Chapter 1482
Of course, such good things don’t happen often, after all, there is only one Yasida Medicine in this world.

After the capital of Lanrun Group has completely expanded, it has now directly increased from the bottom position of the world's top 100 by more than 300 people to more than [-] people.

Now the total assets of the entire group have actually reached 400 billion U.S. dollars, not the vain figures when Qin Lang negotiated with Alsla before.

After the lifting of the ban on the international patent of "Anticancer No. [-]" in the Lanrun Pharmaceutical section, new drug products have begun to circulate all over the world, and a good sales boom has been formed.

In the past two months, the sales of the pharmaceutical sector have also increased steadily. In the first month, it was [-] million U.S. dollars, and in the next month it directly increased to [-] billion U.S. dollars.

Now "Anticancer No. 60.00" has reached an astonishing 40.00% market share of similar drugs in China, and in overseas markets, the market share of similar drugs has also exceeded [-]%.

Moreover, such a market share is far from being saturated. It is expected that after a few months of hot new drug sales, the market share in China should exceed 80.00%, and the overseas market should be at least 50.00%.

After all, the new drug "Anti-Cancer No. [-]" is a timely product. The curative effect of the drug is too outstanding, and it exceeds the efficacy of similar drugs on the market by at least [-]%. "Cancer No. [-]" will definitely be the first choice for "Anti-Cancer No. [-]" for disease treatment.

When Lanrun was developing vigorously, Qin Lang also held a grand internal group celebration. At the meeting, a large number of outstanding management and employees of Lanrun Group were commended, and double bonuses were issued.

After the meeting, the employees of the large group were organized to go to the five-star Yunhai Hotel to have a good meal together, which can be regarded as an additional reward for the group to the employees.


North America, AESTA Headquarters.

The sound of glass breaking, it should be that someone broke a glass cup.

"Damn it! It's really abominable! That oriental boy... I just can't hold back!"

Royce, the son of the president of Yasida Pharmaceutical Group, is in a bad mood recently, very, very bad, this time it all comes from the embarrassment within the Yasida Group.

Although recently he followed some of the group's management to go to the bank frequently to solve the financial crisis, and finally it worked out, and got a loan to solve the urgent needs of the group, but the bad breath in his heart was getting deeper and deeper.

He believed that all this was caused by that oriental boy. The competitor Qin Lang he met in the Middle East was simply his nemesis. This time, he almost collapsed the pharmaceutical group run by his family.

Angry!Really angry!
He felt that if he didn't get angry, he might suffocate himself to death after a long time, so after thinking about it for a few days, he decided to attack the Lanrun Group, and he began to browse the websites of some internationally famous mercenaries and killers , A high reward worth [-] million U.S. dollars was offered.

It is worth mentioning that the [-] million US dollars is completely Royce's private money, and Royce's father, Bamas, does not know about his son at all.

The [-] million US dollars is almost all of Royce's private money. In order to deal with that nasty oriental boy, Royce, who is now kowtowed, is risking his life.

Once the reward of [-] million U.S. dollars was released, it caused a storm on these related websites. [-] million U.S. dollars is not a small amount, but after knowing that it is a Chinese kid Qin Lang who is going to deal with it, there are some international employees who know the inside story. The soldier killer retreated.

However, there are also more stunned youths and fearless people who are eyeing this huge reward, and finally a top mercenary organization took over this task. This is a mercenary organization called "Blue Wing" that is rampant in Europe and America. There are only 13 members, but the ranking is not low on the international mercenary rankings, ranking among the top twenty.

Compared with other international mercenary organizations with dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people, the "Green Wing" has only 13 people since its establishment, which also created the number of people in the "Green Wing" mercenary organization. People are the kings of individual soldiers, and no one can match their individual combat ability.

Therefore, the 13 "Green Wings" also have a title in the international mercenary circle, called the Thirteen Kings of Soldiers.

There is also a reason for this name. It has been three years since "Blue Wing" was established, and its ranking has risen very fast. It has performed hundreds of various tasks in three years, and almost none of them failed.

After accepting the reward mission issued by Royce, the "Green Wing" mercenary organization began to take action. After preparing the necessary weapons and equipment, they secretly smuggled into China.

The reason why smuggling is needed is because the members of the "Green Wing" mercenary organization are all wanted by Interpol. Second, some of the prohibited weapons carried by these mercenaries are not allowed in China, so they can only sneak into China secretly. Secretly deal with Qin Lang and Lanrun Group.

This time, Royce gave two mission goals, one is to deal with the important target Qin Lang, and the other is to cause a big havoc in the Lanrun Group. It would be great if the whole Lanrun Group can be seriously injured. But that's the thing.

Of course, killing Qin Lang is the top priority of these mercenary missions, so they are going to deal with Qin Lang first.

Before setting off, all members of the "Green Wing" mercenary organization browsed through Qin Lang's photos, and after confirming that they were correct, they began to take action.

A group of people contacted an unremarkable ocean-going ship through a smuggler in country M. After a journey of more than ten days, they approached a small fishing village along the coast of Huaxia, and then went ashore.

Afterwards, through the satellite map, this group of mercenaries contacted a foothold for lurking, and then began to collect information related to Qin Lang and Lan Run in China.

"This Qin the boss of Lanrun Group on the surface, but he should be a Chinese warrior in private, and his martial arts realm should be very high."

A member of "Blue Wing" said.

This is the information collected abroad before. After all, in the mercenary industry, there were seniors who suffered from Qin Lang, so there are some records about Qin Lang.

Although I know that Qin Lang is not easy to mess with, but this time the reward of almost [-] million is too tempting. This powerful mercenary organization that has only risen rapidly in the past three years does not believe in evil, so I decided to take this mission.

After all, the "Green Wing" mercenary organization has 13 people as the king of individual soldiers. Everyone has amazing fighting talents, and they have been trained since childhood. They have grown up after 20 years of hard training, and their strength is almost the same as that of Huaxia. Warriors of the Wuzun level are about the same.

Even the boss "Qing" and the second "Yi" of the "Green Wing" mercenary organization have even reached the middle stage of Wu Zun, and with their good marksmanship, they have a good chance of winning against Huaxia's late Wu Zun warriors .

After all, the "Green Wing" mercenary organization behaves more like a killer organization, and prefers to hide in the dark and carry out sneak attacks on the target. In this way, it is the strength of its own and the weakness of attacking the other, which is also the reason for the "Green Wing". One of the main reasons why he didn't miss a hundred missions.

However, this time, I am afraid that the "Blue Wing" mercenary organization will be kicked to the iron plate. The [-] million US dollars is not so easy to get. Some people in the international mercenary and killer organization know how powerful they are, and they dare not take over this task for a long time. , but let the latecomer "Blue Wing" take advantage of it, you can know that this task is very difficult.

However, since the daring "Qingyi" of Yigao dares to take over this tricky task, he is naturally more than five or six points sure to complete it. In fact, the style of "Qingyi" has always been bold and contains some "Cautious", so I have been stepping on the spot these days.

After arriving at the sea of ​​clouds, "Green Wing" secretly checked Qin Lang's living habits and daily action patterns carefully, and then prepared to do it.

"The target has frequently traveled between Yunhai Building and Lanrun Life Science and Technology Laboratory in the past few days. He likes to drive an Audi A8 alone. He usually leaves Yunhai Building at around [-]:[-] in the morning and arrives at Lanrun Life Science and Technology Laboratory at around [-]:[-]. , stay in the laboratory for about two hours, and then come back around one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Number one, now start to find a way to install an explosive device on the base of the target Audi A8, and be careful not to attract the attention of others."

"No. [-] and No. [-] are in charge of long-range interception, leading five people to ambush in the woods on the section of the national highway on the outskirts of Yunhai City to the Lanrun Life Science and Technology Laboratory."

"The others will follow me and Yi, the Audi A8 that is responsible for following the target, and go out of the city together. When the time comes, we will act accordingly."

As the leader of the mercenary organization, "Qing" issued a combat order at this time, and a series of members on the intercom spoke: "Got it!"

"Roger that!"

"Got it, boss."

So at this end, the "Green Wing" mercenary organization finally took action. When Qin Lang was driving the Audi A8 out of the city, a very ordinary Chang'an Star minivan followed quietly behind him. After the Audi left the city, the speed suddenly increased. It drove to 120 yards, which was a pain for the Chang'an Star behind.

This long case star is actually rented from a car rental company. The cheap domestic bread that costs tens of thousands of dollars a piece cannot compare with the imported Audi series in terms of overall performance.

Fortunately, these mercenaries have also practiced their driving skills hard. The boss "Qing" personally drove the Chang'an Star, which was in good condition, and managed to hang the Audi A8.

However, the Changan Star is indeed a famous bad car. After the speed reaches [-] yards, even if there are six or seven people in it, the chassis of the car still looks a bit floating. Drifting is similar to special effects on TV and movies.

And the people in the car are stumbling around, and the situation is not much better. Fortunately, they are all the kings of individual soldiers with strong physical fitness, and they stubbornly resisted this bad situation. Under the rapid tumbling like dumpling, I am afraid that I would have vomited and fainted.

It has to be said that "Qing"'s driving skills are indeed very good, and his skill and reaction ability are almost similar to those of ordinary racers. No matter how good the driving skills are, ordinary drivers may not dare to drive so fast on this curved national road.

"Attention, the speed of the target vehicle has begun to slow down, and now everyone is paying attention! The teammates who have ambushed in advance are preparing to block..."

Next to him, "Yi", the number two figure in the "Blue Wing" mercenary organization, issued an order through the walkie-talkie at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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