The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1483 The Sniper Failed

Chapter 1483 The Sniper Failed
The Green Wing Killer organization was dispatched quickly, and Qin Lang naturally had no way of knowing all of this because he did not have a special intelligence channel.

Soon, it was about 10:30 in the morning of this day. Qin Lang drove the Audi car back to the city from the suburbs, and the car was driving on the outskirts road.

There are forests on both sides, the trees are neat and tidy, the scenery is very good, Qin Lang is also in a good mood, the speed of the car is not fast, anyway, he is not in a hurry to go back to deal with company affairs.

In the area that Qin Lang couldn't notice, that is, on the two luxuriant trees in the woods by the roadside, the No. [-] and No. [-] snipers of the "Green Wing" mercenary organization pointed their heavy-duty snipers at the national road that end.

At this moment, a small black dot has gradually appeared in the heavily blocked scope, and with the movement of this small black dot, the line of sight is constantly expanding.

The black dot in the scope has turned into the outline of the car, and then the Audi A8 as a whole has become more and more clear, and the head of the car window can already be seen.

"Wind direction, southwest!"

"Wind speed, level 1..."

"Angle 45..."


Heavy Sniper No. [-] and No. [-] are aiming at the head at this time, and at the same time, they are calculating the wind direction and speed so that the bullets will not deviate.

At a distance of 2000 meters from the target, heavy sniper No. [-] and No. [-] both pressed the trigger, puff, two special sniper bullets left the chamber at an invisible speed.

The target...that oriental kid, Qin Lang!

Success or failure depends on this moment!

However, at the moment when the anti-material heavy-duty sniper gun blocked the bullet from the chamber, there was a crackling sound in the distance, which seemed to be the sound of the bullet hitting the window of Aobian A8. The windows of the Audi A8 don't seem to be broken.

what happened?Is this Audi A8 a specially modified bulletproof gas car?

No, it's absolutely impossible, even bulletproof glass can't withstand its own heavy-duty bullets!
Heavy Sniper No. 8 and No. [-] were very strange. They adjusted the scope to get a better look, but suddenly found that the target had disappeared, and fortunately, the Audi A[-] was parked in the middle of the road.

Where did people go?Just when the two guys had doubts in their minds, a shadow like a gust of wind in the distance quickly approached the grove.

It's Qin Lang!This guy wasn't hit by the blocking bullets. He had already spotted the enemy at this moment and began to approach the grove.

There was a cold smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

In fact, this is indeed the case. During the past few days, when "Qingyi" has been stepping on the spot to explore Qin Lang's whereabouts, Qin Lang has actually discovered them a long time ago, but he has always pretended not to know.

After all, Qin Lang is a cultivator in the middle and late stage of Nascent Soul, and his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful now, and he is also very sensitive to the evil thoughts in the surrounding environment. He can directly feel the evil thoughts of these flea-like international mercenaries as long as they emit a little bit of evil thoughts.

Therefore, this time Qin Lang also deliberately lured these international mercenaries to see what the hell this group of "Green Wing" mercenary organizations are trying to do.

And when the "Green Wing" mercenary organization sent snipers to ambush in the small woods beside the national road and fired the blocking bullets, Qin Lang instantly activated the defense of the magic weapon on his body to the maximum, and the ability defense on his body almost protected A8, so now Not only is he fine, but even his car is fine.

However, the special heavy-duty bullets were really powerful. When the two bullets hit, the arrows consumed nearly half of Qin Lang's true energy.

If this special heavy resistance bullet hits an ordinary person, it will definitely be the result of a headshot. Even warriors may not be able to resist it. It is estimated that in this world, only Qin Lang can prevent this kind of resistance in advance.


At the same time when "Qingyi" No. 8 and No. [-] failed to stop the attack, the two also sent a message through the communicator: "The block failed! The block failed, and the target disappeared. It is probably hidden in the car. Now, the captain please detonate the explosion of the Audi A[-]." Device!"

At the same time, "Yi", the number two figure of the "Blue Wing" mercenary organization on Chang'an Star not far away, said on the communication channel: "OK!" and directly pressed the detonator in his hand.

But with this press, unexpectedly the target Audi A8 did not explode, and the explosive device originally installed on the chassis of the car seemed to lose its effect in an instant.

"not good!"

The faces of the mercenaries on the Chang'an Star changed color, knowing that the situation had changed. The explosive device on the target's body did not work, indicating that the other party had already known about their ambush in advance.

So Chang'an Star no longer had any scruples, speeded up and rushed towards the target, wanting to find out.

In fact, the "Green Wing" mercenary organization installed the explosive device on Qin Lang's Aobian A8 chassis. When Qin Lang got off the car, he took it off and destroyed the circuit of the explosive device, so now the explosive device Has completely failed.

And Qin Lang himself had already entered the grove at this time, and directly came to the big tree where the No. [-] and No. [-] snipers of the "Green Wing" mercenary organization were located.

"Ah! The target is here..."

Near the big tree, the five accomplices who were ambushing were all in disbelief. Qin Lang's speed is too fast, and it feels more terrifying than them who are the king of soldiers.

In fact, Qin Lang who has turned on the phantom wind walk, plus the superimposed effect of the magic weapon shadow changing boots, his speed is really terrible now, and the vision of ordinary people can't keep up with Qin Lang's movement at all.

Even if these top international mercenaries who have been specially trained since childhood, they exist like the king of individual soldiers, it is only when Qin Lang came to them that they discovered Qin Lang's movement.

At this time, several guys had to jump out and started to prepare to fight Qin Lang. It would be bad if Qin Lang stared at the two big trees to deal with the two sniper companions. Now the two sniper companions have no defense at all. , are still looking into the distance with the scope.

Clap clap clap clap!There was a battle under the woods. These mercenaries fought hand-to-hand with Qin Lang, but without exception, they were all defeated by Qin Lang.

There is no way, the current Qin Lang is such a dick, regardless of the identity of the cultivator, the cultivation base of the warrior is also above the level of the Martial King, and it is really a piece of cake to deal with five international mercenaries at the early level of Wu Zun. Although he is the king of individual soldiers, he is very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people on the earth, but he is not enough in his own eyes.

After killing five mercenaries like the King of Soldiers at once, Qin Lang smiled coldly, and began to glance at the two big trees. Now the heavy sniper No. [-] and No. [-] on the tree heard the abnormality in the woods, I also understood, and quickly put down the blocking weapon in my hand.

Both of them took out their Bolun large-caliber pistols and shot at Qin Lang's shadow under the tree. The Bolun large-caliber handwheel is the most powerful type of pistol, weighing 2.8 kilograms, and has great close-range killing power. Another name for this species is the King of Hand Cannons.

This kind of hand cannon requires extremely strong force to control, and the Boren large-caliber pistol has a lot of recoil, but operating this close-range lethal weapon is not difficult for two heavy-duty snipers who are good at strength. That's when madness is firing.

But under the tree, Qin Lang's shadow has been moving at high speed, until it turned into an afterimage. Although the two snipers on the tree are good at marksmanship, they still can't hit Qin Lang.

Clap clap!Clap clap!The two guys fired more than a dozen shots in a row, almost shooting out the hand cannon bullets in one breath, but it still had no effect.

Under the tree, Qin Lang sneered and took out the Purple Eagle Fireworks Sword. At this time, he swung briskly at the two big trees, and the two sword auras with flames the size of the door panels directly cut into the two big trees.

With a bang, the two big trees fell down directly. At this moment, the two mercenary snipers fell directly from the trees. However, the two mercenaries were very skilled and fell from a height of more than ten meters. fell, but was not injured.

After all, their physical fitness is at the level of Wu Zun. For them, falling from such a height is completely like pediatrics. Both guys landed steadily.

After falling, the faces of the two guys also changed color. They didn't know the strength of the enemy in front of them until now, and they couldn't help but regret carrying out this mission in their hearts.

But the current situation did not allow them to think about it anymore, Qin Lang sneered and forced him over again, and the two had to fight again.

"Two little praying mantises!"

Qin Lang shook his head, and slashed his sword directly. A flash of sword light cut off the head of one of the guys. The blood on the neck of the corpse sprayed wildly around.

Boom, the headless corpse fell heavily on the fallen leaves of the forest, crushing the ground.

And the other guy's face became even paler. This sniper like the King of Soldiers actually trembled slightly. Encountering such a powerful enemy was something he had never thought of in his life. As a result, he was a little at a loss now.

Shaking his head slightly, Qin Lang shot again, this time he didn't kill the enemy again, but directly left a small wound on the opponent's body with sword energy, knocking him out.

While knocking out the opponent, this heavy sniper actually let out a scream of fear. He probably thought that he was as dead as his companion. It was an instinctive reaction for a person to make such a scream before he was about to die. No wonder he.

And outside the woods, the Chang'an Star has parked next to the Audi A8. After seeing the A8's opened door and the dismantled explosive device, all the members of the Green Wing mercenaries on the Chang'an Star turned pale. Bai, as expected!

At this time, a series of screams from the accomplices came from the grove, which made the situation even more tense. At this time, "Qing", the boss of the "Green Wing" mercenary organization, asked through the walkie-talkie: "No. [-], No. [-] , how is the situation in the woods?"

However, there was a silence on the intercom, as if the mercenary accomplices who were ambushing in the woods had encountered an accident and were unable to answer.

"Qing"'s complexion changed, and he made a gesture: "Yi prepares the bazooka, and provides long-range fire support at any time. The other team members will break into the grove with me."

After speaking, he led his team members and began to rush straight into the small forest.

(End of this chapter)

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