Chapter 1470

Seeing Liu Zhenzhen staring at the stir-fried centipede in front of him, Guo Xinghuo was also a little proud of his craftsmanship, and introduced: "There are several processes for this stir-fried centipede. The first is the selection of materials. These are old centipedes over 30 years old. Yes, it can be used as Gu refining materials if it is caught from the wild and usually kept in a tank."

The centipede that can be used as Gu refining material is not an ordinary species. Ordinary people can’t eat it even if they want to eat it when they come to Miaojiang. This time, Lao Guo took out the treasure to treat his old friends.

With Qin Lang's encouragement, Liu Zhenzhen still had the guts to grab a crispy-yellow stir-fried centipede, put the food in his mouth with his eyes closed, and chewed it a few times holding back his fear.

Unexpectedly, the stir-fried centipede was very crispy, burnt and very fragrant, with a kind of deliciousness that melted in the mouth and went straight to the heart. It also made Liu Zhenzhen, who had her eyes closed, open her eyes suddenly after tasting it, showing surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Seeing Liu Zhenzhen's expression, some people at the table smiled knowingly. Friends who came to Miaojiang to taste these special dishes for the first time basically had such a reaction, and after eating, they would definitely appreciate these special dishes. Food memories are still deep.

This food can only be eaten in Miaojiang, and it is impossible to eat it in big cities!

At this time, Guo Xinghuo and his wife had already finished everything, all the food and drinks were on the table, and they also brought a large jar of homemade rice wine, and put a large bowl in front of all the guests present.

The biggest feature in Miaojiang is that everyone must drink a few bowls of rice wine when they eat. This is also a custom, which makes people in Miaojiang drink more, regardless of gender.

Guo Xinghuo's little friend Yinla is also famous for being able to drink. Yinla was born in Yigui's ally Shanzhai. newcomer.

Yinla is very beautiful, with a kind of charm and purity unique to Miao girls. She is about 17 years old and has two small dimples on her face when she smiles.

Miao girls usually get married very early. Yinla, who is about 17 years old, is actually quite normal in Miaojiang. I heard that Miao girls in Miaojiang area even married at the age of eleven or twelve.

This very pure little Miao girl is really a good match with the uncle-type Lao Guo, and it is also destined that the two can be together.

"Come on! You are all friends of Brother Guo, that is, Yinla's friends. Yinla will do a bowl first!"

Drinking in Miaojiang is done in bowls, and a bowl of wine is at least half a catty. Yinla, who looks handsome but has a bold personality, actually drank a big bowl directly as a respect.

"Hehe..." Qin Lang smiled slightly, he was fine, but seeing Mu Ziqing's face turned pale, he knew that this old friend couldn't handle alcohol.

However, Miao Nv is slender and can drink a lot, but she can't drink because of her pregnancy.

So this time Mu Ziqing had to drink the double portion instead of Xianruo, no wonder he was so pale now.

On Qin Lang's side, Liu Zhenzhen didn't drink too much, so he had to be replaced by Qin Lang, but Qin Lang didn't care at all, his drinking capacity was a bottomless pit, no matter how much he came, he was not afraid.

"Come on, do it!"

Maijia on the side also raised his wine bowl, but the three parties in front of him were all in pairs, this thin and single man seemed much more desolate, and now he could only drink away his worries.

There is a saying that cutting off the water with a knife makes the water flow more, and using wine to pour out sorrow is even more sorrowful, so Maijia blushed completely after drinking this big bowl of wine.

Seeing Maijia's incomparably naive look, Qin Lang also laughed, and at this time also raised a bowl to drink with everyone.He is very heroic, after drinking his own bowl, he helped Liu Zhenzhen drink up that bowl too.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang is really a very considerate boyfriend.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was very lively. After drinking, everyone became more interested in talking. Afterwards, they continued to drink small wines, eat special delicacies, and chat with their parents about things that everyone was interested in.

During the chat, Qin Lang learned that Guo Xinghuo and his wife were going to leave the cottage and open a special restaurant in the nearby Phoenix City. He also expressed his support and promised that if he had any financial needs, he would ask himself for help as much as possible.

Qin Lang now has a big family and a big business, and has always been generous to his friends. If a friend needs help, it is naturally obligatory.

But Guo Xinghuo smiled slightly, and said very complacently: "Brother has been doing logistics in the cottage for so many years, and he has also saved a little money. He definitely has the capital to open a small restaurant, so thank you for the kindness of brother Qin Lang." !"

Hearing this, Yinla next to her also pursed her lips and smiled. Now that Lao Guo has handed over all his property to her, she knows exactly how much money Lao Guo has in his private house. The combined savings of the two of them is 40 million There should be some. In such a remote place as Miaojiang, it can be considered a small fortune. The cost of opening a small restaurant is no problem at all.

Of course, the cost of 40 to [-] yuan cannot be compared with that of a local tyrant like Qin Lang. Now Qin Lang casually spends some money to help Lao Guo open [-] restaurants in Phoenix City and make them a chain operation. Of course, The premise is that Lao Guo and his wife are willing to accept his kindness.

However, it is obvious that the old Guo and his wife run restaurants only as a hobby, and making money is secondary, mainly to enjoy a happy life. The young couple enjoy themselves happily together, so they don't care what kind of scale the small restaurant can open.

In fact, with Lao Guo's craftsmanship, it is very easy to carry forward the small restaurants in Phoenix City in the future, and Qin Lang naturally doesn't need to worry about whether the couple's business is good or not.

"Drink! Drink!" Lao Guo once again raised the bowl, and now the atmosphere at the dinner table has reached a climax.

"Come on, let's go!" Qin Lang also held up his bowl, and bumped into Lao Guo, Maijia, and Yinla. Everyone drank at least three bowls just now, and Mu Ziqing, who was next to him, had already collapsed on the table after the second bowl I was so drunk that I didn't even eat a few mouthfuls of food.

This time, everyone drank happily and ate very satisfactorily at the dinner with old friends, especially Liu Zhenzhen felt that everything was novel when he came to Miaojiang for the first time, and he really gained a lot of insight.

After continuing to stay in Yiquan Village for two days, Qin Lang bid farewell to the old village owner Qiusheng, Mu Ziqing and his wife, Lao Guo and his wife, Maijia and other friends, and left this relatively noisy Miaojiang.

Seeing that his friends are living well now, Qin Lang is relieved. This is another reason for him to come to Miaojiang to take a look. Compared with the past, the current Yixuan and Anuoboi cottages have undergone earth-shaking changes. , became more and more prosperous and prosperous.

After returning to Huaxia, Qin Lang said to Liu Zhenzhen: "True, it's not good for you to stay in the laboratory of Yunhai Building like this. You buy a car."

"Okay, Brother Qin Lang."

Liu Zhenzhen nodded. Although she had taken the driver's license test in college, she had never driven a car alone!
The two started to go to the most luxurious Motor City in Shanghai, planning to pick up a sports car there.As for the choice of sports car, Qin Lang has also discussed with Liu Zhenzhen. As a woman, Liu Zhenzhen is naturally better to drive a women's sports car. Ferrari and Maserati are good choices.

The Auto City of Shanghai is located in the western suburbs, covering an area of ​​thousands of acres. Most of the international auto manufacturers and brands gather here. Even some limited-edition luxury cars such as Lai Qi Lai Qi Phantom can be seen directly in specialty stores.

The two rushed over from Miaojiang, and came directly to a luxury car store called Xuebaolai in the Modu Motor City. This store is very large, covering an area of ​​more than 800 square meters. There are also several brands.

In terms of sports cars, Xue Baolai's main brand is naturally Maserati, which is a top European series car. This store divides Maserati into series, including sports version, cabriolet version and president version. .

The price of each series of Maserati is between 150 million and 400 million. This is the price of a bare car. If you add related fees such as license plate taxes, the price of a complete car is generally more than 200 million.

After Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen entered Xuebaolai, no salesperson came to match them.

In fact, the specialty store is really busy, and the people who enter and exit the specialty store are all elites in clothes and leather shoes. After being embarrassed, they naturally looked down on them, thinking that Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen were not high-quality customers.

Compared with those few elites in clothes and leather shoes, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen's image is indeed a bit worse now, but in terms of content, if Qin Lang reveals his identity, it will definitely scare everyone in the store.

After all, the boss of the group with a net worth of tens of billions patronizes in person. I am afraid that even the manager of the specialty store will come crying and begging to hug his thigh. Even Qin Lang's plucked hair root is thicker than the opponent's thigh.

It's a pity that these salespersons in the specialty store don't know gold and jade, and their eyesight is not sharp enough. No one has ever stepped forward to talk to Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen. After Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen visited the Maserati exhibition area, they had to Shout out.

"Hey, come over here, a salesperson, can you tell me about the cars in the specialty store...Where's your manager? Manager, that's the manager, right? Can you please come over?"

Qin Lang started waving in the other direction, and there was a guy with a sign on his chest that seemed to be the manager of a specialty store.

When Qin Lang called over, the manager with the sign on his chest looked unhappy. She was a middle-aged woman in her 40s, very snobbish, and she was just now accompanying two salesmen and a man with a briefcase, The customers in suits and leather shoes who looked relatively high-quality chatted, and were called over by Qin Lang as soon as they were talking.

It's really that Qin Lang's outfit is too ordinary now. Although the casual clothes on his body are also famous brands, but he just came back from Miaojiang and hasn't changed his wrinkled look for several days. To make the woman happy, I deliberately pretended to be rich and brought my girlfriend here to look at the car.

However, I have to say that this boy's girlfriend is quite beautiful, and with this boy, he can be regarded as a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, middle-aged women don't agree. The values ​​​​have always believed that nowadays men are not good-looking, and money is tough. It makes sense, even a rich old man has a lot of beauties chasing after him.

"What are you doing? Just ask if you have anything to say."

The middle-aged woman spoke bluntly and her attitude was very blunt, which made Qin Lang, who was always in a good mood, frown upon hearing this. Did the middle-aged woman take gunpowder?

Why this tone?Could it be because of menopause...

In any case, Qin Lang was indeed a little unhappy.

He's here to buy a car, not to be looked down upon.

(End of this chapter)

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