Chapter 1474

The cruise ship set sail, heading for the depths of the blue ocean, targeting the Persian Gulf in the Middle East.The cruise ship passed through Malacca all the way, and the scenery along the way is infinite.

With the continuous sun for several days, the deck is undoubtedly the busiest place on the entire cruise ship. It is a wonderful enjoyment to bask in the sun in late autumn, and the whole person feels warm and does not want to move.

The Persian Gulf is a large port in the Arab world, and the fishing industry along the coast is very developed.The southern section of the entire coast is mountainous, with a straight coastline and steep coastline; the northern section is a long and narrow sea rock plain with a relatively tortuous coastline.

Boshi Bay is located on the Arabian Peninsula. It is windy and rainy. Because it is close to the desert area, it is often windy, sandy and dusty, and the visibility is low.

As the boss, Qin Lang will naturally not treat his subordinates badly when traveling with him. In addition to gaming on the cruise ship, even the consumption at the bar is taken care of by the Lan Run Group, which covers almost all expenses, so these employees Very happy.

As for Qin Lang himself, during the seven-day sea trip, he also visited various places on the cruise ship, met some people, and heard some interesting stories.

Seven days later, the ferry arrived at the port of Boqi Bay. After landing, Qin Lang took a large team to visit the Middle East branch. Of course, the main purpose of the management of Lanrun Group Headquarters this time was to exchange management experience.

After bringing the staff to the Middle East branch, Qin Lang organized a bonfire party for 8000 people here. The 1 employees of the Middle East branch and the [-] tourists brought by the cruise ship, plus the local celebrities invited by the local area, plus Together they make up exactly [-] people.

It is worth mentioning that Alsra, the little prince of the Arab world, also participated in this bonfire party. He brought Della and Sally, two cousins, together.

Members of the royal family came to support in person, and this bonfire party became even more popular.

Now Qin Lang's industry in the Middle East is getting bigger and bigger, and the little prince Alsla also regards Qin Lang as an important partner, and all aspects are gradually valued.

This is good news, and it also means that Qin Lang's influence in the Middle East is getting bigger and bigger. Although it is still not as good as Alsla, who has assets of hundreds of billions of dollars, I believe that with the further development of the Middle East branch, the relationship between the two The distance between them will become closer and closer.

Apart from meeting his old friend Qin Lang, Alsla came to join us this time, and also had a bigger purpose to see the elites from the Huaxia Headquarters of Lanrun Group, and see if there is any chance to further deepen the relationship with Lanrun Group cooperate.

After all, after nearly a year of development, the Middle East branch has brought Alsla a return of at least more than 20 billion US dollars. Although it is far from the level of recovering the investment principal, Alsla is already very satisfied , Many industries under his name are not as good as the return on investment in Lanrun Middle East Branch.

Qin Lang introduced these managements from the headquarters of Lanrun Group to Alsla, as well as some well-known laboratory researchers.

And Alsra also shook hands with these people in a friendly manner, showing the dignity and kindness that a Middle Eastern prince should have, which made the tourists of Lanrun Group feel very happy. They never thought that they would have the opportunity to shake hands with the princes of the Middle Eastern countries in their lifetime.

You must know that Alsla has a chance to inherit the Bitter throne. He is the third heir to the royal family. That is to say, after the old king abdicates in the future, he only needs to defeat his two elder brothers to have a chance to get the throne.

Among all the countries in the Arab world, Bit is a big country with military and political integration, and Alsra is also a celebrity in the business and social circles of the Arab world, and it can be said that it has a lot of influence in the entire Arab world.

Therefore, it is also a matter of face to befriend such a noble royal prince. All the members of the Lanrun Group who accompanied him this time were surprised and admired their boss.

"Look, even the most honorable members of the royal family in the Arab world have a close relationship with the boss. What can stop the development momentum of the entire Lanrun Group in the future... It is really a blessing to work in such a large group!"

Next, the management members from the Lanrun headquarters began to communicate eagerly with the members of the Middle East branch, and Qin Lang and Alsla also took a good look at the Middle East branch, expressing the future development in their hearts Tell Alsla about the plan.

Qin Lang is really a person who does great things. In his development plan, the Middle East branch will become a city in the future, and the scale will be larger than the capital of AJ. The population living here is mainly related to the Middle East branch of Lanrun Group. members of the relationship.

This will be a city developed by industrial industries, just like the automobile cities in Europe and America, and it will also be a symbol of economic prosperity and take-off in the Middle East.

As the little prince of the Arab world, Alsra is actually very concerned about the development of the Middle East economy, otherwise he would not have used the spare money on hand to invest many years ago and successfully built an economic empire.

It can be said that Alsra is the Buffett of the Middle East. He has amazing talent in the investment field. Qin Lang is not as good as him in this regard. Qin Lang's business ability pays more attention to the industry, the company's products and quality.

The cooperation between the two parties in the Middle East can also be regarded as a strong alliance, which makes the development of the entire Middle East branch not worse than that of the group headquarters, and almost rivals the group headquarters in terms of economic income.

"Come on, this is the most famous halibut in the Middle East. Let's try it. Halibut is also the most famous export seafood in the Middle East. It can earn [-] US dollars per kilogram!"

Qin Lang warmly greeted the accompanying members of the group headquarters. Halibut is also called large flounder. Eight hundred dollars per kilogram is almost equivalent to 5000 RMB, so these fish are very valuable. Ordinary ordinary people in the Middle East want to eat them. Can't afford it.

This kind of fish is rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, especially vitamin B6, but less fat.In addition, flounder is also rich in DHA, the main component of the brain, and regular consumption can enhance intelligence.

The meat of the fish is tender and white, delicious and plump, and has the effect of tonifying deficiency and replenishing qi.

The halibut at the evening bonfire party is all grilled, delicious, and sprinkled with a lot of precious seasonings, roasted until it is crispy and oily. This kind of fish oil is called "golden juice" by the locals.

Of course, such delicious food cannot be without wine. The grapes of Qin Lang’s winery in Bite have been ripe for two or three seasons, and now the branch has shipped several tons, so they directly opened a lot of wine produced by their own winery on the spot.

The temperature difference between day and night in the Middle East is very large. The grapes produced here are more likely to coagulate and become big and sweet, so the wine is naturally delicious.

Now Qin Lang's high-end winery next to Bitter Palace can produce about 800 to [-] tons of wine every year, and the output is not small. The annual output value of the winery can reach at least [-] million US dollars.

Of course, for the wine produced by his own winery, Qin Lang does not plan to sell it abroad, but uses it all for internal digestion of the group. It can be used for Chinese New Year, festivals, celebrations, and gifts.

Returning to the Middle East this time, the pharmaceutical sales channels of Lanrun Middle East Division have been completely unblocked. There are more than 20 sales outlets in more than 4000 countries in the Middle East. It will also increase, and eventually reach more than 1 sales outlets.

The channel of the Middle East branch is formed through the integration and acquisition of some of the original pharmacies in the market, and the self-built part, to form the current scale. The investment is actually not a lot, about [-] billion US dollars.

This is also the result of Qin Lang's meticulous calculations. If it is fully self-contained, I am afraid that it will not be able to form the current scale without four or five billion dollars.

In fact, I don't know exactly where Alsra's 100 billion US dollars of investment was used by Qin Lang. If I knew that Qin Lang had built the entire Middle East medicine sector with empty gloves and white wolves, I'm afraid I would be surprised.

However, after several months of development, all of this has become a thing of the past. The Middle East branch has already smoothed out the accounts, at least outsiders can't see any clues.

The next day, Alsra's personal secretary came to inform Qin Lang: "His Royal Highness is about to leave the Middle East Division, and asked me to inform you to accompany him. He is going to take you to see General Haben."

"Oh, okay." Qin Lang nodded.

I have also heard of General Harben Qin Lang. He is an important figure in the AJ military. He has a strong amphibious force of sea, land and air with about 3000 people.

A 3000-strong army may not be enough for China, but it is already considered a relatively powerful military representative in the Middle East.

Moreover, General Harben's troops are stationed in the capital of AJ, where the economy is relatively developed, so the troops are relatively well-equipped and well-organized, which can be regarded as an elite force.

If you get along well with such a person, it will be good for Qin Lang's Middle East branch in the future. If there is nothing to do, please ask General Haben to take care of it. I believe no one will dare to come to the Middle East branch to fight the autumn wind.

Of course, to deal with such a powerful force, you have to rely on Prince Alsla to introduce him, otherwise, even if Qin Lang has money, he may not be able to buy General Haben's concierge.

His Royal Highness Prince Alsra brought a whole Rolls-Royce team to the Middle East branch this time, and his own special car is a limited edition bulletproof type, which belongs to the pure handmade gold series. The cost of the whole car is estimated to exceed 1000 million US dollars.

"Come on, get in the car." Alsla actually invited Qin Lang into the special car, which also surprised Qin Lang.

It seems that after some incidents, the relationship between the two parties has become closer. His Royal Highness really values ​​himself now, and does not regard himself as an outsider!
This is a good sign, and it also represents Qin Lang's own face. It is also a great honor to be looked up to by His Royal Highness in the entire Middle East.

(End of this chapter)

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