The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1468 Blessing Ceremony

Chapter 1468 Blessing Ceremony
"The body of a cultivator is like a reservoir, and the process of continuously absorbing spiritual energy through cultivation is to fill up the reservoir bit by bit, and with the assistance of resources such as spirit stones, this cultivation process can be accelerated. This is cultivation. .”

Before teaching Duoji the practice of self-cultivation, Qin Lang explained the difference between self-cultivation and voodoo cultivation to the young boy Miao.

Cultivate true Qi, absorb the aura of heaven and earth to generate true Qi to nourish the body.

The exercises handed down by the ancient witches are directly refining the body and the source of the spirit. It is a continuous strengthening process starting from the endurance of the body and spirit, and it is a process from the inside out.

The two have something in common, but they also have differences. Cultivators focus on refining Qi, while witchcraft focuses on strengthening the body.

But the cultivation of the ancient witch clan is also different from the cultivation of the body refiner. After all, the body refiner purely polishes the body, but the practitioners of the witch clan can also practice witchcraft in addition to tempering the body.

It is said that when the ancient witchcraft is cultivated to the extreme, it can produce great supernatural powers, and the flesh of the witch clan is sanctified, and it can be immortal like a powerful practitioner.

However, Miao Jiang's inherited witchcraft is no longer enough for Gu Wu to cultivate to that level, and he has no ability to live forever. The Gu Wu of Miao Jiang can live to be 150 years old. Priests live longer, but at most they live no more than three hundred years.

After all, most of the voodoo techniques handed down from the ancient sorcery are mere superficial techniques, and truly great supernatural voodoo techniques are rare.

In fact, the situation in the world of comprehension is quite similar. Although all cultivators pursue longevity, how many people really live forever?Even cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage live only 2000 years longer than ordinary people, which is not really longevity.

In the world of comprehension, true longevity must be above the stage of transforming gods or even a higher realm, and this realm has always been very illusory in Qin Lang's heart, and he has always regarded it as the goal and motivation of his struggle. This wish may be fulfilled.

After the introduction, Qin Lang began to say: "Now I will pass on to you a foundation-building technique in the realm of comprehension. With your aptitude, you have all the meridians in your body and you already have a lot of aura circulating in your body. This foundation-building process should be easy. a lot of."

Next, Qin Lang taught Duoji a meditation guidance technique in the Qi refining period.

And this Sheng Miao Duoji, after receiving Qin Lang's teaching, only spent half an hour of meditation, and he has already circulated the kung fu method, transforming all the uncontrollable spiritual energy in the body into controllable true energy.

This made Qin Lang very surprised. The comprehension ability of this seedling boy is too fast. He thought that it would take at least three to five days for Duoji to complete the transformation process of all the aura in the body. this process.

"Brother Qin Lang, look... I think of my body as a funnel, which is the same as oil. The bubbles on the surface of the freshly squeezed oil need to be squeezed out. Absorbing spiritual energy from the outside world is the process of squeezing the spiritual energy. Among them, circulating the spiritual energy around the sky is to make the spiritual energy more purified, and this is the generation of true energy."

Dorje scratched his head and said.

Qin Lang nodded: "Your understanding can be considered correct, but the compression of the body's aura is much more complicated than the foam on the surface of the squeezed oil, and as the life level of the body of the cultivator improves more and more, the inner volume of true energy will continue to occur. Changes, becoming more able to hold things...Of course, you don’t need to understand these things now, you can gradually experience them in the future.”

Then, he set the tone for the young man: "Cultivation foundation building techniques are very compatible with witchcraft. At present, your cultivation is still based on witchcraft, and the absorption and transformation of spiritual energy is for more Efficiently assisting the practice of witchcraft, I believe that after systematically training your ability to absorb and transform spiritual energy, your speed of practicing witchcraft should be accelerated by [-] to [-]%."

"Okay, thank you Brother Qin Lang."

After hearing this, the young man started practicing happily again.

Speaking of which, the little guy Dorji is indeed very lucky, almost as if he has the legendary protagonist template.

Not to mention the astonishing talents of this kid in all aspects, he just came out of the cottage, followed his companions to participate in an exploration of King Miao's treasure, and became acquainted with Qin Lang. Candidates for priestly heirs.

This is very similar to Qin Lang. Qin Lang also has the same luck, but he may not be as good as Duoji in terms of physical spiritual root aptitude. However, after he swallowed the golden spirit pill that changed his physical aptitude at the beginning of his practice, Qin Lang's spiritual root aptitude also improved. To the upper middle level.

This day is an auspicious day. After the preparations, the high priest Qizhi officially presided over the blessing ceremony of Qilin'er Wugou, the old village master Qilin'er Wugou, in the main hall of the Miao Temple.

This is the heir of the largest cottage in Miaojiang in the future. In essence, Qilin'er's status is extremely noble, completely incomparable with ordinary mountain people, so the blessing ceremony is also extremely ostentatious.

In terms of the temple, apart from the high priest Qizhi, the two priests, Qinghu and Goat, both participated in this blessing ceremony. After a period of polishing, now the high priest Qizhi has completely consolidated himself in the temple of King Miao. The power and status of the two guys, Qinghu and Goat, dare not have the slightest disagreement now.

This is mainly because the two guys have always been cautious and have no courage. Priest Mama and Mantou didn't dare to make a scene when they rebelled. Now that the Miao Temple is calm, even if the three of them have the courage to do so, they probably wouldn't dare to do so.

The rules of the entire blessing ceremony are as follows. First, the old village master Sheng will hold the baby and kneel in front of the statue of King Miao, while the high priest Qizhi will offer incense and pray for a while, and then start to dial the hexagrams. The wooden hexagrams will appear for three times. After the auspicious numbers of the three hexagrams are affixed, it means that the newborn has been approved by the Miao King God and can receive the blessing of the Miao King God.

Of course, this kind of blessing for newborns is not enjoyed by every ordinary person in Miaojiang. Basically, if it is not a cottage that has made a great contribution to the temple, even if the village owner comes to pray for his newborn child. Blessing, the enlightened high priest may not necessarily agree to give a blessing.

The ritual of blessing requires the baby to be showered with talisman water. During this process, the enlightened high priest will gently pat the baby's body with his hands containing divine power and witchcraft, so that the baby's body can receive the blessing of the gods.

Under the ceremony of bestowing gods by the high priest, Qin Lang sensed a little bit of power that was different from witch power from Qizhi with his spiritual sense. It should be the divine power bestowed by God Miao Wang. Faith power is somewhat different from witchcraft power and true energy power.

This kind of mysterious and mysterious power did not exist in the high priest of Qizhi, but it appeared directly when the high priest of Qizhi performed the blessing ceremony for newborns, which also made Qin Lang very curious.

It's a pity that this special divine power comes and goes without a trace, and disappeared without a trace after the short blessing ceremony of the High Priest Qizhi. Qin Lang couldn't find any clues about the source of this special power at all. .

"It seems that gods really exist in this world... Are there any connections between gods and practitioners?"

After the end of bestowing gods, Qin Lang has always had such a question in his mind, but unfortunately no one can answer it.

After the blessing ceremony was over, the people in Yiyu Village began to return, but Qin Lang couldn't go with them for the time being, and he still needed to stay in the Temple of King Miao for a few days.

As for why you still need to stay here, the first purpose is to give birth to young Dorje. If you have been exposed to cultivation techniques for the past two days, there will definitely be some puzzles in the process of cultivation. Qin Lang can play the role of a teacher by staying here. The role is to help the other party answer some questions in their minds.

And the second purpose is to use some resources just obtained to refine a batch of pills at hand. Now the pills needed for the relevant cultivation on the body are almost consumed, and they urgently need to be replenished.

The third purpose is that after the ghost ship of the magic treasure house was repaired by the golden sea-eye stone last time, although the overall restriction has been raised by one house, reaching the level of activation of the fifth layer of restriction, but he feels that there are some unreasonable things in the magic treasure house as a whole , so it needs to be sacrificed again.

So Qin Lang borrowed a quiet room in the Miao King Temple from the high priest of Qizhi, and began to deal with some things at hand, first of all, alchemy.

The Jingyuan Pill on hand has been consumed the most during this period, and it is less than a hundred. For Qin Lang, who now has three or five pills every time he practices, the Jingyuan Pill is a must. , one or two thousand are less, this time it is best to refine more than [-].

Because in addition to cultivation, Qin Lang consumes even more Jingyuan Pills in each battle. With the strengthening of his comprehension ability and the improvement of his combat level, it is normal for him to consume one or two hundred pills to replenish and recover after each battle.

Therefore, the refining of Jingyuan Pill is the key point. Qin Lang can refine about [-] Jingyuan Pills out of [-]% of the resources obtained from the Miao King Temple this time. In addition, there are some materials for the healing medicine Dahuandan. But not many, about a hundred can be refined.

Among the [-]% resources, the alchemy materials are basically these. The Yiyuan Pill and Fushen Pill used to supplement the spiritual consciousness are out of stock this time, because the last time Qin Lang visited the treasure house, he took away the best batch during the selection process. .

Next, Qin Lang started a busy process. It was a trivial matter to refine these low-grade panacea-level pills at the level of an alchemy master, and everything was done quickly.

"More than 6000 Jingyuan Pills, [-] Great Returning Pills... Now the problem of cultivation pills that the body most needs has been solved, but the consumption of spirit stones is also annoying, but there is no way to solve this."

Qin Lang counted his body, and there were only less than 3 yuan left in the middle-grade spirit stones, only more than 400 pieces of top-grade spirit stones, and 24 pieces of top-grade spirit stones.

You don’t need to use top-grade spirit stones for the time being. If you use top-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones for daily auxiliary cultivation, you can only last for about seven or eight months at most. faster.

"The spirit stones are not enough, so I can only focus on pills for my next practice. Alas, this is the last time I accidentally dug a vein of spirit stones under Yanziya to replenish them. Otherwise, the spirit stones on my body would have been used up long ago." gone."

Qin Lang still feels the thinness of the earth's aura, and relying on spiritual stones to practice is basically the end of sitting and eating the mountain.

But it seems that there is no other good way to solve this problem.

(End of this chapter)

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