The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1473 Playing in the Middle East

Chapter 1473 Playing in the Middle East
After buying the car, Qin Lang asked Liu Zhenzhen to sit in the cab and drive back. As a manual and automatic dual-speed convertible series sports car, the performance of the R8 is naturally extremely superior, and the sound of the engine can be heard even when driving. less than.

After not driving for a long time, Liu Zhenzhen started to drive very slowly, with a speed of only about fifty or sixty yards per hour. After reaching the expressway back to the sea of ​​clouds, he only reached 120 yards.

Qin Lang knew that Liu Zhenzhen was getting familiar with the car's performance, and the girl's personality was more cautious, so he couldn't drive fast.

But now Qin Lang is not in a hurry to go back to the sea of ​​clouds. Since Liu Zhenzhen is driving so slowly, it is better to go for a ride together. The scenery on this expressway is still good.

This time, I brought ten Audi A8s and one R8 in Shanghai, and the total cost was less than 2000 million, which is just a drizzle for the current Qin Lang.

With the continuous expansion of Lanrun Group, ten Audis are obviously not enough, so Qin Lang plans to buy some official vehicles in the future, and it is estimated that there will be less than a hundred in the future.

After at least a period of development, now the entire Lanrun Group has more than 5000 domestic employees and more than 7000 foreign employees, with a total number of astonishing [-].

Such a scale can be regarded as a number in the world. Now the entire Lanrun Group has officially entered the ranks of the world's top 400 companies, but the ranking is not high, about [-] at the end.

However, as an emerging group enterprise, Lanrun was able to develop from scratch to what it is now in just a few years, not only outsiders could not have imagined, even Qin Lang might not have imagined that he would make his business the scale it is today.

Now that Qin Lang's business is booming, the future of the entire Lanrun Group will also be very good. This is Chaoyang Enterprise.

As the founder of such a rising company, although Qin Lang's career development is fast, it is not easy to get to where he is today.

In general, both strength and luck are indispensable in this development process. Fortunately, Qin Lang broke through many barriers to be able to have the present and today.


In terms of the laboratory, the exploration of the third new drug solution of Lanrun Pharmaceutical is proceeding in an orderly manner. The topic of "anti-cancer" is also a big topic in the medical field today. Once all the medical research institutions in the world make the slightest progress, it will bring What came was the shock of the entire medical world, as well as a huge return of wealth.

Cancer is also a difficulty that the world medicine is breaking through. There are many anti-cancer drugs in the world medicine market, and the treatment effects are also different.

And now Lanrun Pharmaceutical Laboratory takes anti-cancer as the main topic and develops the third new drug, will it produce new miracles?
On this day, Qin Lang also came to the laboratory full of expectations. He heard that the research and development of the third new drug "Anticancer No. [-]" in the laboratory has made progress in the past two days, so he hurried over.

After the new drug is successfully developed, the laboratory is now conducting pharmacological and toxicological tests. At least the therapeutic effect of the drug needs to be put on the market before the specific situation can be verified.

According to the conservative estimate of the laboratory, the therapeutic effect of the third new drug "Anti-Cancer No. 30.00" should be stronger than that of most anti-cancer drugs in the world, and the efficacy is estimated to exceed about [-]%.

Regardless of the 30.00% breakthrough, this is also a major breakthrough in anti-cancer technology in the world today, and it took nearly two months of hard work by all the researchers in the laboratory.

The pharmacological and toxicological tests of the new drug will be completed soon, and related patent applications have also begun to be submitted. At the same time, the entire Lan Run Pharmaceutical Factory has also begun to free up some production lines for the production of "Anticancer No. [-]". Everything is in full swing.

It is believed that after "Anti-Cancer No. [-]" is put into the market, it will trigger a new round of sales boom. Up to now, the entire Lanrun Pharmaceutical section has owned three new pharmaceutical products with independent intellectual property rights. This is a matter of celebration. .

In order to celebrate, Qin Lang decided to give the heroes of the medical section a holiday and organize a public tour, so that the star researchers of Lanrun Laboratory can relax.

After all, the scientific and technical personnel in the laboratory are actually very hard. Research is research, and the body and mind are also very important. Now it is time to travel to adjust.

Qin Lang decided not to distinguish between each other. All laboratory researchers can sign up for the travel plan. The entire Lanrun Laboratory currently has more than 600 researchers and life assistants, and more than 400 people signed up in the end, accounting for more than half.

For this trip, Qin Lang is going to take these star employees abroad, but the location has not been decided yet. The initial plan is to charter a luxury cruise ship from the Yacht Club, and then set off.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang called Li Lengfeng: "Old Li, I'm going to give the researchers of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Laboratory a holiday and take them abroad for a relaxing trip. You can contact the yacht club..." Qin Lang said on the phone Come up with your own ideas.

The Yacht Club is the largest supplier of marine entertainment in China's wealthy circle, and it almost undertakes all the yacht business on the sea, so Qin Lang must contact the Yacht Club if he wants to travel abroad.

Several families of the Five-Party Alliance hold part of the shares in the pharmaceutical section of Lanrun Group, so Li Lengfeng has always been paying attention to the laboratory. Hearing Qin Lang's request, he said without thinking: "Okay, I'll go right away connect."

With Li Lengfeng in charge, Qin Lang was very relieved, knowing that Lao Li would settle the matter of the cruise ship leasing soon.

And then he was thinking, a luxury cruise ship with only more than 400 people is obviously too wasteful, three or four thousand is not a problem, or this time simply come to a big organization, and all the outstanding employees of the entire Lan Run Group headquarters Take them with you to go out to sea for fun. In this way, everyone can relax physically and mentally while cultivating feelings. In the future, these employees will have deeper feelings for Lanrun Group.

So, Qin Lang quickly called Tang Qian and asked her to organize this matter.

After Lan Run heard Qin Lang's thoughts on the phone, he also nodded: "Okay! But I suggest that you choose the Middle East for your overseas travel this time, so that the management of the group headquarters can learn while traveling. Looking at the different management experiences of the Middle East branch, and exchanging with each other can also help the group develop better in the future and help the circulation of positions."

"Okay, then it will be in the Middle East."

Qin Lang also nodded after receiving Tang Qian's suggestion. It's a good idea. He didn't choose the destination of travel before, but now everything is settled.

"By the way, this time Tang Qian, do you want to travel to the Middle East as well?"

Qin Lang asked at this time.

"No, there are a lot of things going on at the headquarters of the group. The pharmaceutical department alone has to be busy with new drug patent applications and drug supervision and production. After that, it is necessary to communicate with various channels, so it is really impossible to leave."

Tang Qian over there sighed and said, to be honest, she also wanted to go abroad to see with her own eyes how the development of the Middle East branch was, but unfortunately the time did not allow it.

"Thank you." Qin Lang settled down, and then said.

Speaking of it, Tang Qian is indeed a very good senior professional manager, and she is always considering the development of the group, no matter how big or small, it can be seen from the travel advice just now, Qin Lang is also very satisfied with this.

And for such an excellent senior professional manager, Qin Lang is also very generous. Now, as the general manager of Lanrun Group, Tang Qian's annual salary has been raised to 2000 million by Qin Lang, and besides the bonus at the end of the year, Qin Lang also gave her the whole Three thousandths of the equity of the group.

Delegating some equity to senior professional managers of the group is also the most common practice in the business world today. This can also stimulate the enthusiasm of professional managers. After all, you want the horse to run fast and want the horse not to eat grass. Feudal management Ideas are totally unworkable in modern society.

Giving a small amount of equity to the group's senior professional managers can also drive the enthusiasm of the senior professional managers, and their work enthusiasm is higher. In fact, Qin Lang's loss is not large, but the added value generated by the management's high work enthusiasm is also greater. , earn more.

The current Lanrun Group is not listed, and the entire group's shares currently belong to the management team, except for Tang Qian, who owns a small share, Tang Xue, the chief financial officer, and Jiang Xinzhong, the director of safety and production.

Among them, Tang Xue, as a veteran, owns the most shares, and now holds about 5.00% of the shares of the group headquarters. The second is Tang Qian holding [-]/[-], and the third is Jiang Xinzhong holding [-]/[-]%.

Although these shares do not seem to be many, as the scale of the entire Lanrun Group continues to expand, the value of the group has increased to tens of billions, so if the equity in their hands is converted into cash, it will be a huge sum of money for these people.

Only fools will cash in their shares. The entire group has never been listed for financing. The future development prospects are better than those of the group companies that have been listed. The shares in their hands are too precious. They are like golden chickens that lay eggs. They must not let go .

Under the organization of Tang Qian, the general manager of Lanrun Group, it was finally confirmed that there are a total of 1000 employees at the group headquarters going to the Middle East, including elite employees of the three copyrights of Lanrun Cosmetics, Lanrun Medicine, and Lanrun Real Estate. The management team rushed to the Middle East to learn and exchange management experience.

Li Lengfeng quickly rented the cruise ship. The five-story luxury oil tanker is rented for a month, and the price is 8000 million Huaxia coins. Since it is chartered, the price is actually not expensive. The cruise ship basically provides this month. All life services, including dining, leisure and entertainment, don't need to worry about the big and small things on the Lanrun Group.

After organizing the employees to board the ship, Qin Lang took Liu Zhenzhen and some management personnel of the group and set off on the cruise ship. It took about seven days to go to the Middle East branch, and it took about half a month to go back and forth.

Therefore, the people under Qin Lang and Lanrun Group will stay in the Middle East for about half a month. In this case, the management team sent by the headquarters will have enough time to exchange experience with the Middle East branch. People can have a good time in the Middle East and relax.

This is a happy event for everyone. In fact, everyone is still looking forward to going to the Middle East. After all, the group's business there is developing very well, but basically, except for the boss Qin Lang, no one else has seen it with their own eyes. What is the situation on the edge.

(End of this chapter)

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