The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1478 Ye Xiaorui is in Danger

Chapter 1478 Ye Xiaorui is in Danger
After talking about this with Tang Qian, Qin Lang told Tang Qian to pay attention to collecting evidence to prepare for Yasida's conspiracy against Lan Run.

After all, he knew very well that Yasida would make moves, and Lanrun needed to plan ahead.

After talking about this, Qin Lang returned home, took a shower, and turned on the computer.

Although he has a lot of money now, he can just buy a big villa, but he has been busy dealing with competing companies recently, so he can't relax his life at all, so he can only temporarily leave things like enjoyment behind.

What's more, the house he bought in Haiyun International Apartment is not bad, it's not a mansion, but it's comfortable to live in.

After turning on the computer, Qin Lang clicked on a video communication software and tried to contact Ye Xiaorui.

When he was still exploring in the secret place of the pyramid, Ye Xiaorui went to Africa for participating in medical assistance for the second time. He has kept in touch with Ye Xiaorui since he returned from the secret place of the pyramid.

Video calling was the most commonly used method between him and Xiaorui before, after all, there was no way to meet directly.

Ye Xiaorui is now in a remote and poor tribe 09 kilometers east of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, Africa, providing medical assistance to the tribe. From the time point of view, it is 30:[-] in the evening, and Ye Xiaorui should have finished her work for the day , was about to fall asleep.

Soon, the video software responded, prompting Ye Xiaorui to go online, Qin Lang turned on the camera, put on the earphones, and greeted Ye Xiaorui with the microphone facing his mouth.

"Xiaorui, I can video chat with you again. By the way, Xiaorui, why are you pulling the neckline of your pajamas so high and why are you so tightly guarded?"

Seeing Ye Xiaorui wearing a white nightgown just after taking a shower but tightly wrapped up, Qin Lang couldn't help joking.

"Qin Lang, chatting with your friend again."

"Qin Lang, why don't you come here? I'm not afraid that your little Rui will be hooked up by a handsome male doctor from the medical team."

"Sister Xiaorui rejected a tall, handsome and well-born male doctor yesterday. He must be interested in you. You haven't come here to date Sister Xiaorui. One day, sister Xiaorui was really kidnapped. You also Yes, let me tell you."


Before Ye Xiaorui had time to speak, three or four girls gathered around and talked in a hurry.

Qin Lang also knew these nurses who lived in the same residence as Ye Xiaorui. Although it was through video, he could still joke around.

"I don't want to come here, Xiaorui won't let me? Hehe." Qin Lang laughed.

The group of Yingying and Yanyan continued to fight, Qin Lang immediately said: "Big sisters, give me and Xiaorui a private space, please stop making trouble, I will give you an extra set of cosmetics when I return home."

"Hmph, that's about the same, I'll forgive you."

A lively girl smiled and said, "But Qin Lang, you have agreed, you want a full set of cosmetics."

"Of course, I'll give you a limited edition, the most high-end one, okay." Qin Lang laughed.

It’s really not a big deal for him to give away a few sets of cosmetics. Together with Lanrun Company, his assets are worth tens of billions of dollars. Even if he doesn’t have much cash on hand, he is definitely a billionaire .

What's more, being generous to these girls in front of Ye Xiaorui will actually make these girls envy Ye Xiaorui. He just wants Ye Xiaorui who is abroad to accept the envy of others.

"Wow, Qin Lang, you are so generous, Xiaorui is your girlfriend, I am so happy!"

A tall girl said excitedly, not forgetting to tease Ye Xiaorui.

The girl who was very lively before also spoke, and naturally "molested" Ye Xiaorui.

"Xiao Rui, you can find such a good boyfriend. My sister is really envious of you. Why don't you tell Qin Lang to see if there are men of the same age around him, and help my sister find a partner, okay?"

Ye Xiaorui blushed, and said angrily: "What are you talking about, I want Qin Lang to find you a scumbag and see how you cry."

The lively girl stuck out her tongue, but this time she came to the camera and joked to Qin Lang: "Qin Lang, you still need a warm bed, I can accompany you, as long as you give me a set every day Cosmetics are fine, how about it, I am easier to be satisfied than sister Xiaorui."

Immediately there was a lot of laughter over there.

Qin Lang touched his nose and smiled knowingly.To be honest, he hasn't seen a group of young girls laughing and playing for a long time, and it feels good to be young.

Although he is about the same age as Ye Xiaorui, and even younger than several of Ye Xiaorui's female colleagues in the tent, he has experienced many dark and dangerous things, and his life is inevitably occupied by these elements. It's a day when youth is running wild.

After the fight over there, Qin Lang said to Ye Xiaorui: "Xiaorui, I miss you, how about I come to see you tomorrow?"

"I really don't need it. We are very busy now, and everyone has a lot of things to do. I'm afraid I won't have time to accompany you when you come. Anyway, I will be back soon, like the medical support last year. Isn't it too fast?"

Ye Xiaorui still had the same thought, and didn't want Qin Lang to drive all the way there.She knew that she didn't have time to accompany Qin Lang, and she would feel very sorry when the time came, so she simply refused to let Qin Lang go.

It's not that Ye Xiaorui doesn't welcome or miss Qin Lang, but that she is thinking of Qin Lang.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come back." Knowing Ye Xiaorui's decision, Qin Lang respected Ye Xiaorui's opinion very much.

Besides, it only takes a while for Ye Xiaorui to come back.

After finishing the video call with Ye Xiaorui, Qin Lang also started busy with his own affairs.

On the second day, Qin Lang didn't contact Ye Xiaorui because he was busy with Lanrun's medical affairs. On the third day, Qin Lang specially chose the time and chose Ye Xiaorui's side during the noon break, so he sent a video call to Ye Xiaorui request.

It's just that this time is very strange, half an hour after the request was sent, there was no movement from Ye Xiaorui.

"Could it be that Xiaorui and the others are still busy with medical rescue and can't rest at noon?"

Qin Lang thought of this possibility.

Medical assistance is very hard, and there is only a little time after lunch, and there is a little break after [-]:[-] in the evening. Usually, the medical assistance team either volunteers to treat people in various poor tribes in Africa, or goes to various poor tribes in Africa by car on the way.

But Qin Lang still took out his mobile phone and made an overseas call.

After all, he didn't see Ye Xiaorui's response for half an hour, nor did he see any response from the other nurses in the rescue team, so he had to confirm.

But even when I called him, he couldn't get through!
Qin Lang felt something was wrong at this time, so he quickly called the mobile phone of the leader of the medical assistance team.Generally speaking, if there is an emergency, you can directly call the team leader.

But the result is still the same, the phone cannot be connected at all, and the prompt says that it is not within the scope of service.

But Qin Lang is very clear that because of the many wars in Africa, the medical assistance team is operating together with an international peacekeeping team. In order to ensure safety, whether the medical team is in the camp or in the African tribe, the peacekeeping team will provide communication support and can guarantee 24 hours The communications of the medical assistance teams are all connected.

Qin Lang is very sure of this, but now, even the team leader can't get through the phone.

If it is not an accident, Qin Lang would not believe it.

Qin Lang then called Ye Mingcheng and Su Yun again, asking Uncle Ye and Aunt Yun if they could contact Ye Xiaorui.It turned out that they had the same experience after contacting them.

Su Yun panicked on the spot.

Seeing this, Qin Lang said directly to Ye Mingcheng and Su Yun: "Uncle Ye, Aunt Yun, I'm going to Africa now."

"But Qin Lang, do you know the exact location of Xiaorui and the others?" Su Yun asked worriedly.

"I know. When I made a video call with Xiaorui, I wrote down the location of their camp. I can just find the location of the nearest camp."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang didn't care about other things, so he hung up the phone and called a friend in the provincial capital, asking him to book a flight ticket to Armenia, Africa immediately.

He doesn't care how many times the plane has to turn around, in short, it needs to be fast.

With his current status, the friends he contacted naturally have a lot of energy, and the other party readily agreed.

Qin Lang tidied up and drove his sports car straight to Yunhai Airport.

Half an hour later, Qin Lang boarded the plane. The plane first flew to Shanghai, and then transferred to Armenia.Of course, these are not things that Qin Lang needs to worry about. After all, even his passport is quickly arranged by a friend.

As for the sports car, Qin Lang also threw it directly outside the airport, and there will naturally be a white leopard driving back.

After arriving at the Shanghai stock market, Qin Lang tried to contact Ye Xiaorui while waiting for the plane, but he still couldn't get in touch, and the situation was the same with the team leader.

It's certainly not a communication failure.

And it shouldn't be that the entire medical team was killed. This kind of collective loss of communication is more like the medical team encountered some kind of trouble, and the other party temporarily controlled the communication right.

Of course, this is Qin Lang's own guess. He hopes that this is the best result, not that the tragedy has already happened.

Qin Lang spent another twenty hours by plane and finally arrived at the only airport in the capital of Armenia.

According to the video recording with Ye Xiaorui, the place where Ye Xiaorui and her medical team appeared most recently was in the Kudar District, about [-] kilometers away from the capital. It is a relatively poor area in Africa, with many viruses and chaotic order. Even full of wars.

Qin Lang approached the staff of the Chinese embassy in Armenia to inquire about the situation. He knew that there was a confrontation between anti-government and government-fu armed forces in the Kudar area. It was really chaotic there, and the staff of the embassy advised him not to go there.

In addition, Qin Lang naturally also asked about the news of the medical team, but unfortunately, the news from the embassy lagged far faster than him. After all, no one asked the embassy for help, and the embassy didn't know about it yet.

But the other party put forward a speculation, speculating that the medical team may have encountered armed kidnapping.

Qin Lang didn't have time to wait for the embassy to negotiate with the armed party. He hired a taxi in the capital and paid a lot of money to go to the Kudar area.

The driver was only willing to take Qin Lang to the periphery of that area, but he was also willing to provide a detailed route.

According to the driver, the exact place Qin Lang was going to was a tribe called the Mammoth in the Kudar area, and he also reminded that the tribe was entrenched by rebel forces, which was why the driver was unwilling to approach the Mammoth tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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