The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1459 Self-destruct program start

Chapter 1459 Self-destruct program start
Click, the alloy gate at the entrance to the center of the M laboratory has been closed, preventing Qin Lang from continuing to penetrate.

Seeing this, Qin Lang smiled coldly, and the Zi Diao Fireworks Sword was inserted into the gate again, and the Jinhe Gate was drawn in a big circular arc like being cut into tofu, and a big piece fell off with a sound of Dang Lang.

After a big hole was cut in the alloy door, Qin Lang was about to break into it. At this time, several laser beams were shot from the inside of the experimental hall, and they hit Qin Lang's defensive cover, making the entire defensive cover sizzle.

It's a laser gun...Qin Lang noticed that many researchers in the laboratory hall held laser guns and launched a counterattack at him. For a while, the blue laser arc flashed non-stop at the incision of the alloy door.

The sound is like a bell Gu!
Seeing that he couldn't break through Qin Lang for a while, he didn't worry, he used the wild sound path Gu worm on his body, and opened his mouth to emit a series of powerful sound waves, which continuously poured into the laboratory hall through the incision of the alloy door.

This kind of sonic attack can ignore the barriers of walls, even if it is a soundproof wall. After all, this is not an ordinary sound, but an energy attack formed by sound waves, which has a strong penetrating ability.

Moreover, as long as Qin Lang is willing, he can also control the direction of the sound wave attack.

"Ahhhhhh..." Under the blessing of Sheng Ruohong Gu Bell, Qin Lang's roar was even more terrifying than the Buddhist lion's roar. After the powerful sound waves poured into the hall, all the researchers inside were one by one They were all shocked, their eyes were full of money.

At this time, Qin Lang finally rushed into the hall through the cut of the alloy door. His roar did not stop, but its power increased by [-] to [-]% in this sealed space, and all the researchers were stunned by Qin Lang's roar.

After all, most of these researchers are ordinary people, and they simply cannot bear the roar of a Buddhist lion. It is normal to be stunned.

After Qin Lang broke into the laboratory hall, he began to search, but did not find the shadow of Batty, the person in charge of the laboratory. While Qin Lang was searching, the lights in the entire laboratory went out one after another, and the surroundings were dark It came down, and the sound of rumbling earthquakes came from all around the hall.

Qin Lang felt as if the entire laboratory hall was sinking, knowing that something was wrong, he quickly let go of his consciousness.

After Qin Lang's consciousness was released, he found that the entire laboratory hall was really sinking, and he also found Batty's shadow. This guy was hurriedly fleeing outside.

"Where are you going to escape..."

Although Batty had escaped to the laboratory, Qin Lang summoned the magic house without any hesitation after discovering the trace of the other party, and planned to use the magic house to pursue the top leader of the M laboratory.

And just after Qin Lang drilled into the magic house and penetrated the wall of the laboratory hall, the countdown of the electronic synthesis sound began to sound in the entire laboratory hall: "The countdown to the self-destruction of the base starts, ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Booming, just when the Magic Treasure House was chased out of the laboratory, an earth-shattering explosion occurred in the entire M laboratory. The white light suddenly flashed hotter than the sun, and atoms and bombs exploded on the spot. The mushroom cloud, if Qin Lang is still in the laboratory at this moment, the consequences must be very serious.

This huge explosion caused a gust of wind, and the scattered gust of wind was more terrifying than a tornado, and all the flowers, plants and trees around the laboratory were affected.

The Magic Treasure House, which was deflected by the aftermath of the explosion, finally escaped from the shock wave. At this time, Qin Lang turned to the normal direction and continued to chase Batty, the culprit who initiated the self-destruct of the entire laboratory.

And Qin Lang in the house of the magic weapon broke out in a cold sweat. He couldn't help but lament that he was smart enough to find Batty, the top person in charge who escaped from the laboratory ahead of time, and escaped a catastrophe.

The M laboratory base self-destructed just now, if you still stay at the center of the explosion inside the laboratory, the destructive power of the explosion will definitely swallow you up to nothing.

After the self-destruction of the base, a huge sinkhole several miles long appeared in the original place of the entire M laboratory, with a depth of tens of feet, and the inside of the sinkhole was full of ruins and wreckage of building materials.

Qin Lang is now going all out to chase Batty, the top leader of the M laboratory. This old boy is very fast, and he feels that his body should have been transformed. Otherwise, the speed cannot even catch up with the Olympic champion.

After Batty fled overseas, he glanced at the self-destructing M laboratory, and when he saw Qin Lang chasing after him in the magic house, his expression changed.

Then this guy took out a huge injection from a silver toolbox in his hand, pierced his chest directly, and injected all the dark red liquid in the needle into his body.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." After Batty injected himself with a strange injection, he couldn't help but let out a painful roar to the sky, and then his whole body began to undergo tremendous changes.

All of a sudden, his entire body began to thicken and grow five or six times larger as if the dough was fermenting, just like the Hulk in the anime, his limbs became thicker than concrete pillars.

His whole body was covered with a layer of blue scales, and a long blue metal tail grew from behind, which was as flexible as a scorpion's tail.

Batty's body has undergone such a huge change, turning into such a four-faced existence, Qin Lang could not find relevant information from the memory bank of the mutant avatar.

The changes in Batty's body should belong to the core confidential category of the entire M laboratory, which is similar to the confidentiality level of S-level mutants, so no relevant information was entered into the mutant's system memory.

And Batty, the top person in charge of the M laboratory, did not immediately start a battle with Qin Lang after he transformed into a big boss, but glanced at the magic house that came from afar, his huge pupils showed humane eyes thinking, and then he did not He jumped into the sea water hesitantly, and dived into the depths of the ocean.

At this time, the Magic Treasure House caught up with the beach. From the memory of the S-class mutant, Qin Lang knew that there was a secret base of the M laboratory in the depths of the ocean. It was usually used to test various biochemical experiments, and now the big boss Batty is sure. I want to rush to the secret base.

Without hesitation, Qin Lang directly manipulated the magic house and dived into the deep sea, but just as he dived into the water, a strong wave of sea water appeared from below, and the huge water pressure rushed up from below, directly hitting the magic house and flying up up the sky.

At this time, there was a series of explosions around the sea, and shocking water waves rose several tens of feet high. It turned out that the big boss Batty who dived into the water just now concealed his breath and launched a sneak attack, which caused such a powerful scene.

"Damn, this guy is cunning enough. Even I couldn't find the hidden breath hidden under the sea just now, and this guy seems to be stronger in the sea than on land... What the hell is this!"

Qin Lang spun around inside the Magic Treasure House for a while, and managed to stabilize the entire Magic Treasure House.

And Batty, the top leader of the M laboratory who has transformed into a big boss, is also very surprised. Yes, his body has been genetically modified, and the injection just now completely released the genetic modification of the whole body.

The transformation of Batty's body is called the Dragon King gene. The body is integrated with the dragon's gene. He usually appears in the laboratory in a normal state, but when necessary, he will inject the gene release drug into the body to make the whole body The genes are completely awakened and burned.

After being genetically modified by the Dragon King, Batty became a hybrid of the ancient dragons, that is, the Dragon Man.Although the dragonmen produced by this modified gene are not very effective on land, they can get the bonus of sea water in the sea, and their combat effectiveness directly doubles.

That is to say, after the gene release of Batty in the sea water, the current dragon gene is completely awakened, and the combat power is not much worse than that of the S-class mutants, so Batty rushed to the sea and sneaked into the sea to attack Qin Lang.

Because the sea is the paradise of dragon people, and Batty is the real home field here, and the fighting power of dragon people can be fully displayed.

Boom boom boom boom!The sea water produced explosions one after another, stirring up huge waves. The dragon man has a powerful water system ability, and it is really unique to be in the endless sea.

And Qin Lang also launched a counterattack in the magic house, manipulating the magic house that has activated the five-layer ban, and Qin Lang's combat effectiveness is even higher than that of S-rank mutants.

Because now Qin Lang's strength is infinitely close to the late Yuanying stage, and the increase in combat power of the five-layer ban in the magic house is even more terrifying. Even ordinary late Yuanying cultivators are probably not Qin Lang's opponent.

In the sea, Batty fully displayed the water control talent of the dragon gene. The genetically modified body gave him endless potential, and the power of the ability was also maximized.

And Qin Lang also took advantage of the small and flexible magic house, while constantly dodging attacks in the air, he also launched waves of counterattacks. The outside of the magic house was covered with a layer of blue and white lightning arcs. Intermittently attack the dragon man's body through the conduction of sea water.

After fighting for a long time, the huge movement on the sea surface alarmed the fish and other creatures on the bottom of the sea to flee this battle area one after another, because these creatures in the sea felt the breath of danger.

The source of danger naturally comes from the battle with Qin Lang and Batty. This is a powerful confrontation between the cultivator and the genetically modified dragon man, and it is also the last battle between Qin Lang and the M laboratory.

Whoever wins will have the last laugh, and whoever loses will have no tomorrow.Therefore, both sides are going all out to fight.

"The sea dragon roars..."

Batty opened his hands and roared into the air. At this time, his head actually grew dragon-like horns, and dragon whiskers began to appear at the end of his nose. This is the atavistic phenomenon of giant dragons. Becoming more and more like an ancient dragon.

But now Batty's fighting power has improved again, and the roar of the dragon makes the sea water turbulent more intensely. Batty's next move is to roll up a wave of sea water, and then form a thick water line, launching the sea water to Qin Lang's magic weapon house. shock wave.

(End of this chapter)

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