The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1488 Battle of Valkyrie

Chapter 1488 Battle of Valkyrie
Clap clap!Clap clap!The two fought very fiercely. This strong black man named Crewe really had a hand. He practiced the ancient yoga combat skills very profoundly, and his combat power was comparable to that of the Nascent Soul.

And Qin Lang wanted to see this guy's skills, so he didn't use his full strength, but urged the Phantom Wind Walk to the fastest speed, using body skills to avoid most of the attacks.

And after fighting for a while, Crewe's ancient yoga skills gave Qin Lang the feeling that it was weird, yes, it was weird!Crewe, who has practiced ancient yoga exercises, has a combination of rigidity and softness to the extreme, and can even attack from any inconceivable angle, which is not even comparable to Huaxia's cartilage skills.

And the body of Crewe, who has the strength of a martial god, has been biochemically modified, so the advantages of this kind of practice have been greatly increased. If Qin Lang only used [-]% of his strength during the fight, he would really be suppressed by this guy. dead.

However, while fighting, Qin Lang was not in a hurry. As a cultivator, he actually had many means, and now he was only fighting against the opponent with his own martial arts.

"Die...kill the snake!"

After fighting for a while, Crewe, who had been suppressing Qin Lang, used his unique trick at this time, leaning close to Qin Lang again, twisting and twisting like noodles, and winding around Qin Lang's body like a snake.

This guy used the ancient yoga combat technique of killing snakes, which is a special combat technique mainly based on entanglement. With Crewe's special body modified now, I am afraid that even an ordinary Valkyrie would be enough to drink it if he was entangled. Pot of.

And Qin Lang shook his body slightly, and turned into six identical selves at this time. This is the function of the split-shadow bracelet. Qin Lang has also taken a trick now, using this real and fake phantom clone to fight against Crewe, who is performing his unique trick. guy.

After performing the Snake Killing, Krewe was about to wrap himself around Qin Lang's body, when he suddenly saw Qin Lang in front of him divided into six, and he didn't know which one to attack.

He knew that what Qin Lang cast must be the phantom technique, and only one of them was the real body. He hesitated and attacked a shadow without delay, and then entangled, but it was in vain.

What he hit was Qin Lang's avatar, and the Snake Kill also failed in this pounce, and Qin Lang's avatar was also missing one.

"Come again!"

Crewe shouted loudly, and continued to pounce on several of Qin Lang's clones, relying on his body having been specially transformed, he is not afraid of Qin Lang's five clones now.

After the continuous pouncing, Crewe also panted a little. It seems that this ancient martial art consumes a lot of energy, and Crewe's movements are gradually slowing down now.

"Hey, this guy didn't expect to be so difficult!"

Crewe stared at Qin Lang like a red-eyed mad cow, and now he had put out all five clones, and Qin Lang's half-smiling eyes made his anger erupt like a volcano.

After taking a deep breath, Crewe continued to explode, but now the speed was one-fifth slower than before.

There is a slight difference in truth, and a thousand miles of error. This one-fifth speed difference also makes Crewe no longer able to touch Qin Lang's body. Now Qin Lang can easily dodge the opponent's attack.

After attacking again for a while, Crewe had already become breathless, and his physical strength was very high. Although his body was modified to be stronger than the world's top fighters, it was not a purely modified person after all, as if the fighting time had been prolonged. There is physical exertion.

With a loud roar, Crewe stepped back at this moment, then took out an injection from his body and injected it in his chest, and with the injection of the injection, Crewe seemed to be injected with excitement, and his whole body was excited. stand up.

And his face, neck, and ears started to turn red. This is because his body temperature is rising rapidly. I don't know what type of injection that injection is. It actually released Crewe's physical energy on a large scale in an instant. , that is, ATP is burning.

Crewe is now equal to the explosion of the small universe, and his combat power is once again bursting, even three points stronger than when he fought Qin Lang for the first time. Now Crewe has the combat power close to the peak physical training in the early Yuanying stage, even with physical strength alone. In terms of combat effectiveness, Qin Lang in the mid-Yuanying period does not have an advantage.

And Qin Lang snorted coldly at this time, and used the Dacheng Dragon Elephant Fist. Since the Dacheng Dragon Elephant Fist, Qin Lang has already possessed more than [-] tons of punching power. If he punches out, even a huge rock will be turned into powder .

But after the injection, Crewe seemed to have a simple mind and started to fight with Qin Lang, and the two fought for a while.

Under such a confrontation, Crewe's body was also hit more than a dozen times. Qin Lang's fist strength caused a lot of damage to his body, but Crewe seemed to be fine, and continued to fight Qin Lang after vomiting two mouthfuls of blood. .

And because of Qin Lang's magic weapon defense, Crewe's fists and feet hit the defense layer every time, which only consumed some of his true energy, and did not directly cause damage to the body.

However, Crewe, who had been injected with the injection, was indeed very fierce. In this state, apart from himself, among the Chinese warriors, I am afraid that there is really no one who can take some moves from him.

The combination of ancient yoga combat skills and the modified body also made Crewe's combat power bursting. This is the result of the combination of martial arts and technology, and it is also the product of the research process of mutants and transformation technology in European and American laboratories.

Compared to M Lab, which can produce powerful S-rank mutants, Crewe's body transformation technology is undoubtedly much simpler. It is estimated that this guy should come from another lab.

However, this transformation technology also has merits. At least after the transformation, Crewe's combat effectiveness has been improved, and it does not break away from the human category.

And Qin Lang also has a little bit of affection for the injection that Crewe used just now. Although the research on mutants in Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory has made some progress, it has also developed a medicine to strengthen warriors, "Enhanced No. [-]", but this This strengthening agent has many side effects.

I don't know if the special injection that Crewe used just now has any side effects. Qin Lang can feel that this injection can also be used by ordinary warriors. If the side effects are relatively small, he really wants to see what the formula is.

However, the two sides are enemies, and Qin Lang's idea of ​​wanting the formula is basically impossible to realize. Unless Qin Lang finds the laboratory behind him through this guy, there is a slight possibility of contacting the opponent's laboratory.

"Yeah, ah, ah..."

Crewe drank wildly while beating. Under the action of the potion, his body almost seemed to be burning. His body temperature was estimated to be above [-] degrees, and his whole body was as red as if he had been drunk.

Under the effect of this potion, although Crewe's combat power has been improved, it still relies more on the instinct of the body, and his thinking can't keep up at all.

His eyes became a little dazed, which should be some small side effect of the medicine, it feels like this guy is drunk, and now he is punching drunk.

"That's enough... I've been suppressed and beaten by you for so long, now it's time for you to taste my Dragon Elephant Yin Yang Break!"

Qin Lang sneered, and started to fight back at this time, all the essence of Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist was concentrated into one form... Dragon Elephant Yin and Yang Breaking.

This is a skill that Qin Lang once developed by combining an ancient martial art from the Murong family of the ancient martial arts family. It has not been used for a long time. After Qin Lang's improvement, the Dragon Elephant Yin Yang Po is equivalent to a middle-grade skill in the cultivation world, and its power is natural. Not bad.

Once the Dragon Elephant Yin Yang Po is used, two vortexes of yin and yang are immediately formed and entangled together, just like the pattern of the great pole. This is the chaotic combination of two different qi, forming a spiral force to push out.

With this move, the surrounding air was moved, forming a sharp wind sound.Facing Qin Lang's Dragon Elephant breaking Yin and Yang, Crewe, who was in a trance, also felt a strong murderous intent, so he had to resort to a posture of sitting on a mountain in ancient yoga exercises to defend.

Qin Lang hit the opponent's body with one move, forming a sonic boom. It can be seen that the punch force of this punch definitely exceeded [-] tons, and after the Yin-Yang punch of Dragon Elephant Yin-Yang Po entered the opponent's body, it directly destroyed Crewe's flesh and blood. Even if he had a modified body, he couldn't bear to scream at this moment.

"Ah..." Crewe's body was blown away like a broken sack, and then, Qin Lang teleported to Crewe's side. When he stepped on this guy, he found that this guy had passed out.

Crewe should have been seriously injured. Qin Lang directly launched the God-searching technique on this guy at this time, rummaging through his memory for something he was interested in. It's also very fresh to say, and besides, I don't know the name of the injection that this guy injected just now.

Crewe's memory is very monotonous. This guy was doomed to be hard and boring since he was born, not an ordinary person.And in his memory, Qin Lang also found that set of ancient yoga combat skills, a total of twelve styles, which can not only strengthen, train the body, but also use it to kill the enemy.

This set of ancient yoga combat skills is very effective in forging one's own meridians and bones. It is estimated that many martial arts in China are unlikely to be able to forge 360 ​​bones in the human body like this set of ancient yoga twelve poses.

This set of ancient yoga combat skills is also very particular about the qualifications of the warriors. If the warrior's body is not soft enough, it is impossible to practice this set of ancient yoga combat skills.

Although Qin Lang is a cultivator, he has practiced martial arts and comprehension skills together, and his fighting style tends to be more physical, so this ancient yoga practice also has a lot of reference for him. Many body-forging methods in the Fa can actually be used in the future cultivation process.

In addition to harvesting this ancient yoga and ancient martial arts skills, Qin Lang also got an answer he wanted to know. Before that, Crewe injected himself with a special stimulant, which can temporarily stimulate the cell vitality of warriors , Raise the combat effectiveness to a higher level.

It's a pity that there is only one of this kind of excitement, Kelu, which was brought out from the army before this guy left Alpha, and now it's gone after it's used up.

(End of this chapter)

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