The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1475 Drive away competitors

Chapter 1475 Drive away competitors
After the convoy left the Middle East Division, it drove for about two hours and came to a military base. This is where General Harben is stationed. It looks like an ordinary farm from the outside.

Alston's convoy stopped at the gate outside the farm, and all the entourage got out of the car at this time.

A group of people walked directly into the farm, and it was really strange that they didn't see a single figure along the way.

However, through his spiritual sense, Qin Lang detected that the military forces ambush inside and outside the farm are very powerful, basically all are secret sentries, and there are hundreds of them.

A group of people walked directly to the largest villa on the farm. It is said that the largest villa is where General Haben works.

When he walked to the villa, he was blocked by a large number of people. There were twenty or thirty foreigners who were all European and American faces.

These Europeans and Americans in front of them don't look like soldiers at all, but they are all very strong, they should be the bodyguards of the villa.

"It's strange, why Haben invited some Europeans and Americans to be bodyguards, it shouldn't be..." Alston stopped and looked around, frowning and said.

The relationship between the Arab world and Europe and the United States has not been very good. If Haben invites a group of Europeans and Americans to be bodyguards, it will be a serious violation of the rules. The situation, of course, is not very happy.

"Sorry! Please stop here. Our young master is talking to General Haben. You can only go in after the discussion." One of the tall, blond and blue-eyed bodyguard leaders said.

This bodyguard is so strong, he is almost two meters tall, and Arabs are generally short. At 1.7 meters, Alsra is considered tall in the Arab world, but in front of this bodyguard leader, he looks short and thin little monkey.

However, Alsra, who is an Arab nobleman, has his own aristocratic temperament. He is not afraid of the opponent's aura at all. He frowned and asked, "Your young master? Who are you?"

"Hehe, you don't need to know this, now just wait outside for a while obediently!"

The tall and strong head of the European and American bodyguards blocked the center of the villa's gate and looked at the people in front of him jokingly.

"Presumptuous! Has anyone ever talked to our prince like that?"

Alsla's personal assistant stepped forward at this time, and began to criticize the strong European and American men in front of him without any fear.

"His Royal Highness Prince……"

As soon as he was accused by the other party, and knowing that he was blocking a noble prince from the Arab world, the eyes of the tall and strong European and American bodyguard leader also flickered, and after thinking about it, his tone suddenly became low: "Wait a minute, I'll go in and ask and then let you go."

This tall European and American bodyguard ran straight into the villa, and then came out quickly: "Let go!"

With a cold snort, Alsla's personal assistant carefully cleared the way for his family, and then Alsla, Qin Lang and his party entered the villa.

General Haben's farm villa is really big, after Arsla brought Qin Lang and a dozen of his men into the hall of the villa, it didn't look crowded at all.

At this moment, a group of people has come to the lobby of the villa, and the most central place should be the object protected by the European and American bodyguards outside the villa, a Caucasian young man in his 20s.

This Caucasian young man is dressed gorgeously, and he is wearing a world-class watch from Lawrencell. Lawrencell is the most famous private custom watchmaker in Switzerland. It is said that the cheapest watch produced by this hand-made workshop costs 100 million each. dollars.

However, Lawrence's annual output of watches and clocks is not high, and it can produce more than 3000 pieces a year at most. Therefore, this kind of famous watch is also the favorite of the world's top rich people. It is a symbol of status and status. Ordinary rich people want to buy it. hard to find.

"Mr. Harben, what do you think... As long as my family's products enter Guibao through the Persian Gulf, and then use your help to enter the Middle East market, then I can decide to give you half of the profit." .”

The white guy has reached the crux of the negotiation, but latecomers like Alsla and Qin Lang have no idea what the two sides were negotiating before.

"General Haben!" Arsla, who entered the hall of the villa at this time, greeted him.

As for General Harben, who was listening to the explanation by the white boy, a short, short Middle Eastern old man about 1.5 meters in length laughed when he saw Alston and his group, and gave up listening to the white boy's explanation. He went straight up and gave Alsla a hug.

"His Royal Highness, why do you have time to come to my three-acre land to see me, an old fellow!"

Although Haben is a general in terms of identity, Alsla is even more distinguished by royal blood.

All countries in the Arab world are very united and have a good relationship with each other, so when facing the young prince Alsra, even Haben, a small and powerful Middle Eastern general, dare not neglect.

"Hehe, let's come to see you and introduce a friend to you."

Alsla smiled, then pointed to Qin Lang beside him.

"Qin Lang has met General Haben." Qin Lang also smiled slightly at this time, and cupped his hands.

"Huaxia people?"

General Harben looked at Qin Lang, said in surprise, and then seemed to think of something: "Oh, I seem to have heard of you, the Chinese who has received the Viscount Medal bestowed by His Majesty King Bit in the Arab world should be you."

Actually, I don’t want to guess, King Bit is Alsla’s father, and now Qin Lang is with Alsla, the owner of the Viscount Medal is not Qin Lang, it’s really hell.

"Huaxia boy...what's your name? I heard that you are also a businessman, and you have done a lot of business in the Middle East, right?" General Haben said at this time.

"That's right, General, just call me Qin Lang. My Lanrun Group Middle East Branch is located under your territory, General, and mainly deals in medicine, cosmetics and real estate projects." Qin Lang explained.

"Qin Lang, he is also my Alsla's partner." Alsla added with a smile.

"Oh, that's it." General Harben looked at Qin Lang, then at the white boy who was left out on the other side, and said, "Huaxia boy, I didn't expect you to be with that white guy."

"Coming together?"

Qin Lang also looked at it in surprise. He knew that the other party was in business, but he couldn't imagine what kind of business the other party was running.

"He is the son of the chairman of the North American Yasida Pharmaceutical Group, Royce, and he came to negotiate with me just now... The main reason is to use my relationship to push Yasida's pharmaceutical products to the Middle East market." General Haben said with a smile .

"Oh, did the general agree to him?" Alsla asked.

"No, we Middle Easterners have been bullied by Europe and the United States for so many years. I am not the soft-boned military counterparts in AJ's country, so don't try to talk to this guy."

Despite his short stature, General Harben is actually a relatively strong person, and has a deep national complex and is more repulsive to European and American forces, so the words of the white boy Royce just now seem to be completely in vain.

"I'm sorry, Harben has already found a medical partner, so you are late, please leave!"

General Harben pointed at Qin Lang at this time, signaling for these people to leave.

"He..." Royce, a white boy, still didn't give up. He looked at Qin Lang and asked suddenly, "What is this guy's identity? Is he also a representative of the pharmaceutical industry?"

"That's right!" Qin Lang stood up at this time and said, "I am the boss of Lanrun Group Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd."

"Lanrun Group?" The son of Yasida Pharmaceutical Group frowned and said disdainfully: "I have never heard of it! The level of oriental medicine has always been low, and it must be some kind of low-level enterprise... General Haben actually chose to cooperate with you, He will regret it."

"I don't know if I regret it or not, but... Lanrun Group is a Fortune [-] company after all, and the three new drugs produced by the pharmaceutical sector now have world-class patented technology, which is far ahead of the current international."

Qin Lang straightened his chest and said with a proud smile.

"Oh?" Royce, son of Yasta Pharmaceutical Group, looked at Qin Lang with a vicious look in his eyes. He didn't want to give up the idea of ​​persuading General Haben to cooperate, but General Haben began to chase away the guests at this time: "Please leave Come on, Mr. Royce!"

At this time, some of General Harben's subordinates began to appear in every corner of the villa. They were all soldiers, holding standard weapons in their hands, and began to surround Royce, preparing to expel him.

No matter how unwilling and reluctant, Royce had no choice but to leave the villa at this moment, after all, this was not his territory.

If Royce encountered such a situation of being expelled by his master in North America, I am afraid that Royce would explode directly. He is notoriously bad tempered.

For these Middle Eastern monkeys and Chinese people in the Arab world, Royce actually looked down on them from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn't for the business needs of Yasida Pharmaceutical Group, he wouldn't even want to come to the Middle East to deal with these bastards.

Who is he... He is the son of the chairman of the world's No. [-] pharmaceutical group, and at the same time he has noble white blood. He has serious racial discrimination. In his eyes, these people are no different from pariahs.

Staring at Qin Lang bitterly, secretly remembering this guy who made him feel ashamed, Royce led his men and left General Harben's villa angrily.

But Qin Lang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, this time he was obviously lying on the ground, knowing that even if he hadn't come here this time, General Harben would probably find an excuse not to cooperate with this European and American son.

After all, the relationship between the Arab world and Europe and the United States has not been very good, and General Haben is obviously a hardliner in the Arab world, so there is no possibility of cooperation with European and American forces at all. It is estimated that if Royce continues to stay, then General Haben It might really be rude to this kid.

(End of this chapter)

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