The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1502 Ancient Treasure 6 Fire Copper Mirror

Chapter 1502
Qin Lang was about to walk into the Ten Thousand People Square, when suddenly a skinny man hurried over, he seemed to be holding something in his arms, this skinny man looked very strange, he kept staring at Qin Lang who was opposite him while running .

This situation also attracted Qin Lang's attention. Sure enough, this guy bumped towards Qin Lang when he was close to Qin Lang, and Qin Lang turned sideways to let him go.

However, although this skinny man didn't bump into Qin Lang, he deliberately yelled "Ah", then fell to the side, and the stick he was holding was smashed to pieces.

"God! My baby! You pay my baby!"

The skinny man lay on the ground and yelled at Qin Lang. This guy is a cultivator, but he only has a foundation-building stage.

"Pengci is everywhere, and I even met him in the cultivation world!"

Qin Lang was speechless. The situation in front of him was obviously that the other party was deliberately blackmailing others, trying to blackmail himself.

However, this guy's eyesight is really not good, and Pengci doesn't know how to find a suitable partner. Now that he finds himself, he is obviously looking for death.

After all, although the current Qin Lang looks a bit weak and can't abuse the true energy in his body, but there are two transfigured clones guarding him, so how could he be afraid of each other.

This guy is just a casual cultivator in the foundation building period. Qin Lang then ignored him at all and walked away from the side.

Seeing that Qin Lang was about to leave, the other party didn't follow him all of a sudden, and jumped up from the ground. He chased up and wanted to pull Qin Lang to blackmail him, but was blocked by a mutant clone of Qin Lang.

Clone No. [-] directly lifted this guy from the collar, and with the strength of an extraordinary mutant close to the Nascent Soul stage, there was no problem with this little flea at all.

The skinny man was strangled by Clone No. [-], and he was struggling with all his strength. Unfortunately, with his meager strength, how could he break free from Clone No. [-]'s grasp.

With a flick of his hand, this guy was thrown far away by Clone No. [-] like throwing garbage, and fell heavily on the ground. The scream this time was indeed real, and it probably fell quite badly.

After solving this farce, Qin Lang brought two mutant clones and entered the Ten Thousand People Plaza in Luliuzhou.

The Plaza of Ten Thousand People is very lively. Apart from cultivators, there are also mortals setting up stalls and doing odd jobs here. At this time, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy ran towards Qin Lang.

"A few of you are new faces. They must have just come to Luliuzhou... Do you need a purchasing guide? My name is Ji Xing. I am very familiar with all the paving in Wanwan Square, and I can help customers bargain when purchasing , I only need two low-grade spirit stones, how about it?"

This is a little guy with a first level of Qi training, almost like a mortal, looks very thin, and looks a little stunted.

Seeing this little guy, Qin Lang somehow remembered the Duoji he met in Miaojiang, and the two looked somewhat similar.

Two low-grade spirit stones are nothing to Qin Lang, so he nodded: "Okay, take me shopping, if I like something, little guy, you can help me negotiate the price."

"Okay, I don't know what you need, brother?"

The black and thin kid Jixing asked as he walked, this little guy is not very old, but he looks very sophisticated in what he does, and he seems to be a child who has been in the world since he was a child.

"Well, you can look for pills, magic weapons, and practice exercises, and buy them if they are suitable!"

Qin Lang said casually, then paused and said, "Oh, by the way, don't you know there are defensive magic weapons for sale here?"

"Defense magic weapon? Haha, brother, you are asking the right person. I just know that a casual cultivator has a defense magic weapon for sale, so I will take you to see it."

After finishing speaking, Ji Xing started to work, and led Qin Lang three to one direction with great skill.

After a while, Ji Xing brought Qin Lang and the three to a casual repair shop: "Big bearded man, here for business, your defensive magic weapon is still for sale, there are customers who want to see it."

"Oh, someone wants to see the magic weapon of defense?"

The owner of the casual repair shop is a middle-aged man with a big beard and a cultivation base of the ninth level of Qi Refining. Seeing that this middle-aged bearded man has only this level of cultivation, Qin Lang has given up hope. A cultivator with this ability can have What a good thing!
"Look! Uncle Beard's defensive magic weapon is really good. If it weren't for the fact that Uncle Bearded is not strong enough to refine this defensive magic weapon, he probably would have used it by himself."

Jixing said at this time.

At this time, the middle-aged bearded man took out the defensive magic weapon that everyone was expecting, and after taking out this defensive magic weapon, Qin Lang was also stunned, this defensive magic weapon was actually an ancient treasure.

The shape of this ancient treasure in front of me is a big bronze bird, and the internal fire attribute is extremely surging. It really fits well with Qin Lang's spiritual root attribute.

Although this defensive magic weapon is only a low-grade magic weapon, because it is an ancient treasure, its defense ability is definitely far superior to that of ordinary low-grade magic weapons. It should be no problem for its defense ability to reach the grade of a middle-grade magic weapon.

However, what Qin Lang frowned was that compared with ordinary defensive magic weapons, this ancient treasure must have flaws, which is also a problem that ancient treasures cannot avoid.

"The defect of this ancient should be that it consumes a lot of true energy. Even if a cultivator in the alchemy stage uses it, it probably won't last long."

Qin Lang looked at the bronze fire bird and made an inference.

"Guests have good eyesight!"

The middle-aged bearded man smiled wryly, and said: "It is precisely because of this reason that no one pays attention to my ancient treasure. It consumes three times as much energy as ordinary magic weapons of the same level! However, its defense ability is not enough. It's very powerful, if I can't refine it, or I will use it myself."

"Hehe." Qin Lang smiled slightly, feeling that the middle-aged bearded man was quite honest, so he nodded: "What's the name of this ancient treasure? How much are you going to sell?"

Although the ancient treasure has shortcomings, Qin Lang now also knows that it is not easy to find a good defensive magic weapon. The one in front of him can be regarded as so-so and can be seen. If the price is right, he can use it.

"It's called the Six-Fire Bronze Mirror. I heard that it can transform into six firebirds and swallows to guard the surroundings after it is unfolded, and it can increase the defense ability of arc-fire cultivators by six times."

The middle-aged bearded man introduced.Then, he touched his head and said the price: "If you spend [-] spirit stones on this six-fire copper mirror, I will sell it to you!"

"Uncle Beard, you are not kind! Last time you told me that this defensive magic weapon is too demanding for practitioners to use. It is almost like a waste product. If anyone wants it, you will sell it for [-] yuan."

At this time, the auspicious star next to him yelled, giving full play to the role of the little bargaining expert, Qin Lang spent two spirit stones to buy the little guy is really worth it.

"Jixing, how did you tear down my platform, Uncle Beard!"

The middle-aged bearded man was also a little speechless. He saw that Qin Lang had the intention to buy it, so he increased the price a little bit, but Ji Xing was actually on Qin Lang's side, which he didn't expect.

In this way, with Jixing in charge of bargaining, the buying and selling prices of both parties become transparent.

As for the price of 800 spirit stones, Qin Lang also expressed that he could accept it, so he paid the bill readily and gave the middle-aged bearded man [-] yuan of middle-grade spirit stones.

It's embarrassing to change to a middle-aged man with a beard now. Although he raised the price when he did business just now, he is a solid person.

Now after receiving the 110 middle-grade spirit stones, he said honestly: "Guest, although the official exchange price between middle-grade spirit stones and low-grade spirit stones is [-]:[-], but the current market price in the green Liuzhou black market is like this. A middle-grade spirit stone is equivalent to [-] low-grade spirit stones, and I have to give you [-] low-grade spirit stones in change."


Qin Lang wasn't too polite, he just waited for the middle-aged bearded man to get him some change, and then casually threw ten low-grade spirit stones to Ji Xing, the skinny boy.

"Brother, you gave too much. The guide fee only needs two low-grade spirit stones." Ji Xing was startled.

"Too much is a reward for you." Qin Lang said with a smile.

"Then...thank you, brother."

Ji Xing was so happy that he almost jumped up. He was so happy. A low-grade spirit stone is equivalent to 100 taels of silver, which is enough for an ordinary mortal family of three to live for more than half a year. This eldest brother is too generous.

Of course, Jixing has only become a cultivator not long ago, and has always looked at wealth with the eyes of ordinary people. In fact, low-level spiritual stones are only used by low-level cultivators, and high-rank cultivators who have reached the level of Qin Lang basically look at wealth. I can't see it anymore.

In this way, Qin Lang spent a price almost equivalent to [-] spirit stones to buy the "Six Fire Copper Mirror", a defensive magic weapon of the Zhongbao level.

After that, Ji Xing led Qin Lang to wander around the square, looking for something that Qin Lang was interested in. During this process, Qin Lang collected some spiritual papers for drawing symbols, some elixir medicinal materials, and spent about 2000 yuan. .

After that, Qin Lang didn't plan to buy any more things. He is also very poor now. After spending some spirit stones, he only has 9000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, which can barely be used for three or four months of cultivation.

And Qin Lang discovered that Ji Xing actually bought some common herbal medicine after getting paid, which seemed to be prepared according to a prescription.

He couldn't help asking curiously: "These herbs seem to be cold herbs, and they have been used to treat fire poison. Why did you buy them?"

"Brother, you actually know how to distinguish medicine?"

Ji Xing was also surprised, and explained: "I got this prescription for my sister, she was poisoned by fire, but this prescription can barely control the condition from getting worse, and it hasn't recovered for several months. "

"It doesn't make sense? Show me the prescription..."

Qin Lang said that he has all the memories of Xuan Qingzi, and his medical skills are top-notch both on Earth and in Qinghe Continent, so he feels a little confused now.

He glanced at it casually just now, and the several herbs caught by Jixing are the best combination to overcome fire poison. It stands to reason that if a patient is poisoned by fire, he can recover immediately after taking one or two doses. Three or four months.

"Star grass, snake grass, thin leaves..."

After Qin Lang looked at the prescription, he nodded and said: "Yes, this is indeed a good prescription for treating fire poison."

"Of course, this is the prescription I invited from the most famous medical clinic in the city. It cost five Lingshi at the beginning!"

Ji Xing looked a little frustrated:

"However, this prescription can only delay my sister's condition, but it has not been able to cure her. I am really anxious to see her suffering from fire poison every day. Brother, you are so powerful, you can see Fangzi's condition at a glance. It's different, do you know medical skills... I have a request, can elder brother see a doctor for my sister? She lives in the city, not far from here."

Jixing begged pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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