The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1487 Ancient Yoga Combat Technique

Chapter 1487 Ancient Yoga Combat Technique
"Then please take care of Director Milu!"

Qin Lang was also very happy to hear the good news, while the two cousins, Tang Xue and Tang Qian, looked at each other and nodded slightly.

It seems that the biggest problem that plagues Lanrun Group can be solved immediately. The brows of the three are stretched at this time. These days, in order to raise money, everyone seems to be a bit lazy. Now the group's stall is getting bigger and bigger. , the greater the responsibility that the management needs to bear!
After that, Milu directly asked Qin Lang to sign an agreement with Citibank on behalf of Lanrun Group. This agreement stated that after Citibank completed the risk assessment of Lanrun Group, it could directly invest and lend to Lanrun Group. Run Group needs to pay a fixed amount of principal plus interest every year according to the content of the agreement.

This principal and interest payment method is also the biggest difference between venture loans and mortgage loans. Similarly, the annual interest of venture loans is several times higher than that of mortgage loans. However, for Lanrun Group, which is in urgent need of funds, these are simply not It doesn't matter.

The current Lanrun Group really needs funds. If it is a small amount of funds, Lanrun Group can find a way to turn around from other channels, but it involves a huge amount of 300 billion US dollars. Now it really can only find world-class funds. Banks help.

After the loan was settled, Qin Lang, Tang Qian, and Tang Xue flew back to Huaxia directly again. Now Lanrun is at the peak of its career development, so Huaxia needs people to watch it all the time.

When he was on the plane, Qin Lang suddenly felt something was wrong, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. This is a very special sixth sense, and it is also a unique ability of high-level practitioners.

"What's going on? Who wants to deal with me? It's really strange, I can't feel where that guy is hiding..."

Qin Lang felt a faint murderous intent, but the evil spirit was not very serious. When he wanted to use his spiritual sense to investigate, he couldn't find out the source.

But he trusted his own judgment.

After all, he is a cultivator and a Nascent Soul cultivator. Not only can he sense crises much faster than ordinary people, but he can also predict the key points.

For this reason, Qin Lang naturally will not stop there.

His consciousness scanned all the passengers on the plane, and now there are at least 400 people on this large Boeing passenger plane. Qin Lang scanned it but found nothing special.

About half an hour after the plane took off, Qin Lang went to the toilet and looked around vigilantly, but he didn't see any suspicious person.

However, he found a timed explosive device in the toilet, and immediately affirmed that someone was targeting him, or that this plane was doing something terrible.

After carefully dismantling the timed explosive device, Qin Lang returned to his seat, his expression remained unchanged, but his spiritual sense was exuded, and he was always watching every move of all the passengers on this plane.

After reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the consciousness that can detect the range of three hundred feet spreads out, and he knows all the movements of all the passengers on the whole plane, some people pick their noses, some chat, some wear blindfolds to sleep, and some eat etc.

At this time, a strong man like a stone Buddha caught his attention. He was about [-] years old, a black man, and his sitting posture was extremely weird, as if he had undergone special training.

Although Qin Lang couldn't feel any special aura from this strong black man, the small details of the other party still caught his attention. At present, this strong black man is sitting cross-legged on the plane seat, closing his eyes and resting his mind all the time, as if This is what it looks like after take off from the plane.

After a few hours of high-altitude flight, nothing happened for a while, and people almost thought that the sixth sense was an illusion, but Qin Lang knew that this was absolutely impossible.

After getting off the plane, Qin Lang called a taxi and took Tang Xue and Tang Qian directly to the sea of ​​clouds. At this time, through the rearview mirror of the taxi, Qin Lang saw the strong black man on the plane carrying a large canvas bag. Bao, sure enough, also called a taxi, followed by Qin Lang's taxi.

This guy is watching him. It seems that the arrangement on the plane is really made by the other party. Qin Lang let go of his spiritual sense and scanned again, and found that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person, but he can't see through the other party. It's really strange.

"The other party should be a warrior. It is estimated that he has practiced a very clever concealment technique, so that he can shield his normal perception." Qin Lang guessed at this time, and he was actually [-]% sure in his heart.

Afterwards, Qin Lang and the others returned to Yunhai, and the black man also got out of the taxi and lurked near the Yunhai Building.

Qin Lang was naturally very concerned about such potential safety hazards. At this time, he decided to take down this extremely strong black man and figure out the ins and outs of this guy.

So in the past few days, Qin Lang often appeared outside on purpose, and often drove out of the city alone, trying to lure out the guy who was lurking.

But the other party did not respond a few days ago, as if they had completely disappeared in the city of Yunhai, until the fourth day, when Qin Lang drove to the Yunhai laboratory again, the other party finally appeared.

On the side of the national road beside the grove where the battle with the "Green Wing" mercenary organization had occurred before, Qin Lang met this strong black man who blocked him head-on.

At this moment, the strong black man has completely let go of the aura on his body, which also made Qin Lang's eyes condense slightly: "Ancient warrior?" The strong black man in front of him actually has the aura of an ancient warrior, and this aura is not weak , almost the same as the ancient martial arts in the middle period of King Wu.

And this guy doesn't seem to be a pure ancient warrior. The arms raised by the strong black man are actually metal, as if his body has undergone some special modifications.

This is an ancient warrior whose body has undergone a series of transformations... Qin Lang felt even more curious about the strong black man in front of him. This guy in front of him is too mysterious. Why did he deal with himself this time?Don't the father and son Panama and Royce still give up and want to continue to deal with themselves?

After thinking about it, Qin Lang shook his head and smiled again. Panama and Royce should no longer want to fight against him, right?After all, these two guys have been so miserable before, and the whole company has lost. If they are stupid now, they can only lose their own lives.

"Who are you? Why are you dealing with me?"

At this time, Qin Lang stared into the eyes of the strong black man, and said slowly, the opponent in front of him is not as simple as the middle stage of King Wu on the surface.

"Qin Lang from the East, the boss of Lanrun Group...that's right!"

A hoarse voice came out, but the black man in hardcover didn't speak. This guy actually used ventriloquism.

"That's right, it seems that you have inquired about everything, and you really came here against me." Qin Lang nodded, and began to get serious. He was always very careful about unknown opponents.

"I, Crewe, a former Alpha member..."

The strong black man introduced slowly.


Qin Lang was surprised. Of course he had heard of this mysterious army. Alpha was a special force of the European and American governments, but it was disbanded later, and a considerable part of the personnel joined the mercenary team around the world.

"Originally, there was no intersection between the two of us, but Qing, the leader of the Blue Wing mercenary organization you killed, was my former partner and partner... So, this time I came here for revenge."

The strong black man said with a blank expression.

"Qing? The man you mentioned is your partner..."

Qin Lang suddenly felt a sense of chaos in the wind, but the unclear relationship between men in Europe and the United States seems to be more popular, so it is understandable for this black strong man named Crewe to avenge his male partner, after all It was me who killed "Qing".

Looking at Qin Lang, Crewe showed a brilliant and confident vengeance. He trained hard in Alpha when he was young, and he was the leader of the Alpha special forces, and his body underwent some special biochemical transformation. He has practiced some secret ancient yoga exercises in India, and his current strength has almost surpassed the ancient warriors in the later period of Wuwang, reaching the level of Wushen.

It is worth mentioning that India's secret ancient yoga is completely different from today's ornamental exercises. It is a completely lethal and powerful exercise, just like Chinese Tai Chi, which is the same as Chinese Tai Chi There are ornamental exercises and lethal fists.

However, there are not many fighters in Huaxia who have mastered the lethal Taijiquan type. This ancient martial arts technique has gradually been lost. Only a few ancient martial arts families in China have collected one and a half moves.

Heck, heck, at this moment, Crewe twisted his neck and moved his muscles and bones, and his whole body made a crackling sound. This guy's muscles and bones are unbelievably strong, and the blood in his whole body may not be comparable to him even a live cow.

The ancient warriors of the Martial God level are basically the same as the Nascent Soul stage cultivators in the cultivation world, so Qin Lang is not afraid. With his current strength at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, he should be able to stabilize this guy.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, now I, Crewe, made you a fool, and now you can die!"

Crewe smiled grinningly. At this time, he bullied him and struck him with a heavy punch. The modified metalized fist had a fierce fist style, and the huge strength might be able to punch through even an alloy steel plate.

And Qin Lang smiled coldly, avoiding the opponent's fist with one side of his body, but this Crewe, despite his burly and strong body, has flexible and changeable bones like a snake. Once close to the body, followed by a snake-shaped hook.

"Ancient yoga combat skills!"

Qin Lang's eyes narrowed slightly, his body began to take a step back, and then he shot to block.

He only heard about the ancient yoga combat skills. He only knew that this technique passed down from ancient India was very powerful, and now it is also lost in India. He didn't expect that the strong black man named Crewe in front of him had been inherited.

(End of this chapter)

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