded.Modern life medicine is a kind of microscopic science. Although he is a cultivator and has good medical skills, the knowledge involved in this area is actually similar to that of a layman, so he can only act as a researcher in the entire laboratory. bystander.

Leaving the inside of this busy laboratory, he now looked at the security situation outside. The security level of the entire Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory is currently the top priority of the entire Lanrun Group, reaching the 3S level.

The laboratory is currently divided into two major sections: electronic security and personnel security.Electronic security mainly includes modules such as network security, electronic monitoring, and hacker defense. In this regard, Lanrun has also spent a lot of money to hire the top security experts at home and abroad to sit in the office, and update the security data in time every day to ensure network security. to foolproof.

The network of the entire laboratory is also divided into two parts: the external network and the internal network. The two network systems are not connected to each other. The internal network is the focus of the entire laboratory, storing many confidential research data in the laboratory. It is basically impossible to attack the inside of the laboratory through the external network.

In terms of personnel security, at present, the five-party alliance has sent high-level warriors to strengthen the security of the entire laboratory. At present, the entire laboratory has more than 500 security personnel, of which more than 200 are warriors above the level of Wuzun. Each sent an elder-level ancient warrior to sit in town, which shows the importance that several families attach to the laboratory.

And Qin Lang took Liu Zhenzhen to take advantage of the transformation of the laboratory before, and set up a large defensive formation here. The defensive formation is matched with a large number of guards, which also ensures that the entire laboratory is more indestructible.

This kind of defense might not be able to be overcome by the original S-rank mutants, and the entire Lan Run Laboratory can be considered to have completely solved the security concerns.

Next, the entire Lanrun's business empire was fully operational, and the performance in medicine, cosmetics, and real estate also blossomed and steadily increased.

The latest month's performance report is out. In terms of cosmetics sales, the total sales performance of Lanrun Cosmetics is [-] billion Huaxia dollars, of which [-] million in China, [-] million in Singapore, and [-] million in the Middle East. After excluding personnel expenses, the total sales The profit is [-] million.

In terms of medicine, the total sales performance is 29 billion Chinese dollars, of which 22 million in Huaxia, the combined channel sales of [-]trees and Enke overseas are [-] billion, and [-] million in the Middle East. The total profit of medicine is about [-]. About one hundred million.

In terms of real estate, this month's profit is about [-] million Huaxia coins, which is also a very good performance.

It can be seen from the performance report that after the completion of the channel construction of the pharmaceutical sector, the performance of pharmaceutical sales has surpassed that of cosmetics sales in one fell swoop, and the profits are very considerable.

The total profit of the group this month has reached 34 billion. Unknowingly, Lan Run Group has developed into a world-class large-scale group enterprise, and the monthly profit is already very impressive.

Moreover, the development prospects of Lanrun Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics are very broad, and there is still room for market improvement. In the future, the total profit of the entire Lanrun Group is expected to make further breakthroughs and reach new highs.

At night, the moon is as cool as water.

Qin Lang, who was getting closer to the late Yuanying period, was in the process of polishing the Yuanshen. In the sea of ​​consciousness, the fire of the big castor was burning fiercely, like a pale noon sun.

The primordial spirit and divine consciousness inside the Sea of ​​Consciousness are baked by the scorching sun, the essence of which is compressed and honed little by little, making it more delicate and firm. The primordial spirit is like a piece of thick iron that has undergone thousands of tempering .

Slowly, the rough iron is changing to the direction of refined iron, and then completely turned into refined iron, and even the luster of refined steel appears in the refined iron.

Roasted, compressed, calcined.

The consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness is changing quietly, not as easy as the melting process in the earth fire. Qin Lang's spirit and consciousness are strongly squeezed and torn during the whole process, which is very painful, but It is also necessary to grit your teeth and stick to the whole process.

It's not easy, it's really not easy, the soul is closely related to the essence of life, and the soul transformed by the soul of a cultivator can even exist independently of the body, so this kind of pain can go deep into the soul, it is conceivable Know how difficult it is.

No matter how difficult it is, you have to persevere. The polishing of the primordial spirit is like this. Qin Lang has improved his cultivation to a certain level during this time, but the polishing of the primordial spirit has never been carried out, so this time it is imperative.

Cultivators "prime spirit is the foundation and life is the foundation".Only when the Yuanshen has been polished, will he have the potential to really hit the late stage of the Yuanying, and there will be no signs of unstable foundation.

Basically, Qin Lang also came here step by step. Now it is not easy to be able to cultivate to such a point, so he knows the importance of the foundation even more.

(End of this chapter)

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