The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1477 Receiving a Letter from a Lawyer

Chapter 1477 Receiving a Letter from a Lawyer

Seeing these idiots on the deck of the opposite cruise ship going crazy, Qin Lang also had an inexplicable evil feeling in his heart, crossing his arms, he was also waiting to move a small bench to kowtow melon seeds to watch a good show.

In less than half an hour, a series of loud sirens sounded from the Persian Gulf harbor, woo...

This is the sound of a warship entering the port. It seems that the warship sent by General Haben to support has already begun to arrive.

The shadow of a destroyer gradually appeared in Qin Lang's sight. Destroyers are second only to battleships and cruisers. They generally serve as offensive assault missions in naval formations, including air defense, anti-submarine, patrol, alert, reconnaissance, and sea blockade. And maritime support and other functions.

This is a medium-sized destroyer. Although it is not as big as a large-sized cruise ship, the dark-black cannons on the warship are not vegetarian. If a round of salvo is fired, no matter how big the cruise ship is, it will not be able to resist.

After all, this is a warship with heavy firepower, while the cruise ship is just a civilian ship, and the two are not at the same level at all.

At this time, the destroyer came whining, and an officer pulled a loudspeaker and began to shout towards the sea: "Please pay attention to the relevant cruise ships in Copenhagen! Please pay attention to the relevant cruise ships in Copenhagen. I suspect that there are a lot of prohibited items hidden on your cruise ships." , now everyone on board please leave quickly! Now everyone please leave quickly, this cruise ship is requisitioned by us at this moment!"

"No, it's impossible! We don't have any prohibited items on board!"

On the luxury cruise ship opposite, Royce, who was originally extremely arrogant, was dumbfounded at this time, so he explained loudly to the destroyer over there.

But the Middle Eastern military officer with a loudspeaker on the destroyer didn’t listen to this guy’s explanation at all, and continued to shout through the loudspeaker: “I’ll give you 5 minutes to jump into the sea and escape. You are regarded as a resistance force, and the first round of concentrated fire will be launched at that time! Now start the timer..."

After the Middle Eastern military officer with the loudspeaker reduced his words, he came out with a timer and looked down at the time.

As for the luxury cruise ship, Royce and all his subordinates couldn't help being dumbfounded seeing the seriousness of the Middle Eastern officer.

"Young...Master, these Middle Eastern soldiers... Do you think they will come for real?"

One of the bodyguards was taken aback and came over to ask Royce.

"Crazy, all fucking crazy."

Royce's complexion also became ugly, and he was not sure if the destroyer was really targeting him. In the Middle East, he knew that some Middle Easterners were unfriendly to Europeans and Americans. He didn't dare to take risks, after all, he was the heir to Yanda, the leader of the world's pharmaceutical industry, and his status was extremely noble.

However, Yasida's background is also extremely profound, so he is not a master who is willing to suffer.

"Let's jump into the sea!" Royce gritted his teeth and vowed in his heart that he would definitely pay back the loss he suffered this time by a hundred times and a thousand times. If it is found out who is targeting him, that guy is definitely dead.

Boom!Boom!Boom...boom boom...

A series of sounds of jumping into the sea sounded, and at least three to 400 people jumped into the sea from the luxury cruise ship, all of them were Royce and his bodyguards, as well as some accompanying crew members from Copenhagen.

These people have different water skills after jumping into the sea. Those sailors in Copenhagen have the best water skills. They jumped into the sea like fish and began to try to approach the shore of the harbor.

Royce and his bodyguards are the ones with poor water skills. After all, they are not sailors who have been living at sea for a long time. They all perform poor swimming strokes, or dog crawling, or duck kicking, or floating up and down on the sea. Shen, Titus is in a mess like that.

"Hahaha! Hahaha..." Seeing these funny scenes in front of them, all the personnel on the cruise ship in Qin Lang laughed loudly. How arrogant these guys were before, how ridiculous they seem now, unexpected, unexpected... life Ah, so full of drama.

And more dramatic things are yet to come...

After Royce and his group jumped into the sea, they suddenly found that there was still a long distance from their cruise ship to the shore of the harbor. With their water quality, they couldn't swim to the shore at all, and now the closest reference point is Qin Lang's The cruise ship is gone.

Therefore, Royce and his bodyguards had to approach Qin Lang's cruise ship one after another, wanting to swim to Qin Lang's cruise ship, and then boarded the cruise ship and then returned to the shore with the help of the other cruise ship.

It's a pity that Qin Lang and this guy are enemies, how can they let the other party get what they want?

"Go away! Get out, you are not welcome on our cruise ship..."

Qin Lang directly called the crew on the ship to work hard, and drove the European and American guys who wanted to climb up to the sea one by one, making the European and American guys in the sea very depressed.

Worry!What should I do now?There is no village in the front, no landing in the back, and the cruise ship of the Huaxia people can't get on it by themselves. Are you all doomed to drown half to death in the sea this time?

"Gudu, Gudu..."

Royce's water skills were worse than those of his bodyguards. At this time, when he was kicked off the cruise ship, he choked on two mouthfuls of seawater. He gave the seaman on Qin Lang's boat a hard look, and then began to swim hard towards the bow.

And at this moment, Qin Lang is on the bow deck of his own cruise ship, smiling and looking at these embarrassing guys in the sea with his hands behind his back, it's cool, this is retribution, this is the fate of arrogance, didn't you guys stand out before?
"Woo..." After finally swimming over, Royce actually begged Qin Lang for mercy at this time: "Yes, I'm sorry, can you let us board the boat? I, Royce, swear, as long as we let us board the boat, there will be good rewards." !"

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to get on the boat, so you should swim harder to reach the shore! But hurry up, I don't think you can hold on for long!"

Qin Lang smiled and refused.

Just kidding, before your cruise ship blocked us so much when we went out, now everyone on the ship has been driven off by the warship one by one, and now the method is starting to find yourself... It's just a dream.

"Wow..." Royce was so angry that he swallowed another big mouthful of seawater, feeling severe chest tightness, as if he was choking, and coughed repeatedly.

"You oriental boy wait for me..."

As he swam back, he kept cursing in his heart.

But he never thought that with his character of retribution, even if Qin Lang kindly rescued him from the boat just now, he might be bitten by a poisonous snake at that time.

So, why did Qin Lang save him!Anyway, both sides are enemies, and now they are happy to watch a farce in the sea.

Royce and the others were exhausted from struggling in the sea, and they hadn't finished half of the journey back to the shore. When they were about to drown half-dead in the sea, a few seamen finally swam back to the shore. On the other side, they borrowed a few small boats and began to come to support them, which saved the guys like Royce from the danger of their lives.


Royce, who was already drunk, was lying on a small boat unable to move, his bloodshot eyes staring straight at the sky, he felt that he had never been so embarrassed in his life. "It's all the fault of that Eastern boy. I want to get revenge... I must get revenge."

It's a pity that now Qin Lang can't hear the curse of Royce, the bastard. He has left the Persian Gulf. After the soldiers on the destroyer took over the cruise ship in Copenhagen, they blocked the cruise ship that blocked Qin Lang's way back. Just drove away.

Before leaving, the Middle Eastern military officer gave Qin Lang a military salute, and Qin Lang returned a gentleman's salute from the upper class in the Middle East.

After all, Qin Lang's status in the Middle East is not too low. With the jazz medal issued by Bit, the status of middle and lower-level officers who are ordinary civilians is much higher.

After leaving the Persian Gulf, Qin Lang's ordinary cruise ship began to return directly. This time, I had a lot of fun and fun in the Middle East. Basically, everyone has gained something, and it can be regarded as a happy story.

Seven days later, the cruise ship returned to the port of Modu, and the one-month tour came to an end. Qin Lang's subordinates began to return to their posts one after another.

At this time, Qin Lang was summoned by the general manager Tang Qian to the office of the headquarters of Yunhai Building. In his own office, Qin Lang saw Tang Qian walking in with a lawyer's letter.

"It's a lawyer's letter from Yaanda Pharmaceutical Group. This leading company in the world's pharmaceutical industry has accused our new drug Anticancer No. [-] of plagiarizing their patents. It has filed a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice. I believe the summons from the International Court of Justice will come soon. .”

"Oh, complain about us? Anticancer No. [-] copied the other party's patent? How is this possible!"

Qin Lang seemed to have heard a big joke, and felt a little unbelievable. The idea of ​​​​Anti-Cancer No. [-] was proposed by himself at the beginning. It was the result of two months of hard research by the researcher of Lanrun Medical Technology. It is impossible to plagiarize the patent of the outside world. technology.

"We also know that this is impossible, but this time Yasida Pharmaceutical is so domineering, it just sent this lawyer's letter."

Tang Qian also said helplessly: "Because of Yasida's complaint, the process of applying for a patent internationally for our new drug has been forced to suspend. The new drug Anticancer No. [-] issued a patent certificate."

"That is to say, at present, the anti-cancer No. [-] has only applied for a patent certificate in China. Because there is no international patent certificate, it can only be circulated in China, and it cannot go abroad for the time being."

"It's really fucking." Qin Lang frowned. He saw the viciousness from this lawyer's letter. This was Yasida's conspiracy and exclusion against Lanrun Pharmaceutical. Was it defeated?
Nodding his head, Qin Lang said to Tang Qian: "Since the other party wants to sue us, let's fight them. Anyway, we are not afraid of being crooked. We have the facts and source evidence in our hands and we are not afraid of plotting."

"Well, the overseas promotion of Anticancer No. [-] can only be postponed for a while, and the main focus is on the domestic market."

Tang Qian nodded. Now Lanrun can be regarded as a big business. The suspension of new drugs in the overseas promotion plan is actually not a big loss. Anyway, the domestic market is also relatively large. The new drugs that were custom-made from pharmaceutical manufacturers around China in large quantities before should be can be digested quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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