The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1506 Ghost Town Haunted House

Chapter 1506 Ghost Town Haunted House
If there is a ghost in the haunted house, he feels that it is likely to be a ghost around the alchemy stage, not a ghost in the Nascent Soul stage. One who has produced ghosts above the Nascent Soul stage knows how difficult the conditions for ghosts above the Nascent Soul stage to be produced.

"Yeah, even if that casual cultivator doesn't come, if he does, he and his two guards will definitely die."

The thin monkey also boldly said that he also hated Qin Lang who made himself suffer twice.

At this time, thinking that he could kill Qin Lang immediately and avenge his previous humiliation, and thinking of his pride, the thin monkey suddenly lost the hairy feeling in his heart just now, and couldn't help but feel happy.

There was a bang, which was particularly abrupt in this extremely quiet haunted house. Almost everyone in the haunted house was startled, and the green bull of the Four King Kong quickly shouted: "Who?"

"Brother Qingniu, it's me, I accidentally stepped on something." The thin monkey smiled wryly.

"You boy, calm down, this is a haunted house!" Qingniu gave a reprimand to Shouhou with a grim expression.

"Yes..." The thin monkey nodded again and again. At this time, he lowered his head and placed a tattered bronze basin on the ground. He should have touched this thing just now.

"Strange, why didn't I find such a bronze basin on the ground before?"

The thin monkey was very puzzled, could it be that the sky was too dark, which caused his bad eyesight.

But when he reached out his hand to the ground and wanted to pick up the bronze basin to see what happened, suddenly a chill came from inside the bronze basin and eroded it directly, like an electric shock, which scared him away quickly.

Bang!There was a bigger movement.

And at this time, not only Qingniu, but also the other three of the Four King Kong cast their blaming eyes on him. Shouhou is usually quite a clever guy, but he doesn't know what's wrong today?
"A few brothers, this broken copper basin is weird."

The thin monkey was shaking all over, and pointed at the broken copper basin still dangling on the ground and said.

"Of course there are strange things in this kind of evil place. Be careful. It's best not to touch the things in this haunted house. Otherwise, even the cultivators will suffer if they get caught by the evil spirit."

Qingniu gave Shouhou a hard look, and said.

"Yes." This time, the thin monkey became more careful.

At this time, light footsteps came from the alley outside the haunted house, and the Four King Kongs, including the thin monkey, heard them. It should be the person they were waiting for.


That's right, after questioning, Qin Lang also found here.

However, after hearing about the haunted house, Qin Lang disdains it. His knowledge is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators. He knows how to resolve evil spirits, and he also knows the art of organs and formations. Naturally, people with high skills are much bolder .

When Qin Lang came outside the courtyard, looking at the famous haunted house in Luliuzhou, he couldn't help sighing: "This place is indeed very evil. As long as it is a normal person, I am afraid that such a courtyard will not be built for living, but if If you are a ghost monk, you may think that the evil spirit here is not strong enough... In a word, this courtyard can be regarded as a natural cultivation treasure for ghost monks."

This is also the reason why there are relatively few ghost monks in West Desert, otherwise, this haunted house would have already been bought by someone with a heart, and it has become the residence of ghost monks.

"I don't know if there are ghosts in this place with strong evil spirits. I'm afraid this is also the reason why the haunted house is haunted. The Xiuzhen family who used to live here must be the weakest family in Green Willow City. Unexpectedly, they will be wiped out by ghosts." Qin Lang muttered.

If there is a ghost in the haunted house, he feels that it is likely to be a ghost around the alchemy stage, not a ghost in the Nascent Soul stage. One who has produced ghosts above the Nascent Soul stage knows how difficult the conditions for ghosts above the Nascent Soul stage to be produced.

Qin Lang released his consciousness at this time, and the consciousness in the later stage of forming a pill can already radiate [-] too far away, and immediately he has detected the movement of several people in the haunted house compound.

"If it is not ruled out that the other party has a cultivator who is good at hiding, there should be six people in the haunted house compound. One of the first-level practitioners who is similar to ordinary people in refining Qi is Ji Xing, and the other five are the ones who will deal with me this time. A member of the Youth Federation."

"Five in the mid-stage of alchemy and one in the mid-stage of foundation establishment. If you want to deal with me with this strength, I'm afraid the other party will miscalculate. After all, I can be an S-rank mutant clone equivalent to the late Nascent Soul."

"Besides, besides the S-level mutant clone, the other super-level mutant clone is also not weak. Now I use the super-level mutant clone to attack, and the S-level mutant clone is absolutely safe to protect myself."

Since it is not sure whether there are other guys from the Youth League Gang hiding in the dark, Qin Lang took the safest way at this time, which is to let the mutants of the extraordinary level clone to explore the way.

The mutant avatar of the extraordinary level has the strength close to the Nascent Soul stage, so it should be no problem to deal with the five Youth League gang members in the haunted house compound in front of you.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang began to let the clones of extraordinary level mutants enter the haunted house compound.

The gate opened, and when they saw Zhong Er who had barged in, the five guys from the Youth League Gang were taken aback for a moment, and then became furious. This guy was too arrogant to barge in alone!

However, the Four King Kong used their spiritual sense to probe, but they couldn't see through the details of the extraordinary-level mutant race [-], so they didn't rush forward to attack.

The Four King Kongs set up a set of killing formations called "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers' Powerful Killing Formation". In this killing formation, each of the Four King Kongs has received a substantial increase in power, and everyone has The power of nine oxen and two tigers is unmatched.

As soon as the killing formation unfolded, the qi and blood of the four King Kongs were boosted, and a fierce murderous aura began to spread several feet away in a few weeks.After this wave of murderous aura spread, the evil spirit in the haunted house compound was also washed away a lot.

But Zhong Er, who faced the murderous look, had no expression at all. This extraordinary-level mutant clone with a western face fell into the eyes of several Youth Federation gangs, but he seemed a little unpredictable.

"Looking at his face, this guy in front of him should be from a barbarian land who crossed the East China Sea and reached the other side beyond the four domains. I don't know where the casual cultivator he was going to deal with hired such a barbarian. It's really weird."

What they didn't know was that the barbarian from the west in front of them didn't belong to this world at all, and was not a human being, but a mutant genetic warrior who had undergone biochemical transformation, which was the highest black technology product on earth.

"The killing array is running! Take two steps forward, kill!"

As the commander of the Four King Kongs, Qingniu is the leader of the entire killing formation. At this time, he began to manipulate the killing formation to approach Zhong Er.

Under the order, Baishui, Houtu, and Fireniao beside him also began to approach Zhonger, and waved their weapons together.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Three different magic weapons waved towards this extraordinary-level mutant clone manipulated by Qin Lang at the same time. When did a laser weapon appear.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!The laser weapon collided with several magic weapons, emitting blue sparks. The laser weapon is composed of pure light speed, with only one handle, and the invisible beam will not be damaged, so this laser weapon is no different from the magic weapon.

The magic weapons in the hands of the Four Great Vajras are actually mid-level and low-level magic weapons. When they collided with the laser weapons, a large number of sparks were sputtered. Although they did not damage them, they consumed a lot of their true energy.

However, the killing array formed by them is really powerful, and the extraordinary-level mutant avatars can't get any advantage in this round of battle. That is to say, after the four King Kong join forces, they already have the ability to challenge the Nascent Soul Stage cultivators. Strength.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!After fighting for a while, the Four King Kong began to be very afraid of the laser weapons of the extraordinary-level mutant clones, but after discovering that these special laser weapons could not damage their magic weapons, they were relieved and continued to attack.

With Qin Lang's control, the extraordinary-level mutant clone's moves are very subtle, almost half of the original fighting power of the main body.However, without the support of true energy, mutants of the extraordinary level cannot use many ultimate moves, and can only rely on the subtlety of their moves to fight against the opponent.

During the fight, some special abilities of the cultivators were also displayed by the Four King Kongs. During the fight, some other magic tools, magic weapons, spells and so on kept beckoning to Zhong Er.

Fortunately, Zhong Er is not a human being. Although he has been hit by many tricks, his recovery ability is far superior to ordinary physical training. It is impossible for the Four King Kong to take it down immediately.

"Ge, this barbarian is really a monster. My Qingniu is thick-skinned and thick-skinned among the Four King Kongs, but compared with this barbarian in front of me, I feel ashamed!"

During the fight, Qingniu, the head of the Four King Kong, secretly cursed.

He has already tried out the strength of the Transcendent Mutant Clone, which should be similar to that of a Dzogchen cultivator in the late stage of alchemy. Although the opponent is a purely physical fighter, his body's recovery ability is stronger than that of a physical cultivator at the stage of alchemy. abnormal.

"Hurry up and use the ultimate move of the killing array... Bull's Clash!"

At this time, Qingniu let out a drink, and began to drive the entire killing formation into a state of killing moves, to accumulate energy.

The battle escalated again. At this time, the four King Kongs were blessed with a blue halo, and the collision of bulls unfolded. The Four King Kongs in the battle formation still formed a whole, possessing a huge and unparalleled green halo. The cow's aura began to hit the Transcendent level mutant.

Bull's Clash, this set of killing array's killing move is so powerful that the Transcendent Mutant was locked so that he couldn't dodge it, and was directly knocked into the air.

At the same time as being knocked into the air, only the crackling sound of tendons and bones could be heard, and the injury was not shallow.

And Qin Lang outside the courtyard was also surprised. Seeing that he had underestimated the Youth League Gang, the cultivators in the comprehension world should not be underestimated. The fact that the Four King Kongs were able to gain a foothold in this Green Willow City is indeed not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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