The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1495 Tempering the Body

Chapter 1495 Tempering the Body
And this kind of treatment process is actually a process of stimulating the activity of the body's cells. As long as the cell activity is strengthened, coupled with the high-frequency vibration of the true energy in the meridians, the combination of the two can also restore Qin Lang's body. The speed becomes even more.

In the body, the true energy once again opened up a meridian. The human body has a total of twelve main meridians, 36 secondary meridians, and large and small branch meridians, forming an incomparably complex three-dimensional system of seven meridians and eight meridians.

And this time the treatment is actually a process of strengthening the body. During the flow of every ounce of true energy in the body's meridians, those currents are stimulating the cells, penetrating from the cell wall into the cell body, and the current is strengthening the cells. activity, making these cells stronger.

When Qin Lang opened up six of the body's meridians, his consciousness was already exhausted, so he had to interrupt the treatment process and rest again, and meditate to restore his consciousness.

There is no way, the current body is too weak in all aspects. It can be said that it is a miracle that Qin Lang can survive now, which is equivalent to taking a life.

And after this meditation, Qin Lang felt that his spiritual consciousness had grown a little bit again, and because the six main meridians of the body had been repaired, now his spiritual consciousness could have some weak feelings about the body, and it was no longer like before. I don't feel any, no longer so numb.

Feeling the improvement of his body, Qin Lang, who had a goal, was also refreshed. He continued the long treatment process until the twelve main meridians were completely opened up. Here comes a hungry signal.

"Hungry, so hungry!" Qin Lang felt as if he had been hungry for hundreds of years.

At the same time, he also knows that this is a phenomenon that only occurs when the fusion of consciousness and body is further advanced. If it is like the previous situation, it may be like the body has been cut a few more times, and he will not feel pain, let alone feel hungry. This situation.

He felt that he was in desperate need of nutrition, so he had to stop what he was doing, and began to manipulate the S-rank mutant avatar out of the phantom array with his spiritual sense, to find some food to fill his hunger.

After a while, the S-rank mutant clone came back, carrying two stunned monster-backed wolves in its hands.

Qin Lang can't eat meat at all in this situation, and he can't even eat other dry food, but the S-level mutant avatar has its own way to deal with these.

It slaughtered a turtle-backed wolf, and fed wolf blood to Qin Lang. Qin Lang's mouth was originally closed, but the S-rank mutant tried to open it, and then fed the wolf blood.

And as a large amount of wolf blood from the two turtle-backed wolves was fed into Qin Lang's belly, Qin Lang's body also became hot. The turtle-backed wolf is a third-tier monster. For Qin Lang, wolf blood is also a great tonic.

If there is no spiritual supplement, the appetite of the cultivator is actually very large. Two turtles with four to five hundred catties and at least seven to eighty catties of wolf blood were all drunk by Qin Lang.

These wolf blood are good things to replenish vitality, but they are generally only suitable for low-level cultivators in the foundation-building stage, and now they are better than nothing for him. His disciples are not as good.

And with the wolf's blood entering his stomach, Qin Lang's originally icy body became warmer at this time, which also means that the situation in front of him has become better.

After stopping the fire of hunger, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness manipulated the true energy, and continued to use the method of electric current stimulation and spiral vibration of the true energy to break open the small stagnant meridians on the body, so that all the meridians in the body could be re-opened. become unimpeded.

And with all the meridians in his body once again unblocked, Qin Lang's body's zhenqi finally accelerated, converging into a stream to form a cycle of big and small cycles.

So far, the treatment of the meridians and flesh and blood has been almost done, and the rest is the bone injury, but even if the bone injury is nourished by true energy, Qin Lang estimates that he will not be able to fully recover within half a month.

After the treatment of meridians and flesh and blood is completed, Qin Lang has now recovered his sense of taste, touch and vision, but his body is still unable to move.

One reason for this is that the bones of the whole body have not grown well now, and the other reason is that although Qin Lang's physical treatment has been cured, it does not mean that he is completely cured. It is estimated that he will not be able to use his true energy within three months.

Fortunately, now he has been able to open his eyes slightly, has some vision, and his consciousness has returned to about one-tenth of its heyday, which is much stronger than before.

"Currently, I can't move my body at all. Fortunately, I still have my spiritual sense to use. One-tenth of my divine sense in its heyday is more than enough to manipulate two mutant clones." Qin Lang thought to himself, this time At that time, another Transcendent level mutant "Semicolon No. [-]" was also summoned.

Afterwards, he let the extraordinary-level mutant "Clone No. [-]" carry him on his back, and the S-rank mutant "Clone No. [-]" acted as a guardian, preparing to leave this ghostly place.

The place in front of me is a big desert, with no villages or shops in front of it, and how many wild beasts are hidden in the dark, it is not a good place to stay.

Therefore, Qin Lang is going to find a popular place to settle down, and at the same time prepare for further physical treatment, after all, it will be much more convenient.

Although the current Qin Lang is unable to move because his injury has not completely improved, the two mutants manipulated by divine consciousness, one S-level mutant is almost close to the strength of a late Nascent Soul cultivator, and the other is an extraordinary-level mutant. It is close to the initial stage of Nascent Soul.

This kind of Nascent Soul-level combat power is considered a high-end combat power in the Qinghe Continent in the cultivation world. As long as you don't provoke too powerful enemies, self-protection should not be a big problem.

After all, the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage are the real mainstream in this world, and the old monsters of the Soul Transformation Stage above the Nascent Soul Stage are all legendary existences, and they hardly move around in the realm of comprehension.

With an S-level mutant clone clearing the way, there is no need to be afraid of ordinary beasts at all. The X-rays of the S-level mutant can scan the surrounding environment with a diameter of about 360 feet, and can ignore obstacles. It can be said that it is [-] degrees. blind spot.

Under such circumstances, Qin Lang's safety will be greatly hindered. It has to be said that there are still two mutant clones left by Qin Lang's side.

If there were no clones of these two mutants, I am afraid that Qin Lang should have died in that small group of turtle-backed wolves before, and became the dessert of those turtle-backed and wolf-bellied wolves. Still can't move the bullet.

The eyes of the S-rank mutants are always red. Sometimes when they find out that there is a beast on the road in advance, they will directly shoot the opponent away.

Of course, if there is any large-scale group of monsters, these two mutants will quietly take Qin Lang away from them.

Like when they encountered a group of fourth-order multi-legged flying snakes in the desert before, the two mutants took Qin Lang and fled away before the snakes found them. , but densely packed together, there are at least three or four thousand multi-legged flying snakes in that area. The density of the snakes is so dense that even the existence of the late Nascent Soul would not dare to lock them in.

And after leaving this group of four-level multi-legged flying snakes, the S-level mutants drove away two sixth-level Thunder Eagles. As a sixth-level monster, Thunder Eagle has the strength equivalent to a Nascent Soul cultivator. Coupled with the ability to fly, it is simply the overlord of the sky.

In order to drive away the two sixth-level Thunderhawks, the S-rank mutant avatar No. 30 put in a lot of effort. He fought directly with the two Thunderhawks for more than [-] times before he could get rid of each other. Finally gave up the little human snack.

The terrain of the great desert in front of him is continuous. Through analysis, Qin Lang also knew that this is the western desert in the Qinghe Continent. Qinghe is divided into four parts in total, of which the southern region is mountainous, the northern region is grassland, and the eastern region is dominated by oceans. And this Western Region is a desert environment.

Moreover, the entire Western Region is very large, almost a hundred times larger than the total land area of ​​the earth. Such a desert environment is too vast, and ordinary people may not be able to leave the Western Region after walking for decades.

I heard that there are many ordinary people and practitioners living in the Western Regions, and there are many oases in this desert environment, and every oasis has signs of human activities.

There are definitely more than a thousand oases, large and small, in the entire Western Regions. Most of the oases are inhabited by cultivators, and the cultivators in the entire Western Regions are distributed in various oases in the form of families.

Like in these oases, a cultivator family in a larger oasis may have more than hundreds of clan members, while in a smaller oasis, ten or twenty cultivators are the whole family.

The two mutants carried Qin Lang on their backs and kept going forward. After walking for two or three hours, they still couldn't find the shadow of the oasis, but Qin Lang was not in a hurry. Anyway, he knew that if he kept walking, he would always meet the oasis. Time, as long as you prepare in advance.

"Ding ding ding" "Ding ding ding..." At this time, Qin Lang heard a special abnormality in the sound of the wind from a distance, like the sound of bells hanging around the necks of snail horses and camels.

At this time, I vaguely saw some densely packed small black spots appearing in the distance. These small black spots have been coming here, and it seems that they should be a caravan.

This is a medium-sized caravan with about 300 people, but ordinary people account for the majority of the caravan, and they are all low-level guys who wait on snails, horses and other livestock, while at the top, warriors and practitioners account for the rest. one third.

Seeing this caravan, the two mutants hurried up to meet it with Qin Lang. Qin Lang had an urgent desire to communicate with this caravan.

(End of this chapter)

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