Chapter 1481
In the international court, the judge has officially accepted the case of serious infringement of pharmaceutical products of the international giant Yasta Pharmaceutical Group by Lanrun Pharmaceutical. From the evidence provided by Qin Lang, the international court has obtained many powerful clues.

In this clue, Lanrun Pharmaceutical mentioned that: Yasida Pharmaceutical Group stole many scientific research achievements of Lanrun Pharmaceutical, and secretly imitated the "Fushen No. [-]", "Detox No. [-]", and "Anticancer No. [-]" of Lanrun Group. Invention patents for new drugs, and a large number of generic drugs have been produced, and the finished products of generic drug products have reached more than hundreds of tons.

At present, the finished products of these generic drugs are backlogged in various warehouses of the group under the Yastar Pharmaceutical Group. It is estimated that the total value of the finished products of generic drugs is about 200 billion US dollars.

Next, Lanrun provided some specific clues to the international court. Witnesses include Cass, who has been brought under control at Lanrun Lab, and Mian, a researcher at Yasta Lab. Lanrun pointed out that the two It's a twin brother relationship.

The international court that got this clue was also taken aback, and quickly dispatched Interpol to various warehouses of Yastar Pharmaceutical Group to seize the generic drugs worth about 80 billion U.S. dollars.

The 80 billion US dollars of generic drugs are not all the generic drugs produced by Yasida Pharmaceutical Group this time. As for other generic drugs, it is estimated that Yasida, which just got the wind, has been transferred to other places or destroyed. The $80 billion imitations that were seized were actually the part that Interpol arrived too fast to transfer.

All of a sudden, Huaxia Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. made a big reversal in this drug patent infringement lawsuit, directly turning from the accused to the victim, completely proving its innocence.

The international court also fully understood that all of this was caused by Yasida Pharmaceutical Group, and the thief shouted and arrested the thief, and had been slandering the innocence of Huaxia Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group.

As a result, a notice from the International Court of Justice was directly passed on to the pharmaceutical patent monitoring agency, allowing the international pharmaceutical patent agency to directly approve the patent application for Lanrun's new product "Anticancer No. [-]".

In this regard, Lanrun Pharmaceutical has been in the international court for nearly three months, but failed to apply for the international patent of "Anti-Cancer No. [-]", which finally succeeded on this day, and everyone in the company is celebrating.

Now, Lanrun's new drug "Anticancer No. [-]" can finally be sent overseas through international channels. The development of the entire pharmaceutical sector has been stagnant for so long, and finally ushered in a turning point.

The most important thing is that the reversal of this lawsuit has also completely clarified the truth and restored the company's reputation, which is equivalent to taking a reassurance, so that the general public will not always be in the cloud and be suspicious of Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

Of course, this farce is far from over. Lanrun Pharmaceutical has increased its accusations against Yasida Pharmaceuticals. In a new complaint, Lanrun Pharmaceuticals needs to compensate a large amount of medicines in addition to complaining to Yasida Pharmaceutical Group for infringement. In addition to infringement damages, the other party also accused the other party of making a false accusation, and Lanrun needs to compensate a series of related expenses such as reputation loss, lost wages, and lawyers' litigation fees in the corresponding amount.

The combined value of these two expenses is about 1000 billion US dollars. This time, Lan Run Pharmaceutical also seized the opportunity and began to open its mouth.

That's what Lan Run thought. Anyway, he was the victim, and now that Qin Tian was finally ushered in, he could sue whatever he wanted. Naturally, the more compensation the better.

Of course, with such a huge amount of compensation, if the international court really pronounced it like this, I am afraid that even if Yasida was sold, it would not be able to afford it.

After all, although Yasida is the leader in the international pharmaceutical market, its overall market value will never exceed US$[-] billion.

But now that the lawsuit has been reversed, it's time to switch to Yasta Pharmaceuticals, which is in a state of distress, and the fathers of Bamas and Royce are now anxious to become ants on the hot pot.

What to do, what to do!

Unexpectedly... Really unexpected, Lan Run Group actually still has such a ruthless trick, and all the little moves Yasida made before were clearly seen by the other party.

Needless to say, the communication between Cass and Mitty's two laboratory researchers...the other party has already grasped it, and maybe they deliberately kept the two in touch.

What's even more stupid is that Bamas and Royce always thought that Lanrun was too tired to deal with the lawsuit and was unable to target Yasida, so they let down their vigilance and let some pharmaceutical companies under the group imitate Lanrun Group's patented drugs in large quantities. Product, this is the biggest failure in the whole case.

"Father, didn't you say that you have always been sure of winning? Why did this matter suddenly slip?"

Royce asked anxiously. Now that the wind direction has changed suddenly, he doesn't know what to do.

"The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and there are many old traitors and scammers everywhere! Royce, that oriental boy is not easy. It seems that we have to admit defeat this time."

Palmas frowned and sighed heavily.

In the past few months, Huaxia Lanrun Pharmaceutical has been holding back. It turned out that it wasn't that it didn't, but it was hiding in the dark like an assassin, ready to kill with one blow.

Then the other party made a sudden effort. During the process of accusing Yasida this time, the International Court of Justice dispatched Interpol to conduct a quick search. As a result, Yasida was too late to transfer and destroy all the drugs because of the large amount of generic drugs produced by the pharmaceutical factory. A fatal handle has been dropped in front of the public.

The thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by ants, and Lanrun Pharmaceutical suddenly shot a cold arrow, and the entire Yasida was almost completely abolished at once.

Let's do the math, we produced generic medicines worth almost [-] billion U.S. dollars before, except for the [-] billion yuan of generic medicines that were seized, the rest of the medicines will not be used by Yasta in the future.

And Lanrun's accusation and demand for compensation are also very serious. The compensation amount of up to [-] billion U.S. dollars cannot be paid by Yasida at all. Tens of billions of dollars.

This is a major case in the international pharmaceutical industry, and in this medical patent infringement case, the biggest loss for AESTA is not only money, but also reputation.

After this incident, the reputation of Yastar Pharmaceutical Group has been completely ruined, and it can be said that it will be difficult to move an inch in the international pharmaceutical industry in the future.

Yasida has no money and wants a loan?Sorry, banks have strict risk control on companies with bad records, and it is really difficult to get loans.

Now Yasida still wants to continue to do the pharmaceutical business. The entire market probably looks at Yasida through colored glasses. The common people also have a negative impression of this kind of enterprise. It is completely impossible for the company to continue to be as brilliant as before.

Moreover, leaving Yasida's funeral aside, the current test is very sad.

Even if Yasida wanted to drag the lawsuit on the current infringement compensation case, it would be impossible, not to mention that the international court has the ability to enforce it.

If Yasida really does this, it will form another vicious incident, and the eyes of the common people will probably be staring at this matter. At that time, the common people will boycott all the pharmaceutical products of Yasida, and I am afraid that Yasida will be unable to move forward , can directly file for bankruptcy.

Therefore, when the final lawsuit was fought for another month or two, the international court ruled that Yasida should pay 220 billion U.S. dollars for the patent infringement case of Lanrun Pharmaceutical, and Yasida had to obediently pay the high compensation even though it was very helpless. gold.

It is worth mentioning that among the 220 billion yuan in compensation that Yastar paid to Lanrun, 120 billion yuan was offset by the hidden infringing pharmaceutical products, and Lanrun reluctantly accepted it.

It's not that Lan Run has such good intentions, but Qin Lang knows that if he doesn't accept this, Yasida will not be able to draw so much liquidity for a while, or he will play a rogue and default, or he will die and file for bankruptcy. For Lan Run, the loss outweighs the gain.

Now that the entire Lanrun Group has received 100 billion US dollars in cash as compensation from Yasida Pharmaceuticals, as well as 120 billion worth of free-produced medicines, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

After being cut so severely by Lanrun, the current Yasta has been seriously injured. It has directly fallen from the leading position in the international pharmaceutical industry, and it cannot even be ranked among the top [-] in the world.

Now the assets of the entire Yastar group have shrunk, and the stock market has also been sliding along the way. The liquidity of the entire group is already very tight. If the application for bank loan rescue is not approved, it is almost to the point of dying.

As a result, the executives of the AESTA Group have become frequent bankers in recent days, frequently traveling to several international banks in an attempt to secure a loan to save the current crisis.


As for the Lanrun Group, after winning a big battle, they received a huge amount of compensation. Now the entire Lanrun Group is almost swollen by the 100 billion US dollars plus 120 billion US dollars in medicines.

After obtaining such a large amount of funds, the tension in bank loans has been completely relieved, and Qin Lang has money to continue to expand his pharmaceutical production line.

And the drugs worth 120 billion US dollars also made Lan Run Pharmaceutical Factory not have to consider the problem of drug production for a period of time. The production cost has entered a blank period of several months, but the profit is not a lot.

Such a day is like a dream for the entire pharmaceutical sector. Looking at the large sum of funds in the financial account that is constantly increasing, Tang Qian, the general manager, has to think about how to spend this sum of money as soon as possible every day. .

And Qin Lang also laughed cheerfully. Now the size of the entire Lanrun Group has almost doubled. It would be great if Lanrun could meet a few more stupid opponents like Yasida in the international business competition in the future. In just a few times, Lanrun Group will definitely become the number one in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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