The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1499 Qiao Family Auction

Chapter 1499 Qiao Family Auction

The auctioneer in front of him is a male cultivator in the foundation establishment period. He looks like he is in his 50s, and he doesn't seem to have a good cultivation qualification.

The Qiao family is unique in its secular management. Everything is delegated to the low-level cultivators in the family, and the core members of the family with relatively good cultivation qualifications usually don't have to worry about too many mundane things, and can concentrate on cultivating and improving their cultivation realm.

This is also the biggest benefit of family cultivators. Talented cultivators can use the resources and convenience of the family to concentrate on improving their cultivation, and will not affect their practice because of many miscellaneous things, while casual cultivators usually have too many things to worry about. Sometimes even in order to obtain cultivation resources, too much time will be wasted.

This is also the real reason why when Qin Lang met Qiao's caravan before, the owner of the caravan who was in charge of the transportation of the entire caravan was only a Qi Refining Stage cultivator. On the other hand, it is also due to the unique business model of the Qiao family.

Basically, the cultivators above the alchemy stage of the Qiao family didn't do much with secular business affairs, and those cultivators at the alchemy stage in the caravan guards were actually casual cultivators recruited by the family.

Due to the importance of the auction, most of the Qiao family cultivators above the alchemy stage who maintained the order of the venue came, about 100 people, and the head of the Qiao family who was at the Nascent Soul level also came in person and took charge of the entire venue.

"Okay, this auction of the Qiao family has officially started! I am Qiao Lijie, the auctioneer, and I welcome everyone to participate in this auction. I hope that everyone can get a satisfactory auction..."

After Qiao Lijie, an auctioneer in his 50s, made his opening remarks, he officially started the auction procedure. The first batch of exhibits on stage were medicinal pills.

"There will be more pills in this auction. The Qiao family caravan just bought a large amount of pills refined by a famous alchemy master in the West Desert from another oasis channel, and the quality is good. The first batch of the first round What is being auctioned is the Blood Yuan Pill! This is a kind of elixir that replenishes qi and blood that cultivators at the Nascent Soul Stage take daily, and it is more effective than the Jingqi Pill that cultivators at the Core Formation stage take!"

"There are a total of ten bottles of this batch of blood essence pills, and each bottle is divided into two auctions. Seniors who need it can sell it!"

"For the first time, five bottles of blood pills are packaged with a base price of [-] spirit stones, and now the bidding begins!" With a bang, Qiao Lijie has already sounded the auction hammer, officially starting the auction process.

"Blood Yuan Pill?" Qin Lang suddenly became interested. He is also a master of alchemy himself. Of course, he knows how good this kind of Blood Yuan Pill is. It can be said that this is a medicine for replenishing true energy for Nascent Soul stage cultivators. The effect of one pill is more than a hundred times better than Jingyuan Pill.

Of course, Qin Lang knew about the alchemy of Xueyuan Pill, but in his current state, it is estimated that he would not be able to make alchemy for four or five months, so this kind of high-quality elixir is also very much needed, so in this first batch of first time After the elixir came to the auction stage, he accepted the idea of ​​auctioning off these blood essence elixir.

"15 spirit stones!" "18 spirit stones!" "20 spirit stones!"... "25 spirit stones!"...

Although the elixir of Xueyuan Dan is relatively common, the price is not much lower because it is a elixir used by Nascent Soul cultivators. What's more, it is a high-quality product refined by a famous alchemy master in the West Desert. All of them had reached the perfect quality, so all the five or six Nascent Soul cultivators present, except for the Patriarch of the Qiao family, made bids.

However, when the price reached 30 spirit stones, other people stopped bidding rationally. After all, this is just a relatively common panacea. in use.

"32!" Qin Lang quoted at this time, raising the price by another [-].

And with Qin Lang's quotation, other cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage stopped raising their prices. This kind of elixir is worth 27 to [-] at most, and it is not worth it if it is higher.

And following Qin Lang's transaction this time, the auction went in another direction, and the Patriarch of the Qiao family looked in this direction meaningfully. He didn't know whether the five bottles of blood essence Dan Qin Lang were for himself or for two people. If it is for his own use, then Qin Lang's actual cultivation may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

After shooting this round of blood pills, Qin Lang didn't care much about the second auction of the other five bottles of blood pills in the first round. It would be fine if he continued to shoot another round, but this is obviously not a very wise move , which is tantamount to offending the other Nascent Soul cultivators present, after all, Qin Lang is not the only one who needs the Blood Yuan Pill.

It wouldn't matter if Qin Lang did such offending things before his cultivation realm fell, but now it's better to keep a low profile.

Five bottles of blood essence pills are enough for Qin Lang to use for a period of time. You must know that Qin Lang's cultivation base has barely recovered to the pill formation stage. It is estimated that it will be enough to fill up the whole body's true energy without using one pill.

There are a lot of pills in the auction this time. It is estimated that the pills made by the famous alchemy master in the western desert for a period of time were all rounded up by the Qiao family caravan. In addition to the blood pills, there are also a lot of essence pills, healing medicines, Yiyuan Pill, Fushen Pill, and Jinling Pill that changed Gai Linggen's qualifications, etc.

Qin Lang bought another five bottles of Jingyuan Pill, which cost less than [-] spirit stones. Jingyuan Pill is packed in a bottle of [-] pills, which is considered to be of high quality and cheap.

In terms of elixirs, apart from these elixirs that supplement the true energy, Qin Lang also participated in the competition of Fushen Pills. Fushen Pills are the best elixirs for repairing and restoring spiritual consciousness, and they are also one of the hot spots in this auction. More than 40.00% of the cultivators participated in this pill rush.

In the end, Qin Lang spent almost 100 million yuan to get [-] Fushen Pills. The price is a bit high, but there is no way to do it. Who makes the current Qin Lang unable to make alchemy!
After taking pictures of these pills, Qin Lang had already spent almost 140 million of the auction quota, so he had to shake his head and muttered: "In the past, alchemy and weapon refining were all self-produced and sold. It’s really a profession that costs money like water!”

Needless to say, ordinary casual cultivators really can't afford such a huge expense, and it's no wonder that the number of high-level cultivators in casual cultivators is not as high as those of those cultivating families. Life is not easy, and it is not easy to earn spirit stones!

After taking these pills, Qin Lang still has a quota of 150 million available, so he will be more cautious next time, not participating in the auction bidding for items that he urgently needs.

"It's a pity that I didn't see the Good Fortune Pill in this auction. If there is a Good Fortune Pill, I would have to pay a small price to buy one." Qin Lang shook his head. After coming to the West Desert through the space crack this time, Almost all the items on his body have been exposed, and there is not a single life-saving pill like Good Fortune Pill on him now.

After the auction of elixir in this auction, not to mention the uselessness of good luck pills, even ordinary healing medicines have never been seen. It is estimated that ordinary healing medicines are not up to the grade. I went shopping around the city to see if I could buy some. After all, the elixirs and healing medicines for restoring true essence were essential items for a cultivator to travel.

After the auction of the elixirs ended, Qin Lang was indeed a lot more cautious in the subsequent auctions. Most of the time he watched other cultivators bidding, and he did not participate.

After that, the auctioned items were also varied, including magic weapons, resources, pets, and other miscellaneous items.

One of the fragments of exercises for cultivating spiritual consciousness caught Qin Lang's attention, and he participated in the auction.

"A remnant recipe of alchemy, with a completeness of about 40.00%. I heard it was obtained from an ancient footprint. If you are interested, you can participate. The starting price is [-] spirit stones..." Since it is a remnant recipe, the auctioneer Qiao Lijie's introduction was very vague, and the starting price was also very low.

However, the method of cultivating spiritual consciousness has always been popular among cultivators. Although it is only a remnant recipe, there are quite a few cultivators who are interested, and most of them are casual cultivators. It is the method of consciousness, so it does not look down on eyes.

Originally, Qin Lang was not very interested in this kind of residual method of cultivating spiritual consciousness, but his location was very close to the auction platform. After sweeping his spiritual consciousness, the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness actually had a faint feeling for this residual method. Sensing, Sensing should be an unusual method, so I immediately had the idea of ​​photographing this remnant.

"Thirty-one thousand spirit stones", "thirty-two thousand spirit stones", "thirty-three thousand spirit stones"... "[-] spirit stones", "[-] spirit stones"... "[-] spirit stones" ...

When the remnant square reached [-] spirit stones, the casual practitioners present gradually calmed down, and there were a lot fewer participants. Now there are only about five or six people continuing to bid.

After all, this is just a remnant square, and the completeness is only less than 40.00%. Even if you get this remnant square, you may not be able to figure out the method of cultivating spiritual consciousness. The price is too high and it is not worthwhile. In fact, they are very poor, even a spirit stone can't wait to be divided into two halves.

"[-] spirit stones!" Qin Lang made an offer at this time, directly pulling the price to [-] spirit stones.

"Eighty-one thousand spirit stones!" Among the remaining five or six bidders, there were of course some who did not give up.

"12 spirit stones!" Qin Lang bid again, and the price dropped sharply again.

At this time, the remaining five or six bidders were startled: who is this guy so awesome?It's just a broken square. Is it necessary to bid so hard?Is it worth it?So half of the five or six bidders shut their mouths, not planning to bid again.

From their point of view, this new bidder must be an idiot. It is really unnecessary to participate in the auction indiscriminately and bid indiscriminately. All died down.

"12 spirit stones!" Of course, there was one casual cultivator in the end who did not give up. He also had hopes of cracking this crippled method of cultivating spiritual consciousness, and continued to bid.

"15 spirit stones!" Qin Lang continued to make a big bid, and now he is sure that he must take this prescription, so the price increase is not relentless.

And the last bidder was finally startled at this time, murmured "crazy" and completely gave up continuing to compete with Qin Lang, this time Qin Lang raised the price too hard, beyond the psychological pressure of the last bidder, such a large increase It also made the last bidder no longer have the courage to compete.

After all, he is just a casual cultivator, and the resources and spirit stones on his body are very precious, which he has saved little by little.

During the bidding process just now, this guy was also taking a risk to bid for an unsure remnant square. Now the bidding price is too much higher than the price in his heart. After losing his courage, if he participates in the bidding again, he will feel very uncomfortable if he spends the spirit stone indiscriminately. Distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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