The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1476 Someone wants to block the cruise ship

Chapter 1476 Someone wants to block the cruise ship
After driving away Royce, the representative of Yasta Pharmaceutical Group, General Harben laughed, and then let Alsla, Qin Lang and his party sit down, and at the same time asked the waiters in the villa to serve tea to these guests.

The hall of the villa is really big, covering a thousand square meters. The long mahogany table in front of you should be used for large-scale conferences. It is no problem for more than 20 people to sit. All the guests like Arsla and Qin Lang sat down. After that, more than half of the seats were empty.

After serving tea to the guests, General Harben leaned on the deck chair and took a sip of tea lazily, then let out a sigh of relief: "Good tea!"

The climate and environment in the Middle East are special, it seems that there is no tea, right?Qin Lang, who was puzzled, took a sip, and immediately felt that the tea was good tea, but he felt that it was from China's Longjing. Unexpectedly, General Harben would like to drink China's tea so much.

"Hehe, just kidding, you can be more casual with me."

General Haben didn't try to hide his embarrassment just now. He should be a person who knows how to enjoy life and should be easy to deal with.

"You don't have to be too polite with General Harburn."

Alsla said to Qin Lang, obviously he has been here more than once, and at this time he also drank tea slowly.

Compared with General Haben's casualness, Alsla obviously had undergone hard training in royal etiquette, and his every move was orderly. Compared with General Haben, a guy from a wild background, he was obviously more disciplined.

In fact, through the subsequent chats, Qin Lang also knew that General Haben was originally from a commoner background, and his life experience is full of legends to be able to get the status he is today.

After Alsra's official introduction, Qin Lang and General Haben were completely familiar with each other, and General Haben patted his chest and said that in the future, he would follow the Middle East branch on the site. If the branch encounters any situation in the future, it can call him at any time to send military forces for support.

Although Qin Lang's current defensive force in the Middle East branch is not much weaker than that of General Haben and his group, he can't help but understand the other party's kindness. After all, the Middle East is a place with serious turmoil, and one more friend is more power. Is not it.


On the other hand, Royce, who had left General Harben's farm in despair, gritted his teeth angrily, and hated the oriental boy who interfered with his business negotiations. At this time, he quickly asked his subordinates to look up the relevant information of Lanrun Medicine.

After all, the rise of Qin Lang's Lanrun Group is too fast. It used to be unknown in the entire world's pharmaceutical industry, but it suddenly popped up. It is normal for Royce and his staff not to know.

Soon, the headquarters in North America transmitted the information of the entire Lanrun Group through the satellite network, allowing Royce, the son of Yasta Pharmaceutical Group, to have some understanding of that thorn in the side.

"Hmph! A wild monkey who has suddenly risen wants to challenge Yasida, it's really beyond his control!"

Royce snorted, and at the same time sent a message to the North American headquarters, asking the headquarters to pay attention to the development of the pharmaceutical sector of the Lanrun Group, and find a way to deal with this enemy who cheated him.

In fact, he didn't know at all that it was a mistake to negotiate with General Haben before. General Haben, who hated European and American forces, was a hardliner, and there was no possibility of cooperation between the two sides.

So even if Qin Lang did not come this time, Royce would not be able to achieve his wish and successfully negotiate, and Qin Lang just happened to encounter this matter, and gave General Harben an excuse to refuse to cooperate.

However, neither Qin Lang nor Royce knew the way to do this. Now Royce has regarded Lan Run Medicine as Yasida's strong enemy, so he is going to find ways to deal with this enemy in the business field.

Feedback from the North American headquarters came soon. At present, Lanrun has two latest developments: one of which is the successful research of the new drug "Anticancer No. [-]", which is applying for an international patent and is ready to be put into the market.

The second news is that Qin Lang, the owner of Lanrun Group, chartered a cruise ship at Huaxia Yacht Club, and took 1000 of his management and elite employees to travel to the Middle East for a one-month period.

These two pieces of news are actually not a big secret, so the North American headquarters of Yasida quickly found out, but now Royce, who got the news, smiled coldly: "Lan Run, Lan Run, you will never offend me." Good fruit to eat, let me trip you up now!"


There is a needle thread from the little prince of the Middle East, Alsra, and the meeting with General Harben. Qin Lang had a very pleasant conversation with the other party, and the two sides have officially established a relationship. Sending a big gift can be regarded as expressing gratitude to this local snake.

And General Harben naturally laughed, and accepted the kindness unceremoniously. You must know that Qin Lang promised that the gift will be at least 5000 million US dollars per year. As a military force with 3000 troops, he needs to maintain daily expenses. Quite a few, so there has been a lot of enthusiasm for funding from all parties.

After the two sides talked, the scene ended amicably.

Alsla also bid farewell to Qin Lang at this time, and the convoy began to drive back to the country.

And Qin Lang's business in the Middle East has come to an end. After half a month of study and exchange time for the management of his subordinates, he can return to China on a cruise ship as scheduled.

While the management personnel sent by Lanrun Headquarters were studying and exchanging in the Middle East branch, other tourists also took a good tour of the Middle East, such as the Great Desert, the AJ Pyramid, and the Sphinx. Naturally, I met the historic sites, and even went to the Nile River to enjoy the scenery of the longest river in the world.

Everyone had a great time on this trip. Of course, everyone's skin was tanned, because the sun in the Middle East was too hot.

Especially for those researchers who came out to play in the laboratory, it was rare to see abnormal fair skin color in the sky. With the sun these days, all of them have returned to normal skin color.

This result is very good and healthy. The researchers in these laboratories lacked exercise in the first place. Walking around the Middle East and basking in the sun is also good for the body.

Half a month of study and exchange time passed by, and Qin Lang brought the management personnel from the headquarters, as well as the entourage who were playing, all returned to the cruise ship, ready to return to the voyage.

At the Persian Gulf port, when Qin Lang and all his men boarded the boat, he was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the cruise ship that docked at the port at some time was blocked by another larger and more luxurious cruise ship, and could not get out at all.

The cruise ship in front of me has nine floors, and its area is at least one and a half times that of Qin Lang's cruise ship. A European and American ship flag was planted above the cruise ship, and when he saw this flag, Qin Lang suddenly had a glimmer of understanding in his heart.

He hurriedly asked his subordinates to inquire about the news, and soon his subordinates found out the situation: "Boss, this cruise ship came from North America and belongs to the North American Copenhagen Freighter Company. It should be leased by Yasida Pharmaceuticals."

"Well, let's have a good talk, let the other party's cruise ship get out of the way, and let us leave." Qin Lang said lightly.

"What if they don't give way?" asked the subordinate.

"Then, we're not too polite. I'll make a call to the port later."

Qin Lang knew that General Haben had a sea fleet parked in the Persian Gulf, if those bastards like Yasida didn't open their eyes, he wouldn't mind calling General Haben to send a warship to show off their prestige.

After all, this is the territory of the Middle East. Even if the Europeans and Americans are very good in the world, here, a dragon has to be coiled, and a tiger has to lie down. Qin Lang knows that Middle Easterners are most dissatisfied with the arrogance of Europeans and Americans. Say something, maybe General Haben's sea fleet will spontaneously expel the European and American cruise ships from the port.

Soon, his subordinates came back to report: "Yasta is very arrogant. The chairman's son gave a death order, and the other party's ship refused to give way to our cruise ship. He also said arrogantly, let us Jump into the sea and swim back to China."

"Oh!" Qin Lang stood on the deck and looked at the opposite side. Royce from Yasta happened to be standing on the opposite bow, and when he saw Qin Lang looking over, he happened to show a provocative smile.

"Hello!" Qin Lang picked up the phone expressionlessly and dialed General Haben: "Master General, there is one thing I need your help with. It's like this. My cruise ship was blocked at the port of the Persian Gulf. And it happened to be the European and American boat that blocked people a few days ago..."

On the phone, Qin Lang briefly told General Haben about the situation, and then General Haben didn't even think about it; "I'll ask my fleet to send a warship to help you. If the other party doesn't open his eyes, then we You're welcome to bombard it a few times before talking!"

With General Haben's bold and tough promise, Qin Lang hung up the phone with a smile and began to wait for the good news and the arrival of the warship sent by General Haben.

On the more luxurious cruise ship on the opposite side, Royce, the son of the chairman of Yanda, saw Qin Lang looking at him with a smile on his face, so he stretched out a hand even more arrogantly, and compared the middle finger with Qin Lang.

This guy is now letting the cruise ship from Copenhagen, North America, get stuck on the cruise ship of the Huaxia Yacht Club, which is equivalent to blocking the way back to the voyage of the employees of the Blue Run Group. This is deliberately disgusting people like Qin Lang.

However, now Qin Lang has been looking at Royce opposite with a smile on his face, watching the people from Yasida Medicine on the opposite cruise ship playing tricks like clowns.

Because he knew that this was just a farce, and when the other party cried next, when the warship sent by General Harben arrived, the other party's cruise ship would have to give way, or not, and they couldn't help it at all. .

Moreover, with General Harben's temperament, the warship that was sent must have received special instructions, and these Europeans and Americans will have to shed a layer of skin if they don't die.

It's a pity that all the guys on such a luxurious cruise ship opposite didn't know about this situation. Royce's subordinates even danced the samba dance with the approval of the boss, and while dancing, they made troubles to Qin Lang's group. grimace.

"They look so happy!"

Qin Lang smiled slightly, and said again: "Just let them be happy for a while, otherwise there will be no chance later."

(End of this chapter)

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