Chapter 1498
After beating off a gust of wind horse thief, the entire caravan was quite safe for the next two days and arrived at Green Willow Island smoothly.

Green Willow Isle is a small oasis in the Western Desert. It ranks not high among thousands of oases in the Western Desert. Its area is about the same size as the Fengcheng in the South Region that Qin Lang once visited. The entire Green Willow Isle is equivalent to the desert in the desert. of a small city.

The ratio of mortals to cultivators in Luliuzhou is three to one, which is relatively high in the entire Qinghe Continent, which is also caused by the difficult local environment.

After all, the entire Western Desert is relatively scarce in products, and it is not easy for mortals to survive, and the death rate is estimated to be the highest in the four domains. Therefore, mortals can only increase their survival rate by becoming powerful warriors and cultivators.

The return of the Qiao family caravan also caused a small sensation in the entire small oasis. All the goods were transported to the various stores of the Qiao family and the family headquarters through the family transfer station. These materials are also necessary to maintain the operation of the entire family.

At this time, Qin Lang and the two avatars were invited by the Qiao family to the family headquarters. The benefactor who greeted the family crisis was naturally the patriarch of the family, Qiao Zhimo, who had the initial stage of Yuanying cultivation.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, his face is full of weather-beaten aging, his skin is a bit dark and rough.

Seeing the arrival of the three of Qin Lang, Qiao Zhimo grinned to welcome the three distinguished guests, and welcomed the three of them into the main hall of the Qiao family.

At this moment, after a few days of recuperation, Qin Lang's body is already able to walk on the ground, but he still needs someone to help him while walking, and his overall condition is much better than before.

However, the internal breath of the body has not increased much because there is no supplement of elixir, and the most important thing for Qin Lang at present is not to increase the internal breath of the body, but to completely transform the newly healed bones.

After all, the texture of the newly grown bones is definitely not as good as the original one, and now if we can find a way to substantially transform the bones, the most important thing is to increase the density and strength of the bones.

As for the transformation of the bones, Qin Lang has a general idea, which is to use the high-frequency vibration of the spiral type of true energy to adjust the bone density through the process of continuously stimulating the bone cells through the airflow, and finally complete this process.

Qin Lang estimated that this transformation process is a very huge project, and it will take about four or five months to complete, and within this time, Qin Lang must use his true energy to fight in vain, that is to say, it is nearly an hour For half a year, Qin Lang had to change his fighting style when facing the enemy.

It is estimated that Qin Lang's main fighting method during this period is to use the spiritual consciousness to manipulate the mutants to fight.

In addition, Qin Lang can also practice some spiritual combat methods, or simply control some puppets and pets to help him during this time.

However, Qin Lang's body is clean at present, and there are no spirit stones left to buy pills and resources. If you want to get puppets and pets, don't think too much about it for the time being. Now the consciousness and true energy are very weak, and pills are needed To improve, it is still necessary to find a way to solve an urgent fund.

And now Qiao Zhimo, the Patriarch of the Qiao Family, invited Qin Lang to the Qiao Family Courtyard as a guest, which is exactly what Qin Lang wished for. This time, he manipulated the S-level mutant avatar to help the Qiao Family Caravan drive away the horse thieves and saved the entire caravan. , and kept supplies worth [-] million or [-] million yuan, the Patriarch of the Qiao family has to say what he says.

As a middle-level family in the West Desert, the Qiao family, which ranks second in Luliuzhou, has a very good background. The entire family compound occupies an area of ​​more than 100 mu, and it is very grand.

After inviting Qin Lang and the three to sit in the lobby, Qiao Zhimo invited the two mortal maids to serve tea to the guests. However, as mutant avatars, species [-] and [-] did not need to eat or drink at all, so only Qin Lang was watching Fine tea.

The teacup was a refined porcelain cup, and the tea in it was actually bright red, with a faint smell of blood.

"Good tea!" Qin Lang took a sip, it was actually a rare fairy tea, as the tea entered his stomach, an incomparably rich spiritual power also entered his body, nourishing his whole body.

"This is the unique animal blood tea in the Western Desert. It is made from the essence of monsters and precious medicines. Only cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage can refine it. Therefore, this tea is very precious in the Western Desert. One or two tea cakes are worth at least [-] spirit stones." Qiao Zhimo said with a smile.

And Qin Lang took a closer look at this time, only to find that the tea in the teacup is divided into three layers, although they are all red, but the reds are different, and each layer is distinct. Or, if there is no special technique, it will not be refined at all.

Drinking this rare fairy tea, Qin Lang finally had the feeling of re-entering the world of comprehension. Compared with the earth, which is extremely scarce in resources, the Qinghe Continent is not ordinary. Even the Western Desert, which has a relatively harsh environment, is not comparable to the earth. of.

This is the realm of comprehension, a world rich in resources and spirits, and a paradise where practitioners can thrive.

While sipping tea, Qiao Zhimo began to casually chat with Qin Lang and the three. Now that he has come out, Qin Lang is the principal among the three, and species one and species two are equivalent to Qin Lang's bodyguards, so they also He showed more respect to Qin Lang, and didn't look down on Qin Lang because of his weak appearance.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, thanks to a brother of yours this time, you saved a crisis in the caravan. The Qiao family has always remembered this kind of kindness, and I don't know how to repay you... How about it, the Qiao family will take over." Come down and prepare to hold an auction in Luliuzhou, if fellow Taoists find something interesting in the auction, just take it, and the Qiao family will give you an auction quota of 300 million yuan for this auction." Qiao Zhimo said .

"Well, thank you very much." Qin Lang was not polite, he saved the entire caravan and got a reward worth 300 million, which seemed to be so-so.

Of course, it wasn't that the Qiao family was stingy. The caravan was attacked by horse thieves and killed or injured 4000 or [-] people. The death benefits here are estimated to be more than [-] million. The Qiao family is also hurting some vitality now.

Before, knowing that the three of Qin Lang came from afar and had no place to stay, Qiao Zhimo specially arranged three guest rooms for the three of Qin Lang in the compound to live in, and at the same time sent some pills and spirit stones.

Among them, there are healing pills, pills for replenishing true energy, and pills for replenishing spiritual consumption, which are worth about 50 yuan, and the spirit stones are all middle-grade spirit stones, about 3000 pieces.

With this part of the elixir spirit stone, Qin Lang's current cultivation needs are no longer a problem, and it can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need in cultivation.

After all, for four or five months now, he can't use his true energy rashly. Apart from recovering himself, he can't do alchemy or weapon refining. That is to say, he wants to make money or The idea of ​​supplementing one's own needs is temporarily unfeasible.

In this case, his chances of making money will undoubtedly be much narrower.

For the next few days, Qin Lang stayed in the guest room of the Qiao Family Courtyard and practiced, using the elixirs and spirit stones to speed up the recovery of all aspects of the body. Now his true energy and spiritual consciousness are very short, which is even less than that of the practitioners in the foundation period. These few days have been busy using pills and spirit stones to replenish.

Three days later, Qin Lang's cultivation has been consolidated to the early stage of alchemy, and if he wants to improve, it will take more than three months to return to the original level, and the resources in front of him are simply not enough to support him to recover to that level.

As for the spiritual consciousness, since the Yiyuan Pill provided by the Qiao family is relatively sufficient, it has gradually recovered to the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

Of course, the rapid recovery of consciousness is also related to the strength of Qin Lang's primordial spirit. Qin Lang's primordial spirit has been calcined by earth fire, and the fire of Kanli is not condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness, so the strength of consciousness is higher than normal The Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivators have condensed too much.

However, Qin Lang needs too many resources to restore to his original level. He is really poor now. Even with some rewards from the Patriarch of the Qiao family, he is relatively poor among the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage. .

As for the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage, under normal circumstances, which one doesn't have at least a net worth of more than tens of millions?There are some relatively wealthy Nascent Soul Stage cultivators whose personal wealth is even hundreds of millions.

At present, after improving a part of his cultivation base and spiritual consciousness, Qin Lang is using it to strengthen his own bone density and strength. After all, using true energy to transform bone density and strength will consume a certain amount of spiritual consciousness and true energy, especially It is the consumption of true energy that is even more enormous.

The bimonthly auction of the Qiao family was officially held in Luliuzhou, and Qin Lang was invited to participate in this auction at this time. As a VIP of the Qiao family, he had a special VIP box.

The auctions in Green Liuzhou are all family in nature, and basically the five families will hold them every two or three months.

The auction was officially launched. There were 5000 to [-] practitioners in the entire Green Willow Island, and more than [-] people participated in this auction.

Except for the members of the five major families, the members participating in this auction are all casual cultivators. Ximo is the largest distribution center for casual cultivators in the entire Qinghe Continent except for the East China Sea, so the flow of people between each oasis is relatively frequent. of.

Among the 5000 people present, most of them were cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Stage and above. Among them, those at the Core Formation Stage accounted for one-third, while those at the Nascent Soul Stage were relatively small, about five or six, and these five or six Most of them are veterans of the five major families. It is too difficult for a casual cultivator to become a high-level cultivator. There is only one cultivator at the Nascent Soul level who does not belong to the five major families and is a casual cultivator.

Generally speaking, the overall quality of cultivators in the Western Desert is much higher than that in the Southern Region. It is estimated that there are ten or twenty cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage in the entire Luliuzhou.

The auctioneer entered the venue and rang the auction hammer on the stage, and the noisy venue suddenly fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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