The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1457 Mutant Warrior System Modeling

Chapter 1457 Mutant Warrior System Modeling
After this round of polishing, the foundation of the Yuan nerve became more stable. After polishing, Qin Lang let go of his consciousness, and all perceptions within three hundred feet became clearer.

In this situation, it seems that the surrounding area is foggy with a layer of frosted glass. Although it can be seen, it is not very comfortable.But now, after being polished by Yuanshen, that layer of frosted glass has been removed, and the spontaneous clarity is also very comfortable.


In Lanrun Lab, the research on S-variant mutants has reached the most critical moment.

"System detection..."

"Check complete!"

"The original system program is cleared..."

"Cleared successfully!"

"System Modeling..."

"During the remodeling process, the degree of completion is 50.00%...the degree of completion is [-]%...the degree of completion is [-]%...the degree of completion is [-]%, the modeling is complete!"

"The implantation system was successful!"


"Finished? Finished?"

When Qin Lang saw the data on the server, he rubbed his hands together and asked.

Although he was not nervous at this time, after all, his attention was also focused on this, and he still hoped that this matter would be successful.

On the side, two top experts, Duan Zhifei and Guan Kunpeng, were nervously conducting the final test, and did not talk to Qin Lang.And the more the two looked like this, the more confident Qin Lang felt, this time the system reconstruction of the S-class mutant's brain was probably successful.

Sure enough, after half an hour of data testing, Duan Zhifei looked at Qin Lang and said, "Congratulations, brother, now this S-rank mutant can accept your control."

"Thank you so much!"

Qin Lang was overjoyed. At this time, he released his consciousness and entered the brain of this mutant on the test bench.

The benefits after being polished by the primordial spirit are reflected, Qin Lang has completely controlled the S-level mutant system with just a faint sense of consciousness, and completely turned the S-level mutant into another clone of himself.

After the S-rank mutant was mastered by himself, he opened his eyes suddenly on the experimental platform, then sat up straight, and got off the experimental platform, completely violating the principles of mechanics.

"Haha, really good."

Qin Lang controlled this new avatar for a while, felt the explosive power of this S-rank mutant, and couldn't help praising him, this is a mutant avatar that is almost equivalent to the combat power of the late Nascent Soul.

"This S-rank mutant, let's call it Clone No. [-] for the time being. With the mutant clones No. [-] and No. [-], I won't have to do many battles with my own hands in the future! Secretary, if you have something to do, if you have nothing to do Secretary... oh no, go to the clone."

Qin Lang couldn't help talking nonsense.

The S-level mutant avatar is freshly released, Qin Lang is like adding another powerful trump card, which also makes Qin Lang, who has greatly increased his confidence, immediately have the idea of ​​going to Europe and the United States to overthrow the entire M laboratory.

After coming to the earth, Qin Lang has experienced dozens of battles with all levels of mutants produced by the M laboratory. Although he has improved through continuous battles, he has to admit that the other party is a difficult enemy. It is the source of all my troubles.

After getting Clone No. [-], Qin Lang felt that he already had enough strength and background, and it was time to destroy this source. As long as the entire M laboratory was eliminated, the troubles he encountered on Earth would be reduced a lot in the future.

After having this idea, Qin Lang made a series of preparations to restore his state to the best in all aspects, and went to country F to find M laboratory alone.

And far away across the ocean, in the M laboratory.

Ever since the laboratory's S-class mutants failed to carry out their mission, Barty, the top leader of the entire laboratory, knew that the situation was not good, so the entire laboratory launched a plan A that could only be perfected after ten years.

In this Plan A, although S-rank mutants are still the highest level of combat power, there are already several comparable combat powers, namely genetic monsters.

Project A...a complete genetic monster project. The execution location of this plan is not inside the M laboratory, but a Haitian base in the middle of the ocean.

In the process of implementing Plan A, M Lab also derived some new gene products, which have strange shapes and very strong combat effectiveness.

Time has passed bit by bit, and the current M laboratory looks quiet on the surface, but who knows how many conspiracies are hidden in it!

It is like a crocodile with its huge mouth open, waiting for the arrival of its own prey.

Qin Lang soon took a plane to country F, a country on the other side of the ocean. Although this country belongs to the European and American systems, the overall economy is relatively backward, and the country's territory is only one-twentieth of that of country M.

The M laboratory is only located at the border of country M, in a remote area where the mountains meet the sea, and the location is very secret.

And Qin Lang was able to find this place thanks to the memory in the brain system of the original mutant avatar. This time he came to investigate the M laboratory base camp, and it felt like an old horse returning to his lair.

In the mutant avatar's original database, there is actually no information related to Project A entered, but Qin Lang knows that the M laboratory is capable of producing powerful S-level mutants, and its black technology capabilities are basically at the top of the world. Not an enemy to be underestimated.

Therefore, even though he had a few trump cards in his hands, Qin Lang was still cautious in his actions. After many inquiries, he took the invisibility amulet and quietly approached the location of the M laboratory.

This time, in order to destroy the entire M laboratory, he will fire infinitely!
When sneaking about 400 meters away from the volume of the M laboratory, Qin Lang suddenly felt that there was a life detection device around him. The sensing ability was so sensitive that he could even detect it even in the invisible state. When he realized it, he was already a step late. A series of beeping alarms have already sounded outside the laboratory.

"Wow..." "Wow woof..."

After a series of barking sounds, dozens of purebred wolfhounds hidden around the laboratory jumped out to Qin Lang's side, barking wildly, and there were some strange changes in these big wolfhounds.

Each big wolfhound is split into two halves starting from the head, the upper part is ferocious, but the lower part is normal. Its mouth full of sharp teeth is like a piranha, which looks very scary.

"This is... a modified biochemical monster!"

Suddenly Qin Lang understood that this is definitely not an ordinary wolfhound, but a product of genetic modification.

This kind of genetically modified biochemical wolfdog is much more flexible than ordinary wolfdogs, and their speed is very fast, and their saliva seems to be extremely corrosive. It withered immediately.

If such saliva and mucus are dripping on a person, it is believed that a big hole will come out directly.

Fortunately, Qin Lang is not an ordinary person. In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is not very difficult for him to deal with these biochemical wolfhounds whose strength is similar to that of ordinary elite-level mutants.

"Three Lives Sword Art...Sword Splitting!"

Qin Lang directly sacrificed the Zidiao Fireworks Sword, and used the group attack move. The sword style is two for one, three for three, and countless for three. Overwhelmed.

Aww... Aww...

The wolfdogs in front of them even had time to whimper before they were disintegrated by the dense sword energy emitted by Qin Lang, turning into a rain of blood and minced meat.

Biochemical monsters of this level are just pediatrics to Qin Lang now.

After killing the thirty or forty biochemical wolfhounds in front of him, Qin Lang continued to sneak into the laboratory.

In fact, after Qin Lang exposed his traces, his current actions are not considered sneaking in. It is estimated that the entire laboratory is already prepared to face the intruders, and is laying down a net to wait for Qin Lang's arrival.

Qin Lang's body is now exuding a faint magic weapon light, and the defensive ability of Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler has also been turned on to the maximum to prevent sudden accidents during the process of breaking into the laboratory.

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh...

Before he got close, a series of gunshots appeared, and Qin Lang dodged away on the spot, leaving the place where he was originally standing.

Then a large number of dense bullets arrived, hitting the granite-like hard ground with ping-pong-pong sparks flying everywhere, and small bullet holes appeared on the ground. It seems that the guns used by the hidden gunmen were all special-purpose guns. Guns, and then loaded with high-powered dum ammunition.

"Dum bomb" is also called "blossom bullet", "shrapnel bullet" and "deformation bullet". It is an extremely lethal expansion bullet. A bullet with the greatest power and lethality in any weapon.

Although this kind of bullet can't penetrate the defense if it hits Qin Lang, it consumes a lot of real energy on Qin Lang. After all, there are many gunmen hidden in the laboratory. The dense bullets are more terrifying than the rainstorm.

While retreating, Qin Lang also counterattacked with rows of sword energy, and then there was a noise from the opponent's laboratory, and many gunmen were directly forced out by Qin Lang with sword energy.

It turns out that these gunmen are not ordinary people, but mutants. No wonder each of them has godlike marksmanship and feels even more powerful than special soldiers. If Qin Lang hadn't activated the Phantom Wind Walk and used his agile and changeable body skills to dodge, I'm afraid there would be no more marks on his body. Know how many bullets hit.

Even so, Qin Lang still couldn't bear to be hit by bullets that misfired one or two times. Fortunately, there were quite a few bullets hitting his body, and the consumption of his own energy to support the defensive shield was not large.

Most of these gunmen are some elite-level mutants, and I don't know how many there are. All the gunmen are still very scary when they gather fire. Even the current Qin Lang dare not wipe their heads lightly.

Swipe!Qin Lang still chose the method of breaking down one by one, and killed the mutant shooters who were forced out of the hiding place. In fact, as long as these mutants left the hiding place, Qin Lang only needed one blow to kill them completely.

After all, elite-level mutants are not very powerful to the current Qin Lang. In the eyes of practitioners in the mid-Yuanying period, they are actually not much different from chickens and dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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