The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1471 Want money, right?

Chapter 1471 Want money, right?

"I want to ask, about the performance of these sports cars...can you introduce them?" Qin Lang asked at this time.

He kept his composure, even though he knew that the other party looked at people through colored glasses, but he didn't want to blindly fight against the other party. Buying a car was the most important thing. If he bought a car, he would naturally need the other party to introduce the performance and parameters of the sports car.

The middle-aged woman took care of Qin Lang up and down, showed a contemptuous look, and said proudly: "It's okay for young people to show off in front of their girlfriends, but they must also assess their own strength. The sports cars in front of you are very expensive, and you can't buy them." started."

She is not optimistic that Qin Lang has the financial strength to buy a sports car. In fact, Qin Lang's current attire is not much better than that of migrant workers. He is probably an ordinary office worker and has no match for a successful person at all.

"Manager Jia! Manager Jia!"

A few salespersons over there began to call out and let the middle-aged woman go over. It is estimated that the previous elite customer had some questions that needed to be answered.

Then, the middle-aged woman Manager Jia gave Qin Lang and the two a look of "I have no time to talk to you", and hurried over to greet her "elite client".

"Sweat!" Qin Lang sweated profusely when he saw this. Does Manager Jia, a middle-aged woman, greet customers like this?My client made a request just now, but ran away without explaining anything, and went to entertain the "elite clients" over there. Is it true that people in specialty stores do business like this now?
He looked around, there were about four or five salespersons in this specialty store, and there were definitely no more than three groups of customers who came in. These salespersons would rather greet other people than come to talk to him.

It is estimated that these salespersons are also in the same mind. Firstly, their clothes are not very good, and secondly, they are too young and too light. At first glance, it looks like the middle class with little capital.

In this case, it is obviously not worthwhile to spend time talking to yourself, a young man with a hairless mouth. Maybe after all the talking, you will end up having a happy time in vain.

Qin Lang also felt quite helpless for these salespersons to have such thoughts in their hearts. There are really enough people with such influence in this society. At this moment, he has the idea of ​​turning around and leaving.

However, Qin Lang still held his temper, and took Liu Zhenzhen to the account manager of the exclusive store, Manager Jia, and continued to ask: "Manager Jia, this is not how to do business, right? Are you sure that I won't buy a sports car? ?”

"Just you? Buy a sports car?"

Manager Jia stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked at Qin Lang with a sneer, "Young man, I advise you not to overestimate your capabilities. This high-end car store is not something you can enter at all."

"Why can't I come in?" Qin Lang asked back.

"The cheapest sports car in this specialty store costs 160 million yuan, plus at least 220 million yuan for registration fees. Young people, can you afford it? Can you afford it? Tell you clearly, even if the rules of this specialty store It’s a down payment of 80 yuan to pick up the car, I’m afraid the money you’ve earned from working for ten years isn’t enough for the down payment on this car, right?”

Manager Jia became impatient, "The specialty store is quite busy today, since you can't afford a sports car, I advise you to leave early!"

She even waved her hand as a gesture to chase away people, which made Qin Lang very unhappy.

"Hehe, sorry... I really can afford it."

Qin Lang said with no expression on his face, and there was already a trace of anger in his heart. This middle-aged woman, Manager Jia, is too low-minded.

"Okay! If you can spend the money to buy a sports car, take it out and have a look!"

Manager Jia frowned, and stepped up his sarcasm. After sweeping Qin Lang's eyes, he turned around and didn't plan to talk to Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen any more.

She was also furious, thinking that Qin Lang was definitely making trouble for no reason.

If you can't afford a sports car, don't come to such a high-end place to shame yourself, she will only think that Qin Lang is poor.

"Hello!" Qin Lang took out a bank card from his bosom at this moment, and called out to the middle-aged woman.

But Manager Jia ignored him at all, and was busy communicating with another high-quality customer without turning his head.

On the contrary, a younger salesperson next to Manager Jia turned his head and took a look. When he saw the bank card in Qin Lang's hand, he was startled for a moment, and then pulled the middle-aged woman.

"Jia... Manager Jia, the customer has taken out his bank card."

"Take it and take it, so what?"

Manager Jia is very busy. The person she is communicating with now is a middle-aged man with a bald head. It seems that he already has the intention of buying a luxury car in a specialty store, so she is hurrying to work.

"That card... that card is black in color." The young salesperson said hesitantly.

"Black... How could the bank card be black? It's a toy card." Manager Jia replied casually.

"Black Gold Card? That should be an international credit card!"

As a customer, the bald middle-aged man was surprised at this time, looked up at Qin Lang and said something.

And Manager Jia also reflected after being startled, that is indeed the case. The largest international banks, Citibank and UBS, issue black gold cards to big customers, that is, high-value overdraft credit cards. I heard that the maximum limit can be overdrafted to 100 million US dollars. Woolen cloth!
However, although there are not no bank customers in Huaxia who have black gold cards, they are only a very small number. Only those group bosses with assets of more than 100 billion US dollars have the right to apply. The young man in front of him seems to be in his 20s. May have assets of more than 100 billion US dollars.

So this black gold card must be a bluff. Young people nowadays are becoming less and less authentic. Thinking of this, Manager Jia was relieved, and said to a salesperson next to him: "Qin Honglan, go and get that young man's card to the credit card machine." try."

At the same time, Manager Jia made up his mind in his heart, after exposing Qin Lang's deception, he immediately asked a few salesmen to drive them away.

She was annoyed by Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen in front of her, not only because she believed that Qin Lang had no money, but also because the other party in front of her was so young and handsome that she felt jealous. Thinking about her dead husband, although he was rich, he was so ugly and ugly.

"Ding..." After the salesperson Qin Honglan took Qin Lang's black gold card, she went to the POSS machine to swipe the card, and the amount was displayed on the computer immediately, and the young salesperson suddenly exclaimed.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million... There are so many zeros in front of me, this black gold card is actually real!
"Manager Jia! Manager Jia!"

Salesperson Qin Honglan felt a little at a loss, and the situation in front of her was beyond her imagination.

"What's wrong? Is that card fake..."

Manager Jia gave Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen a blank look, then walked towards the POS machine, and then... the middle-aged woman also petrified.

Ka... It's true, it's actually true.

Manager Jia, a middle-aged woman, couldn't react immediately. How could this young man who walked into the specialty store have a real black gold card?How can it be? !
However, the fact that the situation is in front of us makes it impossible to deny the authenticity of this card. The series of zeros on the computer reading means that the maximum overdraft limit of this card is 100 million US dollars.

This is Citibank's black gold card, and it is also the top overdraft credit card of International UnionPay. Only after the asset assessment exceeds 100 billion US dollars can one be eligible to apply. In fact, Qin Lang has not applied for this card for two months.

But now it's a middle-aged woman who starts to tremble. Unexpectedly, the black gold card is real, and it is actually real. Then she was completely blind to gold and jade just now, and she was completely mistaken, and gave Qin Lang, a big customer, to him. excuse me.


The middle-aged woman's face changed instantly, and she squeezed out a smile that she thought she was intoxicated, but it turned out to be as scary as a flower. "Yes, I'm sorry, young man, no, big brother... Big brother, I didn't expect you to be so rich. You can choose what kind of car you want to buy in this specialty store. You're welcome, you're welcome."

Seeing that Qin Lang is really rich, the snobbish middle-aged woman, Manager Jia, immediately came over to curry favor. Unfortunately, Qin Lang's previous actions made Qin Lang's appetite very disgusting, so Qin Lang is gone, and he will stay in this Xuebaolai car store any longer. the meaning of.

"No, I suddenly don't want to buy it." Qin Lang said lightly.

Then, Qin Lang pulled Liu Zhenzhen: "Let's go, let's go to another specialty store."

However, just when Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen were about to step out of the Xuebaolai store, Manager Jia behind was very dissatisfied with Qin Lang and the two leaving, and cursed like a complaint: "What! If you don't buy it, don't buy it. Am I being teasing, maybe I picked up or stole that black gold card from!"

Qin Lang, who has sharp eyes and ears, stopped immediately when he heard such a harsh curse. He had brought Liu Zhenzhen to pick up the car happily, but unexpectedly encountered such a top-quality specialty store, which made people feel as uncomfortable as eating flies.

He got angry, so he called Li Lengfeng at this time: "Old Li, tell your people in Shanghai to come to the Motor City, yes, come here as soon as possible, I'm here at the Xuebaolai Automobile Store... Now I'll give you a The task is to let your people pick up ten luxury cars from other stores in the Motor City, and block this Sherbet! Yes, completely block me!"

Over there, Li Lengfeng's puzzled laughter came from the phone: "What's the matter? That Xuebaolai store provoked you, brother Qin Lang? It seems a poisonous idea to block the entrance of others."

"No need to say, you should hurry up and ask someone to do this! The money for picking up the car will be charged to Lan Run's account. It just so happens that the group needs to order a batch of business cars, so take this opportunity to handle it together." Qin Lang said with a face. said without expression.

"Okay." Li Lengfeng agreed and hung up the phone.

Looking at the stunned Manager Jia and other salespersons in the specialty store, Qin Lang showed a sneering smile, blocking the door to prevent the other party from doing business. This idea is really poisonous, but who made these people upset him just now!
The people sent by Li Lengfeng were very fast, within about half an hour, ten brand-new Audi A8s came over, blocking the entrance of the Sherbolai Automobile Store, and now the people inside the store It is not easy to go out, and it is not easy for people outside the store to come in.

Ten members of the Li family wearing sunglasses got out of the cabs of these high-end cars that had no license plates and were obviously just picked up from another specialty store, and stood in front of Qin Lang: "Hi, leader, we are here."

(End of this chapter)

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