The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1469 The hidden danger left by Song Zixing

Chapter 1469 The hidden danger left by Song Zixing
After getting the elixir, Qin Lang started to refine the magic house again. Now the resources he got from the Miao King Temple are enough to refine the magic house again.

After the ghost ship of the magic treasure house was repaired by the golden sea-eye stone last time, although the overall restriction has been raised by one house, reaching the level of activation of the fifth layer of restriction, but he feels that there are some unreasonable things in the magic treasure house as a whole, especially the parts. There are some problems with the energy circuit, and every time it is used, it consumes a lot of true energy.

So next, Qin Lang disassembled the entire magic weapon, and then re-polished the parts to transform the forbidden lines on the surface of the parts. This process is very meticulous, and the consumption of some resources in the process of polishing and transformation is also relatively large.

Basically, Qin Lang is polishing and adding refining resources while carefully controlling Kanli's fire to integrate those refining resources into the body of the magic weapon parts.

At the same time, this is also a delicate job, and it is also a great test for Qin Lang's own refining ability. Fortunately, Qin Lang is now a master at the level of a refining master, and he barely deserves it.

The ghost ship is divided into four parts: the hull, the cabin, the sail, and the rudder. The hull is the largest and the most difficult to sacrifice, followed by the cabin, followed by the sail and the rudder... When Qin Lang refined it again At the time, it took almost six hours.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Qin Lang swallowed two Yiyuan Pills and began to restore the consumption of his consciousness. The process of re-polishing and transforming the parts of the magic treasure house not only consumes his true energy, but also consumes his own consciousness. , now that he has been so busy, he feels that it is not light.

As the two Yiyuan pills entered the stomach, a cool breath shot up from the abdomen, directly into the sea of ​​consciousness in the brain, and began to replenish the consumption of liquid in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The liquid in this sea of ​​consciousness is actually the manifestation of a large amount of consciousness. The soul is at the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, which is Qin Lang's Yuanying. Yuanying's face became clearer and clearer, almost like a naked and shrunken Qin Lang.

It is said that the Nascent Soul can almost change into the skin of a normal person at the deepest point of cultivation, just like a villain in the Lilliputian Kingdom.

However, such a realm is not something that Qin Lang can achieve now. I heard that it can be achieved at least until the stage of transforming gods, not even the cultivators of the late Yuanying period.

Of course, this is just a rumor. Qin Lang has no way of knowing whether it is true or not. After all, he has never seen a cultivator in the transformation stage, and the one who chased and killed Qin Lang when he escaped from Qinghe Continent and returned to the earth. Strictly speaking, Song Zixing, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, was not considered a cultivator who transformed himself into a god. He was trapped in a corpse with a trace of his consciousness damaged, so he could only be regarded as a zombie at best.

Of course, Song Zixing's cultivation base at that time was only in the mid-Yuanying stage, and he was far less terrifying than a monk in the transformation stage. In this case, Qin Lang also escaped from this guy's pursuit and escaped from the Qinghe Continent.

Otherwise, even if Qin Lang was a Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, it would be absolutely impossible to escape the pursuit of a monk in the transformation stage.

Moreover, even in the face of Song Zixing in the mid-Yuanying period, Qin Lang spent a lot of effort and blew up almost all the valuable magic weapons on his body, which escaped his life.

Of course, Qin Lang is still not very sure that Song Zixing actually planted a mark of spiritual consciousness on him. This kind of mark of spiritual consciousness can only be planted by a monk who transforms a spirit, and only a monk who transforms a spirit can refine it.

In addition, what Qin Lang didn't know at all was that Song Zixing, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god far away in the Qinghe Continent, had never given up on wanting to catch him and kill him to refine him into a substitute.

After all, Song Zixing's time limit is approaching, and he can't bear the coming catastrophe at all, so he can only find a way to seize the house, and Song Zixing has taken a fancy to Qin Lang's physical body is very special, not only has good talent, but also has high physical strength and strong spiritual consciousness, so he can It is the perfect body that resists the body of the monk who transforms the gods to seize the body and rebirth.

One must know that it is thousands of times more difficult for a cultivator of Huashen to seize the house than a monk of Nascent Soul. The biggest reason is that there is no suitable host that can withstand the huge shock of consciousness and energy when the cultivator of Huashen seizes the house. .

Only when the strength of the physical body and the strength of the mind reaches a very high level can the body that has been seized be successfully seized by the cultivator.

So no matter what, Song Zixing is actually trying to find Qin Lang, even if it is to break the boundary.


After recovering his consciousness, Qin Lang continued to correct the forbidden energy circuits in the magic weapon parts and optimize the energy circuits of these magic weapon parts.

This process consumes too much eyesight and effort, just like Meng Zhang Fei is embroidering with an embroidery needle. It is not easy, really not easy.

The whole process is like doing micro-carving, but even micro-carving may not compare to Qin Lang's hard work. After all, the forbidden pattern energy circuit in each magic weapon part is thinner than a hair, and ordinary people's naked eyes can't see it clearly.

When Qin Lang completed the correction of the forbidden energy circuit of the magic weapon parts, the spiritual consciousness he had just replenished was almost exhausted, so he had no choice but to continue taking medicine.

Although Yiyuan Pill is not as good as Fushen Pill, which repairs the divine consciousness, it is not much worse in supplementing the consumption of divine consciousness. Knowledge is refilled.

Moreover, in the process, he also swallowed a large amount of Jingyuan Pill to quickly recover the consumed true energy.It's a pity that, in order to save spirit stones, Qin Lang swallowed the elixir without using spirit stones, which also greatly reduced the recovery speed of true energy, almost twice as slow.

After finishing the work of the parts, Qin Lang assembled the Magic Treasure House again. During the assembly process, he used the fire of Kanli to sacrifice again, which restored the entire Magic Treasure House to the level where the five-layer restriction was truly activated.

Now after the re-sacrifice, the magic treasure house's consumption of true energy has been reduced by nearly [-]%, and only then can the magic treasure house's full function after the fifth floor is opened.

This busy Qin Lang spent almost a whole day before he came out to meet his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen and his temporary apprentice Duoji.

At this time, the high priest Qizhi also came to the door, but he was looking for Qin Lang about another matter, the mark of the dead zone.

There has always been an "X"-shaped imprint on Qin Lang's hands, which is the imprint of the dead zone.

In the process of exploring King Miao's treasure, Qin Lang was sent to a certain place by the Mama priest, which is a dead space in the treasure of King Miao. This dead space is self-contained, and there are many powerful ghosts in it. The presence.

And Qin Lang's dead mark was left by one of the powerful ghosts. Qin Lang has never known the use of this strange, indelible dead mark on his wrist.

In fact, the High Priest of Enlightened Wisdom doesn’t know much about the Dead Zone. He only knows that there is a parallel space called the Dead Zone in King Miao’s Treasure, but he doesn’t know how the Dead Zone was formed, because the Dead Zone is bigger than the Miao King’s Temple. The time of existence is even older. When the Baowang Temple was not built, the dead zone already existed. After that, he checked a lot of classics and finally found some clues.

"There are some soul bodies in the dead zone, and the powerful and intelligent ones are the ancient spirits. The ancient spirits are a special kind of soul body, and they also exist at the top of the entire dead zone pyramid. Every strength is comparable to that of a great witch. Gu Wu."

The High Priest Qizhi said: "I have checked these days, and the imprint left by the ancient spirit of the dead zone on the wrist of the little friend is also the key to enter the dead zone. That is to say, no matter where you are, you may pass this The imprint key enters the dead zone...but the ancient spirits in the dead zone are very repulsive to the outside world, and it is not a good thing for living people to enter the dead zone, because it is almost similar to the underworld."

"Oh, that's it." Qin Lang nodded, he didn't expect that the dead mark on his hand could have such a function.

However, apart from these, the High Priest Qizhi couldn't give too much information. For the time being, it seems that this dead zone mark has no big impact on Qin Lang, so Qin Lang no longer cares about it.

After bidding farewell to High Priest Qizhi, Qin Lang took Liu Zhenzhen and left the Temple of King Miao, and began to return to the village of Yiquan, where he was going to gather with some old friends in the village.

Qin Lang used to stay in Yiquan Shanzhai for several months, and met several old friends, such as Lao Guo Xinghuo, the chef in charge of logistics, and Mai Jia, who used to be a guide and translator for Qin Lang. Now it is natural for old friends to meet Gotta have a good chat and a few drinks.

Guo Xinghuo, a bachelor, found his true love again during the few months Qin Lang left. It was a young and beautiful Miao girl named Yinla. This time the party was held in Lao Guo's small house. The guests had Qin Lang and his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen, Mu Ziqing, and Mai Jia.

Lao Guo is still in charge of the cook, but Lao Guo's friend is also helping the cook. It seems that the couple intends to continue to develop their culinary skills as a career in the cottage.

With the help of Yinla, the work in the kitchen was carried out very quickly, and soon Lao Guo's specialty dish came up, stir-fried five poisons.Five poisons, snakes, centipedes, toads, spiders, lizards.There are also a few side dishes, very simple.

But it is such a few Miaojiang specialties, but it makes Qin Lang feel extremely kind, and it feels really good to be reunited with friends again.

The stir-fried five poisons in front of me are not simple. There are really few people in Miaojiang who can make these five poisons delicious. With this signature dish, Lao Guo is already the well-deserved number one chef in Yiquan Shanzhai.

With the signature dishes on the table, the whole room is full of strange aromas, and at first glance, the large plates on the table are very delicate, with distinct colors, and the essence of the raw materials cannot be seen, but when you think about it carefully, it is five Liu Zhenzhen, who came here for the first time, couldn't help but feel a little nervous about the food made from poison.

And Qin Lang already had experience, and introduced with a chopstick: "Really, although this Stir-fried King Poison sounds scary and sounds scary, it actually tastes very good! You will definitely like it if you eat it. .”

Liu Zhenzhen has never eaten such food in his life. Although the food in the house is delicious and appetizing, it is normal for a girl to be a little timid.

Among the five poisons, except for snakes, which are the most familiar to Chinese people and are often placed on the dining tables of major restaurants, Liu Zhen has never seen other species on the dining tables, although they are obviously prohibited and protected species.

The pot of stir-fried centipedes in front of me is so golden that it is very eye-catching. There are more than a dozen centipedes in the big plate, the thickness of thumbs, and the lengths are different. The long ones are nearly two and a half feet long, and the short ones are more than one foot long. Drugstores in the 90s in big cities may still be seen occasionally, but now they are rare things that cannot be found.

(End of this chapter)

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