Chapter 1496 Guard Captain
Soon, the two mutants and Qin Lang approached the caravan, and when they were within fifty yards of the caravan, Qin Lang and the two mutant clones were stopped by the caravan's guards.

There are 300 people in this caravan, more than half of which are guards.

"Who?" The captain of the caravan's guard is a burly man who seems to be trying his best, but he is not a cultivator, but a warrior with a mid-stage warrior. Cultivators are almost the same.

And most of the guards in the caravan are warriors of the King Wu level. Of course, there are also three or four alchemy cultivators among them.

Martial arts are prevalent in the Qinghe Continent, and almost everyone practices martial arts, and these martial artists above the level of Martial Kings are the best among them.

And to be able to practice above the level of Martial King, these people have definitely spent more hard work than cultivators. The overall strength of the caravan guards in front of us is not weak. There are about 70 people at the Martial King level. There are more than 70 people, all of whom are Wu Zun's late warriors, and they are one step away from becoming Wu King.

Seeing a few strangers suddenly appear, the captain of the guard was very vigilant.

After all, the value of the goods to be protected this time is quite high, and there is no room for any carelessness.They are not even allowed to have any sympathy, so as not to be used by the wicked.

"Hello, we are passers-by from afar. I want to join your caravan for a journey. Is it possible?" The electronic synthesizer of the S-class mutant sounded.

Hearing the electronically synthesized voice of Clone No. [-], not only this martial artist in the middle stage of Valkyrie, but even the other guards beside him were startled. What kind of skills does this guy practice, and why does this strange voice appear.

Moreover, each of them felt that the three people in front of them were extremely weird.

Can it not be weird?The clothes of the three people in front of them are completely different from Qinghe mainland. The two mutant clones are all in a black suit, and the clothes on Qin Lang's body are also a new set of casual clothes. These caravan guards have traveled all over the world for many years and have never seen them before. These strange clothes.

In their induction, the three guys in front of them... the two mutant clones don't look like ordinary people at all, they should be powerful existences who have practiced some special skills.

But they don't know how powerful the two mutant clones are. Now the two mutant clones have restrained auras and can't sense their cultivation at all, and they don't know whether the two mutant clones are warriors or cultivators.

As for Qin Lang's words, it seems more normal now, he should be a cultivator.

Qin Lang, who is recovering from serious injuries, can't move now, and his cultivation base has fallen to the bottom. There is no sign of the flow of true energy in his body. It looks worse than a cultivator in the foundation period. Instead, they automatically ignore Qin Lang.

They took the initiative to regard Qin Lang as the weakest of the three, so they didn't need to pay much attention at all. In fact, the current physical condition of Qin Lang was indeed the same.

The captain of the guard seemed to be a very generous guy, Shen Ling paused, and said: "It's not impossible for you to join the caravan, but I have to ask my master first."

After finishing speaking, the burly man ran to the caravan center to ask the caravan owner in the caravan in the caravan center. After all, the captain of the guard was only the leader responsible for guarding the safety of the caravan. Still the owner of the caravan.

After a while, the burly man ran back: "My master agrees with you to join the caravan, but you have to be careful along the way, don't get close to the caravans in the central area of ​​the caravan, that's where my master and the women stay. I hope outsiders will come closer."

"Okay, no problem." The S-rank mutant clone No. [-] sensed.

In this way, Qin Lang and the two mutant clones temporarily joined the caravan guard team and started their journey to the nearest oasis.

Because Qin Lang seemed to be very fragile, the kind-hearted captain of the guard also freed up a horse from the team and gave it to Qin Lang to ride.

"Thank you." Qin Lang was still unable to speak, but manipulated Clone No. [-] to express his gratitude to this burly man.

"Hehe, it's not easy to go out. Since I see that I can help, I will try to help as much as possible... My name is Tan Cheng, and I am the captain of the guard of this Qiao's caravan." The burly man chuckled.

"I am species one, this is my younger brother species two, and the one who just recovered from a serious illness is our son Qin Lang." The S-level mutant clone number one also went to do as the Romans did, and gave the two mutants new names.

Afterwards, the two mutants were called by the names of species one and species two, and began to talk to Tan Cheng.

During the conversation, Tan Cheng found that no matter how he talked with these two mutants, the atmosphere between the two parties seemed weird. There was no expression on the faces of the first and second mutants, and they all seemed very rigid, but the content of the conversation was strange very eager.

"Perhaps there is a problem with the cultivation techniques of the first and second brothers, so they lose the emotions that normal people should have!" Tan Cheng can only guess like this now. In fact, mutants don't have emotions at all, but he doesn't. know this.

After chatting for a while, Qin Lang also got some useful information. The Western Desert in front of him is much larger than the Southern Region, and its area is almost three or four times that of the entire Southern Region.

The Qiao family is a big family called Luliuzhou more than 800 miles ahead. There are more than [-] people in Luliuzhou. It is a small oasis in the desert where mortals and practitioners live together. There are four or five families in total.

The Qiao family has a population of 2000 and ranks second in strength in Luliuzhou. The family has three Nascent Soul Stage cultivators, and the ancestor who sits in the family is a mid-Year Soul Stage existence. It can be regarded as a medium-sized family in the entire Western Desert.

Knowing that Green Liuzhou has a supply market in the realm of comprehension, Qin Lang also secretly calculated that he planned to stay in Green Liuzhou for a while to take good care of his body, but he just came to the West Desert from the earth, and wanted to get some resources, You have to figure out how to do things like pills.

This 300-member caravan has more than 500 mules and horses, with an average of two mules and one cart. These carts are full of goods traded from far away places. A long-distance business trip will be conducted externally to supplement the resources needed by the family.

After chatting for a while with the two mutant clones controlled by Qin Lang, the captain of the guard, Tan Cheng, felt that there was nothing to talk about. The three of them looked suspicious, and they were definitely not the horse thieves and spies that the caravan should beware of. The achievement is directly transferred to other parts of the caravan to inspect.

And Qin Lang was also happy to calm down, silently running the true energy in his body, and began to slowly recuperate and recover himself.

After all, at the current speed of the caravan, it will take at least six or seven days to travel more than 800 miles, and it is still early before reaching the oasis.

In the next few days, the guard team also discovered some special things about the three of Qin Lang. Apart from Qin Lang needing to be fed some liquid food every day, Qin Lang's two subordinates, Zhong [-] and Zhong [-], didn't know what skills they had practiced, and they didn't use it every day. Eat, not even drink water.

In this case, they even more believe that species [-] and [-] are cultivators, and they are cultivators who have reached the Bigu realm above the alchemy stage, because those cultivators above the alchemy stage in the caravan can achieve this level.

However, even though the cultivators above the alchemy stage in the caravan can eat bigu, they still eat like normal people every day. After all, the cultivation life of a cultivator is long and boring, and the desire for food and drink has become a problem for most cultivators. One of the many pleasures.

Speaking of which, several alchemy cultivators in the guard team in the caravan admired the first and second mutants. Although they don't know how strong the two mutant clones are, this strict self-discipline and ascetic lifestyle Most people really can't stand it.

What they don't know is that the body structure of mutants is completely different from that of human beings. They use nuclear energy fission to maintain the energy required for the body to operate. However, the nuclear energy chip templates of the first and second bodies have sufficient energy to maintain two clones, one and two. It has been working fine for more than a year.

The weather in the western desert is very dry, but not hot, which is one of the regional characteristics. We walked all the way for three or four days without sweating a single drop.

We will arrive at the oasis in two or three days, and everyone is starting to relax. You must know that running a business is not an easy task. Horse thieves are rampant in the whole of Ximo, and there are dozens of horse thieves, big and small. , and these horse thieves are very powerful, and some of them can't even offend the guards of the Qiao family caravan.

Fortunately, this time running the business went smoothly. It took about 20 days to go back and forth. Now it is almost over. The materials exchanged this time are enough for the Qiao family to last for nearly two months. The next time running the business is two months later.

And just as the entire caravan began to relax because it was getting closer to the goal, Tan Cheng, the captain of the guard, became serious and stopped the caravan from moving forward.

"There is a situation! Everyone pay attention, line up!" As a martial artist in the middle stage of the Valkyrie, Tan Cheng's sensory ability is very keen. The real reason why Tan Cheng has such a high prestige in the entire guard.

After all, warriors whose strength has reached the middle stage of the Valkyrie should not be underestimated, even if they face the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage, they don't have to show weakness. Such strength is indeed qualified to command the entire guard team.

Following Tan Cheng's order, the entire caravan began to circulate, and the vehicles formed a defensive formation.

And at this moment, the sound of a lot of horseshoes came from a distance, and it came to this side like thunder, and then a large number of densely packed small black spots came into view.

"It's horse thieves! There are at least 100 people..." Tan Chengwei squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. He is also a figure who has guarded Qiao's family for many years and has experienced dozens of battles. I really don't pay much attention to it.

Under Tan Cheng's orderly command, the entire caravan appeared calm. This defensive formation had been set up before the horse thieves arrived. However, when the group of horse thieves approached, Tan Cheng's face suddenly changed. .

(End of this chapter)

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