The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1489 Lan Run's Nobel Nomination

Chapter 1489 Lan Run's Nobel Nomination
Now after the battle, Crewe, who was searched for, has become an idiot, and there is no need for Qin Lang to deal with this guy. It is estimated that there will be another black beggar in ragged clothes under the overpass in Yunhai City in the future. After all, this man is not mentally normal Where the black beggars come from, no one may know.

In the next few days, Qin Lang and Lanrun Company were busy with loan matters, and after the Citibank headquarters conducted a risk assessment on Lanrun Group, it gave an A-level rating, so that Lanrun could just borrow 300 million.

The procedures for the loan went smoothly, and after ten days or so, Lanrun Group received the sum of money, which can be used to solve the urgent needs of the entire group.

The loan came in a timely manner, and the indigestible Lanrun Group was once again revitalized and began to operate normally.The pharmaceutical sales channel network of the entire Lanrun Group has spread all over the world. Yastar, 160trees, Enke, the Middle East, Huaxia Headquarters and its partner Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, this channel network has covered [-]% of the world. The country is basically surrounded.

Except for some remote areas and war-torn areas, now the pharmaceutical sales network of Lanrun Group covers the main roads of all major cities in these 160 countries. The entire pharmaceutical sales network of Lanrun Group is already the No.

Driven by the pharmaceutical sales network, the cosmetics business has also begun to spread to the world, and the business volume has once again doubled several times.

As of the latest month, the business report of Lanrun Group shows that the monthly operating income of the entire group has reached 30 billion U.S. dollars. Except for costs and expenses, the net profit is at least 20 billion U.S. dollars.

In this case, it is estimated that Lanrun's loan can be paid off in more than a year. However, the loan contracts signed by Lanrun Group with Citibank and Huarong Jiangli Bank all expired in three years, so the money will not be paid off. There is no need to rush to pay off so quickly. At present, it is better to vigorously develop the scale of the group and strive to expand outward.

After the business of Lanrun Group was revitalized, its ranking in the world's top 210 has once again improved, and it has now reached [-].

This is also because of Lanrun's lack of background, otherwise, with Lanrun's current development momentum, it is estimated that it would have rushed to the top [-] of the world's top [-].

However, there is no need to worry. With the current good operating conditions of Lanrun, Qin Lang may fulfill this wish in less than a year, making his Lanrun Group one of the top [-] companies in the world, or even higher.

The group grows stronger and stronger, and money actually becomes a number for Qin Lang, but the feeling of mastering a business empire is really wonderful. In this business empire, Qin Lang is in control, and he is this The king of the entire business empire, all employees need to listen to him give orders.

The current staff size of the entire Lanrun Group has grown even larger. Huaxia has 1 employees, and there are [-] overseas. If they are added together, the business empire of Lanrun has [-] employees.

Unknowingly, Qin Lang has made a huge contribution to the prosperity of the whole world relying on his achievements in the business field. The food and drink of the 3 people in this business empire and the GDP created have a huge impact on the whole world.

Therefore, before the announcement of the new Nobel Prize, Qin Lang was unexpectedly nominated for a Nobel Prize for Global Prosperity in recognition of his contribution to the promotion of world business prosperity.

Of course, Qin Lang is not the only businessman nominated for this Prosperity Award in the world, but being able to get this nomination also represents the recognition of the Lanrun Group from all over the world. The current Lanrun Group can no longer be ignored. It might vibrate a few times.

The place where the business nominations are announced is in the Nobel Hall in Northern Europe. This is a small country with beautiful scenery. Although the country is small, its influence in the fields of economy and culture radiates to the whole world.

Qin Lang is also very happy that he was nominated for the Nobel Prosperity Award. Although being nominated does not mean that he will definitely be able to win this award in the end. After all, Lanrun started late, and its foundation is not as good as those rankings in the world. Higher business tycoons, but being able to have a nomination also shows that the whole world is now paying attention to Lanrun Group.

It can be said that the current Lanrun has been very successful in the business field. Qin Lang is a successful businessman and a kind businessman. He is not like ordinary capitalists who create wealth at the cost of squeezing labor. His group philosophy is still people-oriented. Make employees feel like they want to live in a big group.

With its influence in medicine, cosmetics, etc., Lanrun Group is now starting to drive the whole world, and the whole world is also promoting the development of Lanrun, becoming closer to each other.

On the day of the Nobel Awards Ceremony, Qin Lang also came early to participate in this grand ceremony. This time he changed his previous image, no longer wearing the casual clothes he usually likes to wear, but wearing a formal suit, looking energetic.

However, when he entered the Nobel Hall, he was blocked by several guards. The guards looked at this handsome young man with suspicion. Those who can enter the Nobel Hall are not ordinary people, basically they are from the earth. Elites in various industries, and these elites are relatively older.

Therefore, at Qin Lang's 20-year-old age, he doesn't look like this type of person at all, and the guards naturally need to be strictly scrutinized.

"What is your name?"

"Qin Lang."

"Take out your press card."

"I don't have a press card. I was invited to attend the meeting directly."

"Invited elite... oh my god? So young? Show me your pass."


Qin Lang was negotiating with the guard, and after a slight smile, he showed the pass in his hand, and the guard opened his mouth for a long time before he realized that the pass was fine, and the identity of this young man was really not simple.

"Can I go in?" Qin Lang asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes." The guard came back to his senses, and hurriedly bowed to let this extremely distinguished guest enter the Nobel Hall.

The Nobel Hall is very large, and it is also a temple that elites from all over the world yearn for. After Qin Lang entered, he found that most of the people had come early, and there were at least 2000 people sitting in the entire hall.

Qin Lang found a seat according to the number on the pass, and this seat was closer to the front row, surrounded by some gray-haired old people, probably scientists, great writers and other giants.

To be honest, Qin Lang is also very proud to be able to mix among such people. Returning to China is also a capital to be able to brag to his parents and friends.

And when Qin Lang was seated, a very snobbish middle-aged man ran over, probably also a staff member who maintained the order of the venue: "You, you can't sit here, there is no place for reporters!"

"I'm not a reporter."

Qin Lang explained again, and at the same time flashed his pass, he was also a little depressed, why these staff always think that they are reporters! "

"Not a reporter?"

The middle-aged man looked at Qin Lang suspiciously, then at the pass in Qin Lang's hand, and after a while he let Qin Lang go and left.

Then Qin Lang found himself surrounded by famous figures in the world, on the left is the world's top plasma physicist Babati Maika, on the right is quantum physicist Karla, in front is the biomedical giant EEDS, and behind is the world's largest Writer Phil.

Sitting with the famous people here, Qin Lang also feels that he has more face, but Qin Lang is not very interested in talking about academics among these guys. How to take a few selfies, these photos are also very valuable things, framed and stored in Lanrun headquarters can also improve the taste.

After coughing a few times, Qin Lang attracted the attention of several chatting scientists next to him, and he started to strike up a conversation at this time: "Hey, I'm sorry to scratch you, let me know, I'm Qin Lang! I'm nominated for the Nobel Prize for Prosperity this year. "

Qin Lang stretched out his hand, and the scientists around with big brows and beards also smiled slightly when they saw Qin Lang, an unbelievably young guy, and began to shake hands with Qin Lang politely.

This young man was nominated for the Nobel Prosperity Prize. It seems that this young man is unusual... It is worth getting to know him.

So Qin Lang talked with these old scientists to deepen their understanding of each other. During the conversation, Qin Lang learned that two of these old scientists were Nobel Prize winners in this year, and Several others have also been nominated for awards in related fields.

These scientists in front of us are not ordinary, especially the biomedical giant EEDS. If they can be brought to the Lanrun Biotechnology Laboratory, then the background of the entire Lanrun Biotechnology will be greatly deepened.

However, as a world-class biomedical giant, EEDS teaches at the most famous Harvard University in the world, and owns the world's most luxurious private top-level laboratory, so it is estimated that he will not look down on the employment of a private consortium.

Milestone scientists like EEDS are more obsessed with the field of internal research, money and other external things are relatively indifferent, and the only thing they are more enthusiastic about is a little bit of personal reputation.

After mingling with these old men around, Qin Lang asked for a group photo, and these old scientists and great writers are actually more amiable characters, and readily agreed to Qin Lang's request.

So, before the start of the Nobel Prize Ceremony, Qin Lang used his mobile phone to take a dozen photos with these master-level old scientists and great writers, which greatly satisfied his vanity.

An hour later, the Nobel Prize ceremony officially began.The famous local "Song of the King" was played. Members of the royal family, political leaders and people from all walks of life in the Nobel Hall were present, and the venue was packed to the brim.

And the spotlights of the reporters from all over the world kept flickering, and everyone was busy getting into work.

(End of this chapter)

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