The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1494 Return to Qinghe Continent

Chapter 1494 Return to Qinghe Continent
Qin Lang was seriously injured, very serious, and now his consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep. The sequelae of swallowing the violent yuan pill before, and the self-explosion of the magic treasure house in the turbulent flow of space cracks have caused huge damage to his body .

And this kind of huge damage, not to mention ordinary, even a cultivator of the same level would not be able to withstand it, and the final result would not be able to escape death.

This kind of injury can be said to be trapped inside and outside the body, from the body to the soul has been fatally damaged, it is too serious!
But Qin Lang is lucky that he has swallowed several Good Fortune Pills before, as well as a lot of Fushen Pills and Jingyuan Pills. With a glimmer of life.

The Fushen Pill and Jingyuan Pill also offset part of the serious overdraft effect of the body, so that Qin Lang's body would not collapse in the turbulent space.


When Qin Lang's consciousness slowly woke up from deep sleep, he only felt the darkness around him.Although his consciousness has awakened, he is still unable to control his physical body, and even his spiritual consciousness is very weak, and he is now trapped in the physical body.

This feeling is similar to that of "ghost pressing". Anyone who has experienced "ghost pressing" can definitely know how helpless it is to feel sober but unable to control one's body.

Now the perception is completely blocked, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness can't be released, it's like being locked in a small dark room, and he can't escape even if he wants to.

Although Qin Lang is very anxious, he has indeed lost control of his body. At present, he can only rely on meditation to slowly recover his excessively worn-out consciousness and make his primordial spirit more condensed.

He knew that the current reason should be caused by his primordial spirit being in a state of radiance, and as long as he meditated, he would definitely get better slowly.

Meditate, practice, meditate, practice again.

I don't know how long it took, but Qin Lang's consciousness finally grew a little stronger. Although he still couldn't release his consciousness from the small black room, he can now vaguely feel some of the state of his body.

Because of his weak consciousness, now Qin Lang seems to be looking at the situation in his body through a layer of frosted glass. This is really shocking, his body is so full of holes, it is worse than the rags worn by beggars , Many wounds are newly created and old wounds are overlapping, and they are barely glued together by the powerful medicinal power of the Creation Pill.

The qi and blood of such a body are seriously blocked. If some measures are not taken, I am afraid that even if there is a good fortune pill to hang his life, he will not be able to live for a few days. A clogged situation is simply fatal.

The current situation of Qin Lang is that the body's flesh, meridians, and bones are severely damaged, and the blood in the body is blocked, the meridians are dislocated, and even the bones of the whole body are cracked and need to be rejoined everywhere.

But the current situation also made him feel distressed. Now he can't move at all, and he can't heal his injuries!
At this moment, his heart moved, and he actually used a sliver of consciousness to communicate with the S-rank mutant clone in the only storage ring on his body, released the clone, and finally saw his distressed appearance clearly through the vision of the clone .

Now everything on my body has exploded clean, even my clothes are gone, the only thing I still wear in my hand is a high-grade storage ring, some other storage rings and storage bags have been exploded before.

Now Qin Lang doesn't even have half a elixir on him, it's really pitiful.

Now his body was lying in the desert, it was night, and there were many green lights in the surrounding silence, as if some ferocious beast was approaching.

Qin Lang's current situation is probably worse than that of a child, so he must not be targeted by fierce beasts, so he quickly manipulated the S-level mutant avatar to set up a simple blindfold with spirit stones in this five-foot radius Array.

This kind of blindness formation is very simple, and cultivators who have a little knowledge of dot formations will not be confused by the blindness formation. However, although these fierce beasts in front of them are smart, they are still inferior to humans. They do not have the wisdom of humans, so one by one They were all trapped outside the blindfold formation.

This is a group of wild turtle-backed wolves, the level is not high, it is roughly equivalent to the third-order monsters in the cultivation world. If a normal Qin Lang encounters one, he can fight hundreds of them.

But now in this state of being completely immobile, as long as a turtle-backed wolf pounces on him, he can make himself look good.

After arranging this blinding formation, Qin Lang was relieved to block the group of about 20 turtle-backed wolves outside using the blinding formation. Fortunately, he summoned the S-level mutants in time, otherwise , When the monsters around him pounced on him, he would be absolutely finished.

Then, he started to let the S-rank mutant clone protect him, and then he continued to enter deep sleep meditation.

There is no way, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is too weak now, and now he has consumed more than half of the spiritual consciousness he just replenished in order to arrange the blinding formation, and now he can only continue to meditate to replenish it.

Now that there is no elixir, he can only use this stupid method to slowly recover his consciousness. Otherwise, if there is elixir, let the avatar feed some related elixir to the deity, which can also speed up the body's recovery speed.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Lang's consciousness finally recovered again, and at this time Qin Lang began to think about how to make his body's injuries better.

Qin Lang's consciousness is connected to the brain system of the S-level mutant. At this time, the brain of the S-level mutant was turned on and began to scan the damaged body. After a while, X-rays were used to scan the S-level mutant of Qin Lang's body. The human brain system gives relevant information.

Qi and blood loss 60.00%, extremely weak...

Meridian congestion degree 90.00%...

There are multiple dislocations of the bones that need to be prevent wrong adhesions at the dislocations of the bones!


Through the X-ray inspection of the S-level mutant, Qin Lang knew that his physical condition was very bad, so he endured the discomfort and began to manipulate the clone to correct the bones of his body and correct his misplaced bones.

After the bones were broken, the S-level mutant manipulated the metal ability to change into many metal needles, and began to insert needles into Qin Lang's body one by one.

Of course, the most important thing is to rely on yourself and use meditation to repair these blocked meridians bit by bit.

Before meditating to restore the body, the S-rank mutant gave a suggestion: "The main body can try to stimulate the body with electric current to speed up the recovery of the body..."

"Electric stimulation?" Qin Lang was taken aback, and soon got information from the S-level mutant clone system. It turns out that the S-level mutants also have certain medical functions, and can emit weak currents for clinical treatment.

"Clone No. [-], the next step is to stimulate the main body with electric current." Qin Lang said.

"Received, execute immediately." The electronically synthesized sound of the S-rank mutant clone sounded, and then controlled the densely packed golden needles inserted in Qin Lang's acupoints, and began to transmit stimulating micro-currents to Qin Lang's body acupoints.

The micro-current transmitted by the S-level mutant is a special biological current. When the gold needles penetrated into Qin Lang's large acupoints, Qin Lang felt numb all over his body, and the severely blocked meridians in his body were loosened. signs, and the true energy began to move slowly.

However, the true energy in the body is weak enough now, there is not one out of ten, and a faint breath of true energy moves through the stimulation of the electrons, and begins to move forward slowly.

It's a pity that this ray of true energy is too weak, and after only wriggling for a short distance, it encounters greater resistance, and is forced to stop advancing again, and it is unknown how long it will take to open up the area in front of it again.

Qin Lang is also very anxious now, and the treatment of serious physical injuries is urgent, but now even if there is an S-level mutant avatar for electric stimulation auxiliary treatment, his body recovery speed is still not very fast.

Of course, if there is no S-level mutant avatar electric stimulation auxiliary treatment, it is estimated that Qin Lang's body recovery speed will be slower.

Afterwards, Qin Lang had a whim, like his own sliver of true energy that had been condensed with great difficulty transformed into a spiral shape, like an awl shape, following the stimulation of the golden needle current penetrating into the body from the outside, and rotating forward bit by bit.

This time, the effect was really much better. The meridians that were stuck in front of me were pierced little by little under the rotation of the sharp cone-shaped true energy with high-frequency vibration.

The effect was overwhelming, and the effect was accelerated by nearly a hundred times. Soon the first blocked meridian was completely opened up, and the qi and blood in this meridian were completely revived.

And after the first meridian was opened, Qin Lang's true energy also grew a lot, so the process of operating the true energy to advance became faster.

In the process of advancing, Qin Lang is also constantly adjusting the strength of his true energy slightly. Now his body is too weak, and the state of Qi, blood, meridians, and bones are extremely poor, so sometimes when it is time to slow down the speed of advancement, Qin Lang will never force his way in, to prevent the excessively rough behavior from aggravating the internal injury again.

This is a kind of fine-tuning, which requires patience and perseverance. Qin Lang's current spiritual state is indeed at a disadvantage, but if it is changed substantially, it may be the result of a complete rupture of the meridian and the violent death of the body.

In Qin Lang's current state, there is Jinzhendu acupoint on the outside, and the S-rank mutant avatar enters the acupoints through the current technological microbial current to stimulate, speed up the flow of Qi and blood, and the inner mind controls the true energy to break through the blockage of the meridians with spiral vibrations The body's automatic recovery speed is also greatly accelerated, which is not worse than taking pills.

The advantage of doing this is that it works quickly and does not have any side effects. It is indeed the most effective treatment method for Qin Lang in this state.

(End of this chapter)

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