The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1460 The Secret Base in the Ocean

Chapter 1460 The Secret Base in the Ocean
After fighting for a while, Batty was gradually suppressed at a disadvantage. Although Batty was at home in the sea, Qin Lang, who now owns the magic weapon house, was still stronger than him.

Not to mention that the body of the dragon man was electrocuted, and it was pierced several times by the magic weapon house in the battle just now. If it wasn't for the genetic modification of Batty's body, he might not be able to hold on long ago.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Batty flicked the dragon's tail and dived into the water again, while Qin Lang, who had activated his consciousness, felt that this guy had signs of escaping in the magic house.

At this time, Batty had already dived into the deep water of the seabed, fleeing wildly in one direction.

And Qin Lang would not let this guy go, so he immediately manipulated the magic weapon house to escape into the sea water again, piercing the resistance of the sea water like a flying swordfish, and chasing after him madly.

In the sea water, the dragon man has a unique speed advantage, which can almost be compared with the fastest fish, but Qin Lang behind him used the magic weapon house to catch up, but he couldn't catch up.

However, although they couldn't catch up, the distance between the two sides didn't drop much.

The two chased after each other for nearly half an hour, and they had already entered the deep sea area of ​​the sea, at least one or two hundred kilometers away from the coastline.

At this time, the physical strength and energy of both parties are very high, but the genetically modified dragon man has a strong recovery ability, and Qin Lang is slightly weaker in this regard.

However, Qin Lang in the house of magical treasures has pills and spirit stones on him. During the pursuit, Jingyuan Pills were knocked out frequently, and the consumption of the middle piece of spirit stones has not stopped.

Soon, a large dark shadow appeared on the bottom of the sea. This is the secret base of the M laboratory in the ocean. After Batty came to this secret base, he glanced behind him, and the eyes of the leader revealed a trace of brilliance. Guang, then turned his head and rushed directly into the base.

Then Qin Lang also caught up at this time, but when he was about to enter the base, he found that the entire base suddenly experienced unusual energy fluctuations, and then large groups of fish began to gather here from all directions.

There are at least tens of thousands of fish gathering in front of him, which also blocked Qin Lang's progress. Among these fish, there were more than a dozen large and fierce marine creatures, which were giant whales. Besides whales, there are three or five giant crocodiles.

Seeing these dozens of giant whales and three or five giant crocodiles, and feeling the unusual energy breath of these monsters in the sea, Qin Lang knew that these monsters in the sea were the products of biochemical transformation at the secret base, they were not ordinary fish kind.

Because ordinary fish don't have such a fierce energy breath, and giant whales are nothing, but those three or five giant crocodiles are definitely not species in the ocean. Now they can live in the ocean, which also shows the strength of the secret base of the M laboratory. Great powers.

Surrounded by a large group of biochemical species, Qin Lang's face changed slightly at this time. Each of these biochemical giants has extraordinary combat power, and even exceeds it in some aspects.

"These should be Batty's secret weapons. No wonder this guy escaped to this secret base in the sea..." Surrounded by nearly twenty biochemical monsters, Qin Lang also summoned Clone No. [-] and Clone No. [-] at this time come out.

The battle in front of him is bound to be a big melee, and he needs a few more helpers to solve the situation of being besieged. After all, dealing with nearly twenty deep-sea biochemical monsters at the same time, even he will have a headache.

As soon as the battle started, the light of the fish tide flooded over here, and more than 20 biochemical behemoths hidden in the fish tide launched an attack at the same time. These biochemical behemoths in the ocean actually have the ability to control the fish tide. Just like a natural hidden barrier, Qin Lang, who is in the fish tide, wants to find these giant beasts hidden in the fish tide, he can only rely on his divine sense.


A powerful stream of water is rushing towards this side, and there is a giant whale rushing towards it. After biochemical transformation, the head of this biochemical monster with a big head has become black and shiny like metal. It's almost the same as a copper head and iron brain. If Qin Lang is hit by this biochemical giant weighing dozens of tons, I'm afraid it won't be good.

flash!Qin Lang got out of the way. In fact, not only he got out of the way, but the clones No. [-] and No. [-] on the left and right side got out of the way at this time. At this time, they were fighting the giant biochemical beasts in the fish tide.

Fighting on the bottom of the sea, these amphibious biochemical behemoths have natural advantages, namely speed and agility, which are not affected by their body size at all.

Clone No. [-] and No. [-] are mutants, and they don't need to breathe. However, fighting in the seabed is somewhat affected by the resistance of sea water, and they are not as flexible as those on land.

Therefore, Clone No. [-] is only an extraordinary-level mutant, and it is more difficult to fight. It is difficult to deal with a biochemical behemoth, but the S-rank mutant is much stronger. Beasts are fine.

However, Qin Lang in the Magic Treasure House was not affected by the resistance of the sea water. At this time, he was shuttling among the fish, looking for these modified biochemical giants to attack continuously.

In the process of fighting, he found that besides the biochemical giant whales and biochemical giant crocodiles in the ocean, the defense ability of this body is also super strong due to its size. After fighting for so long, although several biochemical giant whales and biochemical giants After the crocodile was pierced by the Magic Treasure House, it failed to penetrate the thick fat layer and enter the body to cause effective damage. At most, it caused some minor injuries on the outside of the body.

In fact, the body fat layer of these monsters is too thick, at least half a meter thick, and after biochemical transformation, the toughness is amazing, even more terrifying than the processed old cowhide.

Moreover, the fish tide in front of me is also very annoying. Although these fish in the fish tide have no lethality, the accumulation of a large number of fish tides not only blocks the sight, but sometimes affects the action.

Therefore, Qin Lang in the magic treasure house used the sound like a loud bell Gu to spread his voice to the surroundings through the magic treasure house. The gathered fish tide fled in shock, completely breaking away from the control of these giant biochemical beasts.

After that, fighting without the tide of fish will be much easier. Although it is not very helpful to the battle, at least the feeling in my heart is not as disturbing as before. You must know that fighting in a crowded tide of fish is not easy. beautiful thing.


At this time, the two giant biochemical crocodiles attacked Qin Lang at the same time. They rushed towards each other in a diagonal line. After the position, it suddenly closed its big mouth, making a terrible snapping sound.

I heard that the bite force of a crocodile can directly reach several tons, and the bite ability of this biochemical giant crocodile with a volume of more than 20 tons is even more amazing. If Qin Lang's magic weapon house is bitten, he dare not bite through the defense energy house in one go. But the energy consumption of the defensive energy layer is absolutely astonishing.

Ka, on the other side my clone No. [-] encountered a crisis. Somehow, it was hit by a giant whale into the pile of monsters, and then seven or eight biochemical behemoths attacked at the same time. One of the giant crocodiles even smashed an arm of clone No. [-]. Bitten off, poor fellow.

Fortunately, Clone No. [-] used metal deformation at the opportunity and escaped. After losing one arm, its combat power dropped by half. Now Clone No. [-] wants to regenerate its arm, and it probably won't work for a while.

So Qin Lang directly put this clone No. [-] into the storage bag, and now he and the S-rank mutant clone No. [-] continue to fight.

"Seawater cage!" The S-rank mutant clone No. [-] also used the water ability to trap the surrounding marine biochemical giants.

The S-level mutant clone No. [-] is very powerful, but it is a pity that it cannot use genetic potions like other mutants. Genetic potions are basically ineffective against mutants of this level, so the current ability of S-level mutants can only reach At this point.

Because it needs to control more than twenty biochemical behemoths at the same time, it is quite difficult. The S-rank mutant clone can do it at all, and four or five biochemical behemoths are still broken free.

At this time, Qin Lang used the S-level mutants to control the remaining dozen biochemical behemoths, and quickly launched a piercing attack. Gai's eye went directly into the brains of these biochemical behemoths, and then came out from the other eye socket after stirring a few times.

After the brain was damaged, these dozen biochemical behemoths were directly finished, and Qin Lang accidentally found the weakness of these biochemical behemoths, which is the eyes.

Although the defense capabilities of the bodies of these marine biochemical behemoths are astonishingly terrifying, the defense strength of the eyes is much weaker. As long as they penetrate into the brains of these biochemical behemoths through the eyes and destroy the structure of the brains of these biochemical behemoths, they can kill them. they.

The battle was so difficult just now, but now it is so easy to kill more than a dozen large marine biochemical monsters, even Qin Lang can't believe his eyes, as long as he finds a weakness... Now this is too easy to deal with!
In this regard, these biochemical behemoths may not be comparable to extraordinary-level mutants. The biochemical transformation they have undergone is incomplete and there are great defects that lead to this.

In fact, the same is true. These biochemical giant whales in the ocean are all defective products produced in the process of studying mutants earlier, and the four biochemical giant crocodiles were recently created by Barty. Take it up a notch.

After killing all the biochemical giant whales, Qin Lang and the S-rank mutants now have only four biochemical giant crocodiles to face, and now the pressure of the battle is greatly reduced.

And then the S-level mutant repeated his plan again, and once again used his ability to control a giant crocodile, but Qin Lang found that this time he wanted to pierce the eyes of the biochemical giant crocodile, but he couldn't do anything. The cuticle is blocked.

It seems that the fatal flaws of the four biochemical giant crocodiles have been resolved, and the overall defense capability is much stronger than those of the biochemical giant whales, and there is no obvious defensive short board.

How to do it?

Just when Qin Lang felt that there was nothing he could do, there was another surprise in the situation.

At this time, the S-rank mutant directly teleported to the side of a giant biochemical crocodile, stretched out a hand and used the metal ability, countless metal wires were transformed from the palm of the hand to tightly wrap the biochemical giant crocodile, even the mouth are all entangled.

In this case, this giant biochemical crocodile will have no fighting ability at all.

(End of this chapter)

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