The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1462 Destroy the enemy's base

Chapter 1462 Destroy the enemy's base

Qin Lang and Batty, who transformed into a dragon, are now fighting together. Although Batty is now in the base and cannot manipulate seawater, it is not as convenient as in the sea, and his combat effectiveness has dropped a bit, but because of a special set of armor on his body, he can The gap between the two sides was filled again.

Even Qin Lang felt very strange about this, because he didn't know the inside story, and couldn't see that this set of biochemical armor on Batty was transformed from an S-level mutant. Now that Batty puts on this set of biochemical armor, the original The defense of Hailong's body has risen again. Even if Qin Lang directly slashes with a flying sword, he can't break Batty's defense.

And Batty also laughed because Qin Lang couldn't break through his own defense. He is currently invincible, and at this time he is also fighting Qin Lang with a laser sword.

The two sides fought for a while, and Qin Lang used the split shadow bracelet at this time to create five identical clones to affect Batty's vision. The main body has been transferred to the S-level mutant clone, and he wants to coordinate and eliminate the clone first Drop an enemy that is easier to deal with.

The current Barty's defense is as thick as a tortoise, so it also makes Qin Lang feel difficult to deal with, and the opponent dealt with by the S-level mutant is obviously much easier to deal with in Qin Lang's eyes.

Qin Lang launched a sneak attack at this time, beheading!
The decapitation was successful, and the head of the S-rank mutant backup test subject was chopped off and rolled to the ground.

However, this guy didn't die. Instead, his body and head turned into a puddle of liquid metal, and once again fused, Qin Lang couldn't stop it.

"It turns out that this guy is also an S-level mutant..."

Qin Lang finally understood at this time, but he didn't know why this S-rank mutant seemed to be much weaker, why it was worse than his own S-rank mutant avatar.

The pool of molten metal on the ground was integrated again, deformed again in an instant, and formed the appearance of the original S-rank mutant spare experimental body No. [-]. Qin Lang's beheading just now did no damage to it at all.

When Batty saw the current situation, he also laughed strangely, and laughed at Qin Lang in English: "Idiot, there is no way to sneak attack and solve my baby like this... I guess you kid used to be like this, most of my subordinates solved it in this way, really. A cunning boy. But your good luck ends here, and today's winner is bound to be me, Batty."

Batty seemed very confident. Although the S-rank mutant test subject No. [-] lacked combat power, he had a body that was almost immortal, and he also wore a set of S-rank mutant life armor, which was invincible in defense. pair variance.

Now he plans to fight a war of attrition with Qin Lang. This oriental boy is not a mutant, and his body has not undergone biochemical transformation. If he fights for consumption, he will definitely not be able to fight against his genetically modified self.

"Cultivation boy in the Eastern world... I have heard of the Eastern cultivation world before, and it is indeed amazing. But so what? My body of a dragon man is obtained from the ancient Eastern Dragon Foundation, through genetic modification technology Let me master a powerful force, this is the perfect combination of technology and ancient species, far superior to ancient cultivation techniques."

In Batty's eyes, he is not unhappy that his body has changed so ugly after transformation, but is proud of it. He is very satisfied with his current powerful state.

Even, he didn't think that he was weaker than the oriental boy in front of him. After changing the body of a dragon and adding a set of top-level biochemical armor, he was full of confidence and determined to fight Qin Lang to the end.

Qin Lang didn't care how proud this ultimate mutant warrior was, and how loud his tone was. In short, he only had one word for him, and that was: fight!

Anyway, he had to kill the opponent, there was absolutely no need to show off his tongue, it would be better to save this little time for attacking.

Boom boom boom!
Qin Lang slashed more than a dozen times, and even used a big move. The whole body and even the interior appeared to be in a mess after the sword energy, but Batty was still fine.

It can't be regarded as nothing at all, but even though Batty suffered some injuries, under the action of the biochemical armor, his recovery ability is amazingly abnormal. It seems that this set of biochemical armor is not just Batty's powerful Defense, even the amazing self-healing ability of the S-rank mutants was left over, directly acting on Batty.

The battle begins to escalate!
The battle has been deadlocked, and Qin Lang decided to use his trump card. This trump card is not the house of magic weapons but the fire of Kanli.The fire of Kanli is also the most magical flame in the world, ranking in the top ten on the earth fire list, capable of melting everything in the world.

"Fire!" Qin Lang summoned Kanli's Fire, and a large pale flame appeared directly in the palm of his hand, distorting the surrounding air for a while.

Seeing Qin Lang summoning the Fire of Kanli, and seeing the extraordinary flames, Batty, who changed into a dragon body, also showed a trace of caution. At this time, he opened his mouth to inhale and used the unique trick of the dragon clan... ...Dragon Breath.

Batty began to spit out the dragon's breath, and at the same time, the fire-attributed dragon's breath collided with Qin Lang's fire, and sparks exploded.

The dragon's breath actually blocked Qin Lang's Kanli fire. Although the dragon's breath disappeared quickly, it did successfully block the Kanli fire for a while.

At this time, Qin Lang remembered that the body of the dragon man has the blood of an ancient dragon. Although the breath of the dragon is not pure enough, it does not belong to the ordinary fire in this world. Although it is not as good as his own Kanli fire, it also belongs to the One of the different fires.

Batty's not-so-pure dragon's breath should be able to rank at the bottom of the ground fire list if he barely calculates it.

Of course, if it is the pure ancient dragon's breath, Qin Lang will have to escape as far as he spits it out. This level of dragon's breath is definitely the top three existence on the earth fire list, which is better than his own. The level of Kanli's fire is even higher.

And the dragon's breath is also divided into levels and attributes. There is the dark breath of the black dragon, the flame of destruction of the red dragon, and the ice flame of the blue dragon, etc., all of which are very remarkable.

Moreover, the combination of these five kinds of dragon breaths is even more amazing. The wrath of the dragon god synthesized by the dragon breaths of the five elements true dragon is equivalent to the sky fire, which is definitely a flame of the level of destroying heaven and earth.

In contrast, the traces of sky fire that Qin Lang used to communicate with the Heaven and Earth Flow Refining Tool are simply incomparable. It is not a real sky fire at all, but just some breath that escapes during the process of communicating with the sky fire.

And even if some of the breath from the sky fire can be used to refine weapons, if a good magic weapon is refined in large quantities, you can know how rare the sky fire is.

After Kanli's fire was blocked, Qin Lang began to divide the flames into small fire groups, about a dozen groups. At this time, he manipulated the small fire groups again to attack Batty and the S-rank mutant backup experimental subject No. [-].

Kanli's fire is almost the nemesis of mutants, so Qin Lang's trump card is very effective this time, and Batty feels the horror of this kind of flame, and finally becomes serious.

However, he cared about himself but couldn't care about that incomplete S-class mutant. Qin Lang's few flames were instantly stained with this S-class mutant experimental subject No. [-] who was not very intelligent. , burning up on its body surface.

As if petrol was poured on it, the entire body of the S-rank mutant experimental subject No. [-] ignited a raging fire, which could not be extinguished for a while.

In an instant, the experimental body No. [-], which became a Burning Man S-class mutant, struggled endlessly, but to no avail, it turned into a large fireball, and finally turned into coke.

The whole process only took less than 10 minutes, and it is not known what substance in the body of this genetic monster was ignited by the fire of Kanli, which made the fire resistance of this genetic monster so poor.

Of course, only Kanli's fire can produce such a miraculous effect. If it were replaced with ordinary flames, it would definitely not be able to produce such an effect.

After solving a difficult enemy, Qin Lang began to besiege Batty together with the S-rank mutant clone No. [-], and brought the whole battle situation under control.

After that, Batty has been accumulating the dragon's breath, and wants to use the dragon's breath to deal with Qin Lang and the S-level mutant No. After a few mouthfuls, he was played around by Qin Lang in the end.

Batty, who was under control, also knew that the situation was over now, and he had the idea of ​​escaping again, but now it was not easy for him to get out of the crisis in front of him. When he rolled his eyes, this guy suddenly yelled: "The armor disintegrated!" ...Experimental No. [-], stop the enemy for me!"

While the armor was being peeled off, Batty also quickly backed away and fled directly from the center of the base, while Experiment No. [-], whose armor turned into a human form behind him, began to execute orders to block Qin Lang and the S-rank mutant clone No. [-].

However, because there is no implant system, this Experimental No. [-] is just a paper tiger. Batty can use it to escape temporarily, but don't expect it to persist for a few more times.

Just blocking one or two notes, this experimental subject No. [-] became soft-legged shrimp, and because the system program was not really implanted, the brain crashed due to insufficient calculation.

At the same time, a burst of blue-white light flickered non-stop.Boom, the No. [-] experimental subject exploded and self-destructed. It should be Batty's secret manipulation.

The power of the self-destruction of Experimental No. [-] is equivalent to that of a high-level magic weapon. Fortunately, Qin Lang's defense is strong enough, so he can resist it even in the center of the explosion, but the body's true energy is about [-]% of the original, and it directly drops. From [-]% to [-]%, nearly [-]% less, a large amount of true energy was consumed in the process of resistance just now.

After resisting this blow, Qin Lang's face looked a little cold, and at the same time he swallowed a few Jingyuan Pills, he began to chase Batty. If Batty escaped this time, it would be a slap in the face .

He would never allow Batty to escape again, absolutely...not allowed.

With his consciousness turned on to the maximum, Qin Lang started chasing Batty. Marty just fled to the back of the base. There should be a passage over there to let this guy quickly escape from the base.

(End of this chapter)

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