The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1484 The Qingyi Army Annihilated

Chapter 1484 The Qingyi Army Annihilated
Therefore, "Yi", the second character of "Green Wing", stayed alone. At this time, the individual bazooka equipped with it was also taken off the vehicle, and one person was left alone to quickly refill the rocket.

And "Qing" started to lead the five mercenaries in the team to rush towards the grove. Now other companions are in danger in the grove. To be honest, these mercenaries are also very impatient, after all, they have experienced blood Come with the fire, a trench brotherhood is naturally very deep.

Obviously, the first attackers in the team may be in a bad situation, and they must hurry up to rescue them.

However, when they rushed to the grove, Qin Lang had almost resolved the battle, and now the mess in the whole grove also made people feel chilling.

Dead, all dead, how could it be so fast!
The new wave of six mercenaries were very surprised, and all of them felt incredible.

They didn't expect such an ending at all. The tragic ending of those who attacked first was beyond their imagination. After all, they thought the worst scenario was just the target person and their companions smashing to death, and they never thought of such a situation. Situations happen.

"Hehe..." Qin Lang also showed a ruthless smile when he saw the group of food deliverers rushing over again.

This group of international mercenaries thought their plan was flawless, but in fact, Qin Lang knew them well, and the battle between the two sides was not at the same level at all, which also doomed the other side to fail.

Qin Lang has never been polite to the enemy, so he is going to wipe out all the members of the "Green Wing" organization.In fact, the enemies have all come to Huaxia's house, and it is not in Qin Lang's character to not fight back.

"Ah... Sandum! Oram!"

After entering the woods, several mercenaries under "Qing" saw that their accomplice had died miserably. After being startled for a moment, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this time, "Qing"'s face also turned a little pale. Being able to kill all seven brothers with the strength of the King of Soldiers in such a short period of time, the strength of this young man in Huaxia in front of him is indeed terrifying.

This time, it seems that they have hit the iron plate. Maybe the entire "Green Wing" mercenary organization will be wiped out.

"Retreat!" Immediately, "Qing" made a wise choice and ordered his companions to retreat together.

However, after seeing the enemy's actions, the Chinese young man on the opposite side smiled again, and said a few words slightly: "I'm sorry, it's too late for you to realize it now!"

After finishing speaking, under the eyes of the six "Green Wing" mercenaries, Qin Lang approached the six mercenaries with a terrifying movement speed, and then divided his body into six to attack them.

"Papapa" "Papapa"!
Including "Qing", six mercenaries attacked Qin Lang's body and avatar at the same time. The powerful Boren pistols in their hands kept ringing. The Boren pistols were very powerful. , the entire area was enveloped in a dense fog formed by the blue smoke from the muzzles of large-caliber gunpowder and gun Burren guns.

However, under the siege of six international mercenaries with the title of King of Soldiers, Qin Lang was fine.

After activating the magic weapon function of the split shadow bracelet, the enemy's firepower is actually dispersed, and it is very easy for him to avoid it.

After the effect of the split shadow bracelet disappeared, Qin Lang fought back again.

"Three Lives Sword Art...Sword Splitting!"

The sword energy was issued from Qin Lang's hand, and the sword light began to split regularly, splitting into six streams and shooting at the six enemies in front of him, and then he heard a few muffled sounds, all the enemies in front of him except "Qing" were injured Yes, and still seriously injured.

"Huh..." Qin Lang was a little surprised, "Qing" actually escaped his own attack.

He can feel the strength of "Qing". He is a mid-stage Wu Zun. Qin Lang is a little strange. Was it an accident to drive his own attack, or did he really have some special ability?

After taking a meaningful glance at "Qing", Qin Lang immediately launched an attack, and the sword energy suddenly appeared again.

This time, except for "Qing", the remaining five hires could no longer be avoided. After the second sword qi hit their bodies, they died beyond death.

After all, even if it is an opponent at the level of Wu Zun, it is impossible for Qin Lang to sustain Qin Lang's second sword energy. Qin Lang in the middle stage of Yuanying crushing these people in front of him is no different from crushing ants.

However, "Qing", the number one character of "Green Wing", is indeed a little unusual. He can be regarded as a rather special "ant", and he survived these two tests.

He should have mastered a relatively good movement technique, so the two sword moves that Qin Lang did at random just now failed to hit him.

And "Qing" saw with his own eyes that the target he had to deal with this time easily killed the five companions around him. At this time, even though he had iron courage, he was frightened out of his wits, and he didn't have the courage to face Qin Lang at all.

"Pit! This mission is a big pit..." His eyes were a little lost. Qin Lang's two magical sword qi just now didn't look like a warrior's swordsmanship at all, it was a bit too incredible.

The sword qi is separated from the body, and the lethality is so terrifying... I am afraid that even the ancient warriors of the martial king level in this world can't do it to such a degree!

"Qing" still has some understanding of the existence of ancient warriors, but he has never heard of the methods of Qin Lang and other cultivators, so he is destined to suffer.

"Qing" was also lucky just now, and used a set of special body skills to dodge two sword qi attacks. At this time, he opened his body by four or five feet and started to turn around and run away.

It's impossible not to run away now, that Huaxia young man can kill all his companions in one or two hits, I'm afraid even if he fights hard in the middle of his martial arts, he won't be able to hold on a few more times.

He even had a rather desperate thought in his heart, that is, even if he escaped, he might not be able to escape this time. The "Green Wing" international mercenary team might just be wiped out because of this mission.

When a lot of thoughts turned in his mind, "Qing"'s figure was raised again. This guy's body skills are really good, and it should be a set of high-grade body skills that even warriors at the level of Wu Zun are very jealous of.

However, even if it is a high-rank Martial Venerable martial skill, it is not enough in Qin Lang's eyes.The Phantom Wind Walk was launched, and Qin Lang narrowed the distance with three or two flashes.

At this time, Qin Lang swung a big cross on the left and right directly, and the sword energy crossed and attacked behind "Qing".

And "Qing", who was about to escape from the grove, felt the fierce murderous intent, and couldn't help but pause slightly, every pore of the fine hair on his body stood on end.

As a warrior, "Qin"'s aptitude is undoubtedly excellent, and his reaction ability is very sensitive. It is a pity that even if his inner strength is all over his body, he can't block these two sword qi. , into four pieces.

In the air, there was a flash of blood, and "Qing"'s last thought before dying was that maybe even if he had the defensive qi of the Martial King level, he would not be able to resist this terrifying sword qi.

This goal is so powerful that it doesn't feel human at all!It's too bad, is this the punishment for the whole "Blue Wing" for walking too much at night?
"Boom!" At this time, there was a loud noise, and a huge torch bullet had been shot into the grove, and the target was Qin Lang.

And the next time, Qin Lang who was in place disappeared and got out of the way!
And at the same time that Qin Lang got out of the way, a huge crater appeared on the spot, and the power of the rocket was still very strong.

boom!boom!Two more torches bombarded over.

Qin Lang's eyes narrowed slightly. It turned out that there was still an enemy waiting to be dealt with by the national road next to the grove. Twelve of them had been wiped out in front of him, and now only the last one remained.

With a flash of his figure, Qin Lang once again broke away from the lock of the rockets. It is not difficult for Qin Lang to deal with a few small rockets now, unless he is locked by a large-scale attack, otherwise, only a few rockets Can't hit him at all.

And "Wing" outside the woods let out a wry smile. After shooting out the rockets, he knew that this operation had completely failed.

"Chip, chip, chip..."

The more anxious the more unlucky, "Yi" found out that the team rented this second-hand "Chang'an Star" before. It was a failure. stand up.

And behind him, the demon in the grove had already come out, approaching him with fierce evil spirit.

"damn it!"

"Ying" stomped hard amidst the sound of cursing, and this time it finally started, the Chang'an Star moved!A long, black puff of smoke comes out of the tail.

But just when Tsubasa used his excellent driving skills to reverse the car twice and tried to turn the car upright, the whole car made a huge rumbling sound.

The entire "Chang'an Star" disintegrated in an instant, and it must have been done by the devil behind him!Not because of the performance of the car.

The "wing" of the cockpit holds an empty steering wheel, and the whole person is exposed to the air. No matter how you look at it, it has a funny feeling.

"No..." After the last scream, "Yi" saw that terrifying face appear in his eyes, and then his brain felt a sharp pain, and he completely lost consciousness.

Qin Lang did not kill "Yi" directly, but used the technique of searching for gods to search the memory of the last remaining member of the "Green Wing" international mercenary organization.

The reason for doing this... Although he has some guesses in his heart, he still needs to make sure who is the enemy he will deal with this time.

"It really is that guy!"

Qin Lang found the answer he wanted after searching the gods. These mercenary killers in front of him were hired by Royce from Yasta to deal with him.

It's a pity that the money this guy spent this time seems to be in vain. The reward of [-] million US dollars is probably half of the deposit alone. This is an international practice.

(End of this chapter)

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