Chapter 1486 Financing
This feeling is very bad, very bad. The operation of Lanrun Group is not so smooth after eating enough. There are many places that need liquidity in various sections, especially the Iesta that has just been merged into Lanrun Group. There are many more places where money is needed to plug holes.

Soon, Lanrun Group found that maintaining the current operation of the entire group required a large amount of funds, and this amount of funds would not be able to do without more than [-] billion.

Therefore, after research at the high-level meeting of Lanrun Group, everyone agreed that the group needs to inject new funds to maintain the smooth flow of various business channels.

The first choice to inject funds is naturally to borrow from the bank. This time, Lanrun Group needs a large amount of loans, at least [-] billion or more, and it is in US dollars. It is almost impossible to obtain such a huge loan in China. However, neither Huarong Jiangli Bank, the largest world-class private bank, can do it.

Because Pan Huanghe, President of Huarong Jiangli, also said that he does not have the ability to bear such a large risk and pressure here, and can only make mortgage loans, which cannot exceed the budget too much.

Different from the previous loan of 100 billion US dollars, this time Lanrun will carry out venture loans. At present, besides Citigroup, the most famous venture capital banks in the world are two in Switzerland.

Qin Lang holds the black gold card of Citibank, so he decided to go to the headquarters of Citibank to have a try and see if his wish can be fulfilled.

Financing is what Lanrun Group or Lanrun Pharmaceutical must do at present. If the financing is successful, the scale of Lanrun Pharmaceutical will be further improved.

Of course, even if the financing fails, it's nothing. Qin Lang does not lack the means of strong men to cut off their wrists, and the business will not really fail.

So in the next few days, Qin Lang took Tang Qian, the two senior general managers of the group, and Tang Xue, the financial manager, to fly directly to the headquarters of Citibank.

Country M, the headquarters of Citibank.

As one of the three largest banks in the world, Citibank has a long history, at least dating back to the 30s and 200s. The headquarters of this world-class bank with a history of nearly [-] years is naturally magnificent.

This is a large international bank with branches in nearly 150 countries and regions around the world. Its business includes credit, corporate and investment banking services, brokerage, insurance and asset management, which is comparable to any other financial institution.

More than ten years ago, in the evaluation of the world's top 1000 banks by the "Banker" magazine in Europe and the United States, Citigroup ranked first in the world with Tier 590 capital of 10970 billion U.S. dollars, total assets of 152.8 billion U.S. dollars, and annual profits of about [-] billion U.S. dollars.

At this moment, Qin Lang brought Tang Qian and Tang Xue into the Citigroup headquarters, only to see people coming and going in the hall, a scene of incomparable prosperity.

The interior of this world-class bank headquarters is extremely spacious, Qin Lang managed to find out where the investment department is, and brought his two daughters to the investment department.

The business branch of the investment department has several wealth management windows, and because Qin Lang holds a black gold card, he didn't go to the ordinary wealth management window, but went directly to the VIP wealth management window.

However, there are quite a few people queuing up even at the VIP window, and all the businesses here are large, and those with less than 5000 million US dollars are not eligible to come to this window to do business at all.

Qin Lang swiped his black gold card, took a queuing receipt, and started queuing for business.

After an hour or so, the people in front had basically finished handling the business. At this time, Qin Lang was about to go forward to handle the business, when a guy suddenly appeared and ran in front of him to take up a seat.

"Hey, it seems that I am in front!"

Qin Lang showed his queuing receipt, he was number six, and the other party seemed to be holding number seven.

The person in front of me is a middle-aged oriental face, short and fat, looking at Qin Lang with disdain: "I am the dignified chairman of Yingtai International Electronics, Pu Chengjian, one of the top [-] companies in the world, and every minute counts. Tens of thousands of dollars fluctuate, and time is precious when you are busy handling a billion-dollar order this time, so you can talk about it later!"

What he said was very acrimonious, coupled with that disdainful expression, it really made people want to punch this fat man in the face to vent his anger.

"Damn! It's reasonable to take up the account! I'm still hundreds of thousands every minute!"

Of course Qin Lang refused. He had heard of Yingtai International Electronics. This is a great company, which happens to be ranked [-]th in the world's top [-] companies, which is far behind his own Lanrun Group.

You know, now my Lanrun Group is ranked 320th in the world's top [-]!

Qin Lang, who was very upset, stepped forward and pulled the rude guy away, but the other party took a step back in disgust.

"Security! Security!" The stick Pu Chengjian called the security next to him, pointed at Qin Lang and said, "Please drive this guy out!"

"This, doesn't seem appropriate?" The security guard looked at Qin Lang, and then said to Pu Chengjian.

"What? Doesn't what I say, a big client with a loan of one billion dollars, count? Let me tell you, I successfully applied for your Citigroup's black gold card a few days ago. People with status and status like me Talking to you, a little security guard, I think highly of you, so hurry up!"

Pu Chengjian frowned and said impatiently.


The security guard hesitated for a moment, feeling that it was the same reason, and was about to step forward to do what the stick said, but at this moment Qin Lang took out a black gold card and flashed it at the security guard.

"That's the black gold card that guy was talking about, right? Hehe, I happen to have one too. Security guard, are you going to listen to this guy or me?"

Qin Lang asked with a smile.


The security guard was stunned, and saw the black gold card in Qin Lang's hand. Sure enough, it was a limited edition issued by Citibank. Basically, it was impossible to apply for it without a net worth of more than 100 billion US dollars.

"Okay, this guy in front of me is noisy, annoying and rude. You, the security guard, pull him away. I don't want to see him again when I'm doing business."

Qin Lang waved his hand, frowned and pointed at Pu Chengjian. "Believe me, this client should be a little bigger than this guy, so you have to listen to me in the end."


When Qin Lang showed Shi Xiu the limited edition black gold card, the security guard was also taken aback, he didn't think much about it, and directly pulled that Pu Chengjian away.

"Hey, hey, you can't do this, you can't do this! My black gold card is in the process of being processed, and I can be regarded as a member of a major customer..."

Pu Chengjian was still yelling when he was taken away. Unfortunately, the security guard only recognized the card but not the person. Who knows if this stick has ever applied for a black gold card?After all, Bangzi's bragging ability is world-renowned, and it is very likely that Pu Chengjian has never obtained a black gold card.

After pulling away an annoying guy, Qin Lang walked to the VIP window and handed in his application form and application materials. After taking a look at the form, the business manager at the VIP window stared straight at him: "[-] billion loan?"

After wiping his eyes to make sure that he was right, the business manager carefully looked at some evaluation materials provided by Qin Lang, and after confirming some materials of Lanrun Group, he raised his head and said to Qin Lang: "I'm sorry, 300 A large order worth [-] million yuan is not qualified as a business manager, so please wait for me to ask the superiors for instructions."

"alright, no worries."

Qin Lang at the window seemed very calm. Since the loan amount was relatively large this time, he was also mentally prepared to be rejected by the loan.

If you fail to pass the loan, you can borrow less, try 150 billion U.S. dollars, or [-] billion U.S. dollars if it doesn’t work.Soon Qin Lang, Tang Qian, and Tang Xue were invited to a separate VIP room at the headquarters of Citibank. This time, it was Milu, director of Citigroup's market investment department, who met the three.

This is a very handsome Caucasian man with silver-white hair, about 50 years old.When Milu in the VIP room saw Qin Lang and the others, he first extended his hand: "Welcome, Mr. Qin and the two ladies from Huaxia."

"Hello there!"

The three of Qin Lang also extended their hands with a smile, and shook hands with this Mr. Milu.

Then they sat down, and Milu asked the bank staff to serve some cups of coffee: "This is the newly arrived Brazilian original coffee. Let me taste it first. I need to take a look at the loan application report and preparation materials you gave me." .”

"Not urgent."

Qin Lang nodded, picked up the coffee and took a sip. This original Brazilian coffee is very bitter, but very fragrant. Europeans and Americans generally like to drink this.

Coffee has the same refreshing effect as tea, but Qin Lang himself still likes to drink tea, which is also due to the habit of Eastern people, just like Westerners like coffee.

Soon, Milu, Director of the Investment Department of Citibank Headquarters, finished reading the information, nodded and said: "According to this information, we at Citibank can lend money to your Lanrun Group, but before that, we still need to pay attention to your Lanrun Group." Run a non-performing asset survey, which is a risk rating."

"After the risk rating, we can determine the specific loan amount for Lanrun Group, as well as the amount of principal and interest that Lanrun needs to repay each year."

"In our Citi Travel, there are seven different grades for investment risk ratings: S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Among them, the S grade gives the highest quota and interest discounts, and according to different risk ratings, Citigroup gives The loan amount and interest given by each customer are also different."

"Okay, no problem." Qin Lang nodded after hearing this.

Milu went on to say: "In addition, for the risk rating of large customers, we at Citigroup generally start counting directly from grade D. Grade D represents the maximum loan amount of [-] billion U.S. dollars, and grade D represents the highest loan amount of [-] billion U.S. dollars. , while Grade B has a maximum loan amount of [-] billion U.S. dollars, Grade A has a maximum loan amount of [-] billion U.S. dollars, and Grade S has a maximum loan amount of [-] billion U.S. dollars."

"That is to say, if Lanrun Group wants to lend 300 billion U.S. dollars, it must reach an assessment value of A or above in our Citigroup risk rating. Such an assessment value is difficult or easy. In the past, The partners we cooperate with at Citi are generally government agencies around the world, and private group companies are not absent, but relatively few."

"In view of the fact that Lanrun Group is already a well-known company ranked 320th in the world's top [-], and its pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and real estate are all developing well. It is in line with Citigroup's investment philosophy, so I estimate that this time the risk control rating will be relatively high, and it should not be difficult to reach A grade."

(End of this chapter)

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