The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1467 Trading 3% of Temple Resources

Chapter 1467 Trading [-]% of the resources of the temple

After the high priest Qizhi named Qilin'er, the old village master of Qiusheng, he turned around and looked at Qin Lang with a smile. He already knew the reason for Qin Lang's visit this time.

"Little friend Qin Lang, you are a great benefactor of Qizhi, and you even saved a catastrophe in the temple. It stands to reason that the little old man can't repay you too much... But the property of the temple is quite special. It is managed and controlled by the high priest, but in fact it is the common property of all the villagers in the Miaojiang village.”

"So, my friend, if you want to take some resources from the Miao King Temple, you must pay accordingly, so that the temple can give the people of Miao Jiang a reasonable explanation."

Hearing High Priest Qizhi's explanation, Qin Lang nodded and said, "I don't know if I personally sponsored a sum of supplies for the Miao King Temple, plus some monetary subsidies, would it count?"

He is also considered a figure in the Chinese business world now. The Lanrun Group in hand has three group limited companies, and the monthly profit is more than one billion yuan.

So Qin Lang thought of using secular property to exchange resources with the Miao King Temple. In this way, even if the high priest Qizhi wanted to fund himself with a resource, he would have a good excuse.

"Financial support is also fine, but you must come up with a reasonable transaction price. Only in this way... can it appear fair."

The high priest of Qizhi gave Qin Lang a look of "Don't blame me for not being friendly, you understand the content".

Qin Lang nodded, showing a thoughtful expression. If he was the high priest of Qizhi, he would put himself in the position of the Miao King Temple, because the high priest of Qizhi in Miaojiang now represents not only He is alone, he is the messenger of Miao Wang God in the world, and he is the spiritual symbol of the majority of Miao people.

Therefore, High Priest Qizhi had to straighten himself out in this deal negotiation.

After all, this time Qin Lang came here for a deal, not in a special situation like the last time. That time Qin Lang made great contributions because he joined the battle for the treasure of King Miao and the conspiracy to overthrow Priest Mama, so the High Priest Qizhi gave it to him at that time. corresponding returns.

One yard is one yard, even brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Qin Lang went to the Temple of Miao King this time to obtain cultivation resources, but in fact, some lip service was unavoidable.

Because the high priest of Qizhi put on a very upright posture, Qin Lang came to Miaojiang this time to ask for the temple of Miao King. Although Qizhi would not open his mouth like a lion, and quoted a sky-high price for the resources Qin Lang needed, it must be more biased. high.

"Little friend Qin Lang, this time you want nearly [-]% of the cultivation resources of the temple. I'm afraid... I'm afraid you won't be able to provide the corresponding property!"

After listening to Qin Lang's request, the high priest Qizhi said awkwardly; "The resources of the temple are originally priceless treasures, but now you need nearly [-]% of the cultivation resources. If you replace it with secular property, I'm afraid it won't work if you don't have four or five billion. , I know that you are very rich, little friend, and have a great career in China, but it may not be easy to take out such a corresponding amount of property, right?"

"Uh..." Qin Lang was also taken aback when he heard that the High Priest Qizhi had quoted a price of [-] to [-] billion.

If he sold his Lanrun Group as a whole, it would be no problem to collect the money, but in that case, it would be meaningless for him to work so hard over the years to develop his career.

He also didn't feel that the resources in the temple were so valuable, and it was true in fact. If a cultivator needed the same things as a mortal, even the least valuable thing in a cultivator's hands would be astronomically expensive in the eyes of a mortal.

By the same token, some of the resources in the Miao King Temple are also very terrifying if they are measured by secular values.

"How to do it?"

Qin Lang felt a headache, he had to come up with a good way this time to fool the High Priest Qizhi, so that the other party would willingly hand over these resources to him.

After all, I really envy the resources of the temple, and the other party actually intends to sell that part of the resources to him.

But the asking price is indeed a bit high. He is handling this matter with the attitude of a businessman, so he naturally wants to bargain.

Huyou is also asking for knowledge, where to start now... It depends on Qin Lang's eloquence.

Youdao is how bold a person is, and how productive the land is. People with eloquence always take advantage of it, and people with stupid tongues have no future.

"Brother Qizhi, do you think this is going to work? Although I can't come up with such a huge amount of capital for a while, it can be done in a steady stream... The overall mental outlook of most cottages in Miaojiang is not very good now. , especially the shortage of clothing and food in the Miao area is very serious, there are more than 200 cottages in the Miao area as a whole, and the specific conditions are different, and I don’t think the Miao King Temple can handle it at all.”

"In this case... I am the boss of Huaxia Lanrun Group. In fact, I can let the employees of the group help the poor in these Miaojiang cottages. Every year, I will go to the countryside to condolences to these poor and difficult Miao people, and I will help you with some supplies. What do you think?"

"this is okay."

The High Priest Qizhi thought for a while and nodded. Although the Miao King Temple ruled the entire Miaojiang in name, it has no actual jurisdiction over the villages in Miaojiang, and the manpower is insufficient. If Qin Lang carries out poverty alleviation in Miaojiang every year If you help the poor, you can indeed indirectly improve the lives of the Miao people, and at the same time, it can also be an excellent way to publicize the people-friendly policy of the High Priest of Enlightenment.

After signaling to everyone around him, the High Priest Qizhi took Qin Lang to a separate small room to start a detailed discussion, and finally came up with a specific plan.

In this plan, Qin Lang said that in the future, his Lanrun Group employees will go to Miaojiang to help the poor every year, and each time they will provide at least three billion yuan in materials for the poor mountain people in Miaojiang. The limited period of this plan is For 20 years, that is to say, Qinlang's Lanrun Group must continue to adhere to this poverty alleviation plan for 20 years in the future.

In the same way, through this plan agreement, Qin Lang will directly obtain nearly [-]% of the cultivation resources of the temple as an equivalent exchange.

This plan is very beneficial to Qin Lang. Speaking of it, the high priest of Qizhi thought of Qin Lang's great kindness and made a certain concession. Otherwise, if it is harsher, using the method of compound interest, the interest alone can be 20 billion in 500 years. Basically doubled.

After the plan was reached, Qin Lang's deception was considered a complete success.

In fact, this time it is not a fool, but to find a reasonable excuse to stop the mouths of the majority of Miao people.

Otherwise, with the shrewdness of the High Priest of Qizhi, it would not be so easy for Qin Lang to fool you into success. In fact, Qin Lang had already thought of this, so he was so calm when he came to Miaojiang Miao Temple this time.

After finishing the negotiation this time, Qin Lang clasped his fists and laughed: "Thank you, brother!" Nearly [-]% of the cultivation resources in King Miao Temple are quite a lot. The last time I got [-] achievement, I could solve more than half a year of cultivation. What's more, after getting this amount of resources now, there is no need to consider the lack of resources for at least two years.

Of course, these two years refer to the resources consumed by ordinary cultivation. If the battle loss is added, the process of consuming resources will increase rapidly. The resources that can support a year are exhausted several months in advance.

It is really that the battle consumes too much resources. Whether it is the supplement of elixirs, or the repair of some magic tools and magic weapons, a lot of related resources are needed.

Afterwards, High Priest Qizhi took Qin Lang to the treasure house of the Temple of King Miao again. Qin Lang, who was familiar with the road, searched the treasure house wantonly. He picked what was worth and what was suitable for the cultivation resources, and directly took the original resources Three floors were looted.

There are a lot of resources on these three floors, piled up like hills, and even Qin Lang's storage ring can't fit in it. Recently, I had to put some more in the storage bag. One meritorious service.

This is because Qin Lang has consumed almost all the bones, skins and flesh of the original monsters in the storage bag recently, so there is so much space. Otherwise, it would be very hard to squeeze out a little space to store things.

After finishing this matter, Qin Lang returned to the hall and mingled with the people from Yixuan's side again.

In order to wait for Qilin'er to be blessed by the high priest of Qizhi, the old village master Qiu Sheng also brought the people from Yiguo's side to live in the guest room of the Miao King Temple for the past two days, waiting for the auspicious day the day after tomorrow.

And during the two-day waiting time, Qin Lang spent a lot of time with the young young man Dorji, giving advice to Dorje on the absorption and cultivation of spiritual energy.

After all, Duoji, a young seedling boy, is born with all kinds of meridians, and he is also a good seedling of cultivation, and the absorption and cultivation of spiritual energy will help improve the witch power, so the high priest of Qizhi handed over the young seedling seedling to Qin Lang, hoping that Duoji Also master a little knowledge of cultivation.

In this case, with Qin Lang's guidance, the body of the young seedling young Duoji will no longer absorb the aura spontaneously, but will form a regular and efficient system, which will undoubtedly be of great help to this kid's future improvement in all aspects. helpful.

And out of his love for the seedling boy Dorji, Qin Lang naturally agreed to the high priest's request, and privately sponsored 100 million low-grade spirit stones in the Miao King Temple to train this kid.

In fact, there are nearly ten million low-grade spirit stones in Qin Lang's storage bag, and it's nothing to take out one million now. Now his cultivation doesn't need such low-level low-grade spirit stones at all, so it's just a gift.

However, the low-level low-grade spirit stones are just right for the young seedling boy Duoji, who is an beginner in cultivation.

The lifespan of a cultivator is long, but Gu Masters at the level of a great witch are different, around 300 years is the end of their lifespan.

Now half of the lifespan of the High Priest Qizhi has passed. If there is no accident, the next successor of the High Priest will definitely be Dorje. Now Qin Lang can be considered to have a good relationship with the Miao King Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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