The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1505 The Underground Forces of Green Willow City

Chapter 1505 The Underground Forces of Green Willow City

After the ancient treasure six-fire copper mirror was smelted, the surface was overflowing with light, and the internal energy circulation also formed a special circuit. Now Qin Lang's mind has been integrated with this ancient defensive treasure.

Nodding in satisfaction, Qin Lang put it into the storage ring.

Afterwards, Qin Lang studied the idea of ​​the Nine Layers of Jade Tower. He had already cracked the second level of this special cultivation method of spiritual consciousness, but he couldn't understand the third level. He always felt that something was missing.

If he can comprehend the mental method to the third level, then the speed of Qin Lang's cultivation of spiritual consciousness can be greatly increased again, reaching four times the speed of the original meditation.

This is very tempting to Qin Lang, so as long as he has free time these days, he will study some of this exercise.


In Green Willow City, in a slum-like alley, the headquarters of the Youth League Gang is here.

This is a small old courtyard, and at the moment, the skinny man Shouhou is in the courtyard, reporting something to a big man with a big waist.

"Boss, this month's collection of protection fees has encountered obstacles. There is a family in Teak Alley that cannot collect, and encountered obstacles from a casual cultivator."

"Oh, who doesn't have eyes and doesn't pay attention to our Youth League Gang." The big man with a big waist frowned and asked, he is the leader of the Youth League Gang, Zhao Qinglian.

"It should be a casual cultivator at the alchemy stage. There are two powerful guards around this casual cultivator, and his strength can't be seen for the time being." The thin monkey said respectfully.

"Is it just a casual cultivator in the alchemy stage? I don't know the depth of it. Since it offends us, we have to make him look good. After all, this guy has violated the interests of our Youth Federation." Zhao Qing thought for a while, and said: "Ah Hou, You go with the Four King Kong, and the four of them will help you solve this matter."

"Okay, boss." The thin monkey was overjoyed when he heard Zhao Qinglian's arrangement.

The Four King Kongs are the veterans in the gang, all of them have cultivation in the mid-stage of alchemy, second only to the gang leader in the gang leader, and now they are arranged by the gang leader to help him deal with this matter, presumably this matter will be done very smooth.

Next, Thin Monkey met the Four King Kongs in the gang, and then explained to them the arrangement of the boss of the gang.

The Four King Kongs of the Youth League Gang are Qingniu, Houtu, Baishui, and Fire Bird. At this time, Qingniu, headed by the four King Kongs, said strangely: "Boss asked us to cooperate with you, just to deal with Pipi, who is a pill-forming period Xiuxiu. Is it? Make a fuss out of a molehill!"

"Brother Qingniu, don't underestimate the other party. There are actually three of them... In addition, the other party is a guest of Qiao's family, so we have to go around Qiao's house if we want to deal with them." The thin monkey replied cautiously. When the boss reported, Shouhou didn't reveal this, so Zhao Qinglian didn't know about Qingqin Langqiao's VIP.

"Oh, that's really difficult." Qingniu nodded.

"I believe that the four big brothers will definitely be able to do it. At that time, we can do this..." At this time, the thin monkey said his plan in Qingniu's ear.

"Okay, then do this." Qingniu also nodded after listening.

At this time, the thin monkey's eyes also showed a gleam, and he murmured triumphantly: "Haha, with the four great kings on the road, are you afraid that you won't be able to avenge your previous revenge? That kid, you are doomed!"


Qin Lang was still studying and pondering the idea of ​​the Nine Layers of Jade Tower in the lounge. This time he had a little understanding, so he calmed down and entered a state of meditation.

Next, the mind enters a deep meditation state through the Nine Layers of Jade Tower, and the bright moon is formed in the sea of ​​consciousness, illuminating the beautiful attic below.

As the bright moon and the attic emerged, at this time a breeze arose and gently blew past, pushing open the door of the attic.

This is already the second level of entering the cultivation method, and one step further is entering the third level.

The third layer of skills requires Qin Lang's Yuanying to pass through the portal of the pavilion and enter the pavilion. When Qin Lang used the Yuanying for the first time before, he was blocked by an invisible resistance on the surface of the pavilion and could not enter it.

But this time, Qin Lang let nature take its course, and Nascent Soul drifted little by little with the help of the slightest power of the breeze. The whole process didn't use much power of consciousness, and it was this natural power that made the floor of the pavilion invisible. The resistance disappeared, and the entry of Nascent Soul was no longer rejected.

Qin Lang's primordial spirit finally entered the pavilion this time. After entering, he discovered that the interior of the pavilion manifested in the sea of ​​consciousness is also exquisite, and subtle lines can be seen on the surface of various home furnishings.

After Yuanying entered, he went directly to the center of the pavilion and sat down cross-legged.

The third floor of the Nine Layers Jade Building, the practice is now complete!

At this time, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness accelerated again, reaching four times the speed of basic meditation practice. The growth of spiritual consciousness has been unparalleled, and the rising speed of the sea of ​​consciousness is almost visible to the naked eye.

You must know that Qin Lang's cultivation speed was completed without swallowing the elixir. The current growth rate of spiritual consciousness is almost the same as the cultivation effect after swallowing the elixir that increases the spiritual consciousness.

When Qin Lang opened his eyes again, his pupils were already full of energy. This is a phenomenon only when the mind is clear and full of consciousness. The effect of the one pass of practice just now is indeed remarkable, and the effect of one practice is comparable to the previous four.

"Haha, I finally made a breakthrough! With the operation of the Nine Layers of Jade Tower on the third floor, I believe that my spiritual consciousness can be improved again in at most three days, and return to the level of the late stage of alchemy."

"However, if you want to return to the original Nascent Soul Middle Stage, you still need the assistance of pills, and it will take about a little more than a month."

"This is also a good thing. As long as my spiritual consciousness becomes stronger again, I can feed back to myself to make the recovery process of true energy easier and shorten the recovery time of true energy... Maybe I won't be able to use it for four weeks. It takes five months to fully recover."

While thinking, Qin Lang suddenly received a message talisman: "Brother, it's not good, the Youth Federation Gang came to the door again, save me..." The voice of the message talisman was cut off, it should be interrupted artificially up.

And the voice of the young man in the communication talisman was exactly the lucky star of the young man that Qin Lang had deliberately taken care of. It seemed that he was in trouble, and the Youth Federation came to him again.

Shaking his head, Qin Lang tidied up a bit, then went out with the two mutant clones and rushed to the cabin in Teak Lane.

However, when I came to Teak Alley, I didn't find Ji Xing in the cabin, and Ji Xing's younger sister was still lying on the bed, but after taking the prescription prescribed by Qin Lang, her complexion has obviously improved these days, and she seems to be fine. .

Ji Xing's younger sister saw Qin Lang coming, and struggled to get up, but she was weak. She said anxiously: "It's not good, my brother was taken away by the Youth League gang! They told you to go to the haunted house to find you .”

"Haunted house? Where is this..." Qin Lang frowned.


But now in a remote place in Green Liuzhou, the Shouhou and the Four King Kongs from the Youth League Gang are here. They kidnapped the young lucky star and came here, and this is the famous haunted house in the whole city.

The haunted house, this is a place full of evil spirits in the city. It used to be the residence of a small family of cultivators decades ago, but all members of this small family died of blame overnight for no reason. It is still unclear until now. The reason for that disaster.

There used to be six cultivating families in Green Willow City at the beginning, but because of the haunted house incident, the number of cultivating families in Green Willow City has been reduced from six to five.After that incident, some people speculated that the haunted house was located at the outlet of evil spirits in the entire Green Willow City, and the demise of that small family was caused by evil spirits.

Of course, some people say that the original haunted house is not a haunted house, but a normal house. Maybe the enemy of this small cultivation family has a mechanism and a master of formations who is skilled in formations, so he secretly changed the layout of the haunted house and made the entire cultivation The small family all went to perish overnight.

Of course, more than 20 years have passed since the incident, and now the truth has sunk into the ground. The entire Luliuzhou has been full of different opinions, and none of them can figure out the truth of the incident.

But the name of the haunted house is well-known in the entire Luliuzhou, let alone ordinary people, even cultivators will not pass through the haunted house area if they can avoid it. Everyone feels that this place is more taboo. Can you come here? Try not to come to this place.

However, there is such a remote place in the city. For the current Youth League Gang Shouhou and the Four King Kongs, this is also a good place to kill people and set fire to bury their bodies. .

At this moment, the thin monkey and the four king kong were staying in the compound of the haunted house. It was already late, and tonight was dark and dark. A gust of wind came from nowhere, and everyone shivered.

This place where many people have died and is full of evil spirits makes people feel colder than other places in the city. At this moment, the thin monkey with weaker yang energy feels that his heart is hairy, and he regrets that he proposed to come to this place before. Solve the trouble.

After all, the name of the haunted house is not groundless. Over the past 20 years of barrenness, it is only a pity that some unclean things have been produced in it.

However, thinking that the Four Great Vajras around him are all monks in the middle stage of alchemy, they can be regarded as well-known figures in this Green Willow City, and Shouhou's confidence has also strengthened. At this time, he said: "Four big brothers, let's let these The child's younger sister stayed in the wooden house to spread the word, and the rogue cultivator and his two guards should understand when they arrive at the wooden house, and it stands to reason that it is almost here now."

"Hmph, I'm afraid that casual cultivator won't dare to come." Qingniu snorted. As the Four King Kongs of the Youth League Gang, these four of them are not in vain. It can be said that the current territory of the entire Youth League Gang is almost half All of the above were achieved through the hard work of the four of them.

Apart from the gang leader, Zhao Qinglian, their fighting strength is almost no match for them, and these four are also proficient in a set of killing formations. If they cooperate, even Nascent Soul stage cultivators will feel headaches.

That's right, after questioning, Qin Lang also found here.

However, after hearing about the haunted house, Qin Lang disdains it. His knowledge is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators. He knows how to resolve evil spirits, and he also knows the art of organs and formations. Naturally, people with high skills are much bolder .

When Qin Lang came outside the courtyard, looking at the famous haunted house in Luliuzhou, he couldn't help sighing: "This place is indeed very evil. As long as it is a normal person, I am afraid that such a courtyard will not be built for living, but if If you are a ghost monk, you may think that the evil spirit here is not strong enough... In a word, this courtyard can be regarded as a natural cultivation treasure for ghost monks."

This is also the reason why there are relatively few ghost monks in West Desert, otherwise, this haunted house would have already been bought by someone with a heart, and it has become the residence of ghost monks.

"I don't know if there are ghosts in this place with strong evil spirits. I'm afraid this is also the reason why the haunted house is haunted. The Xiuzhen family who used to live here must be the weakest family in Green Willow City. Unexpectedly, they will be wiped out by ghosts." Qin Lang muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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