Chapter 1464
Seeing that Qin Lang is rich and powerful, the salesperson in the shopping mall took out not an ordinary bank VIP card, but a supreme-level black gold card, and his heart beat wildly.

made money!I made a profit... This time I really made a big profit!
The other party actually wanted to buy so many clothes, which directly exceeded 100 million Huaxia coins. Just taking the commission, she felt that she would make a lot of money this month.

The female salesperson in front of her was almost smiling from ear to ear. This delicate little girl looked younger than Liu Zhenzhen, but now she looked like a little old man who was obsessed with money, which made people feel a little funny.

It's no wonder that this female salesperson is a financial fan. Every sale of her has a huge commission, which is about 5.00%. She can directly get a sales commission of 100 to [-] for the order of more than [-] million!

After paying the bill smartly, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen directly left the shopping mall, boarded Qin Lang's Audi A8 car, and began to rush from Yunhai to the capital.

Now both of them have changed into new clothes in the fitting room of the shopping mall. Qin Lang is wearing casual clothes that look casual but are actually expensive.

And Liu Zhenzhen is a set of pure white cotton dress, which integrates the kindness and tenderness of the girl next door.

Qin Lang drove the car on the Beijing Expressway. His car has a long history, and it was damaged once or twice during the period. Qin Lang, who is now worth tens of billions, can't afford a new car, but he always thinks that the car is not good enough. It's just a means of transportation, so I don't pay much attention to these.

Although the Audi A8 is considered a good car, it is not considered the most expensive among the top international brands. Top brands such as Rolls Royce and Ferrari are much more expensive than the A8.

But Qin Lang naturally has his reasons for liking the Audi A8. First of all, it is a car produced by the Germans. The Orian A8 has many characteristics of the Germans. It is simple, simple and of high quality, which is worth rest assured.

After driving for eight hours on the expressway, Qin Lang finally arrived in the capital, and then went directly to the place where his parents lived.

The old servant Wang Ma opened the courtyard door, and when she saw Qin Lang, she immediately shouted happily: "The young master is back! The young master is back!" It was like the mansion gate in a romantic drama. It is estimated that Wang Ma often watched these soap operas.

However, Qin Lang doesn't mind these small details, as long as Wang Ma can make his parents happy these days with his parents.

Wang Chunxue, who was in the courtyard, also rushed out of the house when she heard Wang Ma's cry in the courtyard, wanting to see her son and future daughter-in-law as soon as possible.

She was still knitting a sweater with a sweater rack in her hand, it looked a bit small, it was baby clothes, which made Qin Lang feel a little ashamed, this thing might be prepared for her unborn grandson in the future...

And after seeing Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen, the future mother-in-law finally showed a smile that she thought was very kind: "Well, you are back, sit down, come in and sit down!"

Looking at Liu Zhenzhen, Wang Chunxue also liked this future daughter-in-law more and more. At this time, she held the hands of the two juniors and enthusiastically led them into the house.

This beautiful old mother is like a hen protecting the calf at the moment. When people can't laugh or cry, they feel warm and kind.

At this time, Qin Lang's father was playing with fashion gadgets, carving.

Only then did Qin Lang notice some stones, wood carving materials, and some finished and semi-finished handicrafts in the house.I have to say that my father's hobby is still very strong, and the things he sculpts are so lifelike that they almost catch up with the masters of art.

"Old man, your son is here, you should take a rest!"

However, mother Wang Chunxue seemed a little dissatisfied with Qin Zhengyang's hobby: "You said that you are such an adult, you can just play with flowers, plants, and birds, and you can also play with sculpture, and now the house is full of messes. A lot of broken stones and rotten grass roots , Now my son and his girlfriend don’t have a good place to sit when they come back.”

Indeed, now that the hall has been piled up with a lot of carving materials, it is already quite crowded.However, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen didn't care about it, they said repeatedly: "It's okay, it's okay, just sit here." It's rare for the old man to have so many hobbies, childlike innocence, this is a good thing!
After finishing a stone carving hastily, Qin Zhengyang began to pay attention to Qin Lang and his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen. He waved his hand to signal Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen to sit down, and then proudly said: "Don't listen to what your mother said, I am art! You don't know Ah, I've been doing quite well for a while, and I've joined the Beijing Sculpture Artists Association with these two carving skills..." Afterwards, my father said a lot of brainwashing words, it seems that he is very proud of joining the Beijing Sculpture Artists Association .

"Hehe, then congratulations." Qin
Lang smiled and listened to the old father showing off, and took the opportunity to praise a few words. He knew that the old father needed these compliments.

Sure enough, after Qin Zhengyang heard his son's praise, the complacency on his face became more obvious.

At this time, Wang Chunxue shook her head again and again, and went to the kitchen with a large number of shark fins that Qin Lang brought down from the car just now, ready to let Wang Ma deal with these shark fins.

As they walked, Wang Chunxue murmured: "Is there anything to show off, isn't it just carving a bastard on a stone, or carving a rabbit on a piece of wood, and messing around with those old men from the association..."

"Uh..." Qin Zhengyang, who just danced and talked about the excitement, raised his hands so high that he didn't know how to drop them, and looked at Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen in blank dismay.

After a while, it was Qin Lang who broke the deadlock: "Don't listen to my mother, Dad, you have a good hobby and you can continue to maintain it. Maybe you will have a place in China's art world in the future."

Thinking about how my parents have been trapped in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain for more than 20 years, and now they are finally living a good life, so it is time to enjoy life like this.

This kind of life is exactly what the parents want. Qin Lang feels that the two elders have truly achieved happiness, so he is also very happy as a son.

The dinner was ready soon, it was still Wang Ma's old handicraft, a large bowl of seafood and shark's fin, and several other delicious home-cooked dishes, five meat and two vegetables, a total of seven dishes.

"It's a pity that your aunt Jin and your two apprentices can't come today because of something, otherwise we can all get together today." Wang Chunxue said when she sat down.

The aunt Jin she was talking about was Jin Fenghuang, and Jin Fenghuang was also from the old Qin family. Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue had always regarded this old servant as their own family.

And Jin Fenghuang is indeed extremely loyal to Qin Lang's family. These two apprentices, Bing Fenghuang and Huo Fenghuang, have been managing the work of the Phoenix Sect. It is really not easy to work hard to find Qin Lang and the two old masters.

Now that Golden Phoenix settled the two old masters in the capital, and sent Wang Ma to help, she has been managing some of the business left by old Qin Lang in the capital, busy with work, and usually returns here once a week or two.

After dinner, Wang Ma started to get busy with housework, tidying up the dishes and cleaning.This quadrangle courtyard in the capital is an old house of brick and wood, not much decoration, no tiles on the ground floor, although simple, it is definitely much more comfortable to live in than those high-rise buildings in the cement forest.

I heard that the old houses in this area are all such courtyards, and they are even protected as cultural heritage by the local capital. That's why the original structure of these courtyard houses has been maintained.

After eating, the two nearly 50-year-olds began to hang out with the two younger ones, and Qin Lang lost no time in inviting the two elders to join his Miaojiang travel plan.

But what I didn't expect was that both Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue refused, indicating that it was enough for Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen to go on a trip, and the two elders would not participate in the sweet world of the younger generation.

In this regard, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen looked at each other, and smiled with some regret. In fact, the two of them hoped that the two elders could also travel together.

Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen lived in the courtyard for one night, and were about to leave the next day.

This time, when he came to visit the two elders, Qin Lang brought a lot of things, a car full of everything, which was used by Qin Lang to cover up his guilt that he could not stay with his parents for a long time.

And Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue understand this quite well: "Son, you have your own career, and of course you still put your own career first... Also, when will the wedding be finalized, it can be regarded as an explanation to the other girls. Don't wait until you get on the train first and then buy the ticket, then you will be in a hurry for everything! But it's okay to get on the train first and then buy the ticket, that's how your mother and I came here back then."

"Okay, okay." Qin Lang hastily agreed under the advice of the two elders.

He couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. The two elders were too eager to have a grandson. A man stands at thirty, which means that it is not too late for a man to start a family at the age of 30. Now he is only 24 years old!

Under the urging of the two elders, Qin Lang left the capital almost as if he had escaped. It was good to meet the elders, but this is not good. He always asked if he had a girlfriend?If so, I keep asking you when will you get married?When will you be married?When will you be married?When will you be married……

ah!As soon as Qin Lang heard the voice of the mother-in-law but had to accept it, Qin Lang suddenly grew as big as two heads.

However, looking at Liu Zhenzhen who has always been unknown and supportive, caring and gentle beside him, Qin Lang felt tenderness in his heart for a moment, thinking: Indeed, Liu Zhenzhen should be given a certain status.

Of course, emotional matters are not so easy to deal with, and he has no idea, but fortunately, there is still a lot of time, so let's clarify the relationship with Liu Zhenzhen, Ye Xiaorui, Tang Xue, and Jiang Yingying in the future.

After returning to the sea of ​​clouds, Qin Lang hurriedly made preparations, arranged the company's business, and took Liu Zhenzhen to Phoenix City on the plane of Modu, planning to go to Miaojiang to visit some old friends.

Of course, visiting some old friends is very important, and more importantly, Qin Lang wants to use this trip to Miaojiang to obtain some cultivation resources.

To be more precise... what should he do in order to cheat a sum of much-needed cultivation resources from the High Priest Qizhi.

(End of this chapter)

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