The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1504 Sacrificing Ancient Treasures

Chapter 1504 Sacrificing Ancient Treasures
When Qin Lang said these words, the skinny man was also a little startled, he still remembered the dark loss he suffered a few hours ago.

The young man in front of him looked pale and looked like he would collapse in the wind, but the two guards under him were indeed very powerful, and he had suffered a lot from one of the guards before.

"Why are you here?" The skinny man Brother Monkey asked hesitantly.

"Why can't I be here?" Qin Lang asked back.

"What's the relationship between this kid and you..." The skinny man Brother Hou looked at Ji Xing, and then at Qin Lang who came out of the wooden house. He felt a little bitter in his heart. Why is he so unlucky today and always encounters this person? disaster star.

He is really afraid of Qin Lang now. Although Qin Lang's current strength is not very strong, the two bodyguards behind him are very strong, and he can't afford to provoke him.

"What? Still want to forcefully collect protection money? Tell you, I'm taking care of this kid, get out!" Qin Lang sneered, he couldn't understand this guy's face.

"My friend, you are doing this to challenge the signboard of our Youth Federation. Aren't you afraid of offending our Youth Federation and making it difficult for the entire Green Willow City?" Brother Hou spoke weakly, and at this time he also revealed the power behind him.

"Youth League Gang? What the hell... isn't it just a group of gangsters who don't make it to the stage?" Qin Lang said disdainfully.

He has heard that the biggest forces in Luliuzhou are the five families. Others, such as casual cultivators and gang forces, are not on the stage, and the Youth League is just a gang of gangsters. I heard that the leader with the strongest cultivation base is no more than The cultivation base of the later stage of alchemy.

Faced with the existence of the late stage of forming a pill, Qin Lang naturally doesn't have to take it to heart. Even if he can't use his true energy to fight in the past few months, he can crush the opponent with two mutant clones.

"Okay, let's wait and see!"

Brother Hou put down his cruel words, and left here in a bit of embarrassment. He is also a smart person, knowing that with his current strength, he is no match for Qin Lang's two bodyguards, so he retreated in a bachelor's way.

Of course, the protection fee of the five spirit stones that Jixing should have levied was also waived, but after Qin Lang helped the child Jixing, he looked worried, and the Youth League Gang was not considered a big force in Qin Lang's eyes , but to him who is similar to a mortal, he is undoubtedly a colossal existence.

So he couldn't afford to offend him at all. The only thing he was worried about now was that the guy would make a comeback after Qin Lang left, and he would not be taught a lesson when the time came, and he would have to pay the protection fee that should have been paid.

As if feeling what Jixing was thinking in his heart, Qin Lang laughed, patted the child on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay, I'm temporarily staying at Qiao's house, if you encounter any problems, please report to Qiao's house, or send this A messenger talisman was crushed."

Qin Lang handed Jixing a communication talisman, which he bought when he purchased the talisman paper in Wanwan Plaza just now, and left his own spiritual mark on it. If Jixing really encounters any situation, he can crush the communication talisman and use it himself It won't be long before they can come over.

After bidding farewell to the child's auspicious star, Qin Lang bought a pet bag in a shop in Fangshi, put the blood-eating worms and eggs in it, and then went to the food shop to buy some monster blood to cultivate blood-eating worms reproduce with eggs.

The reason why he spent all these efforts was also to prepare to cultivate more blood-phagocytic worms, which are the main alchemy material of Muscle Transforming Blood Pill, which will be useful in the future.

Then, he went back to Qiao's own lounge. This time, he had a good shopping experience. He bought some odds and ends, and at the same time, he also got an ancient treasure-level defensive magic weapon.

After practicing the Nine-Turn Jade Tower Conception for a while, Qin Lang began to prepare to refine the six-fire copper mirror.Since he couldn't move his true energy, Qin Lang adopted the sacrifice method of substituting his spiritual consciousness for his true energy after dripping blood.

After Qin Lang took out this ancient treasure, he carefully observed the forbidden lines on the surface of this defensive magic weapon. The ancient treasure is different from the current magic weapon in many aspects. The method of refining the magic weapon is layer by layer. Superposition, that is to say, the more layers of prohibition, the greater the power. It is mainly divided into upper, middle and lower ranks.

Of course, there are even more excellent top-grade magic weapons above the top-grade magic weapons, but most of the top-grade magic weapons are combination magic weapons, that is, magic weapon houses.

And because it is a combination of magic weapons, the operation of the magic treasure house consumes real energy. Generally, only cultivators at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul can play well, and even higher-level magic treasure houses can only be operated by monks at the transformation stage.

However, in today's world of comprehension, magic weapons above the upper level are basically not for sale. Even if there are, they can only be seen occasionally on auction items, and most of the magic weapons that are circulated in the general market are middle- and lower-level magic weapons.

Generally speaking, today's magic weapons have one to three layers of restriction as lower-level magic weapons, those with three to six layers are middle-grade magic weapons, and those with more than six layers of restriction are high-level magic weapons.

Like the Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler that Qin Lang once refined, it has a total of twelve layers of prohibition, which is also the limit of a top-grade magic weapon, and its power is similar to that of a general top-grade magic weapon house.

But the ancient treasure is different. This ancient treasure has only one layer of prohibition as a whole, and Qin Lang doesn't recognize many of the prohibition lines on the surface of this ancient treasure.

However, as a junior craftsman who has mastered a lot of crafting knowledge, Qin Lang wants to analyze these prohibition lines, and it is not difficult to grasp the context.

It took about half an hour for Qin Lang to have a clear understanding of the lines on the surface of this ancient treasure, and now he can enter the next step of the sacrificial process.

Qin Lang first scratched the middle finger of his left hand, and then dripped a few drops of blood essence on the ancient treasure, and saw that the blood essence was absorbed by the ancient treasure as soon as it touched the ancient treasure, without any trace on the surface.

Then, Qin Lang felt that after bleeding, the magic weapon began to have a shallow connection with his own blood, so he began to call out a part of his consciousness and began to enter the ancient treasure, and carried out the most critical sacrifice process.

Since the spiritual consciousness is used to replace the true energy for sacrifice, the amount of spiritual consciousness consumed this time will be relatively large, but Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness has already reached the level of the middle stage of alchemy, and the pills consumed to restore the spiritual consciousness on his body are also quite a lot. So I am not worried that my spiritual consciousness is not enough.

It is worth mentioning that the normal consumed consciousness is different from the previously injured and lost consciousness. The lost consciousness is difficult to replenish. Even if the pill is enough, it will take time to recuperate, and the normally consumed consciousness can be quickly recovered as long as the pill is enough. It won't take long to make it up.

After Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness concentrated, the surface of this ancient treasure, which was originally very mottled and very inconspicuous, began to emit a faint light, and the copper rust was also peeling off layer by layer.

In the end, the surface of the ancient treasure becomes extremely shiny, and the whole has a blue-red metallic color.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

A few crisp birdsong sounded, which was a natural sound during the ancient treasure sacrificial refining process, and after hearing the bird chirping, Qin Lang increased the transmission of spiritual consciousness again, and fully carried out the sacrifice of this ancient treasure. refining.

Of course, in the process, Qin Lang also took a break to swallow a few Yiyuan Pills to supplement the consumption of spiritual consciousness.

When the entire sacrificial refining process lasted for an hour, now the entire ancient treasure has been suspended in the air, and the original light on the surface has turned into a bright little sun.

"It is indeed an ancient treasure equivalent to a middle-grade magic weapon. The refining process is really hard... However, this may also be due to the fact that my current spiritual consciousness is only in the middle stage of alchemy. The current self is much weaker than it was in its heyday. Too much, if you are in the mid-Yuanying period, you may be able to complete the entire sacrifice process in a short time."

At the same time as the sacrifice, Qin Lang also sighed in his heart.

Although the cultivation base and spiritual realm have not yet reached their heyday, Qin Lang's eyesight in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is still there, so although the whole sacrifice process is hard, it has always been methodical, and there has been no mistake for such a long time.

"Chirp chirp... chirp chirp..."

At this time, the sound of birds chirping loudly, the entire ancient treasure suspended in the air began to vibrate, and the amplitude of the vibration became larger and larger.

"It's almost finished, work harder!"

Seeing this, Qin Lang stuffed another handful of Yiyuan Pill into his mouth. Although Yiyuan Pill is not as good as Fushen Pill, the consumption of restoring consciousness is still very good.

It is beneficial to supplement the spiritual consciousness with Yuan Dan, and three quarters of the spiritual consciousness in Qin Lang's sea of ​​knowledge was originally consumed, and it was replenished like a tide again.

However, the spiritual consciousness is replenished quickly and consumed faster, and many newly generated spiritual consciousness has been added to the ancient treasure sacrifice by Qin Lang again.

An hour and a half later, the magic weapon trembled violently, and finally it was divided into six after the bird twittered, turning into six bronze firebirds constantly flying in the air.

And with the appearance of these six bronze firebirds, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. This ancient treasure was finally sacrificed successfully. Dandu swallowed at least forty or fifty pills.

The reason why the whole sacrificial refining process is so difficult is that Qin Lang's current cultivation level is not enough, and the other is that the ancient treasure itself consumes more than the magic treasure sacrificial refining process, which makes it so troublesome.

After all, the middle-aged bearded man who sold the ancient treasure also said honestly that the use of this ancient treasure consumes three times more true energy than magic weapons of the same level, and ordinary low-level cultivators simply cannot use it. turn.

And after the sacrifice, Qin Lang is now sweating profusely, almost exhausted, it's not easy!At this time, he didn't care about checking the newly refined ancient treasure. After wiping off his sweat, he swallowed a handful of pills and continued to meditate to recover himself.

Although the entire sacrificial refining process consumes divine consciousness, in fact, after the sacrificial refining is completed, Qin Lang's true energy will inevitably suffer a loss of one-fifth. Fortunately, this does not actually have much impact.

After meditating, Qin Lang spent less than half a stick of incense, and he replenished the previous consumption of spiritual consciousness and true energy.

Now he has an advanced version of the Nine Layers of Jade Tower Conception. During the meditation process, the recovery speed of spiritual consciousness and true energy is also much faster, especially the recovery speed of spiritual consciousness is three times faster than the previous basic meditation method.

(End of this chapter)

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