Chapter 1503

Seeing how Jixing begged him pitifully, Qin Lang couldn't help but soften his heart. He remembered the days in his orphanage. From the previous conversation with Jixing, he also knew that the child and his sister were both orphans and had been living in the The lowest floor of this Green Willow City.

In Qinghe Continent, the lowest level of mortals are as insignificant as ants. Although Jixing has stepped into the door of cultivation, the cultivation base of the first level of Qi Refining is actually no different from mortals in Qin Lang's eyes.

Recalling his own past, Qin Lang also touched the heartstrings at this time, so he nodded and said: "Okay, let's go and have a look!"

"That's great! Thank you, brother." Ji Xing jumped up happily, and actually performed a backflip on the spot.

"Hehe, let's go." Qin Lang patted Ji Xing's shoulder and said, feeling that this little guy was his little brother.

Afterwards, Ji Xing took Qin Lang out of the Ten Thousand People Square and entered a residential area beside the square. After wandering around in the alleys for a long time, they stopped at a small wooden house in front of an alley.

"Sister, I'm here!" Ji Xing said loudly, and opened the cabin that was hidden.

Then, Qin Lang finally saw Jixing's younger sister, a girl around ten years old, who was even thinner than Jixing.

Due to illness, Jixing's younger sister's skin was flushed all over her body. The little girl was lying on a wooden bed with a short bellyband on, without a quilt. In this kind of cool weather, her body was sweating all the time. of.

The little girl was not quiet on the bed, her body kept twisting and turning, like a bug that couldn't stop.

Qin Lang glanced at it, judging from the superficial symptoms, the little girl looked like she had been poisoned by fire.

However, he found something special, the little girl's pupils were a little dilated, and there were a lot of bloodshot eyes in the white pupils, which was somewhat different from the general symptoms of fire poison.

"How did this happen to her? Where did she stay at that time..." Qin Lang asked at this time. As a doctor, it is necessary to look, smell, ask, and cut, so that he can understand the condition Get up from sleepiness, understand the ins and outs.

Ji Xing began to recall: "It's like this. On that day four months ago, my sister and I went to the desert outside Luliuzhou to look for sandworms. We found a lot of sandworms weighing more than ten kilograms in a place about 20 miles away from the small town. , all of them were packed in cloth bags, and during the process of packing, my sister screamed, she was bitten by sandworms..."

And Qin Lang was listening carefully to the auspicious star returning to the hole. He also knew about sandworms. They lived in the sand of the great desert. They looked like silkworms, but their appearance was golden yellow.

Sandworms are also a rare delicacy in the Western Desert. Whether eaten raw, fried or deep-fried, they are also the most distinctive feature on the tables of people living in the Western Desert. In the Western Desert where there is a lack of material, this regional food has gradually become a One of our daily staple food.

"Did you take a bite from the sandworm... The sandworm is not poisonous, so you shouldn't have such a big reaction after taking a bite?"

Qin Lang thought about it, and after a while, he said, "Show me the wound where your sister was bitten."

"Okay." Jixing took his sister's left hand.

Qin Lang pinched it, feeling that although this sickly little girl was hot all over and moved a lot on the bed, she didn't have any strength in her hands, which was very strange.

But seeing the girl's other right hand doesn't seem to be like this. Could this be caused by the aftereffects of being bitten by a sandworm... It feels wrong!
At this time, Qin Lang took a good look at the bitten affected part of the little girl. Four months had passed, and the bitten wrist of the little girl was dark in color. From Qin Lang's professional perspective, it was a sign of internal muscle necrosis. The girl was indeed poisoned by insects, but he was sure that this poison was not fire poison.

Qin Lang began to pinch the little girl's left hand carefully, then closed his eyes, his face darkened.

The lucky star next to him seemed very concerned, and quickly asked, "Brother, what happened to my sister? Can you cure her?"

"Your sister's hand probably has internal muscle necrosis. I need an operation to cure her." Qin Lang opened his eyes at this time and said.


Ji Xing is very strange, doctors in Qinghe mainland seldom talk about "surgery".

"Well, it was to break open the muscles of her entire left arm and remove the necrotic parts inside... I guess there are some strange things that need to be taken out. If you take those things out, your sister's illness It will be cured completely."

Qin Lang replied, and then started a series of preparations regardless of Jixing's puzzled expression.

"I need clean towels, gauze, needles and thread, spirits, and a sharp knife."

Qin Lang put forward his request, and then asked Ji Xing to prepare towels, gauze, thread and spirits.

At the request of Qin Lang, the S-level mutant clone began to control the metal ability to change into a sharp scalpel and a suture needle, but no one saw this process.

Ji Xing quickly prepared some, the towels and gauze were newly bought, the spirits were also brought from the city, and the thread was very strong linen thread.

Nodding his head, Qin Lang started the preparations before the operation, sterilizing the surgical tools, directly manipulating the temperature to heat the tools, soaking them in spirits for a while, and then taking them out to wipe them clean with a towel.

The operation started, Qin Lang directly used a scalpel to cut the little girl's left hand from the small wrist to the elbow, cutting all the skin surface.

And as the scalpel peeled off the skin, the subcutaneous muscle layer that was exposed had a line of abnormal color, which was necrotic and needed to be removed. Qin Lang began to do these tasks bit by bit.

While removing these necrotic muscles, Qin Lang also found seven or eight black insect eggs in the necrotic muscles, the size of a sesame seed. He can be sure that these eggs are definitely not sandworm eggs.

Now, according to the situation in front of me, it can be judged that the little girl was definitely bitten by a sandworm, but by another kind of terrible insect, and that insect had even entered the muscle of the little girl's left arm. middle.

Sure enough, as the necrotic muscle of the girl's left arm was removed, Qin Lang found a red worm inside that was a little smaller than an earthworm. Seeing this red worm, Qin Lang was basically sure that it was the reason why the girl's condition had been repeated for four months. The culprit for not being able to get better.

"Blood-eating insects!" Qin Lang murmured, his eyes showed a strange light, this kind of insects are actually a kind of spiritual insects, like to suck the flesh and blood of animals.

Although blood-eating insects are not ranked high on the list of strange insects in the cultivation world, they cannot enter the top ten, but this kind of spiritual insects has very good reproductive ability and death regeneration ability, and it is even the main ingredient of a healing medicine "Muscular and Blood Ointment". very precious.

So Qin Lang carefully stored the blood-eating worms and seven or eight eggs, and he planned to buy a pet bag to put them all in.

Although blood-eating worms have no fighting ability, they are still extremely precious to him. With a large number of materials such as blood-eating worms, he can refine another type of elixir in the future.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things, the operation process is still going on.

As Qin Lang removed the necrotic muscles of the little girl's left arm, blood began to come out at this time. While cleaning, Qin Lang began to sew and work on the wound, which was actually no different from sewing clothes.

Since the little girl had already been given the sleeping point by Qin Lang, even though the operation was painful, the little girl's pain would be relieved a lot. It was just a nightmare, and everything would be better after waking up.

From the wrist to the elbow, Qin Lang sewed a total of more than 40 stitches. The workload is really not small, which is much better than that of a tailor.

After finishing all this, Qin Lang began to chew up a healing pill and spread it evenly on the little girl's sutured wound.With the help of the healing elixir, I believe the little girl's wound will heal much faster.

After the operation, Qin Lang washed his hands, and then prescribed a detoxification prescription, and asked Ji Xing to follow the prescription for his younger sister.

This is also an ordinary prescription, but it came from Qin Lang's hand, so it looks a bit unusual. Now that I have this prescription, after taking a few doses of medicine, I believe that the toxins in the little girl's body will be eliminated soon.

"Okay, the operation is complete, Ji Xing, this prescription is for you. Now you follow this prescription to prescribe medicine for your sister. After taking about two or three doses of medicine, all the toxins in your sister's body can be eliminated." Qin Lang said.

"Thank you, thank you brother."

Jixing was very grateful. Now that his sister finally received effective treatment, he was very excited when he heard that he would recover soon.

"I'm going to grab the medicine now!" Ji Xing was about to run out in a hurry.

However, at this moment, Jixing was blocked at the door of the house, and at the same time, an extremely arrogant voice came from outside: "Jixing, you haven't paid your protection fee this month, so you still want me to come to remind you... ...Five spirit stones, hand them over quickly, or I will make you look good!"

"Monkey, brother monkey, aren't there three spirit stones?" This was Ji Xing's voice.

"Three yuan? It's a joke. You have been delaying for more than ten days, and now you want me to call the door to urge you to pay, so the interest should be increased, right!" The guy laughed sinisterly for a while.

"This..." Ji Xing seemed to have encountered a problem.

And at this time, after Qin Lang heard the arrogant voice outside, he couldn't help showing a smile. It was a coincidence that he heard from the accent that the guy who collected the protection fee was the skinny man who wanted to touch him before.

So, after Qin Lang smiled coldly, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

And the skinny man who was negotiating the protection fee with Ji Xing couldn't help being surprised when he saw the three Qin Lang coming out of the house at this time, he pointed at Qin Lang tremblingly and said: "You, you..."

"Yes, it's us! We meet again." Qin Lang said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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