Chapter 1472

"Okay, very good." Qin Lang nodded, very satisfied with the speed of Li Lengfeng's work.

In the specialty store, the mouths of Manager Jia and the others are so wide open that they can almost swallow a few eggs.After being dazed for a while, Qin Honglan, a salesperson next to her, reminded Manager Jia: "Manager Jia, our specialty store is blocked now, how do we do business?"

"Ah..." Manager Jia, a middle-aged woman, immediately came to her senses, and wanted to let these people leave, but when she saw ten men in sunglasses and black clothes lined up in front of Qin Lang, all of them looked aggressive, I was a little afraid to go forward again.

However, when there was such a big commotion in the specialty store, several other customers in the specialty store also ran away when they saw that the situation was not good, leaving only Manager Jia with three or four salespersons inside.

At this time, the middle-aged woman Manager Jia seemed to remember something, and started to take out her mobile phone to make a call: "Husband, it's bad! Your specialty store is blocked by people, and you can't do business."

"Who dares to come here to make trouble? Don't you know the name of my bald Qiangqiang brother? I am Xingtouqiang. I am also one of the best car dealers in Shanghai Motor City. No matter whether it is black or white, I should give a thin face. .”

"I, I don't know, come and see."

Don't look at Manager Jia as a very snobbish woman, she will be completely helpless when encountering big things.

"Okay, don't panic, come here right away." The other side hung up the phone, and it turned out that this Xuebaolai car store was opened by Mr. Jia, a man named Bald Qiang.

Soon, the bald-headed Qiangqiang came over with a group of people, about twenty or so, all of whom were hooligans temporarily found from the street.

However, when he saw ten brand-new Audi A8s lined up in front of his specialty store with a bald head, he immediately lost his temper.

The bald-headed Qiangqiang took a deep breath. He is a person who has seen the world. He knows that the person who can pick up ten high-end cars from other specialty stores in the Motor City in one go must have a lot of background. I can't provoke it.

Think about it, although the price of the Audi A8 is not the most expensive among luxury cars, it still costs more than 100 million units. Now that someone directly proposes ten cars to block their own Shebaolai car dealership, the other party must have the economy Strength, more than 1000 million is not something that ordinary people can take out casually!
Finally, Bald Qiang started to squeeze into his specialty store from the crowded car at the door, looked at Qin Lang's side, and then at a dozen people wearing sunglasses and black clothes, knowing that his guess was right. , the general forces in front of this battle can't be used, those men in black are obviously well-trained.

At this time, the bald and potbellied Qiangqiang started to walk over to his wife, Manager Jia, with a cold face.

"Husband!" Seeing Bald Qiang approaching, Manager Jia seemed to have found a backbone, and immediately lifted his spirits.

"Crack!" A crisp slap.

Manager Jia, a middle-aged woman, covered her face with fingerprints, "Why did you hit me?"

"It was you who hit you! You really don't have eyes. Do you know how harmful you are?"

Bald Qiang reprimanded him as if he had been deceived by his wife, "Say, why did you offend the young master across the way and make him so angry? Didn't I tell you to make your business move brighter?"

"I, I actually didn't expect this to happen!"

Manager Jia was full of grievances and said, "I really didn't expect that."

"Didn't expect it? Didn't expect it to be like this? Go, go and make amends."

The bald head gave Manager Jia a strong pull, then turned around himself, and walked towards Qin Lang with a flattering smile on his face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry young master, my ignorance offended you, I'll ask her to make an apology to you, and I'll ask her to kowtow to you."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

The middle-aged woman was also fooled by her husband. When she heard her husband ask her to kowtow, she knelt down and kowtowed a few times. The salespersons around were dumbfounded.

And Qin Lang also felt a little bit astonished, he didn't expect it to become such a farce, but the bald head forced his wife to make such an apology, the anger in his heart really cleared up a lot, he nodded at this time, and said calmly: "Okay! This time Forget it, discipline your wife well, if you do business with this face in the future, all the customers will run away."

"I said that since this dead woman came to the specialty store to work as a customer record manager in the past few months, why the business has dropped by [-]% to [-]%? It turns out that she is really the cause, and she really deserves to be beaten."

After Bald Qiang heard this, he slapped his wife on the ground again.

And Manager Jia, who was originally extremely snobbish, shrinks his head like a quail in front of a more powerful husband, not to mention how ridiculous that look is.

"Okay, let's go." Qin Lang said lightly to his subordinates, and took Liu Zhenzhen straight to leave here.

"Hey, young master, don't go! Look, I've already apologized. Aren't you going to buy a sports car?"

Manager Jia also got his head into Qian's eyes, and when he saw Qin Lang was about to leave, he walked over on his knees and held Qin Lang's leg shamelessly.

"Go away!"

With a shake, Qin Lang shook off the other's entangled hands, and then left directly.

Now that the other party knew he was wrong, it was too late, and it was useless to beg for nothing.

When Qin Lang was about to leave, he heard a loud slap behind him again, and at the same time came the bald-headed strong reprimand: "Buy you wool, you shameless mother-in-law, get out of here. The specialty store doesn't need you anymore!"

After leaving this farce, Qin Lang asked the Li family to drive ten brand new Aobian A8s to the underground parking lot of Lanrun headquarters. He had previously asked Li Lengfeng to choose ten A8s as the business vehicles for the group headquarters It has also been considered. This kind of high-end German car is not only durable, but also beautiful and elegant. It is very suitable as a company's business car.

In addition, Qin Lang had driven an Audi A8 before, so he knew the basics of this model, so he gave priority to ten Audi A8s in the selection of the company's business vehicles.

But after the Li family left in ten Audi A8s, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen were still visiting the specialty stores in the Motor City. He now has to help Liu Zhenzhen choose a sports car with good performance, but now Maserati has ruled out In addition to the choice, so he wants to look at the models in other specialty stores.

Walking and walking, I came to the Caddy Auto Store. This Caddy Auto Store is supposed to be the place where the Li family took away the Audi A8. This store is bigger than the Xuebaolai just now, with a full area of ​​more than 1000 square meters. .

Caddy's specialty store mainly focuses on Audi series, and also sells several other luxury car brands. At this time, the manager of the specialty store has already greeted Qin Lang when he saw Qin Lang: "This is Boss Qin! Hello, hello."

"you know me?"

Qin Lang is very strange, the face of the other party is very strange, this is a thin middle-aged man.

"Hehe, didn't Boss Qin pick up a car at the Yunhai branch before? This is the main store in Shanghai, and just now Boss Qin asked to pick up ten Audi A8s and made such a fuss. I'm afraid everyone in the Motor City already knows about it." .”

The thin middle-aged man smiled and introduced; "My surname is also Qin, Qin Shizhen, the account manager of the Caddy store."

"Oh, so." Qin Lang shook hands with Manager Qin.

Qin Lang understood. It turned out that Manager Qin already knew his identity. It seemed that he made a fuss about Xue Baolai just now, and Manager Qin worked hard to check his background. In this case, his previous car purchase records were recalled It's also normal.

Knowing that Qin Lang is an old customer and the big boss of Lanrun Group, Manager Qin is very polite to Qin Lang and has a better service attitude, which also swept away the depression that Qin Lang had suffered before.

"I don't know what Qin Lang is going to buy after he bought ten Audi A8s just now..."

Manager Qin looked at Qin Lang, then at Liu Zhenzhen, but in fact he seemed to realize something in his heart.

"That's right, I'm buying a sports car for my girlfriend. I want one with better performance, and the price is fine." Qin Lang nodded and said.

"For sports cars, in fact, the Audi series also has top sports cars. Please come with me, both of you."

Manager Qin beckoned, and led Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen to a corner, where he began to introduce a small and exquisite orange sports car.

"This is the Audi R8 series sports car originally imported from Germany. It is the latest model this year. It has an orange-yellow streamlined body. It is a series of sports cars exclusively for women. What do you two think..."

"Audi R8 is equipped with a 4.2-liter V8 engine with a maximum power of more than 300 kilowatts and a peak torque of more than 430 years. In addition, because the R8 adopts a mid-engine design, this is also the first mid-engine Audi sports car model. The engine is matched with a 6-speed automatic manual gearbox, coupled with Audi's full-time four-wheel drive, it only takes 46 seconds to accelerate from a standstill to 300 kilometers, and the top speed reaches more than [-] kilometers per hour."

"This series of sports cars is also the most cost-effective among the top sports cars. The bare car is about 140 million, and after tax and handling fees is about 190 million. Don't look at the Maserati series that Boss Qin saw at Xuebaolai just now. It seems that the price is even higher. High, but the performance is actually not superior to the R8, it's just falsely high."

"In short, the models of the Audi series are all luxurious but not ostentatious, and the prices are real. Have you two considered it?" Manager Qin patiently introduced the performance of the sports car and asked at the same time.

"Really, how do you feel?" Qin Lang asked Liu Zhenzhen at this time.

"Audi R8 should be good." Liu Zhenzhen nodded. In fact, she didn't have high requirements for the vehicle, and it was no different from Qin Lang's choice.

"Well, I'll choose this one." Qin Lang pointed to the sample car, and this orange Audi R8 was selected.

"Okay!" Manager Qin responded readily. He is from the north and has an indescribable ability to do business. He quickly completed Qin Lang's card swiping and transfer procedures, and then handed over the black gold card. Return it to Qin Lang.

"Boss Qin, thank you for your many visits to our store. You are now a VIP customer of our store, and you will get a 180% discount on all procedures, so you will receive [-] million. The card is returned to you, please take it."

"OK, all right."

After finishing Liu Zhenzhen's scooter, Qin Lang felt that this time it was a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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