Chapter 1500
In this way, Qin Lang finally got his wish to take pictures of this remnant recipe for cultivating spiritual consciousness, and now the available quota for the Qiao Family Auction this time has become 140 million.

Next, a new round of pet auctions will start at the auction, most of which are pets at the alchemy stage. Of course, there is also a Thunderbird at the Nascent Soul stage. The Thunderbird is considered a relatively good pet at the auction. up.

This Nascent Soul Stage thunderbird was snapped up by many monks as soon as it came to the booth. However, the entire bidding process was done by casual cultivators of the Core Formation Stage, and the few monks of the Nascent Soul Stage might not have liked it.

This thunderbird was finally photographed by a Dzogchen casual cultivator in the late stage of alchemy at the price of 50 spirit stones. After obtaining such a powerful combat power, this casual cultivator was also very happy from ear to ear, and he was not at all for himself Sad to pay such a huge price.

Thinking about it, with this Nascent Soul stage pet, this late-stage Dzogchen monk can compete with ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks in the future, and his combat power can be regarded as a qualitative leap. Can you not be happy?
Pets are indeed of great help to cultivators. They usually rely on the monk's spiritual consciousness to connect. The battle process does not consume the monk's true energy, which is equivalent to one more combat unit, so it is very popular in the market.

To be honest, if Qin Lang didn't have two mutant clones, it would be really possible to compete with this late-stage Dzogchen monk for the Thunderbird.

After all, now Qin Lang can't use his true energy to fight for four or five months. If he needs to rely on external force during this period, he can only rely on two mutant clones.

After the round of pet auctions, the auction of magic weapons that monks are most concerned about began. However, most of the magic weapons exhibited in the following auctions of Qiao's auction were low-grade magic weapons and middle-grade magic weapons, and there were not many high-grade magic weapons.

Moreover, most of the magic weapons in this auction are offensive and auxiliary magic weapons, and there are relatively few defensive magic weapons, and most of these defensive magic weapons are only low-grade, and middle-grade magic weapons are rare.

So far, more than 20 rounds of magic treasure auctions have passed, and Qin Lang has not seen a single top-grade item.

He actually wanted to take a top-grade defense magic weapon, but now all the magic weapons on his body have been exposed, and if he doesn't keep one, his defense factor has dropped to the lowest point, which makes him feel very insecure, so he hastened to get one The idea of ​​defense magic.

"It's a pity that I can't use my true energy for four or five months. Otherwise, it is definitely the most affordable to get some materials to refine the weapon..."

Qin Lang thought that now that he was a craftsman, it would be absolutely appropriate to refine a magic weapon that he wanted by himself, but it is a pity that he can't use his true energy now.

So with the remaining money, Qin Lang is now going to buy a better defensive magic weapon. It does not need to reach the grade of a top-grade magic weapon, but at least it must be compatible with his own attributes, so that he can exert the maximum power of the defensive magic weapon.

However, an auxiliary talisman caught his attention next, which forced him to change his mind and decided to photograph this auxiliary talisman first.

This auxiliary magic weapon is actually an ancient treasure, a pill furnace obtained from a certain cultivation relic thousands of years ago, called the Bagua pill furnace.

Although the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace is an ancient treasure, it is actually similar to a low-grade magic weapon. Its attributes may be better than the Ziyun Pill Furnace that Qin Lang used before. That is to say, the yield of alchemy will be about 20.00% higher. However, ancient treasures have certain shortcomings. The shortcoming of the eight-sealing alchemy furnace is that the consumption of true energy is relatively large during the alchemy process.

This ancient treasure-level gossip alchemy furnace consumes about 60.00% more true energy than ordinary low-grade alchemy furnaces during the alchemy process. Therefore, alchemists who are generally in the middle stage of alchemy and above will not be able to play alchemy at all. It is estimated that it is very likely to practice alchemy In the process, the real energy is not good enough, and it may be a batch of useless pills in the end.

An auxiliary magic weapon like a pill furnace is even rarer than a defensive magic weapon, because even an ordinary pill furnace needs a master refiner to refine it.

However, there are also relatively few alchemists in the Qinghe Continent, so the auction of this alchemy furnace is relatively unpopular.

There were not many alchemists participating in this auction, and this ancient treasure-level gossip alchemy furnace was restricted to those who had reached the middle stage of alchemy and above, so only three people participated in the bidding.

The base price of the Bagua Pill Furnace was only [-] spirit stones. After several rounds of bidding, it reached [-] spirit stones. At this time, Qin Lang bid: "[-]!"

When Qin Lang asked for [-] yuan, the three alchemists who bid for the auction hesitated for a moment, thinking that for alchemists, a good alchemy furnace is very important, and although the ancient treasure-level gossip alchemy furnace in front of him has defects, it is very important for alchemists. For an alchemist, it is considered a relatively rare boutique, and it is worth bidding again.

"Eight thousand one thousand spirit stones", "three eighty-two thousand spirit stones"... "ninety thousand spirit stones"...

The three alchemists did not give up. In fact, since the auxiliary magic weapon such as the alchemy furnace is relatively unpopular, the price of around [-] yuan is not considered a premium, and alchemists are considered a relatively wealthy profession in Qinghe Continent. Even though the opponents are all casual cultivators in the middle and late stages of alchemy, they must be well-off.

Afterwards, Qin Lang did not participate in the competition, but waited for the three alchemists who bid to raise the price to 15 before raising the price in one breath: "20!"

When the price was rushed to 20, the three alchemists who bid for the auction began to hesitate. Although they still had spare energy, judging from Qin Lang's unreasonable price increase, the competition must be a bruised result in the end .

"21!" At this time, there was still a casual alchemist who raised the price.

"25!" Qin Lang once again raised the price significantly.

"I give up!" The alchemist took a deep look at Qin Lang, and gave up helplessly. Although the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace is good, but the premium is too much now, and it feels a bit worthless to continue competing.

After all, this alchemy furnace is really good, but it also has flaws. It consumes too much real energy for the alchemist, so it can only be regarded as the upper-middle quality of the alchemy furnace.

In this way, Qin Lang got the gossip alchemy stove as he wished. For alchemists, the alchemy stove is the guy who eats. This ancient treasure-level pill stove will also be a cornucopia for Qin Lang to make money in four or five months. If there is no pill stove, It is impossible for Qin Lang to earn some spiritual stones and resources through alchemy in the future.

Therefore, seeing that there was a pill furnace for sale at the auction, Qin Lang gritted his teeth and bought it even though he would not be able to use it for four or five months.

After taking the ancient treasure-level gossip pill furnace, Qin Lang's current auction quota is only 110 million. Now he has decided to only seek a defensive magic weapon. In fact, he will no longer participate in the auction.

Next, the auction exhibited one magic weapon after another, including several defensive magic weapons and magic weapons, but unfortunately they didn't suit Qin Lang's eyes, so he didn't participate in the auction.

And when the auction was coming to an end, Qin Lang finally saw a relatively satisfactory defensive magic weapon, the Qiqiao Linglong Pagoda, a top-grade gold-type magic weapon, which unfolded a gold-type defensive force field that could form nine layers.

In addition to its defensive capabilities, this seven-orifice exquisite tower also has the attribute of space. It has a space of [-] square meters inside, which can be used to store things, which is very convenient.

Qin Lang's body has three spiritual roots of fire, gold, and thunder. Although the fire system is the main one, it is more suitable to use this top-grade magic weapon of the gold system, the Qiqiao Linglong Pagoda.

This top-grade defensive magic weapon was also a relatively high-end defensive magic weapon in the two auctions, so even a few Nascent Soul cultivators started bidding when they saw it, and the price suddenly rushed to 100 million spirit stones.

At this time, Qin Lang also felt worried. He only had 110 million quota left, so he probably missed the chance to participate in the auction of this defensive magic weapon.

After all, the most sought-after magic weapon at the auction is the defensive magic weapon, and the competition for this top-grade defensive magic weapon is too fierce. Now at least more than 100 people are interested in this magic weapon. Three cultivators participated in the auction, which meant that this defensive magic weapon would definitely fetch a high price.

Sure enough, in the end, the price of this top-grade defensive magic weapon "Seven Orifices Linglong Pagoda" has been rising all the way, from 100 million to 110 million, and then 110 million to 150 million. Got it.

This cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage seems to be one of the five major families in Luliuzhou, but he is not from the Qiao family, but the elder of another family ranked below the Qiao family.

Seeing the end result of what he wanted to shoot, Qin Lang smiled helplessly. There is no way, people are poor and short of breath.

Next, until the end of the auction, Qin Lang did not see the magic weapon he liked, which also made him feel quite helpless.

After the auction of the Qiao family was over, the Qiao family sent all the items that Qin Lang had photographed, and at the same time, all Qin Lang's unused quota was exchanged for middle-grade spirit stones, which was kindly done at a rate of one hundred to one In the end, Qin Lang got 800 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones.

Including the later spirit stones, Qin Lang now has more than 2 middle-grade spirit stones on hand. These spirit stones should be enough for the cultivation in the past few months.

In this auction held by the Qiao family, Qin Lang harvested a total of five bottles of Essence Yuan Pill, five bottles of Blood Yuan Pill, [-] Fushen Pills, and a remnant recipe for cultivating divine consciousness. At the auction, no satisfactory defensive magic weapon was obtained.

"A magic weapon of defense is the foundation of a cultivator's foothold. Although I have two mutant clones guarding me at present, it would be even better if I could get a magic weapon of defense. As a cultivator, my own safety factor is naturally The most important thing..."

Qin Lang sighed, and decided to think of a solution to this matter later, he really has no money now.

After the auction was over, Qin Lang continued to stay at Qiao's house for retreat, and Qiao's house took care of these three distinguished guests very carefully, and always treated them with the highest standards.

In a lounge in the Qiao Family Courtyard, Qin Lang swallowed a Blood Yuan Pill and began to meditate.

The blood pill melts at the entrance, and the rolling torrent of true energy spreads from the abdomen to the whole body. If the river is like a torrent, this torrent of true energy is indeed a bit stronger for Qin Lang, who is still in the early stage of alchemy. .

(End of this chapter)

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