The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1493 A Man's Responsibility!

Chapter 1493 A Man's Responsibility!
The Magic Treasure House was hitting Laomo Song's body crazily. Now that Qin Lang swallowed a large amount of Violent Yuan Pill, not only his combat power was equivalent to that of the God Transformation Stage, but his body speed, reaction and other aspects were also temporarily increased many times.

However, Song Zixing's zombie body is indeed very strong. The strength of his body is similar to that of the Magic Treasure House.

After dozens of impacts, the magic treasure house looked dilapidated and about to fall apart, but Song Zixing was in better condition than Qin Lang, and he was still laughing behind him: "It's useless, you don't know what you ate Things have suddenly become so fierce, but my physical defense and recovery ability are stronger than ordinary cultivators at the transformation stage, so in the end of this are destined to suffer."

Song Zixing also started to fight back. There were clusters of purple lights around his body. Qin Lang's magic house was already crumbling under the opponent's attack. If he hadn't been temporarily promoted to the stage of transforming gods, he might have been shot together with the magic house after the opponent's shots. Together they were smashed into pieces.

At this time, Qin Lang had no accident to see something appearing on the sea surface in the distance, and he immediately lifted his spirits. It was two warship troops performing exercises in the ocean, and they might have been attracted by the sound of fighting in the sky in this sea area.

After all, the huge movement in the thunderstorm still cannot be concealed from the two nearby exercise fleets, and these two exercise fleets are also the two most powerful European and American countries on the Atlantic side of the earth. This time it is estimated that they have brought heavy firepower , so Qin Lang wants to use the military technology of the earth to deal with this Song Laomo.

"Where to escape!"

Song Zixing didn't know the details at all, although he also discovered the two fleets in the ocean, the spiritual consciousness of the dignified monks in the stage of transformation can almost cover this sea area, and those in the fleet are just ordinary humans, to him they are even more ants The ants in the ants, so he doesn't even care about the ants in these ants.

Thinking about it, even if he sneezed in the sky, it would probably attract wind and waves, blowing all the ships in the fleet in front of him!

Song Zixing continued to pursue Qin Lang, while Qin Lang consciously led the old devil towards the fleet.

And the two fleets below are also turned upside down at this moment, what are those in the sky?
Due to its small size, Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House didn't attract much attention, but Song Laomo's huge body flew in the air and attacked here, but the two fleets had to attach great importance to it.

Sensing the powerful evil spirit coming from dozens of miles away before the old devil Song came over, the two fleets also panicked, and the leader of one of the two fleets contacted through the communication device: "What is this, Is it a super biochemical weapon sent by your country? This is too powerful..."

"No, not my country!" said another fleet chief.

"It's not from your country, nor from our country. Then who made this ghost... It's approaching us! Warning! Warning! This is a powerful threat, hurry up and destroy it!"

"alright, got it!"

"The No. [-] Fleet is ready to launch a multi-functional surface-to-air navigation mark missile! The target is a strange object in the sky!"

"The second fleet is ready, the multi-functional ground-to-air beacon missile is locked! The target is a strange organism in the sky!"

"Fleet One, launch..."

"Second Fleet, launch..."

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom boom!The dense missile holes sprayed several meters of flames, and all the surface-to-air beacon missiles of the two fleets were launched at the same time.

Then, hundreds of densely packed missiles with tracking effects almost surrounded all of Song Zixing's advancing routes.

At this time, Qin Lang, who saw the opportunity, used the magic house to quickly escape from this sea area.

And when the Magic Treasure House flashed away, the Magic Treasure House rubbed against the air and dragged out a blue and white flame ribbon, and this kind of severe wear and tear also made the originally damaged Magic Treasure House even more damaged, and now the entire Magic Treasure House is intact The rate is less than 50.00%.

In the sky, Song Zixing, who didn't know the details, didn't do anything to evade the hundreds of beacon missiles. After all, in his understanding, how could mortal things threaten the powerful monks of the transformation stage.

He didn't know the power of this high-tech weapon at all.

This is also the biggest difference between a high-tech world like the Earth and the Qinghe Continent. Although the cultivation world on the Earth has reached the end of the Dharma era, technology is developing vigorously. In fact, each of these powerful banned-level navigation mark missiles is more powerful than Comparable to a blow from the God Transformation Stage.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom...

Hundreds of powerful prohibition-level beacon missiles surrounded Song Zixing in an instant, and then exploded at the same time, and a brilliant white light appeared in the sky, engulfing the old devil.

And there was a tsunami on the sea surface, rolling up huge waves.

" is it possible..."

"How could this world threaten me!"

There was a huge scream in the bright white light of the sky, but the scream was covered by the sound of missile explosions, and it was not very clear.

At this moment, Song Zixing's body instantly melted in the explosion of these densely packed high-tech missiles, and a wave of spiritual consciousness also came out.

"I didn't expect it! There are still things in this world that can threaten the deity! This time, the deity has fallen. Damn, my consciousness cannot exist alone without the body, and the result of detachment is doomed to perish! This also makes these ants drill There is a loophole!"

"...but don't be too happy, hmph, let the whole world be buried with me now..."

With the fluctuation of this damaged consciousness, all the fleet members on the sea surface and Qin Lang who escaped from the center of the explosion all felt the anger of Song Zixing before his death.

How could Old Devil Song not be angry?He was killed for no apparent reason like this, and he died at the hands of mortal ants who were originally despised. This result can be said to be extremely aggrieved.

Of course, even if he was aggrieved before he died, and the last trace of his consciousness disappeared into the universe, he would be dead in the true sense, and it would be impossible for him to be resurrected.

Song Zixing died accidentally in the explosion of a high-tech ground-to-air navigation mark missile, but new incidents reappeared.

Then, that area of ​​the sky suddenly darkened, and an endless black mist appeared, which began to spread around.

This is the space channel destroyed by Song Zixing before he died!
After losing the restraint of the law of space, a large number of spatial turbulences in the destroyed space channel were blown out from the ever-expanding cracks. As soon as these spatial turbulences came out, they formed a gale of level [-] or above over the sea area.

As a result, the torrential rain in the sky became heavier, and the tsunami became more intense, and it began to expand further to the distant sea from the rupture of the space channel.

"Not good!" Qin Lang saw the collapsing space channel, and knew that Song Zixing was not reconciled to the situation before his death, and the last counterattack actually wanted to drag this world to be destroyed together.

That's right!The space channel is now crumbling, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and it looks like it's getting more and more serious!
If there is no way to prevent the collapse of the space channel, the ever-expanding space turbulence will further expand the tsunami and strong wind in front of you, forming a disaster that will destroy the world.

That was a world-class disaster!

At least, the Indonesian tsunami was considered a global catastrophic event, but this time, it is no exaggeration to say that if space turbulence is allowed to sweep this sea area, then the entire Atlantic Ocean will be blown like a cauldron Turned upside down, all the seawater poured out collectively in a short time!

That kind of consequences, not to mention a small piece of land, one or two countries, is probably one-third of the earth, and they will all suffer devastating disasters!

Qin Lang is not a savior, and he doesn't have the heart of the Virgin. However, at this moment, he knows that if he can't stop this catastrophe, then everyone has to finish the game.

what to do?What can I do?Qin Lang also became a little anxious. Although he was also a mud bodhisattva who crossed the river, because he swallowed a large amount of violent Yuan Dan, his body was about to collapse, and he was in a state of no medicine.

Although he knew that his time to survive was running out, Qin Lang had nostalgia and attention for this homeland. ,

There are too many things he cherishes in this hometown, his wealth and foundation, his relatives, his love and friendship, etc., too many that cannot be parted.

Therefore, he couldn't bear to see these people and things destroyed by a global disaster, so he decided to do something before he died.

He hopes to save this disaster, save the whole earth, and save those people and things that are worthy of his treasure.

His parents, his confidante, his acquaintances and friends are all on the earth. When a catastrophe happens in the sky, the people around him will definitely be killed or injured. Just because of this, it is impossible for him to watch the turbulent flow of space blow Flip across the Atlantic Ocean.

As a man, if you don't even have the determination to protect your parents and your own woman in a critical moment, then you will be a man in vain!
"Dad, Mom, how precious you are! And Liu Zhenzhen, you have to live well without me... Farewell, my relatives, my friends!"

Looking at the space that was constantly collapsing, he gritted his teeth, and then manipulated the Magic Treasure House to fly towards the collapsing space channel, and burrowed into the broken space channel in a flash.

Then, boom!An explosion sounded, appearing in the broken space channel.

The turbulent flow generated by the huge explosion formed a powerful reaction force, which was very wonderful, and instead blocked the gap in the space channel leading to the earth.

This should be Qin Lang's intention. At the last moment when he entered the turbulent space, he should have manipulated the magic house to blow himself up inside.

Finally, Qin Lang's efforts before his death paid off.

Then, this gap in the space channel kept shrinking, getting smaller and smaller, and finally miraculously disappeared.

In the air, the dark clouds dissipated little by little, and the sun slowly seeped out. On the sea, the strong wind and huge waves had already stopped, and it was extremely quiet, as if the original accident did not exist at all.

Because of Qin Lang's efforts before his death, the earth was saved!
The two fleets on the sea also breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they sent secret telegrams to their respective governments, positioning the changes encountered in this maritime exercise as the biggest mysterious event of the year.


Quiet, quiet.

Cold, shaking.

Somewhere in the Qinghe Continent, an extremely tattered and messy body was lying on the ground for an unknown how long.

If it weren't for the bursts of weak pulses and intermittent heartbeats appearing in this body, everyone who saw it might think it was a dead body.

In fact, the current Qin Lang is no different from a dead body, without consciousness, without thinking, just like a sleeping vegetable, motionless.

Some people are alive, but he is actually dead... It should be Qin Lang's vegetative state, and the desert Qin Lang is in is also full of dangers, and there may be some inexplicable beasts everywhere. If you see this corpse-like existence, you probably won't mind having an extra lunch for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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