The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1480 Lanrun is not afraid of lawsuits

Chapter 1480 Lanrun is not afraid of lawsuits

Back in the sea of ​​clouds, Qin Lang had a meal with Xiaorui, Uncle Ye and Aunt Yun.

At the dinner table, Aunt Yun, who had been there, also saw a secret between Qin Lang and his daughter Ye Xiaorui, but she didn't reveal it, she was just cheerful.

After all, it was the first time for her daughter to be handed over to Qin Lang. As a mother, she would also be happy for her daughter's choice.

When Qin Lang returned to Lanrun Company, he learned that Yasida Medicine had not moved yet, but obviously Yasida Medicine could not give up revenge easily, so Qin Lang continued to ask Tang Qian to collect some evidence to prove his patent autonomy to the international court , and at the same time preparing to counterattack the conspiracy of Yasida, the world's pharmaceutical giant, against Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

In the process of investigation, Lanrun Group found that Yasida had indeed used some small means to steal some pharmaceutical business secrets about Lanrun, and used its relationship in advance to apply for cooperation with Lanrun Technology in some countries. Exactly the same patent.

In the international arena, the production capacity of Yastar Pharmaceuticals is extremely strong. Its main products are anti-cancer series, detoxification and beauty, liver and kidney protection and other related pharmaceutical products.

And this time, after stealing some of Lanrun's pharmaceutical business secrets, Yastar is intensively making some improvements in drug production, and actually wants to copy the successful case of Lanrun Medicine.

It's a pity that these doomed methods of the other party can't be put on the table, because Lan Run caught some clues of the other party during the investigation process, for example, the guy who leaked the commercial secrets of medicine was caught.

This is a researcher from the medical laboratory, named Kadi, who was one of the batch that Qin Lang brought back to China from country M. This researcher actually has contact with IELTS, because he has a younger brother who is in IELTS. up to the medical laboratory work.

After catching this researcher, Lanrun Group found a lot of evidence that Kadi leaked commercial secrets. Based on these materials and factual evidence, Lanrun can fight back and bring the plaintiff of Yasida to justice. turned into a defendant.

However, Lanrun Group was not in a hurry, and instead let Kadi continue to keep in touch with Yasida, and continued to pretend that Lanrun hadn't found out about the song.

Of course, it is not easy to control Kadi to do so. Even Qin Lang had to use some methods of cultivators to make Kadi completely succumb under mental pressure.

And Yasida, the international pharmaceutical leader who has never been aware of it, is also overjoyed after stealing the secrets of Lanrun Pharmaceutical at this moment, and begins to organize the pharmaceutical manufacturers under the group to produce new drugs similar to the patented drugs of Lanrun Group. There are quite a lot of finished medicines produced.

After all, Yastar is the world's leading pharmaceutical company, and its production capacity exceeds that of Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical sector, which is now one of the top [-] companies in the world.

It's a pity that those idiots in Yasida don't know that the more they produce now, the more they will lose in the future.

After all, these large-scale new drug products produced secretly are serious infringements, and the international pharmaceutical patent law is also very strict on the patent protection of drugs. If the fact of infringement of Yasida is revealed in the future, the loss of reputation will be trivial, and the high compensation fee will be paid. It will definitely hurt the other party's vitality, and even go bankrupt if they don't do it right.

This time, under Qin Lang's signal, the entire Lanrun Group turned into a dark poisonous snake, preparing to give Yasida a fatal blow.

After all, passively waiting to resolve the attack of Yasida Pharmaceutical Group is no longer in line with the requirements of Qin Lang and Lanrun Group. On the basis of defusing the opponent's offensive, and then giving the opponent a head-on blow, is what Qin Lang and Lanrun Group want to achieve.

And far away in North America, Yasida headquarters.

Royce is having a father-son conversation with his father, Bamas, the president of Yasta Pharmaceutical Group.

"This time, son, you did a good job. With some information you provided... Our people contacted Cass in the Huaxia Lanrun Laboratory through Mian, and asked the two brothers to meet each other. If this is the case, then Cass It will be completely used by us." Bamas said with a smile.

It turned out that the people on Royce's side saw Cass next to Qin Lang when they were in the Middle East, and thought that Cass looked very similar to Mion from the Yasta Medical Laboratory, and they knew that the two were actually the same after contacting secretly. Twins, this also paved the way for the traitor to be bribed later.

Knowing that his younger brother was serving for Yasida, Cass, a rebellious boy, betrayed Lanrun Life Science and Technology Laboratory without any hesitation, stole some important research materials from the laboratory, and passed them to Yasida.

Cass didn't know the consequences of his actions at all. He completely sentenced his own future and future to death. Neither Lanrun nor Yasda would accept him in the future.

This idiot is completely the target of being used by fools, including his brother Mian, who may be the scapegoat of Yasida Pharmaceutical Group in the future.

After all, stealing other companies' pharmaceutical patents is a big taboo in the international pharmaceutical industry. The Yasida family has a big business, and they also pay great attention to the protection of their wings. This is a very damaging thing.

"Father, with this paper of summons, I believe that Huaxia's Lanrun Pharmaceutical has become a mess, and it is a good move."

And Royce admired his father's methods at this time, if he couldn't think of such a vicious trick of calling out thieves.

It would be great if the entire Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group can be brought down directly through this subpoena. After that, the entire Yasida can use the patented technologies of Lanrun Pharmaceutical for its own use, and the outside world will not Will say something more.

After all, Lanrun Medicine will have collapsed by then, and even if the outside world wants to complain about itself, they will not be able to find the culprit.

"Hehe, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and you must rack your brains to deal ruthlessly with the enemy... You don't have to learn more about this, son. This is also the accumulation of social experience."

Banas is also proud of his mastery of this trick. This time the trick is amazing. If it is successful, the benefits to Yasida will be too great, which is equivalent to speeding up the development of the entire group ten years in advance.

After all, the patented technologies of the three medicines of Lanrun Pharmaceutical are very advanced in the world's pharmaceutical industry. This risk must be taken by Yasida. If the profit is doubled in the capital market, it is worth many people's heavy bets. In terms of interests, even if it is death... there are some people who dare to stand up and take risks.

"Yes, my lord father is brilliant."

Royce was completely convinced at the moment, and at the same time secretly had a hint of pride: "You Oriental boy who offended me, now let's see how you end up!"

What the two of them didn't know was that everything discussed now was already under the control of Lanrun Group. Qin Lang made people control Cass, and mastered a large amount of valid evidence of Yasida's patented technology. This international pharmaceutical giant bleeds once and for all.

Perhaps saying hemorrhage is an understatement, I am afraid that Yasida's reputation in the entire international pharmaceutical industry will be tarnished this time, and it is uncertain whether it will be able to keep its position as the leader of the dragon in the future.

The battle of wits between the two sides is in full swing, and the international subpoenas have been issued one after another. The lawsuit has been fought back and forth many times, but there has been no outcome.

From the surface, it seems that the current Lanrun Pharmaceutical has fallen into the trouble of lawsuits. The international patent application for the new drug "Anticancer No. [-]" has been delayed. Recently, the development speed of the group has also been seriously hindered and slowed down. Not a lot.

However, the top executives of the entire Lanrun Group who knew the truth laughed in their hearts. This is Qin Lang controlling everyone to hold back. Once the truth of the facts is exposed in the future, I am afraid it is time to reverse the plot.

No hurry, no hurry, really no hurry, now the heat and the time are not enough.

Either don't fight, if you want to fight, you must hurt the enemy, maim it, kill it, and this will be effective... Isn't it?

Therefore, it will be like this for almost two or three months. Lanrun and Yasida have been arguing back and forth in this lawsuit. Yasida has been acting as the accuser, but the evidence given is not relatively vague. It cannot effectively overthrow Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

Every time, Lanrun Pharmaceutical was passively challenged, but there was no favorable evidence to get out of the quagmire of the lawsuit. Every time it seemed that it was about to get out of the quagmire, but was dragged back by a subpoena from Yasida.

This is a long tug-of-war. Yasta, as the world's number one entrepreneur, can afford it, and Lanrun, a new top [-] pharmaceutical company, seems to have spent most of its energy and resources on fighting the lawsuit. It looked a little weak.

This can be seen from the sales performance of Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical sector in recent months.

The monthly sales of pharmaceutical products had reached [-] million US dollars before Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group fell into the quagmire of patent technology complaint lawsuits.

One month after falling into the quagmire of patent technology complaints, the monthly sales were about [-] million U.S. dollars, an increase of [-] million U.S. dollars.

By the second month, the monthly sales were about 5000 million US dollars, only an increase of [-] million US dollars from the first month.

In the third month, the monthly sales were about 3000 million US dollars, an increase of only [-] million US dollars from the second month.

This phenomenon of slower and slower monthly sales growth does not mean that Lanrun Pharmaceutical's products have reached a state of market saturation, but is caused by some adverse effects.

After all, the new drug product has only come out not long ago, and it has not yet fully occupied the domestic sales market. The current market share has only reached 30.00% [-]!
The main source of the adverse effects is the quagmire of AESTA's lawsuit against Lanrun Pharmaceutical, which has shaken the credibility of the Lanrun Group in the entire pharmaceutical market and caused some resistance to Lanrun's products.

It seems that now at this juncture, Lanrun Group also needs to start to make some necessary counterattacks, otherwise, it will be suppressed for too long, not only the entire international pharmaceutical market, but even China's domestic pharmaceutical market will gradually have a negative impact on Lanrun Pharmaceutical. Some bad ideas, this kind of thinking is stubborn and difficult to change, and if it is serious, it will even affect the future development of Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

It's time to fight back. When Qin Lang issued this notice, Tang Qian of Lanrun Group quickly executed it, and the counterattack of the entire Lanrun Group started.

A new patent complaint report was sent to the international court. This time, the complainant became Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., complaining that Yasida, the world's leading pharmaceutical company, seriously infringed on Lanrun Pharmaceutical, and the evidence was clear!

(End of this chapter)

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