The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1479 Go to Africa to Rescue

Chapter 1479 Go to Africa to Rescue
During the [-]-kilometer journey, Qin Lang urged the driver to keep driving at a high speed, and then he simply drove by himself, which made the driver break out in a cold sweat all the way.However, the driver is still a good person. After arriving at the outskirts of the Kudar area, he took Qin Lang to the market to find someone to buy a second-hand motorcycle, and handed Qin Lang a map. If you know the local language, you can also find the Mammoth tribe.

"Good luck."

At the end, the driver blessed Qin Langdao in the local language.

Qin Lang stepped on this old motorcycle that has been around for many years, and after accelerating, there was a bang, black smoke came out from the exhaust pipe, and Qin Lang set off towards the Mammoth Tribe.

On the way, Qin Lang tried to contact with his mobile phone, but he still couldn't get in touch with Ye Xiaorui, nor the team leader.

And here is too remote, even domestic long-distance calls can't be made, and I don't know what Uncle Ye and Aunt Yun are worried about.

It is also because of this that Qin Lang is eager to see Ye Xiaorui and the others, to ensure Ye Xiaorui's safety.

Fortunately, Qin Lang has a good sense of direction. When he came to a strange place for the first time, he didn’t take any wrong roads with the guidance of the map. After driving for two hours, he passed through a prairie in Africa and entered the forest opened up in the jungle. A small dirt road, and finally along a river at the end, I saw a simple house made of dirt walls.

This house is a typical African indigenous building, very short and small, and the roof is densely covered with palm leaves. Outside the house, two dark African boys are playing.

Qin Lang didn't understand the other party's language, so he didn't stop the car to ask someone. Anyway, he shouldn't get lost. According to the marks on the map, this is the range of the Mammoth Tribe.

Of course, this is only the outlying area of ​​the tribe, and the residential area is still a little bit inside. Presumably, the place where Ye Xiaorui and the others appeared for the last time should also be in the populated area of ​​the tribe.

So Qin Lang continued to drive the dilapidated motorcycle forward, the road was not easy to travel, but fortunately Qin Lang didn't need to cherish the car, he just drove hard, as long as he could reach the destination, he didn't care how bad the car would be, he could just scrap it.

Finally, more houses appeared in Qin Lang's sight, and more and more Africans were found.

Seeing Qin Lang riding a motorcycle from the small path to the main road, which is actually a larger and flatter road, a middle-aged African man with missing teeth hurriedly waved at Qin Lang, shouting something.

Qin Lang didn't understand, but slowed down the speed of the car. Seeing this, the other party kept waving his hands and shouted a word in English this time.


The other party was signaling him to stop, Qin Lang felt a little strange, but stopped.

The African man pointed to the front, then pointed to Qin Lang, and waved his hand to Qin Lang, signaling that the front was dangerous and told Qin Lang not to go.

Qin Lang tried to communicate with the other party in English, which he was not good at.

His original English was very poor, and his oral English was even worse. But in recent years, he has been going abroad and learned some Arabic and English. Of course, he can only guarantee simple communication.

A few minutes later, Qin Lang finally understood a little bit of the situation from the other party's words and gestures.

Not far ahead has been controlled by people with guns. It is very dangerous there. The middle-aged man kindly reminded him not to enter that area to avoid danger.

Qin Lang was overjoyed.

This is where Ye Xiaorui and the others stayed before. He didn't know the exact location. It was impossible to mark it in such detail on the map, but now he found a very important piece of information.

There is a place ahead that is controlled by armed armed groups, which should be the local rebels. According to the communication he had with the embassy when he came to Armenia, the medical aid team that Ye Xiaorui was in was probably held hostage by the rebels.

So, no matter what, he had to go ahead to see what was going on.

After saying THANKS to the middle-aged man, Qin Lang smiled at him, and then drove on.

The middle-aged man could only shake his head.

The largest local rebel armed forces "Tude Hatch" have surrounded the place, and there are dozens of armed men with live ammunition. The young man with an Asian face is in great danger. He has already persuaded him, but if the other party does not listen, there is nothing he can do about it. It's over.


Qin Lang rode his motorcycle and walked along the road. Sure enough, although there were some houses on the side, there was no one there, and the road was deserted, as if all the people and animals here had evaporated.

"It appears that the rebel fighters have taken over the place and isolated it."

Qin Lang doesn't have to care about what happened to the Mammoth tribe, but if the rebel forces affect him, he doesn't mind dealing with them by the way. After all, these people belong to the rebel force and pose a threat to civilians.

After driving forward for about 5 minutes, Qin Lang still didn't find anyone, but after turning a corner, he found a much larger house about 100 meters ahead, with stone walls, compared with earth walls. The house is much more upscale, and it seems that it should be the residence of a very important person in the Mammoth tribe.

In fact, Qin Lang's guess is correct. This big house is the residence of the chief of the Mammoth tribe. As the leader of the Mammoth tribe, the chief enjoys the best resources. The high-end house also represents the chief's status in the tribe. .

Qin Lang spotted the target and drove towards the house.

But at this moment, a stalwart man with an AK47 jumped out of the grass next to him. The man yelled at him, pointed his gun at him, and apparently wanted him to stop.

This person was wearing a hat and camouflage uniform that are common in the army, like a soldier from the army, but Qin Lang also understood that this person should be a member of the Tudhaqi rebels.

Qin Lang stopped the car, raised his hands to indicate that he was not threatening, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

He couldn't find where the rebels were, and if he didn't find Ye Xiaorui and the others, the best way was to pretend to be held hostage and wait for Tudhage's people to send him to the rebel camp.

After all, even if the person holding the AK shoots at him now, he can't kill him. He doesn't even need to use cultivation methods, relying on Wu Zun's strength as a warrior, he can easily avoid the bullets fired by the AK.

Therefore, on the premise that there is no danger, Qin Lang doesn't mind pretending to be frightened by the other party, and raises his hands in surrender.

The man came up with a gun in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun stuck to Qin Lang's back, and then three people appeared next to him. Together, these four people pushed Qin Lang forward, and the target was the big house.

Qin Lang also heard these people chattering in the local aboriginal language, but unfortunately he couldn't understand a single word.

Soon, Qin Lang was brought into the house, and then escorted into a room. In this room, there were several soldiers in charge of guarding. A bald black man wearing ivory bone ornaments was sitting and enjoying fine wine and food.

The four people in charge of the escort immediately became respectful when they saw the black man. From this, Qin Lang was basically sure that this fierce-looking bald black man was the leader of Tudhatch's rebel force in the Mammoth Tribe.

The bald black man glanced at Qin Lang indifferently, as if he was a little surprised by Qin Lang's Asian identity, but he didn't care at all, and just winked at a soldier.

The soldier immediately came up and began to search Qin Lang's body, found Qin Lang's passport, mobile phone, wallet, etc., and handed them over.

The bald black man took it and looked at Qin Lang's passport, and said something, and the four continued to escort Qin Lang into the house.

Qin Lang did not act rashly, and was led by these four people to an open space in the backyard. An armed man opened the wooden board leading to the basement, pointed a gun at Qin Lang, and signaled Qin Lang to go down.

"The rebel armed forces actually used the basement. They must be imprisoning people in the basement. I just don't know if Xiaorui and the others are there."

But when Qin Lang went down, he found that there was a cage in the basement, and seven or eight people were imprisoned in the cage, all of whom were black.

He too was put in a cage, and the four left with guns.


The oldest man in the cage suddenly spoke in English and asked Qin Lang.

Qin Lang tried to communicate with the other party, he wanted to get some information about the medical team.

Unexpectedly, the old man was very proficient in English. After talking and making gestures, Qin Lang finally obtained some important information.

Ye Xiaorui's medical aid team has indeed been controlled by the Tudhaqi rebel armed forces. Even the international soldier team responsible for protecting the medical team has been handed over their weapons. Together with the medical staff, they were surrounded by Tudehaqi's people In a nearby building.

The purpose of Tudhaqi's rebel armed forces is to demand a ransom, so the killing of the hostages has not yet been ordered.

The old man who spoke was the chief of the Mammoth tribe. He was very grateful to the medical aid team and the Mammoth tribe for their help. He didn't want any accidents for the members of the medical team, but he was also imprisoned by the leader of the armed forces, Kaza, and he was helpless.

Qin Lang asked the other party for the location of the building, and then broke open the cage. Under the dumbfounded eyes of the other party, Qin Lang signaled that they could leave with him.

At first these people were still very scared, but after seeing Qin Lang's two rebel armed guards who were in charge of guarding in the basement directly knocked out, these people spontaneously followed behind Qin Lang.

Qin Lang also noticed that the people of the Mammoth tribe hated the rebel militants very much. When they walked past the two stunned people, they killed them and took their weapons.

It seems that the Tudhaqi rebels are very unpopular, and have blood feuds with the people of the Mammoth tribe.

After Qin Lang left the basement, he killed a few armed guards and let the chiefs escape on their own, while he went to the building where the medical aid team was located.

Although the building is surrounded by armed men, it seems that there is no entrance to approach the building, but for Qin Lang, there are many ways.

The most violent way is to rush up and kill the guards at the gate, but this will scare the snake away. Qin Lang chooses to go around to the back of the building, and when he sees the opportunity, he uses the means of self-cultivation. His spiritual sense directly controls the people on the edge of the wall , I easily entered inside.

And when those controlled people came back to their senses, they didn't remember what happened before, and they thought there was nothing abnormal.

Qin Lang entered inside smoothly, and then found the medical team. In a room that was temporarily used as a ward, Qin Lang finally saw Ye Xiaorui who was changing bottles for injured soldiers.

At this moment, Qin Lang felt emotional, went up without saying a word, and hugged Ye Xiaorui.

Ye Xiaorui was surprised at first, and struggled physically, but when she saw clearly that the person hugging her was Qin Lang, Ye Xiaorui was stunned.

"Xiaorui." Qin Lang hugged Ye Xiaorui tightly.

"Big villain, it's really you!"

Ye Xiaorui's beautiful eyes showed surprise, and she smiled very happily. The two dimples on her pretty face looked very cute.

Qin Lang scratched Ye Xiaorui's nose and said with a smile, "Of course it's your man."

Not seeing each other for more than half a year, Ye Xiaorui was obviously tanned and lost a lot of weight, Qin Lang felt distressed looking at it, but when the excitement of the two reunion passed, Ye Xiaorui talked about what happened now, Qin Lang's heart would explode.

Ye Xiaorui and the others were held hostage by the rebel armed forces of Tudhaqi. The soldiers in charge of protecting the medical team exchanged fire with the rebel armed personnel. Unfortunately, one soldier died in battle, and three others were injured in varying severity. He was held hostage by the Tudhachi rebel forces, and he ended up being beheaded on the order of the leader of the rebel forces, Kaza!

Moreover, after surrendering their weapons and surrounding them, he forced them to watch the beheading operation in front of their faces.

Ye Xiaorui described Kaza and others as demons, and hated this rebel force very much.

Because not only the soldiers were killed or injured, but the leader of the medical team was also killed by stray bullets in order to protect people. In addition, two medical workers also died unfortunately, and almost everyone was injured.

Ye Xiaorui herself was grazed by bullets on her arm, and she just bandaged the wound in a hurry, and then treated the other injured people, because the whole team was short of manpower, and injuries like hers were supposed to rest and recuperate, but they couldn't do that now.


Seeing that his beloved Xiaorui was also injured by the rebel armed forces, and so many people in the team were in danger and even lost their lives, Qin Lang was also furious.

He felt his anger burning, killing intent filled his whole body.

"Xiao Rui, I will avenge this revenge for you!"

Qin Lang can't wait to kill the entire rebel army now, because those people deserve to die.

"Bad guy, can you treat the seriously injured first?" Although Ye Xiaorui also hated the demons who took away her comrades and innocent soldiers, she still cared about the seriously injured people whose lives were in danger.

Everyone else was looking at him, hoping he would do the same.

When Qin Lang came in, he had already told other people that he did not attract the attention of the enemy when he came in, but he came out from the basement, Kaza would notice something strange sooner or later, and there was not much time left for him to take the initiative.

But these dying people had to be saved.

Qin Lang simply exerted all his strength, and he treated five or six seriously injured people with the acupuncture method of the heavenly doctor and the method of self-cultivation, temporarily stabilizing their condition.

Now, it's time for him to go out.

Qin Lang cleared all the enemies around the building in the next few minutes. When several uninjured soldiers came out under his signal, he was stunned by the scene before him.

"Let's go together and seek revenge on those dogs and mother-in-laws!"

Qin Lang said, he walked forward first.

The faces of those soldiers were full of anger, they picked up the enemy's weapons and followed Qin Lang to the outside.

With Qin Lang around, it would be no trouble at all to eradicate dozens of rebels with outdated equipment. Qin Lang rushed into Kaza's room at the end and quickly dealt with Kaza's soldiers, leaving Kaza to draw his gun to shoot.

"court death!"

Qin Lang sent out a strong wind, directly smashing Kaza's gun, causing Kaza's fingers to be blown away, and screaming in pain.

Qin Lang took back his mobile phone, wallet and other things, dragged the other party out, and threw the other party on the ground outside.

Now the only member of the Tudehachi Armed Forces who entered the Mammoth Tribe is still alive, but Kaza looked at the people surrounding him, but his body was trembling vigorously.

Those who wanted to kill him were not only soldiers, but also members of the Mammoth tribe.

"kill him!"

"Kill this devil!"

Many people shouted angrily.

Because Kaza was ruthless and killed many innocent people, the blood debt must be paid in blood!
In the end, Kaza was stoned to death by angry people. The people of the Mammoth tribe uttered a bad word, and the crisis of the medical team was resolved.

Rescue personnel also arrived to investigate the incident and treat the injured...

But these tasks have nothing to do with Qin Lang. Qin Lang accompanied Ye Xiaorui and set off to return home with the medical team.

Taking off from Armenia, the plane flew directly to the Shanghai stock market in China after passing through the African transfer station. Qin Lang took Ye Xiaorui and left the airport at this stop. He did not follow the others and returned directly to the sea of ​​clouds. A beautiful city to relax.

Anyway, back in the Mammoth Tribe, he had already told Ye Mingcheng and Su Yun that Xiaorui was safe.

What Qin Lang thought was that Xiaorui had been psychologically affected after all, so he had to let Xiaorui relax.

So after getting off the plane, the two of them started to visit the famous scenic spots in Shanghai, tasted snacks, and finished the delicious meal in the evening, then went shopping in the most prosperous high-end shopping malls on Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street.

Ye Xiaorui was in a good mood, but at night, when the two of them needed accommodation, Ye Xiaorui became a little anxious.

Because Qin Lang took her to the Hilton Hotel. Although she booked a presidential suite, there was only one room.

So under the gaze of the beauty at the front desk, Ye Xiaorui blushed and whispered to Qin Lang: "Bad guy, we have to book two rooms."

"This is the presidential suite, it's a waste of money to book two rooms." Qin Lang said deliberately.

Of course he is not short of such a little money, but he has to create opportunities to be with Xiaorui.

"Then the room is refunded. Let's go to a cheaper hotel and book two rooms." Ye Xiaorui used another solution.

"Silly girl, you are so worried that I will eat you." Qin Lang smiled and nodded Ye Xiaorui's nose, jokingly.

When Ye Xiaorui still insisted, Qin Lang took the room card, directly picked up Ye Xiaorui, and carried her into the elevator.

In the elevator, the blush on Ye Xiaorui's face still did not fade, and she expressed her position: "Anyway, you have to sleep on the sofa tonight..."

But before she finished speaking, Qin Lang hugged Ye Xiaorui domineeringly and sealed his lips.

When the elevator arrived at the floor, Qin Lang carried Ye Xiaorui, whose body was limp, into the presidential suite. After another burst of passionate kisses, Ye Xiaorui limp in Qin Lang's arms.

The next thing happened naturally, Qin Lang put Ye Xiaorui on the snow-white bed, his eyes were hot and full of love, while Ye Xiaorui closed his eyes, his long eyelashes were blinking, his face was as red as a burning cloud...

"Xiaorui, I want you to be my woman."

As Qin Lang said, he put his body on it...

The interaction was lingering, the sheets were bright red, Ye Xiaorui's first time was finally given to Qin Lang.

It was a stormy night.

The next morning, looking at Ye Xiaorui who was walking unsteadily, Qin Lang was silly, but he was also careful and considerate to buy breakfast and massage for Ye Xiaorui.

The two stayed in the Shanghai stock market for three days before returning to the sea of ​​clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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