The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1463 Big shopping in the mall

Chapter 1463 Big shopping in the mall

Only after Qin Lang chased to the entrance of the passage, the passage here was automatically closed, but Qin Lang could not be difficult, he directly entered the magic treasure house and penetrated the alloy door of the passage.

I don't know how many alloy gates have been penetrated along the way, Qin Lang gradually caught up with Batty.

However, now that Batty has returned to the sea, his combat effectiveness has also increased. Seeing that he could not get rid of Qin Lang, the hateful pursuer, Batty had to turn back and fight again.

At the bottom of the sea, Batty raised his hand and sent a few extremely sharp water arrows at Qin Lang. The concealment effect of using this kind of water arrows in the sea is very good, but Qin Lang felt the murderous intent in the water arrows, and it was still in these water arrows and his body. Get out of the way before.

At this time, the S-level mutant clone also rushed over, assisting Qin Lang to make dumplings for Batty, and surrounded him from two directions.

"Papapa...papapa..." Qin Lang, who had transformed into a dragon body, began to flick the dragon tail at this time, and launched an attack on Qin Lang and the S-level mutant clone. The long metal dragon tail changed into a hind foot It is two feet long, like a long metal whip.

This metal long whip is very fierce on the bottom of the sea. The dragon man's metal dragon tail has thorns on the tip of the whip. It can directly penetrate these thick reefs and penetrate deep into the reef when it hits the reefs on the bottom of the sea.

And the S-rank mutant avatar also started the metal alienation ability, transforming one palm into countless metal wires, entangled with the long tail of the dragon man.

"Wrap..." After the S-rank mutant clone entangled the opponent's long tail, the whole body also alienated, turning into a bundle of metal ropes that directly wrapped around Batty's dragon body, wrapping Batty's dragon body in circles. The human body is firmly under control.

"Decapitation attack!" Seeing this, Qin Lang quickly cooperated and launched a decapitation attack. With one blow, Batty's head was directly beheaded.

The blood is shining, and the blood is splashing everywhere!
Batty's head was finally chopped off, and thrown high, a thick bloody red color appeared in the sea water, and the whole area was instantly stained red by Batty's blood.

And this time Qin Lang also completely established the victory. Batty died completely. Although he has been transformed into a dragon body, his body is still somewhat different from that of a genetic warrior, and there are some defects. die.

After beheading Batty, the big boss of the M laboratory who changed into a dragon body finally died completely, and Qin Lang's mission this time can be regarded as a great success.

After that, it was time for Qin Lang to clean up the battlefield.

He went back to the base in the sea and searched for a while, and got a batch of laser weapons and some genetic potions, all of which were put into his storage ring. Although these things are not needed by himself, the mutants may be cloned in the future can come in handy.

In addition to these trophies, Qin Lang also dismantled the entire server in the monitoring room of the base from the sea base. He put several tons of servers directly into the storage bag, and prepared to take them back to the Lanrun Laboratory. Research.

The server of this secret base is left by the top black technology M laboratory in Europe and America. I believe that many domestic expert-level researchers will be very interested in the information in it.

After coming out of the secret sea base, Qin Lang found four biochemical giant crocodiles controlled by wires. After sighing, these four big guys were directly beheaded by Qin Lang.

There is no way, the four giant biochemical crocodiles are all tens of tons of big guys, and it is not convenient for Qin Lang to take them away, so after thinking about it, they are dealt with directly.

Otherwise, he really doesn't mind bringing these four big guys back to Huaxia for research.

Mutants are Qin Lang's biggest enemy on Earth. After this battle, Qin Lang also wiped out all the enemies on this line.

In fact, other countries in the world probably have similar mutant experiments, but those secret laboratories have nothing to do with Qin Lang, and the research on mutants is not as high as the M laboratory, so Qin Lang wants to meet similar experiments in the future. The enemy is estimated to be very difficult.

So far, the war of mutants has come to a successful conclusion. Qin Lang's battle can be regarded as completely killing Lan Run's biggest enemy. In the future development of Lan Run, he should never encounter such a powerful enemy again.

After overthrowing the M laboratory, Qin Lang returned to the headquarters of Huaxia Lanrun Group. Now Lanrun's development momentum is very good. The sales of products have been opened at home and abroad, and the entire group is developing into a large multinational enterprise.

After the three sections of the group, medicine is now a well-deserved leader, has begun to reach the international quasi-first-line level, and has its own pharmaceutical sales channels. At present, the company's two new drugs are in the process of hot sales, and Lanrun Experimental The research on the third new drug in the laboratory is in full swing.

If all goes well, the third new drug should be available by the end of the year at the latest, about three months from now.

During this period of time, apart from practicing, Qin Lang was also a little worried, because his own cultivation resources were actually not enough.It turned out that the successive battles accelerated the consumption of resources in his hands. Now the cultivation resources and spirit stones in his hands can only last for about three or four months. After three or four months, he may really face the dilemma of running out of food.

"The problem of cultivation really a big problem!" Qin Lang felt a headache for a while. The resources on the earth are too poor, and the only little resources are concentrated in a few limited places, such as the world's three major secrets, such as Miao. In the Miao Temple in Xinjiang.

Thinking of the Miao Temple in Miaojiang, Qin Lang couldn't help turning his eyes, and murmured: "Perhaps, I should go back to Miaojiang again, to see those old friends, and at the same time try to cheat a little bit from the high priest. The cultivation resources come out, after all, the treasure house of Miao Temple is still very rich."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang came up with the idea of ​​his old friend High Priest Qizhi. He was eyeing the training resources in the treasure house of the Miao Temple, and now he was thinking of a good way to get some resources out.

After thinking for a while, he slapped his head: "Now I can be regarded as having a family and a business. I own a group company with tens of billions of dollars in assets under my name. Maybe I can really cooperate with Miao Temple. I'd better go to Miao Temple." Let’s try to see if we can doesn’t matter if we don’t succeed, it’s just a trip that’s just a walk-and-go.”

"However, in addition to this goal of this trip, I also plan to see my old friend Mu Ziqing and a group of people from the Yigu cottage. I haven't seen them for several months and now I don't know how they are doing."

After making these plans, Qin Lang did not leave immediately, but made a phone call to his parents who were far away in the capital: "Father, mother, how are you doing in the capital now?"

"Stinky boy, why haven't you called us for several months?" It was Qin Lang's father who answered the phone.

"Uh, haven't you been busy these past few months?" Qin Lang replied with a smile, he was a little embarrassed to touch his head when making calls, but the other party couldn't see him.

"Do you know how much your mother and I miss you during this time, she has been nagging in my ears all the time!"

"Hehe, the matter at hand just came to an end, then I will go to the capital to visit you." Qin Lang thought for a while and said: "Also, I just got a batch of fresh shark fins on hand for you."

"Okay, it's fine if you come, and bring your girlfriend with you... The old lady hasn't seen her future daughter-in-law for a long time, and she misses her a little too."

"Uh...Okay." Qin Lang agreed, and at the same time, his heart was sweating.

Strictly speaking, although Liu Zhenzhen likes him, he is not his girlfriend, not to mention that he is still entangled with Ye Xiaorui, Tang Xue and other girls, and has an ambiguous relationship. If possible, he really wants to bring several girlfriends with him. Just go.

Of course, the premise is that Tang Xue and others are willing to be his girlfriend.

Finally, Qin Lang discussed with Liu Zhenzhen and planned to leave in the evening.Before setting off, the two of them went to the mall once to buy suitable clothes. They haven't seen their parents for a long time, so it's better to dress more formally.

This is also the first time Qin Lang has accompanied Liu Zhenzhen to go shopping in the mall in a few months, which made Liu Zhenzhen feel very sweet. The girl's face is full of happy smiles. Although she is not officially engaged yet, she has a future husband's family. Make sure everything is in order.

Probably women like shopping malls by nature, and Liu Zhenzhen, the organ and master of hidden weapons, is no exception. Don't look at the fact that when you are doing research, you don't even care about your image, but when you go to the mall, you are very active. What? I want to buy it when I see it.

And Qin Lang is naturally obedient to Liu Zhenzhen. In fact, Liu Zhenzhen, who is born as a lady, is not bad, and she is [-]% devoted to Qin Lang's feelings. She doesn't even mind that Qin Lang has other women. Such a good girl is really Rare in the world.

Her sincere dedication is worth it, and now Qin Lang is welcoming her return. Although Qin Lang has always been in the middle of the flowers, he has grasped his propriety and has not come out to mess with flowers. In today's society, it is already considered Not many good men left.

Accompanying Liu Zhenzhen to go shopping, Qin Lang bought himself a casual outfit and a suit, both of which were world-class brands.After Qin Lang bought the second set of clothes, he didn't buy any more clothes for himself. He is a simple man, and he doesn't have too many requirements for what to wear. After that, he will buy clothes for Liu Zhenzhen.

Liu Zhenzhen buys a lot of clothes, about a dozen sets. This standard home girl usually doesn’t have many opportunities to go out. Most of the time she spends her time doing research in the laboratory of the Yunhai Building, the headquarters of the group. It is already very good to have a second chance to go out for a stroll.

It can be said that in Liu Zhenzhen's eyes, besides Qin Lang, there is only the way of mechanism and formation that she has been studying. She really likes the way of mechanism and formation, so she can be in this line of work To achieve such a high achievement, talent rewards hard work is the reason.

After purchasing the clothes, Qin Lang spent more than 100 million. These world-class famous brand clothes are expensive, and several sets are limited editions of around [-], so the two of them spent so much on the clothes.

Qin Lang used the credit card for this huge amount of consumption. When Qin Lang took out the black gold card, the eyes of the female salesperson in the mall lit up. Today, this is really a big customer. I was worried just now whether the two in front of me are enough. What a waste of money!
It turned out that the other party was not playing tricks on him, but was really planning to spend so much money to buy all the clothes he had chosen!

(End of this chapter)

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