The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1461 Biochemical giant crocodile

Chapter 1461 Biochemical giant crocodile
"here you go!"

Seeing this, Qin Lang praised loudly.

Unexpectedly, it would be enough to seal the big mouths of these giant biochemical crocodiles. This should be regarded as a weakness of the giant biochemical crocodiles, because if they can't open their big mouths, the current giant biochemical crocodiles have no fighting ability at all.

The S-rank mutant made a great contribution, using the metal ability to change into metal wires to firmly bind the mouths of the four giant biochemical crocodiles, and also prevented them from opening their mouths again.

Speaking of it, the system autonomy of this S-level mutant is quite strong, which makes Qin Lang very satisfied.

Although the system in the brains of the S-level mutants is just a new system reconstructed by Lan Run Laboratory by imitating the original system, the current results also prove that these researchers in Lan Run Laboratory are no better than those in Europe and the United States. How much is the difference between the people in the M laboratory.

This battle ended so strangely. Although the four giant biochemical crocodiles were lying in the sea mud and still struggling hard, they were no longer in a good mood.

There is no time to deal with these four giant biochemical crocodiles anymore. Qin Lang and the S-level mutants broke into this secret sea base at this time. Now that Batty has entered the sea base for so long, I don’t know what conspiracy he is preparing now. Welcome Qin Lang who is coming.

However, the current Qin Lang is not very afraid. The current Batty is just a fight between trapped beasts. I believe that the final result must be death.

At this moment, inside the secret base in the sea, Batty, who turned into a dragon man, looked at the display screen of the entire base, and he also showed surprise. He saw Qin Lang's battle just now, and he didn't expect that this kid actually mastered the strange soldier.

The two mutants should have come out of his own laboratory, and I don't know what method this kid used, but now they have become each other's helpers.

As for the S-level mutant in Qin Lang's hands, Batty has never been very reconciled. He used a series of tricks just now to recall this S-level mutant, but he has not been able to succeed.

And after the recall failed, Batty activated the S-class mutant remote control self-destruct device, but failed to detonate the S-class mutant.

It was only then that Batty suddenly realized that the system installed in the brain of the S-rank mutant had been replaced, and now the system in the brain of the S-rank mutant was not the original system at all.

Only this kind of situation can explain why Batty's system actions just now failed to have any effect, summoning the S-rank mutant back, or detonating this top-level mutant who is no longer under control.

Seeing that Qin Lang and the S-level mutants broke into the base in the sea, Batty observed coldly at this time. At this time, he pressed the highest security device inside the base, and suddenly a large number of combat robots appeared in the base and gathered towards Qin Lang. The weapons used by the robots are laser guns.

Although the weapon is a laser gun, the ability of the battle robot is still slightly inferior to that of the mutants, so Qin Lang and the S-level mutants can solve these battle robots, which is similar to chopping vegetables and melons. At least 300 battle robots will be destroyed soon Qin Lang was swept away.

However, the consumption in this process is not small. A large number of dense battle robots use laser weapons together, almost forming a laser network. Qin Lang is also affected by some influence, and the consumption of the body's true energy is relatively severe.

After a battle, the body's true energy should be less than [-]%, which has almost formed a warning line.

So after Qin Lang got rid of these battle robots, he immediately swallowed a larger amount of Essence Pill, and started to recover himself with the Lingshi in his hand.

While recovering himself, Qin Lang's footsteps did not stop, and continued to follow the S-level mutants to search forward.

At this time, Qin Lang looked at the S-level mutants in front of him as a shield, and couldn't help expressing emotion. In terms of recovery ability, the S-level mutants can almost be compared with the most powerful physical cultivation of cultivators. His physical training can't even compare.

No, the S-rank mutant who was hit by at least [-] or [-] lasers just now, in just a few minutes of walking, the original wound on his body has recovered, and he looks the same as after he was not injured.

The consumption of mutants' battles is also different from that of cultivators. They use a nuclear energy cracking method to convert a nuclear energy in the body into combat energy.

Moreover, although there is only a small piece of this nuclear energy S-class variant in the human body, it is estimated that it will be no problem to use it for 100 years, which means that there is no need to replace the nuclear energy in the body for 100 years.

Matter and energy in this world are conserved, and the M laboratory can achieve such a level in black technology, it is really very puzzling, completely ahead of this world by an era.

It's a pity that before the M laboratory became an enemy with Qin Lang, it could continue to develop, and the final achievement must be shocking.

However, it is very unfortunate that this European and American black technology laboratory is on the shoulders with Qin Lang, and an endless hatred has formed between the two parties. This is the real reason why Qin Lang had to come to country F to destroy the entire M laboratory.

After killing a large number of combat robots, the entire secret base in the sea became quiet for a while, Qin Lang has been unimpeded all the time, and has never encountered any resistance.

This made Qin Lang feel a little abnormal while being puzzled. Batty was inside the secret base. This guy couldn't let him enter the center of the secret base in the sea so easily, and he didn't know what new conspiracy was waiting for him.

In the control room of the base center, after pressing the button of the highest alert, Barty continued to operate some buttons, and then continued to keep his eyes on the monitor room screen. At this time, he suddenly found that Qin Lang had disappeared.

Batty pressed another button unhurriedly, and the entire base entered the sound wave scanning mode. Qin Lang's trace was scanned again. Although he can now avoid infrared rays after using the invisibility talisman and restraining his breath, this time the sound wave There is no way to avoid it.

It is worth mentioning that the scanning method of infrasonic waves is to emit through obstacles, and when Qin Lang is walking, the arc reflection of infrasonic waves just scans a black figure, so Qin Lang is exposed again.

Kacha, at this time Qin Lang was walking on the way, the ground suddenly turned over, forming a huge trap, if ordinary people walked on it, they would definitely fall into the trap.

However, Qin Lang reacted very promptly and flew up into the air. It turned out that he had already used the flying Luo Tiansuo to support his body.

Keep going, now Qin Lang is flying forward, so if there are any traps on the ground, it will have no effect.

Qin Lang is now very close to the center of the base, and he has gradually sensed the exact location of Batty, who is waiting for him in the center of the base.

But at the center of the base at this moment, Batty is still looking like a dragon transformed. After dealing with Qin Lang without any effect, he also gave up. At this time, he pressed a button in the control center, and a series of sounds suddenly sounded in the center of the base. beeping sound.

"Activate the backup S-rank mutant test subject No. [-]..."

"Activate the backup S-rank mutant test subject No. [-]..."

There are actually two useful S-rank mutant test subjects in this laboratory, which were activated by Batty at this time, and were transferred from the original internal operation room.

These two functional S-class mutant test subjects were not fully prepared, their body structures were missing, and even the brain systems were not fully installed.

After Batty activated two useful S-class mutant experimental bodies, he began to urgently install the systems on the two mutant experimental bodies. After calculating the time, it was only enough to operate the system installation of one mutant.

So Batty only installed the system on the spare S-rank mutant experimental body No. [-], and the experimental body No. [-] was transformed into a set of metal armor by Batty at this time and directly assembled on the body of the sea man to strengthen defense and combat. ability.

About 10 minutes later, Qin Lang finally arrived at the center of the base, and at the center of the base, the spare S-class mutant experiment No. [-] who was installing the system began to report the number with electronically synthesized voices, and notified "... …The counting is completed, the installation is successful, please give the master instructions.”

This S-level mutant backup experimental body No. [-] is very mechanical, and it is much worse than Qin Lang, an S-level mutant, in terms of emotions and human autonomy. This is the main reason for the incomplete components.

In addition, the body structure of the S-class mutant backup experimental body No. [-] is also missing, but Batty can't care about so much at this moment, so he directly activated the S-class mutant backup experimental body No. [-] that was just installed in the system. combat mode, and issued an order: "Foreign enemies invade, enter advanced combat mode!"

"Command received!" The electronic synthesizer sounded, and this S-rank mutant spare experimental body entered the emergency combat mode, and its body flashed, turning into a metal monster more than two meters high.

Moreover, Batty also equipped it with a standard laser weapon, a three-meter-long laser knife.

"Let you and me face this battle now..." Batty roared, he is now laying down his life to prepare to fight with Qin Lang, whether the two sides will live or die depends on the next game, he I definitely don't want to be the one who loses the bet.

Because the loser will commit their lives here, and will never see the sun of the next day.


"Come on!" Qin Lang felt relieved when he saw Batty's preparations in the sea base. Now that Batty was going to fight against him, it was much easier.

Although there is an extra S-rank mutant in front of him as a backup test body, and Batty also wears a suit of suspicious armor, Qin Lang still has the confidence to defeat his opponent.

After all, he has a lot of hole cards now, except for the biggest combat power of the S-rank mutant clone No. [-], he hasn't even used the magic house and other hole cards yet.

Under Qin Lang's suggestion, Clone No. [-] faced the S-class mutant experiment No. [-]. The two mutants are of the same level, but the S-class mutant has a more complete structure, and it is also the most available one in the M laboratory in recent years. The top-level mutant is now, so the S-level mutant clone No. [-] still slightly suppresses the opponent.

On this point, even if the opponent has laser weapons in hand, the S-rank spare mutant Experiment One cannot resolve the impasse for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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