The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1497 Righteous Shots

Chapter 1497 Righteous Shots
"It's a gust of wind horse thief, how is it possible... This area is not the territory of a gust of wind at all!"

Even with the strength of the mid-stage Valkyrie, Tan Cheng has become nervous now.

The team of horse thieves in front of them has a flag, which is an inverted triangle, which is a clear sign of a gust of wind.

There is a reason why he is so nervous, because a gust of wind is well-known in the entire western desert horse thief group. I heard that there are cultivators in the stage of transformation of gods behind their backs. Other horse thieves who encounter a gust of wind have to stay away.

Soon, the more than 100 horse thieves in a gust of wind surrounded the entire caravan. Although there were only more than 100 people, these horse thieves in front of them were all so arrogant that they didn't take the 300-odd businessmen in front of them at all. The team is watching.

"We confiscated the vehicles and goods of your caravan, now get us out of here quickly!" The leader of the one-eyed horse thief shouted.

He is completely supercilious, and these people who don't seem to protect the goods in their eyes are much more domineering than the official.

Of course, these horse thieves in front of them do have the capital of arrogance. All of the more than 100 people are warriors with the strength of Martial King or above, and more than 20 warriors are of the Martial God level.

And the leader of the one-eyed horse thief who was clamoring just now is a mid-stage Valkyrie, on the same level as Tan Cheng, the captain of the caravan guard.

Therefore, although this group of horse thieves is not as numerous as the caravan side, the entity is much stronger than the caravan side.

"What should I do?" Tan Cheng knew that if he fought a tough battle, he would definitely lose a lot on his side, and he would definitely suffer the most, but he just gave up the goods and vehicles of the entire caravan to the horse thieves in front of him. But feel very unwilling.

After all, running a business is not easy. It takes a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources to pull up a team. The goods in this caravan are worth at least [-] million spirit stones, which is almost half of the entire Qiao family property.

There was a stalemate between the two sides, and the captain of the guard ran to ask the caravan owner for instructions. After a while, the caravan owner came out of the caravan himself. This is an old man with a big white beard, and he is actually not very strong. Cultivators in the Qi refining period.

"Friends of a gust of wind, it's too unreasonable for you to buy the entire business. The property in front of you is almost all of our Qiao family... Otherwise, this time the caravan will leave a quarter of the money for the heroes. Treat the goods as paying for travel expenses to show respect to all the masters."

The owner of the caravan bowed his hand from a distance very kindly, and begged.

Hard work is definitely not enough, the caravan is too disadvantaged, he can only hope that Huairou's measures can eliminate this catastrophe.

However, these gusts of horse thieves in front of them all seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world. They all laughed for a while, and then the leader of the horse thieves gasped and said: "Give you a quarter of should send it away." Beggars? We are kind enough to let you go now, if you don’t want to, we don’t mind taking a little more lives from you people.”

"Speak well, good man, you can't do this, you can't do this..."

The owner of the caravan was also a little panicked. He had been leading the Qiao family caravan on this road for several years. He had never encountered such an arrogant and unreasonable horse thief. He didn't know what to do at this time.

At this moment, the owner of the caravan turned his attention to Tan Cheng, the captain of the guard, and sighed: "These goods cannot be lost, what should I do? What should I do... It would be great if the ancestors were here, and the other party is just a gust of wind." , will definitely buy our face."

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

And Tan Cheng also gritted his teeth, knowing that he couldn't fight, but decided to resist. After all, if this batch of goods is robbed, these guards will lose their jobs completely in the future. After the decline of the Qiao family, they want to find a good employer. But it is not easy.

"Haha, interesting, then let my hungry and thirsty sword taste the taste of blood!"

The leader of the one-eyed horse thief seemed very happy to meet the resistance of the caravan. At this time, he roared excitedly, and he looked like an extreme militant.

As soon as the battle started, the caravan prepared a lot of bows and arrows and started the first round of salvo, but the effect was not very satisfactory.

After all, the more than 100 horse thieves on the other side are all above the level of Martial Kings. When warriors have cultivated to this level, the release of stellar energy is similar to the defensive force field of a cultivator. Although it cannot compare with those powerful cultivators, it is used to resist these mundane The standard equipment is still no problem.

Clap clap!clap clap...

Sure enough, the arrows from the caravan's first volley hit the horse thieves' qi wall and were bounced to the ground, and the horse thieves were all useless.

While grinning, the horse thieves began to move closer to the caravan with weapons above the sharp weapon level, and continued to attack with all their might.

"Fight it!" In the caravan, all the guards also began to muster their energy to deal with these enemies, but their strengths were very different, and many people were hacked to the ground in one encounter.

Blood flowed into rivers for a while, and almost 40 caravan guards were killed or injured in this encounter, accounting for almost one-third of them.And when the horse thieves saw the blood, they grinned wildly and killed even more vigorously.

what to do?What should I do... Tan Cheng, who possesses the mid-term strength of the Martial God, blocked the attack of the horse thief leader at this time, and felt quite distressed when he saw the huge losses of his companions around him, but he was also quite helpless in the current situation.

The opponent is too strong!Except for the limited ten or twenty people in the guard team, the rest of them were not the horse thief's opponent at all, and the battle between the two sides was almost one-sided.

Do you really want to give up these goods and vehicles in front of you?
But looking at the red eyes of these horse thieves in front of them, I am afraid that even if they give up the goods and vehicles now, the other party will not let everyone in the caravan go, right?After all, these are horse thieves who kill without blinking an eye.

And when the caravan guards and horse thieves carried it, Qin Lang frowned slightly. He didn't expect this kind of thing to happen when he was about to reach the finish line in two or three days. He wanted to go back to the oasis safely with the caravan Go, it seems that you have to help the caravan in front of you.

Therefore, Qin Lang gave an order to the S-level mutant clone No. [-]: "No. [-], take action, and clean up these horse thieves in front of you!"

As soon as Zhong received Qin Lang's order, he started to attack. He left the protection of the chariot formation in an instant, and came outside the chariot formation to fight the horse thief.

Clone No. [-], whose strength is similar to that of the late Nascent Soul, fights with these Martial King-level fighters. It is no different from bullying children. There is no need for any special methods at all, and they directly attack against each other. These horse thieves basically don't have one combined enemy.

Soon, the horse thief fell down, and the leader of the horse thief felt bad when he saw the situation in front of him. How could this caravan have such a powerful character? In just a short moment, ten or twenty companions were killed The opponent was killed.

"Attention everyone, keep a distance... First kill the strongest guy in the caravan team. This should be a powerful cultivator."

The leader of the horse thief reminded his subordinates loudly, and then directly used his weapon to split a few half-moon-shaped qi, attacking the S-rank mutant clone No. [-].

But Zhong Yi is not afraid of the attack of these horse thieves. The powerful mutant gene makes it no different from the physical training of the late Nascent Soul. effective damage.

After another round of fighting, another [-] or [-] horse thieves fell down. Seeing that his companions had lost nearly half, the leader of the horse thieves panicked. Feeling bad, he shouted: "Retreat, nod your head!"

Soon, this group of well-trained horse thieves collapsed on a large scale. When they evacuated in embarrassment, the leader of the horse thieves took the lead and shouted while running: "Damn, kill so many of my brothers, you guys! Dead! Wait, I will come again!"

After leaving the yelling words, the group of horse thieves soon disappeared without a trace, leaving only a scene full of corpses.

In addition to the corpses of fifty horse thieves at the scene, more than half of the caravan guards' manpower was lost, which greatly hurt their vitality. Fortunately, the goods were finally saved. one.

It's just that they don't know that this mutant clone is completely controlled by Qin Lang, and it doesn't have much independent thinking. The person they should be grateful for is Qin Lang's body.

However, Qin Lang didn't remind them, and at this time, he was happy to let the avatar take over these grateful eyes instead of himself.After the horse thief was driven away, the entire caravan also began to wake up at the scene.

The caravan was about to start on the road, and then the injured companions needed to be helped, and the corpses of the dead companions also needed to be taken away. Seeing that the companions who had been with them for many years were gone, many guards of the caravan showed sadness.

These warriors were already doing the job of licking blood, and they all knew that injuries and deaths were normal things, and after a moment of silence for their companions, they went back on the road.

Before setting off on the road, the owner of the caravan came to find Clone No. [-] in person, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your rescue this time, otherwise, the Qiao family caravan will really be over. After returning to the oasis... Your Excellency and Your Excellency’s friends will come to the Qiao’s compound at that time, and our Patriarch will definitely give you a gift of thanks.”


Qin Lang controlled the avatar and agreed, and at the same time thought: Now that he has saved the entire Qiao family caravan, the Qiao family must have given a lot of thank you gifts, and it happens that he is penniless and needs spirit stones and resources. Very good!
Now Qin Lang has no property at all, except for two mutant clones and an empty storage ring, there is nothing else. Diao Yan Huo Jian had no food at all.

Under such circumstances, the next return from the Qiao family can be regarded as a timely gift, and Qin Lang has no reason to refuse at all.

(End of this chapter)

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