The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1485 Start the Price War

Chapter 1485 Start the Price War

After killing the wave of enemies in front of him, Qin Lang didn't show any happy expression on his face. Such an opponent is not at the same level as the current self, just like killing a few ants.

He took out his phone and called Li Lengfeng: "Old Li, I was attacked by a group of international mercenaries just now, and they were all dealt with. Now you help clean up the scene."

Then, Qin Lang told Li Lengfeng the address of Xiaoshulin, and this matter was resolved, he believed that Li Lengfeng would help clean up the whole scene.

The fact that Royce of Yasta hired international mercenary killers to deal with him also made Qin Lang very angry. Originally, after Yasta made huge compensation to Lan Run, Qin Lang still wanted to let the other party go, but Now that the other party is doing this, it touches his confidence.

As for the result of offending Qin Lang, the price to be paid is undoubtedly very huge. Originally, Yasida was in a very bad situation and was about to go bankrupt. Now that I don't know the lesson, then Qin Lang doesn't mind and just push it.

Next, Qin Lang made a phone call to Tang Qian: "Tang Qian, adjust Lanrun Pharmaceutical's next business thinking. Starting today, we, Lanrun Pharmaceutical, will prepare to bid farewell to Yasida."

"Boss, you mean..." Tang Qian asked.

"Next, we will acquire and produce more products similar to Yasta's flagship drug. There should be many patents for these similar drugs in the world. As long as they are worth the money, we should be able to buy them... We need to fight a tough price war with the other party. , will drag down the entire Yasida." Qin Lang said.

"Boss, do you want to be so ruthless? After paying us a huge amount of compensation for Lanrun, the other party should be almost bankrupt. I heard that the funds have not been able to turn over, and they are relying on bank loans to rescue them." Tang Qian said in surprise.

"It is to make Yasida go bankrupt, hum..." Next, Qin Lang told Tang Qian on the phone that Royce, the son of Yasida Group President Panama, sent mercenary killers to deal with him.

After listening to it, Tang Qian on the other end of the phone suddenly realized: "Then no wonder the boss wants to deal with Yasida in Panama, it's the other party's killing."

However, this time Qin Lang and Tang Qian wronged Panama. They didn't even know that this time Royce secretly hired international mercenaries behind his father's back. If he knew that Royce did this, say Maybe Panama will stop the son's move.

After all, a son is simple-minded, but a father is not simple-minded. Panama is able to manage the family business so well, and is still very decisive about the choice.

After Yasida made huge compensation before, it was tantamount to settling its grievances with Lanrun. No matter what, Barnabas would never fall into the quagmire of entanglement with such a powerful opponent again.

It's a pity that his son's death and secretly acting behind his back is tantamount to pushing Yasida into the abyss of bankruptcy once again.

With the help of a huge compensation of 100 billion, Lanrun Group has recently made another big move internationally, frequently acquiring some famous pharmaceutical patents, and spent about [-] to [-] million U.S. dollars. None of the products produced by these drug patents The exceptions are all duplicated with the main products of Yasida Pharmaceuticals, and they all belong to the same type of drug patents.

And after knowing this news, the entire management of Yasida felt a shove in their hearts, and all fools knew that the situation had changed.

And then, no matter how Yasida contacted Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group, they couldn't get in touch. The other party, Lanrun, clearly wanted to deal with Yasida.

Next, Lanrun Group began to organize and contact pharmaceutical manufacturers in China to produce these newly purchased patented drugs in large quantities.

Then, Lanrun's price counterattack officially launched, and all these drugs with similar functions to Yasida's main products were continuously shipped overseas, and began to be dumped into overseas markets with zero profit.

Immediately, the entire Yasta Pharmaceutical Group was in a state of flux. The original pharmaceutical products were completely defeated in the price war, and they couldn't sell them even if they wanted to sell them.

Too ruthless... really too ruthless!Everyone knows that Yasida is currently short of funds, and the money used for turnover is relying on bank loans. Lanrun is fighting a price war with zero profit. This is completely a fatal blow!

Now in the price war, Yasida is completely in a passive position. The products cannot be sold at all, and the funds cannot be withdrawn at all. The whole group has fallen into a passive position.

The entire Yasta management house is feeling like crying, especially the financial department, because there is no money in the account, and even the employees' wages are almost unable to be paid. At the end of the month, the employees may not receive their wages. There will be chaos.

Too cruel!It's too ruthless. Lanrun Pharmaceutical is completely punishing Yasida. If it was Yasida in the past, there is no need to be afraid, but now the entire group's funds are too tight, and the book turnover can't be turned over. The financial department is waiting for sales funds Returning to the basket, Lan Run directly blocked the market's move, and now Yasida has no way to deal with it.

dying!Finally, Yasida finally got in touch with Lanrun Medicine, and the other party directly said, I'm sorry, Lanrun is going to bankrupt Yasida!

This sentence directly broke Yasida, how could the other party do this?How could it be so broken...

And then, Royce confided the truth to his father under the pressure of Barnabas, the president of Yasta Group.

Panama also felt helpless after knowing the inside story of Lanrun Pharmaceutical's counterattack against Yasida again. This time, Royce's employment plan was a big failure, which was equivalent to making the Mao Dun between Lanrun and Yasida more intense.

I'm afraid, now Lanrun Medicine really won't let Yasida go. After all, if it's him who kills him, he will do the same.

"Father, what should we do now?"

Royce also seemed very anxious. He never thought that his entire employment plan would turn out like this. If he knew that the end result was like this, and he didn't even hurt the other party, I'm afraid he wouldn't do it.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine to sell in this world, even if he wants to repent now, it is too late.

"Well, the antidote still needs someone who can tie the bell. The only way is to sell the whole group as a package, and see if Lanrun is willing to accept Yasida..." Panama, who was sitting on the boss's chair, sighed deeply after closing his eyes. With a deep breath, he knew that he might never have the chance to sit in this position again in the future.

There is no way to sell Yasida, and it can only be sold to Lanrun Group. Under the current situation, even if Yasida wants to sell, it is very hot. It is estimated that there is no one in the world. After all, everyone can see it. Lan Run's anger is so strong.

These pharmaceutical companies in the world are all ghosts, and no one wants to fight against the powerful Lanrun Pharmaceutical, and accept Yasida Pharmaceutical, which has now become a mess.

And Panama knows that even if Lan Run is willing to accept Yasida, the price it will offer is definitely not high, but this is something that can't be helped. If it drags on, Yasida Medicine will be more passive and worthless at that time.

And Panama has a bigger panic. If Yasta goes bankrupt, Panama will not only get the money, but even have to fill in the bottomless pit of the group, which is not the result he wants.

Finally, the management of Yasida contacted Lanrun Group again and began to discuss the package sale of the entire Yasida. Although Lanrun said that it could accept Yasida, the purchase price it gave made people vomit blood... 50 billion dollars.

The pharmaceutical group, which was originally worth at least [-] billion yuan, now only offered a purchase price of [-] million yuan, which has shrunk by more than ten times. This made the entire management of Yasida feel unacceptable.

"Hehe, think about the current situation of your group! Although Yasida was originally worth more than 600 billion yuan, after the pharmaceutical infringement case ended, the entire Yasda's reputation was ruined, coupled with huge bank loans... the current Yasda assets How much net assets can be left? If Lanrun didn’t see that Yasida’s pharmaceutical channel still has some effect, it would have no interest at all.”

Lan Run's answer was like this, but it was also an unavoidable fact.

In the end, the entire Yastar management team had to accept the price after much deliberation. Panama reluctantly signed and stamped the transfer agreement. As for the solution, no matter how much you hesitate, you might lose the five billion yuan.

The 30 million yuan is shared with several shareholders of the management house. Barnabas can get at least [-] billion yuan, and he doesn't have to bear foreign debts. Selling Yasida is equivalent to leaving his family, which is already very good.

Although there is no Yasida, the wealth of more than 30 billion US dollars is enough for me to spend the rest of my life well, and it is even possible to make a comeback.

And Barnabas himself knows very well that even if he makes a comeback, it is impossible for him to reach the previous heights in this lifetime.

In the final result of this business war, Yasida was completely defeated, Barnabas and Royen were eliminated, and Lanrun Group once again had a big harvest.

As for Lanrun Pharmaceutical, spending 50 billion US dollars to take over the entire Yastar Pharmaceutical Group is completely a cabbage price for Lanrun. , medical laboratory investment, and the value of a large number of well-trained and qualified employees far exceeds these efforts.

And the original management of Yasida had to let go due to the pressure of bankruptcy. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lanrun Group to get such a big bargain.

All of a sudden, Lanrun Group, which took over Yasida Pharmaceuticals, expanded rapidly, and now it has become the world's number one pharmaceutical leader in terms of scale, and its influence in the international pharmaceutical industry has once again expanded countless times.

However, now the whole Lanrun obviously felt full, and overall began to have indigestion.

(End of this chapter)

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