The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1458 Singled out against M Lab

Chapter 1458 Singled out against M Lab

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh...

At this time, another round of bullets was fired densely, and there were actually a few ear-piercing explosions.

And with the sound of these explosions, the defensive layer on Qin Lang's body shook violently like waves.

In such a situation, it turned out that Qin Lang was hit by another special bullet "explosive bomb", which is a bullet that will produce a strong explosion after hitting the target, and it is even more powerful than the Dum bullet.

Smiling coldly, at this time Qin Lang summoned Clone No. [-], and at the same time sent a message from his consciousness: "Go, kill all these hidden mutant shooters!"

Following Qin Lang's order, Clone No. [-] immediately responded, turning into an afterimage and flashing into the laboratory.

Clone No. [-] only recognizes Qin Lang's orders, and it can be said that he obeys orders even more than the most loyal fighters.

Although the bullets kept hitting this extraordinary-level mutant along the way, and entered the body of the extraordinary-level mutant clone, the self-healing ability of clone No. [-] is amazing, and the body's endurance is actually stronger than Qin Lang's body. Points, as long as the damage is not particularly large, it can be recovered quickly.

After the bullets entered the body of the avatar, the avatar No. [-] directly forced the bullets out, suspended in the air, forming a small metal ball, and then rubbed it with its hands, and all the bullet heads were directly rubbed into a metal sword.

Mutants above the Extraordinary level have the ability to control metal. The strength of this metal sword is already comparable to that of an alloy sword, and the mutant avatar of the Extraordinary level holding the metal sword began to kill at this time, and directly carried out the beheading plan. Decapitate elite-level mutant shooters hiding in the shadows one by one.

Why implement the beheading plan...Qin Lang did this, in fact, to prevent these genetic warriors with amazing recovery ability from dying incompletely.

The vitality of mutants is too strong, stronger than Xiaoqiang, and they are no longer a species with humans. Only by separating their heads from their bodies can they be completely incapable of survival.

Mutants are divided into five categories: ordinary, elite, top, extraordinary, and S-level. Extraordinary-level mutants naturally have an overwhelming advantage against these elite-level mutant shooters. Even Qin Lang's body shot is not so smooth.

Soon the surrounding mutant gunmen were almost cleared up, but the injuries on the extraordinary mutants also increased, and Qin Lang directly stuffed them into the storage bag for nourishment.

Qin Lang entered the gate of the laboratory at this time, but there were already a large number of mutants, including elite and top-level mutants, and there were also therapeutic mutants among them, the number was hundreds or thousands.

Seeing such a dense number, Qin Lang also felt a little tingling in his scalp. In order to save his true energy, this time he began to summon Clone No. [-], which is the latest S-level mutant controlled.

As soon as Clone No. [-] appeared, he rushed forward with a thick laser weapon, fighting directly with the large number of mutants in front of him.

Surpassing several levels of suppression, making Clone No. [-] fight like a fish in water.

However, the number of mutants in front of me is indeed enough, and there are also mutants of the healing system mixed in. Except for those who are directly killed every time, the injured companions can basically be recovered directly after being cured by the mutants of the healing system, which also makes the whole Combat is as rigid as water in a quagmire.

For the situation in front of him, he had to deal with the healing mutants in the enemy first, otherwise, no matter how strong his avatar was, it would be like being covered in ants, and sooner or later these mutants would be consumed to death like a boss.

There are really too many mutants in front of us. Except for the ones that Clone No. [-] killed just now, there are at least eight or nine hundred people crowded around, stretching their necks one by one for Qin Lang to behead. It may take a while to complete this task .

"Fire!" Qin Lang decided to act as a remote at this time, assisting his avatar No. [-] to fight. He summoned the fire of Kanli, and Qin Lang split into countless small fire balls as soon as it appeared. Come on, Qin Lang pointed out that these small fire balls directly fell into the group of mutants in the form of fire rain.

Qin Lang's targets are mainly the healing mutants hidden in the mutant population. The fire of Kanli can melt the world into things, and even mutant genetic warriors can't resist this powerful flame.

And the countless flame rain groups flying in the air can turn freely, as if controlled by an invisible hand, and are manipulated by Qin Lang to deal with those healing mutants.

Soon, the healing mutants in the mutant group were named by Qin Lang one by one. As long as the body was touched by Kanli's fire, it would burn like oil, and quickly turn to ashes.

The healing mutants were cleared one by one, and with Qin Lang's remote assistance, the battle of the S-rank mutant clone became much smoother, killing the large number of mid-level mutants without the assistance of the healing mutants one by one .

Mutants don't know how to get tired, and they don't have the hidden worry of depleting their true energy. They work as reliably as a perpetual motion machine. Qin Lang really can't find fault with this S-rank mutant avatar.

With the help of the S-level mutant avatars, all the mutants blocking the door of the laboratory were quickly cleared away. At this time, five or six extraordinary-level mutants appeared in the mutant group, surrounding the S-level mutants. The clones engaged in a new round of fighting.

Even after five or six extraordinary level mutants broke out, they were no match for S-level mutants. At this time, they merged and turned into huge genetic monsters, and their combat power suddenly increased.

The S-rank mutant stretched out a hand, and the five fingers began to be metalized, and thousands of metal filaments formed from the fingertips began to wind around.

This is the metal ability of the S-rank mutants. Thousands of metal filaments turn into a metal cage to trap the huge combined monster.

However, the gigantic genetic monster is also extremely powerful. Its huge limbs struggled in the cage, and the limbs as thick as pillars opened the fence formed by the metal filaments, and then the genetic monster escaped directly.

Both sides are very strong, and it feels like this combined genetic monster is not much weaker than an S-rank mutant. During the battle between the two sides, it is impossible to tell the outcome for a while.

And the battles of the two also have their own characteristics. The S-rank mutants are superior in speed and agility, while the combined genetic monsters are superior in strength, and the abilities of both sides are also emerging in endlessly, and they have been fighting with each other.

"Fire!" Qin Lang shot again, there was an S-rank mutant trapping the opponent, Qin Lang shot very calmly this time, with a casual move, a large number of small fire balls flew over, directly touching the huge genetic monster body.

The huge genetic monster was extremely resistant to this powerful flame, and one arm burned violently like a flame, and it burned more and more vigorously.

Aww... The huge genetic monster roared angrily, tore off the burning arm, threw it far away, then gave up the fight with the S-rank mutant, and started to fly towards Qin Lang.

It seems that while Qin Lang's attack just now caused huge damage, it also attracted all the hatred of this huge genetic monster, so now this guy only has Qin Lang in his eyes, and has no other enemies. He just wants to kill Qin Lang, the thorn in his side, A thorn in the flesh.

"Huh..." Flashing back, Qin Lang avoided the opponent's sharp edge, and at the same time manipulated the S-rank mutant clone to come over and entangle the huge genetic monster again, and then launched a flame attack again.

After going back and forth a few times, the entire huge genetic monster let out an unwilling roar, and then burned raging flames all over its body.

In the flames, the huge genetic monster was torn apart, returning to the original state of five or six extraordinary-level mutants before they merged, but now these five or six extraordinary-level mutants have been burned, and their bodies have all turned into pieces. coke.

Cooperating with his own S-level mutant avatar, he easily killed a giant gene monster produced by the fusion of five or six extraordinary-level mutants in an explosive state. In the process, Qin Lang didn't even use another one. The house of magic weapons.

It can be seen that the current Qin Lang is indeed strong enough. Two mutant avatars, especially the S-rank mutant avatar in front of him, can improve Qin Lang's own combat power. It is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

After clearing all the mutants in front of him, Qin Lang found himself staying at the entrance of the laboratory for at least ten minutes, looking deeper into the laboratory, he grinned silently, and then rushed in.

The M laboratory is indeed very large. The interior is almost like a huge labyrinth, with an area of ​​more than 2000 mu.

When Qin Lang entered the deeper part of the laboratory, he encountered danger along the way. During the intrusion process, from time to time, a few laser beams were shot from the gaps in the metal walls around him, and directly swept towards his body, but most of these laser beams were captured by him. Directly rely on powerful agility to dodge.

The one or two hits that are really impossible to avoid are hit by the laser on the body, which is naturally borne by the defensive force field of the magic weapon, causing the body's true energy to fluctuate unsteadily.

Fortunately, Qin Lang has enough pills and spirit stones. He gnawed the ** Yuandan like frying beans, and kept absorbing the energy of top-grade spirit stones to supplement his body's consumption during the running process. With his efforts, he basically maintained a Balance of internal and external consumption.

closer, closer, closer...

Qin Lang is now gradually approaching the center of the M laboratory. He has a feeling that the big boss he is looking for is waiting for him there, and it is likely that another very difficult battle will follow.

However, this time Qin Lang is full of confidence. He has enough confidence to come here, and he has enough ways to turn his ideas into reality. Before he came here, he swore that this time the entire M laboratory must be completely destroyed. destroy.

Qin Lang took a deep breath, and a wave of true energy circulated in his body, strengthening his defense again.

(End of this chapter)

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